Heart Without a Home.
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Heart Without a Home.: Chapter 5

E - Words: 5,049 - Last Updated: Dec 22, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/10 - Created: Dec 14, 2012 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
1,861 0 10 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hello everyone!

Last Thrusday of this hiatus, and it seemed like a perfect opportunity to fill this episode-less day with a new chapter of HWAH :)

Thank you SO MUCH for the reviews you've sent me! Thanks for the support and I hope you'll enjoy this one just as much as the previous one!

Huge thanks to Barbara for her input in this chapter! Best. Beta. Ever.

I own nothing!

The sound of the phone chiming woke them the next morning. Kurt whined, his eyes still shut and nuzzled farther into Blaine's chest. Who dared disturb them when they were so warm and comfortable?

It kept ringing, so, still half asleep, Blaine reached for it blindly.

"'lo?" He mumbled.

Kurt regretted not grabbing a blanket or something before they fell asleep the previous night. He was cold and his feet were freezing. He scooted close enough to bury his face into Blaine's neck and he tucked his toes under Blaine's calf. He didn't listen to what the other man was saying. He just wanted to go back to sleep…

"Wait," Blaine blinked and tried to sit up, but Kurt groaned, displeased, and held him down. "Today? In two hours? Of course! Yes, yes, I'll be there!"

Kurt had no other option but to look at Blaine, frowning when he heard that. What was he even talking about?

Blaine hung up the phone and beamed at Kurt. "I have a job interview!"

"Oh my god!" Kurt almost fell off the couch in his excitement, but Blaine wrapped an arm around his waist and caught him. "Where? When? How? Tell me everything!"

Blaine chuckled, but he was clearly excited, too. "The Kraine Theatre! You know, that little place in 4th street! They need someone for the box-office!"

"Blaine" Kurt hugged him tightly. "This is awesome…"

"I-it's just an interview, but…" Blaine took a deep breath.

"It's a great start," Kurt grinned at him, happily. "When do you have to be there?"

"In two hours," Blaine looked frantically around, as if he didn't know where to begin.

"Okay," Kut nodded, untangled himself from the other man and stood up. "Let's have breakfast and then you can take a shower and get dressed. I'll drive you there…"

"It's not far from here. You don't have to…" Blaine started saying, but Kurt put two fingers on his lips to silence him.

"I really want to," Kurt said. "And… in return for my kindness, you'll let me pick which clothes you'll wear…"

"I knew there was a catch," Blaine protested, but he was still smiling. "We've already talked about the clothes, Kurt…"

"Please?" Kurt pouted.

Blaine immediately gave in.

Kurt knew he could've gone back to his apartment or to a coffee shop or something, but he didn't. Instead, he stayed in his car outside the theatre and waited.

And waited some more.

And then a bit more.

He was starting to get impatient. How long could an interview be? What if something was wrong? What if…?

But then he saw Blaine walking towards the car, with his eyes on the ground.

That couldn't be good, right?

Blaine opened the passenger side door and slipped into the car. He didn't say a word for a few seconds, as Kurt stared at him, anxiously. His hazel eyes were fixed on the street without really seeing anything.

Kurt was about to shake him back to reality when a low whisper reached his ears.

"I have a job, Kurt." And then he looked at him with a tiny, beautiful smile on his face and watery eyes.

Kurt inhaled loudly before letting out a yelp of pure happiness and basically launching himself at Blaine. He held the other man in his arms as Blaine cried softly. He tried to imagine what this moment probably felt like for Blaine, knowing that after so many years of life turning its back on him, things were finally starting to working out.

"Oh, sweetheart," Kurt kissed the messy curls on the top of Blaine's head. "I knew you could do it. Don't cry, ssh, it's alright!"

"This is because of you," Blaine murmured with his face pressed against the crook of Kurt's neck. "You… Kurt. You changed my life…"

"No, I just pointed you in the right direction a bit," Kurt buried his nose in Blaine's hair, wishing he could stay like that forever.

