Keeping Secrets
Chapter Six Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Keeping Secrets: Chapter Six

E - Words: 1,340 - Last Updated: Apr 15, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jan 18, 2014 - Updated: Jan 18, 2014
116 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:


OH SNAP. There it is. Blaine finally admitted it to himself and to Kurt. Boom. I hope youre satisfied with Blaines background story, and Kurts background story does come into play soon so be on the look out. Anyway, I have a question. Who do you think is behind the whole sending-a-picture-of-Kurt-and-Blaine-making-out-to-gossip-mags? I havent decided exactly who its going to be yet but there are two/three people in the running so far.


This chapter was so short but it was an important one, so yeah.

Anyway, your reviews motivate me to write so.. you know what to do!

I love you all! Bye! :)


Chapter Six


"Blaine, whats this?" Brian was standing over Blaine holding a magazine cover in his hand and he was looking furiously at Blaine, not averting his gaze once. Blaine glanced at the magazine and averted his attention back to the programme showing on the tiny television.

"That looks like a magazine cover to me." He stated and folded his arms over his chest continuing to watch the television.

"Have you looked at the front?" Brian shook the glossy paper in front of Blaine once again but this time Blaine took notice. His eyes scanned over the large block writing on the front and felt as though he was going to be sick. He looked up at Brian and quickly switched the television off.

"Now Blaine, I want you to tell me the truth. Is this," Brian pointed to the picture covering the front page, "you and Kurt Hummel?" The curls of Blaines hair were noticeable and if people looked closer the coif of Kurts hair would prove it was him.

"No, n-no its not."

Brian side-eyed him. "Something tells me that youre not telling me the exact truth." He looked at Blaine again. "So if I were to ask Kurt the same question I asked you, he would have the same answer, yes?"

Blaine said nothing. Brian looked at him in a way Blaine could not make out. "This is you, isnt it?"

He looked up and cautiously nodded his head. "Thats me, and thats definitely Kurt."

"I thought you didnt like him? I recall you telling me that youd rather stick pins in your eyes than spend more than a minute with him? What brought this on?" Brian threw the magazine onto the wooden coffee table. It lay there as though it was taunting Blaine. The glossy pages bringing back the memories. "How long has this been going on, Blaine?"

"We only kissed twice. Well, only properly kissed twice, you know with tong-"

"Okay Blaine," Brian shook his hand to dismiss Blaines response, "save me the details, please."

"Sorry, but yeah. Twice. Nothing is going on." Blaine stated confidently. Its not as though he was lying.

"You do realise that you doing this and someone catching your whole career could go downhill right?" asked Brian.

Blaine nodded, "I know." He replied, "What do I have to do?"

"You deny it. When youre asked, you deny it. You say youve never seen the picture in your life and it is definitely not you. The article says that you have unmistakable hair, so change it up."

Blaine nodded and Brian started to leave. "Oh, and Blaine! One more thing."


"Try not to get caught next time." And then Brian was gone, leaving Blaine sat on the sofa with his eyes fixed on the magazine, that had his and Kurt Hummels figures on.

It was a warm day and the crew had been stuck on the tour buses, Kurt had been welcomed on to Blaines tour bus instead of being with the crew. Ava had entered the lounging area of the bus and situated herself on Blaines knees. Blaine looked as though he wanted to be anywhere but there. Kurt sat opposite him and Blaine didnt want to seem hopeful, but Kurt looked slightly jealous.

"Ava," Blaine muttered in a hush voice so that other crew members walking past the lounge area wouldnt be able to hear, "theres no-one but us three in here right now, you dont have to act."

Ava - who looked slightly disappointed - slid off Blaine and onto the space next to him. Kurt had to bite his lip to stop a smile appearing.

It was another hour until the crew would reach Minneapolis and Ava had left to shower, the crew who were travelling on Blaines tour bus were mostly sleeping while they had the chance, knowing that tonight would be hectic.

"Hey," Kurt, who had made himself a coffee, approached Blaine who looked as though he hadnt slept for weeks on end.

"Hi," Blaine said, closing his eyes. "Did you see the magazine?"

Kurt nodded, then realised that Blaine had his eyes shut: "Yeah; I did."

"We have to deny it." Blaine said. Although, Kurt already knew that. Blaine opened his eyes, "I have to pretend to be with Ava."

"I know that, too." Kurt set his coffee on a coaster and sat next to Blaine.

Blaine turned to sit so that he was fully facing Kurt and spoke in a hushed voice. "Why is it that every time I kiss you, you kiss me back yet you still claim to hate me?"

"I dont hate you," Kurt said, "not anymore anyway. But I hate how sometimes you can become so arrogant to everyone. I like talking to you like this. This is the you I like, where I can talk and not fear that youd judge me. I dont like the you who saunters around in a leather jacket thinking youre better than everyone else, Blaine. I have so many questions to ask you but I cant."

Blaine looked at Kurt, "You still didnt answer the question."

"I cant believe thats all you can say to me, but the answer is.. I dont know. I guess I like the feeling of you kissing me."

"And you still dislike me?"

"Only parts of you." Kurt smiled.

"How about this part?" And Blaine leaned in, a smile on his face and pressed his lips to Kurts.

Kurt had gotten addicted to the way Blaines mouth felt against his, so he didnt deny access when Blaines tongue slipped through. He wrapped his arms around Blaine hesitantly and Blaine pushed him backwards so that he was straddling his legs.

"B-Blaine, stop." Kurt pulled away, pushing Blaines chest. He sat up and composed himself, his hair was probably ruffled but couldnt bring himself to care.

"I want to talk. Get to know you, why you build up a wall around yourself, can we do that without any of us being bitter towards each other?"

Blaine smiled weakly, "I think so. You said you had questions."

"Yeah," Kurt said, "Like, why did you always have your hair gelled down?"

Blaines face dropped slightly, worrying Kurt. "Okay, Im going to tell you something Ive never told anyone before. You have to keep it a secret."

"I promise."

"It started in high school. My hair is naturally curly, and a lot of people know that. Bullies in high school always found me an easy target in general, so one time they.. they decided to beat up and the first thing they went for was my hair because it was curly and easy to reach." Blaine looked as though he was about to cry, his eyes had watered over. Kurt reached for his hand, to which he flinched. Kurt figured he wasnt used to gestures such as hand-holding.

"So I started using my dads hair gel to gel it to my head, that way it would be harder for people to reach and grab."

"Why were you a target though?"

"I guess people knew that I was different. I took performing arts in college, started uploading videos to the internet and then here I am."

"What about your parents? What did they do about it?"

"My parents are out of the picture, my brother lives close to me in L.A. My mom and dad didnt like the life I had chosen for myself, my father wanted me to become a lawyer, my family run a huge law firm and have done for decades, he wanted me to carry on the tradition. When Cooper moved to LA to pursue acting, the pressure was put on me. And when I realised that that wasnt the life I wanted, I moved during college and I havent seen them since. They tried to contact me, but that was when I started becoming more and more popular publicly. I guess they knew that I was getting paid, and they wanted in."

"Blaine, thats awful."

Blaine nodded, "Yeah, I guess. I dont dwell on the past though. I guess one thing annoyed them more than anything though."

"And what was that?"

Blaine had tears falling by now and Kurt had never seen Blaine this worked up before. "Im gay Kurt."

Kurts mouth opened slightly in shock.

"Im gay."



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