April 15, 2014, 7 p.m.
April 15, 2014, 7 p.m.
Thank you for reading you guys, tell me what you thought of this chapter in a review, until next time, goodbye! x
Chapter Two
The first venue was Hartford and Kurt couldnt wait. He had previously met up with Brian and Blaine once again, and was to be introduced to the stage co-ordination team who were already setting up at the first venue. He was nervous, he wanted to make a good impression and people to like him, but what if they didnt? Kurt realised it was way too late to even consider that possibility now and held his head high.
Journeys had never really been Kurts thing. Especially journeys that included Blaine Anderson whining in the back with his arms folded and his whole body slouched.
"You know if the wind changes your face will stay like that," Kurt said snarkily causing Blaine to look at him through the front mirror with utter disgust. Yep, Blaine definitely disliked Kurt.
Once they pulled up to the arena, which was pretty big, Kurt stood in awe. Blaine had run off somewhere, probably somewhere he wouldnt get told off for slouching and being totally ignorant.
Brian ushered Kurt inside and called a few people over. "Everyone, this is Kurt Hummel. He is Blaines new stylist and he is going to be super successful." There was a clap and Kurt couldnt help but blush.
People crowded Kurt with rushed introductions before going back to finish what they were doing prior to Kurts entrance. One girl however stayed behind.
"Im Ava." Kurt held his hand out but was shocked when he was pulled into a bone-crushing hug, just like the one Isabelle had given him a few days earlier. Ava had bright red hair neatly tied into a ponytail and had a badge with what looked like her "passport face" on. "I was Blaines hair stylist, but I gave up with that ages ago and now Im one of his dancers."
Kurt nodded, "My friend Rachel doesnt like Blaines hair. She said it might as well have been lathered in cement."
Ava laughed, "A lot of people think or say that to me. He wont even tell me why he has his hair that way."
Ava nodded. "Come on, Ill show you where youre going." She grabbed Kurts arm and dragged him through the commotion of the stage co-ordinators and production assistants until they came to a wooden door.
"Blaines dressing room," Ava stated before knocking on the door. There was no reply so Ava knocked again, a fair bit louder this time.
Still, no answer.
She twisted the door handle and luckily, it was open and she was not prepared for what she saw then. Blaine was jamming out playing Guitar Hero on the television with no shirt on. He had a tie wrapped around his head playing the remote control guitar, he had obviously not heard the door opening and Kurt and Ava entering.
"If you intend to go out on stage like that tonight then I feel sorry for those girls, theyre going to be fighting security to touch you. Not that they dont do that anyway." Ava laughed, averting Blaines attention away from the screen and to the two who stood with awkward grins on their faces at the door.
"What are you doing in here?" Blaine was clearly embarrassed, "Didnt anyone ever tell you to knock? Saves people walking in on things like.. like this!" Blaine gestured to the tie wrapped around his head and his naked torso.
"We did knock." Kurt said, desperately trying to stifle a laugh.
"Well, Kurt and I are now going to leave you to save the last bit of dignity you have left and we expect you out here in five minutes, no later." Ava commanded and Blaine rolled his eyes.
"Yes, okay. I will."
With that, Kurt and Ava left the room leaving a blushing Blaine to quickly search for his t-shirt.
After a stressful rehearsal to check whether the staging and lighting was correct (which it was), Kurt was called by Brian to find some suitable clothes for Blaines opening night. He was nervous himself, but probably not as nervous as Blaine was.
"Has anyone seen Blaine?" Kurt asked when he couldnt find Blaine. He was told by Brian that Blaine would be in his dressing room, and when Kurt had gone to look, even making sure to knock on the door, he could not find Blaine anywhere.
A few peoples heads turned his way, but there was no reply from anyone. Ava came running down the aisles of seats that were soon to be filled with teenage girls, whining boyfriends and embarrassing fathers. "Hes okay, hell be here soon. We just had a bit of a run-in with one of the stage designers."
Kurt rolled his eyes, "Why am I not surprised?"
"Look, Kurt," Ava began, speaking in a hushed tone so their voices would not project off the walls, "Blaine is a good guy. He may come across as horrible and arrogant and too big for his boots sometimes but honestly, I think something may be bothering him. But, when I asked he refused to tell me and told me he was okay, and that him being arrogant was just the way he was."
"Ill believe it when I see it." Kurt muttered.
Ava rolled her eyes, "Okay but honestly, just try to get to know him."
Kurt didnt reply.
Blaine came running down the aisles a couple of minutes later, the gel from his hair was gone and Kurt was shocked to see Blaines curls. Blaine definitely looks better like this, Kurt would think to himself.
"You called?" He asked, folding his arms.
Ava nodded, "Yes and now you will be going with Kurt to get a new outfit instead of that jacket and the same white tees all the time."
Blaine sighed heavily. "Whats wrong with my clothes?"
"Nothing," Kurt interjected, "I just think you need a change."
"And what exactly would you know?" Blaine asked, eyeing Kurt as if his eyes were daggers. "You dont know me."