Blaine pulled away. There were tears clinging to his eyelashes. He was so breathtakingly beautiful. "You made it all possible," he smiled so happily that Kurt had to make a really big effort not to kiss him right there and then. "Even if you don't want to take the credit." Kurt rolled his eyes at him, but chuckled just as happily. "Do you know what this means? Gosh, Kurt… even if it's just a start, I could at least… I don't know, go to McDonald's and buy a BigMac, or buy a pair of jeans or shoes that actually fit… I could rent a little room of my own somewhere…"

Kurt's heart dropped at that. Blaine wanted to move out? Well, he couldn't stay forever with him, but…

He pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind, not letting them show on his face as he kept smiling at Blaine. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you," Blaine answered and Kurt knew he wasn't just thanking him for being happy for him or for driving him to his interview. He was thanking him for everything.

Kurt wondered, for a moment, if the time when they would say goodbye was suddenly too close.

When they were back at the apartment, and Blaine had calmed down, Kurt asked for all the details about the interview. With a coffee mug between their hands, they talked for hours. It was wonderful seeing Blaine daydreaming about the things that his future might hold.

Even if it meant that he would walk out that door to live his own life at some point.

He wouldn't start at the theatre until Friday, so he still had a few days to shake off his nerves and get ready. Kurt was teasing him about how they still had time to go shopping for some first-day-at-my-new-job clothes when Blaine glanced at the clock and noticed how fast time had passed.

"Kurt! You're going to be late for work!" He exclaimed, standing up as if he would get Kurt to the theatre himself. "I can't believe we've been talking for so long!"

"Actually, I…" Kurt avoided his eyes, a bit uncomfortable, although he didn't really know why. "I called the director while I was in the car, waiting for you."

Blaine seemed confused and he sat back down on the couch next to him. "Did something happen?"

"Last night happened," Kurt answered. "After we talked, I couldn't stop thinking and I realized I need a break. I need a break from all this that I call my life and that I'm not sure if I'm enjoying…"

"So… you quit the play?" Blaine's eyes widened in surprise.

"No… at least not yet," Kurt sighed. "I asked for some time off, but for now I want the possibility of going back if I realize that's what I really want." He shook his head, thoughtfully. "I just don't think I've been happy there lately. Not the way I thought I could be."

"That's very brave of you, Kurt," Blaine smiled warmly at him.

Kurt's eyebrows shot up all the way to his hairline. "Really? You don't think I'm being stupid and immature?"

"No," Blaine assured him, sweetly. "It takes a lot of courage to press pause in your life and try to figure out if you've found happiness. It's very admirable."

Kurt's face lit up with a blissful grin. He was relieved that Blaine understood, even if he couldn't really explain why his opinion mattered so much to him.

"I had another idea, too," he added, not able to hide his enthusiasm. "But I don't know if you'll be on board…"

Blaine tilted his head to the side, curious.

"So… when I asked you yesterday to go with me to that stupid, pointless dinner, I told you it would be fun and it clearly wasn't," Kurt said. He scooted closer to Blaine without even noticing what he was doing. "And I don't like to break promises. That's why I'd like us to go out tonight, have some fun, celebrate your new job…"

"Kurt, you don't have to do that," Blaine rolled his eyes fondly.

"But I want to!" Kurt insisted, bouncing a bit on his spot. "Come on! I'll even let you pick where we go!"


"Blaaaaaine, please?" Kurt widened his eyes until Blaine felt like he was going to fall into them.

Blaine chuckled. Kurt was way too adorable for his own good. "Fine, fine."

"Great! Then, it's a date," Kurt smiled, before he realized what he had said…

They looked at each other, blushing.

When Kurt didn't correct himself, Blaine muttered, shyly agreeing: "It's a date."

"Turn right at the next one," Blaine said from the passenger seat and Kurt nodded.

