April 15, 2014, 7 p.m.
April 15, 2014, 7 p.m.
How did you enjoy this chapter? Next chapter is basically the sight-seeing which should be fun. Tell me what you thought in a review. See you guys soon! :)
Chapter Three
To say it was awkward would be an understatement. To Kurt it felt as though he had just uncovered a secret that nobody else knew and in reality, it was. Nobody knew that Blaine preferred men over women, nobody knew that he had a secret relationship - if thats what he saw yesterday was - going on, not with a woman though but with a man. Kurt could hardly look at Blaine without thinking of what he had seen. He could imagine the headlines: BLAINE ANDERSON, MUSICAL PHENOMENON, IN THE CLOSET?
Kurt didnt believe in public outings, he thought it was wrong and unfair to the person. So he had quietly agreed to keep Blaines.. sexual preference, under wraps until Blaine was ready because although he couldnt stand the guy, he wouldnt even do that to his worst enemy.
The second venue was Trenton, only 3 hours by bus. Kurt was luckily on the bus that Blaine wasnt. He was in and out of conversation with a redheaded woman named Nina. She was 29 years old and back at home she had a baby daughter who would travel with her sometimes. They were talking about something that had come up on the news. Being on a bus had its perks, but it also had its downs too. Downs such as not having a proper bedroom but a small bunk that will probably have to be shared with another 6 to 10 people, depending on the size of the bus. So all in all there were quite a few buses.
When the bus had come to a halt, just for a pit-stop and for the crew to grab something to eat at the nearest fast food restaurant which was Taco Bell, Kurt stood up. "If youll excuse me, I need to make a quick call."
He separated from the rest of the group and dialled Isabelles number. Isabelle was the queen of gossip but this was something he was not going to gossip about.
"Isabelle Wright, how can I help?" Isabelles chirpy tone answered.
"Isabelle, its me." Kurt muttered, pacing around on the parking lot.
"Oh, Kurt! How wonderful to hear from you. How is everything going? Are you having fun? Did you talk to Blaine?"
Kurt took a deep breath, "Fine, not really and not really."
"What do you mean not really?" Isabelle asked, clearly concerned.
"Ive made a couple of friends but Blaine is still a no-go. Im quite happy for it to stay that way too." Kurt mumbled, biting the inside of his cheek.
"Ill be coming out to visit soon, Ive actually just been on the phone with Brian to clarify when its a suitable time for me to fly out."
Kurt perked up, "So when will that be?"
"Twenty-one days, hopefully."
Kurt could manage that, he could. It was something he could look forward to. "Okay Isabelle, Ill see you then. I have to go now."
"Call me soon with all the gossip! Mwah!" and then the line went dead.
Nina returned from the restaurant with a meal for Kurt whose stomach had never been happier to see food. As he ate, he decided that maybe Nina would know what was up with Blaine.
"Hey Nina?"
Nina looked up at him with her mouth full and nodded.
"Whats with Blaine?" He asked her.
She swallowed the food that had been occupying her mouth before speaking. "What do you mean?"
"I mean like, why does he have his hair the way he does? I was told that he refused to co-operate with a hair stylist and chose to do it on his own." Kurt remembered the conversation he had recently had with Ava.
"Im sorry, kid, but I cant tell you that." Kurt looked at her questioningly. "That is something you are going to have to talk to Blaine about. There are things he shares with us, but never that. Theres a lot of things that he doesnt tell anyone. That boy likes keeping secrets."
"Id actually rather not speak to him, Im not exactly his biggest fan." Kurt admitted.
"Then why are you here?"
"Because Im getting paid for it. Plus, I didnt want to come here, my manager and Blaines manager practically begged me."
Nina looked slightly offended.
"Dont get me wrong, I love all of the crew but I just dont like Blaine. I cant help it, he irritates me."
Nina stood up, "Im gonna go have a nap okay? Just give him a chance. Blaines a good kid." and then she left.
Kurt rolled his eyes, "Why does everyone say that?"
The arena was really coming into place and it was two hours until the show started. Kurt hadnt spoke to Blaine since their last awkward encounter. He was dreading the moment when he was called to sort his clothing out.
"Kurt, youre needed!" And there it was.
As he walked to Blaines dressing room which looked slightly smaller than the one in Hartford, Blaine was pacing around shirtless. Why did he have this job again?
"Whats wrong?"
"Youre a stylist, where are my clothes?" Blaine snapped.
Kurt looked taken aback, "Uh, here. Sorry."
Kurt grabbed a set of clothes that were in a garment bag and handed them to Blaine, letting Blaine unzip it himself.
"So you should be."
Kurt had picked out a simple striped t-shirt with blue pants, but Blaine did not approve.
"I cant wear this!" Blaine cried, "Its hideous! Ill look like an old granddad!"
"No you wont now go on, get dressed."
Blaine frowned, "I cant, youre still here."
Kurt scowled, "Okay Im leaving."
Kurt really, really disliked Blaine Anderson.
The show went off without a hitch once again. Everyone congratulated Blaine on such a brilliant show and this time, once the whole crew had packed up, Blaine was present and there was no need for Kurt to go searching for him. Everyone was back on the road within twenty minutes.
"Did you try talking to Blaine?" Nina asked as she took a seat next to Kurt at a table on their bus.
"Well, not really. I mean we spoke when I went to give Blaine his clothes for tonights show, he argued with me when I chose his clothes, he told me to get out once he had calmed down and then I left. Hes still a total douchebag." Kurt rushed, finishing his rant with a exasperated sigh.