"I know what you wear and the same things get boring over time. Dont you think?" Kurt asked, trying to be civilized towards the arrogant pop star.
"My whole female following doesnt seem to think so." Blaine replied with a smirk.
Kurt rolled his eyes and sighed with annoyance, "Just go into your dressing room, Ill pick you something out and then bring it to you."
Blaine stood still.
"Blaine? Are you not dressed yet?" Brians voice boomed throughout the arena.
"Im just leaving!" Blaine shouted back before running down the stairs.
Kurt turned to Ava, "..You were saying?"
The show went without a hitch, Blaine wasnt too keen on Kurts choice of clothing and the deafening screams of teenage girls filled the arena with noise. Kurt had picked out a bright red polo shirt with black trousers and polished shoes, something completely different from what Blaine would wear on a regular basis. Blaine had put up a fight and refused to wear them at first, but with the approval of his whole Management team, Blaine didnt stand a chance of winning this argument.
"I have been Blaine Anderson, thank you and goodnight!"
Blaine practically bounced off the stage with so much energy he felt as though he couldnt stop. He almost ran into Kurt and Ava who had been nattering away to Diana, one of the stage managers.
Kurt had noticed something. It was as though Blaine had two different personalities. His on-stage personality and his off-stage personality. When Blaine Anderson took to the stage it was as though he could take on the world, he was bouncier and happier and so much more gentle than what he was in real life, if only the 16,000 screaming girls in the audience knew that.
Off stage Blaine was happy and chirpy for around three minutes tops and then he would transform into the closed book that nobody, not even Ava, could read. He would slide the black leather jacket back onto his shoulders and nobody would know who he was anymore.
"Great show tonight, Blaine." Ava complimented as Blaine walked past her. He nodded, barely supressing a smile before walking off in the opposite direction. "Come on, we have to go start packing up." And she tapped his shoulder as she walked in the opposite way Blaine had walked.
It was a cold night, winds were blowing and it was starting to rain. The buses had been loaded and were ready to go. Once again the whole crew, including Kurt, had been waiting for Blaine.
"Kurt, go and get him please." Brian asked.
Kurt wanted to protest, to ask why did he have to? Why couldnt Ava? Or Brian himself if he was so concerned about Blaine Andersons well-being, but he didnt. Instead, Kurt jogged into the arena and searched for Blaine around. He was nowhere in sight.
He ran to the dressing room, forgetting to knock on the door and looking back, he really wish he had of knocked on the door now. The sight in front of him was something he never wanted to see ever again.
Blaine was sat on the vanity dresser towards the back of the dressing room and had his legs wrapped around another man. Kurt had always had a hunch that Blaine could be gay, but he never really thought about it.
"I uh, sorry if Im uh, interrupting anything, but were all uh, waiting on you." Kurt muttered, blushing, "so yeah, Ill be outside." And with that, Kurt - who was now scarred for life - shut the door abruptly, before making his way back to the tour buses.
"Kurt, Kurt wait a minute," Blaine shouted, well he had recovered quickly.
Kurt turned around and came to a stop.
"Youre not going to tell anyone are you?" Blaine asked nervously.
"What? That youre gay?" Kurt asked innocently.
"Im not.. gay." Blaine replied. This guy was clearly in denial.
"Well what was that I just saw? Was that a girl dressed as a guy?" Kurt asked.
"No," He replied, starting to worry. "He forced me."
"You looked as though you were pretty into it if you ask me."
"Are you jealous?" Blaine asked with a smirk.
Kurt knew what he was attempting to do. Blaine was trying to make light of the topic.
"No, why would I be?"
Blaine didnt answer. "Please Kurt, I know that you may not like me,"
"Wait- how did you know?"
Blaine didnt answer again. "But please, dont tell anyone what you saw. No one likes an outing. I bet you wouldnt."
Kurt raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think Im gay?"
"Well, are you?"
"Yeah, but you shouldnt just assume. Because then you make an ass out of u and me."
Blaine scoffed, "That is so old Kurt. But I know you are, okay?"
"Whatever, now go on. Everyones waiting on you, once again." Kurt said.
"Youre not going to tell are you?"
Kurt didnt reply. He just walked away without saying a word.
"What took you guys so long?" Ava asked when Kurt and Blaine approached, to the happy cheers of the crew who had been waiting, and were now getting rather impatient.
Blaine looked at Kurt desperately.
"Nothing, I just couldnt find him. You know what hes like."
As everyone boarded the buses, Blaine pulled Kurt aside. "No, you dont know what hes like."
"Wait!" Brian exclaimed, to the groans of the crew, including Blaine. "Wheres Dustin?"
"Im here," An out-of-breath Dustin appeared, and Kurt recognised him as the guy who he had caught Blaine making out with. Kurt didnt fail to notice the awkward glance he gave Blaine, and Blaine just avoided his gaze completely.
"Are we ready to go?" Brian asked, standing up to double check that every person had been accounted for. Luckily, they had been.
"Yes! Finally!" Ava shouted with fake exasperation.
1 day down, 364 to go.