Blaine had actually refused to tell him where they were going, but Kurt found himself not caring at all about their destination. He was enjoying the company and that was all that mattered to him right then.

When Blaine finally told him to park the car, Kurt's eyes went wide. He had been expecting to end up at some fancy restaurant with huge chandeliers hanging over the tables, a very expensive, very extensive wine list and gourmet food. That's what happened every time he let a guy choose where they went for a date, anyway.

But he had forgotten that Blaine wasn't just any guy.

"A bowling alley?" Kurt asked, clearly surprised.

Blaine was gazing at the huge neon sign on the roof with wide, bright eyes. "Yes! I haven't bowled since I was a kid and I thought it might be fun…" he turned to look at Kurt and his smile faltered. "But, uhm, we can go somewhere else if this isn't the kind of thing you are into…"

Kurt had to admit that he had never been a fan of wearing shoes that had been worn by countless people before him, but the expression in Blaine's face made him forget all about it. He grinned. "I was just worried you'd get upset when you lose."

Blaine's eyes narrowed, playfully. "Oh, it's on, Hummel."

They walked inside. The place was bigger than it seemed from the outside and it wasn't exactly crowded. It was a Tuesday night, so Kurt guessed it would be busier on the weekends. The sounds of people and of music coming from speakers somewhere above their heads, immediately filled his ears and he looked around, amazed. He hadn't been in a place as inviting as this one in years. It was nice to be away from the linen, silver, and crystal for one night.

He actually thought of his dad. This was exactly the kind of place where Burt Hummel would've felt comfortable. There wasn't anything stiff or elegant about it and Kurt realized that he felt immediately relaxed here. For the first time in a long time, he felt like no one in New York City was watching.

"There's an empty table there," Blaine pointed at a table, a little apart from all the others, were they wouldn't be disturbed.

"Perfect," Kurt said.

They got their shoes (why are they so warm? Oh my god, this is disgusting, Blaine) before going over to the table. They chose their names for the board (I don't want to be Bla! I'm only going to use the consonants) and then chose a ball.

Blaine was shockingly good considering how long it had been since he had played, and Kurt was a fast learner, so they realized they would have to be merciless if they wanted to win.

A waiter approached them after their second ball and they ordered a pizza and a couple of beers. Kurt was sure he hadn't had a beer since highschool, at a very tacky party one of his friends from Glee Club, Santana, had thrown in her backyard during senior year.

Kurt rolled the ball again (he refused to use any other than the purple one because it sort of matched his outfit) and cursed under his breath. "That stupid pin on the left never falls!"

"You have to swing your arm out a little before releasing the ball," Blaine said from the table, where he was gnawing on a very greasy slice of pizza (Kurt wasn't sure his thighs would survive the experience, but he had grabbed a slice, too).

"Not bad for my first time," Kurt grinned as he walked back to his seat. And fuck it, he grabbed a second slice. He was having fun.

"Watch and learn," Blaine winked at him, wiped his hands on a paper napkin and stood up.

He grabbed the ball and got in position (Kurt wasn't staring at his ass, of course not!) and then threw it, swinging his arm a bit at the very last possible second. All the pines went down and he turned to smirk at Kurt over his shoulder.

"Oh, shut up," Kurt huffed.

"Bad loser?" Blaine asked as he went back to take a sip of his beer.

"Very," Kurt admitted, biting his lip. Then he stood up to take his turn. There was a slight sway to his hips as he walked. "Good thing I always win," he added, with a flirty toss of his hair.

Blaine blushed, when Kurt caught him staring at his strut.

They kept playing like that, teasing each other, laughing, pretending they weren't staring at the other's ass every time they leaned over. They didn't notice the alley getting emptier and emptier as people started heading back home. They were too lost in their own world.