"Hell come around, he was like that with us lot at first." Nina patted his shoulder.
"Id rather just avoid him at all costs." Kurt stated.
Nina didnt say a word, she just nodded. She didnt know why Kurt disliked Blaine so much, but she was determined to change that.
"Hey, where are we going next?" Kurt changed the subject.
"Dustin says well be going to Cincinnati which is going to take a while." Nina said, tapping her fingernails on the table. "Im sure therell be a couple of stops on the way, anyway."
Kurt nodded. "Im going to go and take a nap."
When Kurt woke up an hour later the only thing that could be heard was the hum of the bus as it was in motion. Kurt rubbed his eyes and climbed out of his bunk, Nina was sitting on one of the three sofas talking to one of the sound co-ordinators who Kurt found out was called Aiden. Aiden had strawberry blonde hair that fell over his forehead, he really needed a haircut.
"Kurt, come join us!" Nina smiled when she realised Kurt was in the room.
Kurt walked down the aisle of the bus, "How long until were there?"
"About two or three more hours I think." Aiden said, smiling at Kurt. His smile made him feel uncomfortable.
Kurt nodded.
"Two minutes til show time everyone!" Brian shouted. "Wheres Blaine?"
Blaine had gone missing once again.
"Kurt can you go and look for him if youre not busy?"
Kurt wanted to say no, but he really couldnt afford to do so. Instead, he nodded with a fake smile on his face. He turned to Aiden, "Come with me?"
Aiden jumped at the chance, "Sure."
It was awkward to Kurt. He had the slight feeling that Aiden might have a thing for him. The way he looked at him and the way he acted around him told him enough. Kurt had no feelings like that whatsoever towards him, though.
They found Blaine playing his customized guitar, singing to a tune Kurt couldnt recognise. "What?" He asked bitterly when he realised Kurt and Aiden standing in front of him.
"You have two minutes until show time."
Blaine made no attempt to move.
"Blaine." Aiden said.
"What?" He snapped in reply.
"Two minutes! You dont want to be late." Kurt answered.
"I wont be." Blaine got up with his guitar still in hand and pushed past both Kurt and Aiden and made his way to the stage. He was probably going to be in trouble for giving everyone such a scare, but at least he would be on stage on time which would make everyone give a big sigh of relief.
Kurt actually watched the show that night. He watched how happy Blaine was performing to thousands of screaming girls, oh if only they knew. He watched on with Ava, who had flounced up to him half way through, and because she hadnt been otherwise occupied, she stood and watched too. He saw how much energy Blaine had when he was on the stage, the way he interacted with the fans in the crowd. He was so different to the guy Kurt had to work with.
"Hes so different out there," Kurt thought, then realised he had said it out loud.
Ava looked at Kurt confused, "What do you mean by that?"
"Hes so much fun out there, and then as soon as he steps away from the stage he turns into this arrogant jerk that nobody wants to be around." Kurt almost had to shout to let Ava hear him.
Ava said nothing.
"Im sorry, you probably hate me for saying that because hes your friend or whatever." Kurt apologised.
"Dont apologise," Ava said, "Blaine has made us all feel like that at one point in our lives."
Kurt smiled weakly.
The cold air rippled through Kurts Marc Jacobs scarf, he had gone for a coffee with Ava and Aiden, the two people he could get along with the most out of the whole crew.
"I dont know, I quite like the leather look. It gives Blaine a sense of bad boy." Ava bit her lip.
Kurt folded his arms and scoffed. "Definitely not."
"What is your problem with him anyways, Hummel?" Aiden asked.
"I just dont approve." Kurt stated, sipping his drink.
"I definitely do." Ava stated which caused Kurt to look at her with confusion.
"Do you like, have a crush on him or something?" Kurt had to ask her.
She looked away but Kurt could make out a slight blush appearing on her cheeks. He looked at her shocked.
Once again, Ava looked away. Kurt could tell her about Blaines sudden interest in men, why not? Ava wouldnt tell, would she? Although, He would feel terrible if he did. Before he could say anything further Aiden spoke.
"Blaine isnt interested in girls," Kurt looked at him with wide eyes. How did he know?
"And how would you know, Aiden? Had a go yourself have you?" Ava asked smarmily.
"No, Im just saying that if he was so interested in girls wouldnt he have a girlfriend by now?" Aiden asked. Kurt breathed a sigh of relief. Aiden didnt know. Why did Kurt care whether Aiden knew or not? He had to bite his tongue in order not to slip up and let Blaines secret out but luckily, he didnt.
No one said anything and a lot of awkward glances were shared.
"Should we be getting back?" Kurt asked, standing up and taking his take out cup to the bin.
"Yeah, well be on the road again soon anyway."
The next stop was Milwaukee. There were going to be two shows there and a chance to go sightseeing, something Kurt hadnt been able to properly do yet.
"Kurt," Ava approached as Kurt was finishing getting ready to see the sights of Milwaukee.
"What is it?" Kurt asked, exiting the bus bathroom.
"We have a slight problem," Ava winced.
Kurt looked at her expectantly. "And what might that problem be?"
"Were on babysitting duty. Blaine has to come with us. Is that a problem?"
Kurt wanted to scream into his scarf, but decided against it and gave his best fake smile, "Thats not a problem at all."
He knew something was bound to go wrong today.