Kurt was about to lose by only one point and his pride had a problem with that. Pretending he didn't notice, he stepped over the line that marked where he should stand. As Blaine seemed distracted, he took two more steps ahead…

"Hey!" Blaine exclaimed. "That's cheating!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Kurt mumbled, averting his gaze, but unable to keep the smile off his face.

"Take two steps back, come on!" Blaine demanded, laughing.

If Kurt was a bad loser, then Blaine was an obnoxious winner. As soon as Kurt guttered his last shot, Blaine jumped to his feet and fist-bumped the air.

"Oh, stop it! It's just a dumb game," Kurt rolled his eyes, feigning annoyance, but he actually found Blaine completely adorable. He looked so happy…

"It's only dumb when you lose!" Blaine grinned at him.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Now, since I need some comforting after such a crushing defeat, I claim the last slice of pizza," Kurt declared with dignity.

The Springsteen song that had been filling the air for the past couple of minutes came to an end anc changed to an upbeat Elvis Presley tune. Blaine's eyes went wide. "I love this song!" He jumped to his feet and walked over to Kurt, grabbing his hand as he passed by and yanking him away from the table.

Kurt couldn't help but laugh. "What are you doing?"

"I haven't danced in ages and tonight I finally feel like it," Blaine answered as he spun Kurt under his arm. "And something tells me you know exactly how to move, so come on!"

Still laughing, Kurt allowed himself to get lost in the music and started twirling Blaine and letting Blaine twirl him back. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had this much fun. He looked at Blaine and he seemed so free… Kurt rolled him into his arm and against his chest and then pushed him away.

It was all so… perfect.

But then, as he was about to take another step, the stupid shoes made Kurt stumble and he would've fallen face first into the floor if it weren't for Blaine catching him just in time, sliding his arms around his waist.

"Whoa, there!" Blaine's eyes were suddenly filled with concern. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just these stupid…" Kurt straightened up, but immediately froze, realizing their faces were only inches apart, "shoes…"

They didn't even noticed when the song ended and another one started. Everything seemed to have changed so suddenly. The air wasn't filled with laughter, music and fun anymore. Something a lot more intense was creeping up, sneaking under their skin, rocking their bones. Their eyes were fixed on each other, blue on hazel, unmovable. Nothing else existed right then. Maybe nothing else had existed for a while.

The new song was slower, much slower. Perhaps some Norah Jones or Adele or another of those wonderful women with perfect velvet voices. Neither of them cared. Kurt let his hands settle on Blaine's shoulders, thumbs carefully brushing the base of his neck on either side. They kept dancing, swaying a bit. It seemed the right thing to do.

Blaine's arms tightened around his waist, pulling Kurt a bit closer. Sighing, Kurt dropped his head on Blaine's shoulder and took a deep breath. What was it? What was that sensation spreading all over his body, making his skin tingle? Why was it tugging at the corners of his lips and making his heart thump wildly in his chest?

Was that love? Was that happiness? Was it exactly what it feels like to have everything you've ever wanted right in your arms?

Without giving it much thought, Kurt turned his head to the side slightly and pressed his lips to Blaine's neck. Blaine's breath hitched and his fingers twitched where they were resting on Kurt's back. Kurt took it as a good sign and kept mouthing gently at the sensitive skin there. It was intoxicating.

When Blaine shivered against him, Kurt shifted enough to whisper in his ear. "Is this okay?"

"So okay," Blaine answered, swallowing hardly. "Kurt, you're so… and I'm so…"

He could feel Kurt smiling against his skin. "You're babbling, sweetheart."

"I can't think when you're doing that," Blaine choked.

"I can stop, if you want," Kurt muttered teasingly.

"Don't," Blaine's hands tightened around him. "I think I'd die."

"Well, we don't want that, do we?" Kurt smiled again, but pulled away anyway, eliciting a little whine from the other man. He rested their foreheads together. "Blaine, I… I like you. I really, really do."

Blaine seemed honestly shocked to hear that. "You do?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Kurt nuzzled their cheeks together. "Sometimes I feel like you woke me up from a long, long sleep. I was so numb before and I didn't even realized it…"

"Kurt…" Blaine was so moved that his voice wavered.

"You have no idea how wonderful you are." Kurt felt his chest tightening. He was ready to burst. He had so many feelings swirling around him, overwhelming him. "You're so gentle, and sweet, and gorgeous, and… oh, gosh, Blaine, please tell me it's okay if I kiss you…"

Kurt sounded almost in pain as he said that. Blaine's need was making him ache, too. He knew exactly how he felt.

Blaine nodded eagerly at him. "Yes, Kurt, please…"

Cupping his neck in his hands and letting his fingers brushed the outline of his jaw, Kurt surged forward, urgently pressing their lips together. He had intended to do it softly, at first, but he couldn't help himself. Blaine made him want so much that he didn't know how the hell he managed to keep breathing through it.

For a moment, Kurt wasn't aware of what his mouth was doing because he could only feel the way his heart was pounding in his chest. It was as if it was trying to rip through the skin and jump out. It made his ears buzz and his breath catch. But then Blaine was taking over his lower lip, worshipping it with his own and Kurt stopped worrying about his body not making it through the kiss. It would be a blissful death. He'd leave the world in this amazing man's arms any time.

In the back of his mind, Kurt thought what a perfect kiss it was. The slide of their lips was slick, but not too much, just enough to make it easier, and warm. Blaine's head was tilted just so their mouths could fit in the best way possible and Kurt had to lean his a little bit so Blaine wouldn't have to stretch too much. There was a remaining hint of pizza and beer, too, but it was mostly them. When Blaine's lips parted just enough for Kurt to slide his tongue inside, he could barely hold back a moan.

Blaine's grip on his waist was even stronger than before and Kurt let his fingers bury on the curls on the back of Blaine's neck, tugging at them gently.

God, he never wanted to stop kissing him…

The song changed again, quite abruptly. It sounded like heavy metal, which made no sense after such a soft, loving song. They pulled away, startled, their lips making a popping sound as they looked around and remembered where they were. They were both breathless, their chests heaving against each other, and still tightly wrapped in the other's arms. Neither thought of letting go.

A shy smile appeared on Blaine's face, his eyes avoiding Kurt's a little. Kurt rolled his, fondly. He put a finger on Blaine's chin and forced him to look up. "What if we just go home?"

The smile was still plastered there, adorable, bashful, so kissable. "Okay…"

Kurt pecked him quickly on the lips before pulling away entirely, although not without reluctance. They slipped into their coats and scarves and, just before walking to the door, Kurt extended his hand to Blaine.

Blaine stared at it for a moment, wide-eyed and so gorgeous that Kurt had to resist the impulse to kiss him again. It wasn't hesitation, but amazement in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe Kurt was offering his hand to him, as if it was a lot more than that, as if it was a bunch of promises that would come true just by intertwining their fingers together.

Blaine wasn't sure what they were getting into, but he grabbed Kurt's hand anyway, and allowed him to guide him out to the cold winter air.

Once they were inside the apartment and their coats were removed, they simply stood there, a few steps between them, staring at each other in the dim light of the living room. Something was different. They could feel it, making their skin feel tight and their breathing a little fast.



They blushed and averted their eyes. Blaine bit his lip. "You first."

"I was going to ask you if you'd like to have a glass of wine with me," Kurt said, shrugging, as if it didn't really matter. "What were you going to say?"

"Oh," Blaine fidgeted, awkwardly. "Nothing. Nevermind."

"Blaine…" Kurt took a step forward, rolling his eyes. "You can tell me anything you w-…"

Blaine reddened even more. He avoided looking at Kurt's face, suddenly interested in his own feet and started talking quickly, as if he just wanted to get it over with before his embarrassment consumed him. "I just wanted to say that even if it was something that, uhm, didn't mean much to you or that you did as a spurt-of-the-moment- kind of thing, that I, uhm…" He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. "Kissing you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. That's all."

Kurt's heart melted at his words. He closed the remaining distance between them and wrapped Blaine in his arms, letting him bury his face in his neck and not caring when he fisted the back of his rather expensive shirt in his hands. Kurt ran his fingers through Blaine's curls gently and dropped a kiss on his temple. "Then maybe we should kiss some more."

Blaine lifted his head, slowly. His hazel eyes were blown and wide and so beautiful that Kurt felt his knees weakening at the sight. "Why would someone like you really want to kiss someone like…?"

"Stop it," Kurt put two fingers on Blaine's lips. "If you're about to say something bad about yourself, I don't want to hear it." Kurt looked sad and Blaine hated himself for causing that. "I wish you could see yourself the way I see you…"

"And I wish you could see yourself the way I see you," Blaine said pointedly, kissing the tips of his fingers. "You're so perfect that I highly doubt you're just a human."

Kurt snorted and rolled his eyes again. "I'm far from perfect."

"No," Blaine muttered, and there was no hesitation in his voice. "Everything about you is perfect. Your voice, your eyes, your laugh, the way you dress, how brave you are, how generous and kind you are, how you managed to make me see the positive things in life again when all I could see was the negative, how you always say the right thing, how you... umph!"

Kurt cut him off by grabbing Blaine by the collar of his shirt and pulling him closer, kissing him deeply and passionately. Blaine could feel Kurt's tears on his own cheeks and the smile on his lips. They were breathless way too soon and Kurt ended the kiss, but he kept trailing his lips down Blaine's jaw and neck. "No one's ever said anything like that to me before…"

Blaine frowned, confused. "None of your boyfriends ever told you how stunning and unique you are? What was wrong with them?"

"Oh," Kurt blushed. "Well, they, uhm. I haven't had a real boyfriend in years. And the two I had in college weren't exactly honest with me, so… even if they would have told me, I wouldn't have believed it…"

Blaine understood then that those guys Brandon had mentioned during the dinner party had been nothing but casual hook ups and his stomach twisted. What if he ended being a casual hook up, too?

Even if it broke his heart, he would at least have the chance to know what it felt like to be with Kurt.

It sounded like a really bad idea, but he knew that if the moment ever came, he wouldn't be able to say no to him.

"Do you believe it if I say it?" Blaine asked in a hopeful tone.

Kurt smiled shyly. "I think I actually do…"

Blaine, a bit hesitantly at first, brushed some hair off Kurt's forehead before leaning slowly, giving time for Kurt to pull away if he wanted to, and kissed him fully on the mouth. It only took a second for Kurt to start kissing back, but when he did, their arms flew around each other, as if they couldn't bring the other close enough.

The desperation and overwhelming need flooding through their bodies had them shaking and gripping at clothes, hands, arms, hair. Kurt's lips on Blaine's throat felt like the most amazing thing in the whole damn world, and Blaine was about ready to simply turn into a pool of desire and love right there on the living room floor.

They were panting into each other's mouths when they realized they needed to stop even if it was the last thing they wanted to do. Their eyes met and they couldn't hold back huge, bright smiles that took over their faces and lit up the apartment.

Kurt leaned against Blaine's chest, nuzzling their cheeks together and humming in contentment. He finally noticed they were still standing just a few steps from the front door. He kissed Blaine's jaw chastely, in comparison with their last kiss. "You can say no if you don't want to, but…"

"Yes," Blaine muttered, interrupting him.

Kurt chuckled adorably. "You don't even know what I was going to say yet!"

"I still say yes," Blaine cupped his face with his hands. Gosh, Kurt was so beautiful… how had he ended up in his arms?

"Silly," Kurt said, sighing dreamily. "I was just wondering if you'd sleep with me tonight. It feels too good to let go…"

Blaine bit his lip, trying to hold back a bashful smile.

"We don't have to do anything," Kurt immediately said, trying to ease his obvious concern. "Just sleep, Blaine. I just want to hold you all night…"

Blaine ignored the crazy, loud beats of his heart and finally nodded. "Of course."

Kurt yawned (okay, no, he really he was too cute for his own good) and grabbed Blaine's hand, guiding him wordlessly down the hall and into his bedroom. Blaine felt as if he was being granted access to one of the world's most sacred places. Kurt didn't even bother turning the lights on. The moon, the stars and the everlasting glow from New York lights in the window was all they needed.

Blaine stayed standing, awkwardly, in the middle of the room, as Kurt unbuttoned his shirt and pants, and kicked his shoes off, hissing in relief. Kurt turned to look at Blaine when he was in nothing but his boxer briefs. They both felt grateful for the lack of light right then, since they blushed so intensely their faces were burning.

"I'm going to go through my skin care routine very quickly, okay?" Kurt announced, walking towards the bathroom. "Get comfortable. I'll be right back," and before he closed the door behind himself, he said, "I sleep on the left side."

Blaine smiled as he watched him disappear and then, with a shuddering breath, he took his clothes off. He took his time to fold both his and Kurt's clothes neatly and put them on a chair. Then he lined his and Kurt's shoes under it, too, before turning to the big bed on the opposite side of the room.

He removed the decorative pillows to the chaise longue by the window, before pulling the covers open. The sheets were the softest Blaine had ever felt, and that was saying something, because the ones in the guest bed room were amazing, too. He slipped under them, practically moaning in pleasure as they caressed his skin.

"I assume from those noises that you like my bed," Kurt commented from the bathroom's doorway.

Blaine bit his lip again, just as bashfully as a few minutes ago. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize," Kurt shrugged, turned the light in the bathroom off, and walked towards the bed. "It's great, actually. It means it'll be easier to convince you to stay with me every night."

Blaine rolled on his side so he would face Kurt as the other man got into bed, too. "You think I'd sleep here just for the sheets? I have a much better reason."

Kurt smiled lazily, throwing his arm around Blaine's waist and pulling him closer. "The pillows?"

"Well, yeah… they're insanely fluffy," Blaine answered teasingly, causing Kurt to giggle and hide his face on his chest. Blaine kissed the top of his head. "It's you," he added more seriously. "The reason is always you."

Kurt snuggled against him contentedly. "I think I want to keep you," he muttered, already half asleep.

Blaine rubbed his hand up and down Kurt's naked back, loving how smooth and warm the skin felt against his palm. It was so nice there, cocooned under the blankets with him, surrounded by Kurt's scent everywhere, in the bed, in his body, in his world.

Kurt's breath had already evened out and he was deeply asleep when Blaine finally replied, feeling his heart cracking at the overwhelming need to never leave this man's arms. "Please, do."

End Notes:

I'm a little bit proud of this chapter, so I hope it was all you guys were waiting for! They kissed! And Blaine has a job! Yay! Share your comments (and excitement, if there's any!) with me!

Until next chapter!




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You never fail to make me squeal!! Loved every word!! The kisses were glorious!!

I love it! I love it! I love it! update soon please!!!!!

OMG, this chapter was completely and absolutely amazing. I loved seeing how excited they got over Blaine's job and to see them kiss and be loving to each other was so beautiful. I can't wait to see what happens next. I have loved all of the stories that you have wrote both on here and at it-could-happen.

Loved it! Did a small squeal when the kissed. You wrote this chapter beautifully, and have every reason to be proud :)

LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God, this is perfect. Do you update every thursday! This story is just amazing :)

Aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww;) I lerve you

This is adorable! I like the slow progression in their relationship. And I'm glad Blaine is letting Kurt do stuff for him.

my literally melted when blaine said 'please do.' soooo loving this story!!