Keeping Secrets
Chapter Seven Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Keeping Secrets: Chapter Seven

E - Words: 1,541 - Last Updated: Apr 15, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jan 18, 2014 - Updated: Jan 18, 2014
108 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Ooh, Kurt. Are you seriously going to give your first time to someone you dont want a relationship with? Do you think Kurt will go through with it?

Chapter Seven

foreveranderson: I knew it. I KNEW Blaine was gay. Doesnt mean I wont love him any less, though.

BlaineyDays: He has a GIRLFRIEND, hes not gay you guys.

blainesboo: Im here for the music, not who hes dating.

AndersonsAss: I honestly dont think I could be a fan of Blaine if the rumors are true.

BlaineyDays: AndersonsAss you were never a real fan then, if youre going to stop being a fan because he likes dick instead. Unbelievable.

blainesboo: Amen to THAT.

Blaine read through the comments on his Twitter account. It had been a week since he had officially come out to Kurt and he felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Kurt had been a lot more respectful towards him and vice versa, and finally progress was being made between the two.

Kurts father was scheduled to visit the next day and Kurt was awfully happy and excited, he hadnt seen him for a long time as he lived in Lima whilst Kurt, New York.

The tour was currently in Grand Prairie, in a 5-star hotel. There was everything in this hotel: a swimming pool, room service and tennis courts. All though Kurt knew he wouldnt be using those anytime soon.

It was a hot and humid day and Blaine, Ava, Kurt and a few other crew members had opted on going down to the pool. Brian had told Blaine to watch out for photographers who were waiting, although there shouldnt be, he should just be wary and maybe act slightly loved-up to Ava, to Blaines disappointment and Avas excitement.

Blaine had seen Kurts face drop when Brian had suggested that he act as a couple with Ava so as everyone made their way into the hotel lobby, Blaine pulled Kurt into a tiny alcove, made sure nobody was around to witness what was happening and whispered, "Dont worry, I wont rub it in your face. Wont make you jealous."

Kurt raised an eyebrow, "I wont be jealous." He whispered.

"Are you sure about that?" Blaines tone of voice was joking and it had gotten to the point where Kurt could call Blaine a friend, they hadnt argued for ages and a lot more people had noticed that he wasnt as arrogant as he had been.

"One hundred percent sure." Kurt said, his voice low and sultry.

"Well, okay then," As Blaine was about to leave Kurt pulled him by the front of his shirt and kissed him. This was a regular occurrence, Blaine and Kurt, just kissing and kissing until they were breathless. But when asked by Brian, they would deny any relationship other than being friends.

The alcove Blaine had pushed Kurt into was dark and shaded, out of the way. He pushed Kurt against the wall, eliciting a moan from the younger man. "You know, for someone who doesnt feel anything for me you sure enjoy kissing me," Blaine chuckled.

"Like I said before, I like the feeling of being able to kiss someone."

"Or do you just like me?" Blaine laughed.

"We should go, theyll be waiting for us." And Kurt rushed off to find the rest of the crew.

Blaine had noticed that every time he would bring up anything such as feelings, Kurt would rush off and say he has somewhere to be, somewhere to do and completely avoiding the subject. This made Blaines mind spin, whether Kurt did have feelings for him or not, or was this an experiment to Kurt?

However, Blaine couldnt explain why he liked kissing Kurt. What if he had feelings for Kurt? He couldnt work it out but he didnt have time to now. He had to go out and put on a façade with Ava, although he really didnt want to.

"Hey, we were waiting." Ava, dressed in appropriate swimwear and her bright red hair in a bun, approached Blaine and quickly latched onto him. Blaine cursed inwardly.

It was two and a half hours later when Kurt decided hed had enough. He swore to himself that he wasnt jealous of Blaine and Ava. Blaine looked utterly bored but whenever Ava kissed him, he had no problem kissing back. He could play the jealousy game.

Dustin, the guy who Kurt had caught Blaine making out with all those weeks ago, was sitting unoccupied. So Kurt decided to pounce.

"Hey, Dustin," Kurt shouted, he had earphones in.

"Hi Kurt," He smiled.

"Would you mind rubbing some more lotion on my back? I get really sensitive there." Kurt asked and Dustin didnt reject.

Kurt looked over to Blaine who was watching with intent eyes, ignoring whatever Ava was saying to him.

"Thats great, thanks." and Dustin went back to laying on his sun lounger.

Blaine looked over to Kurt questioningly, but Kurt just smirked and slid his sunglasses over his eyes.

Blaine really didnt know where he stood with Kurt, he knew that progress had been made between them and they were able to hold a civilised conversation but the amount of times they had kissed, did that not mean anything to Kurt? Or Blaine for that matter? Another thing Blaine couldnt understand is why was Kurt so shocked when Blaine finally admitted his sexuality, hadnt he seen it coming? Or was it because Blaine had finally admitted it to himself?

"Im gonna go and get us some drinks, Kurt, mind coming to help?" Blaine shifted Ava off him and stood up, pulling a shirt over his head. Kurt agreed and he knew that help was not the only reason Blaine wanted him for.

The bar was around the corner from where the sun loungers were, "What was that?"

Kurt looked at Blaine confused. "What was what?"

"The whole sunscreen thing with Dustin." Blaine said his name with bitterness.

"Are you..jealous?" Kurt teased.

"Why would I be jealous? Im not jealous."

"Are you sure about that?"

Blaine nodded. "One hundred per cent sure."

"I have a proposition for you."

Kurt looked up from his phone, he was currently texting Rachel who was back in New York. "And what might that be?"

Blaine looked around nervously and pulled Kurt up from the chair in the hotel lobby and pulled him to a corner where no one would be able to hear the conversation that was about to happen.

"You said you liked kissing me because you like the feeling." Blaine said.

Kurt blushed, "You have no proof."

"But you said it."

"What is all of this about, Blaine?" Kurt didnt want to be embarrassed any further.

"You like me kissing you, I like you kissing me. Why dont we make this a thing?"

"And by thing, what do you mean?"

"Like a, a friends with benefits thing. You know, when one of us gets the urge we can you know, use it to our advantage." Blaine suggested and was that a sense of hope in his eyes that Kurt could see?

"I dont know, Blaine." Kurt really didnt want to have to explain to Blaine that he was still a virgin, because how embarrassing would that conversation be?

"Itll be fun, no strings attached." Blaine explained, he was full of confidence.

He thought about it, "I dont think I could do that, Blaine. Im sorry but thats not my thing."

Blaine dropped his shoulders, "Kay, but the offer is open if you need."

Did Blaine just offer Kurt sex? Really?

Blaine pulled out a slip of paper with a number of digits on, "Heres my number, were in a hotel tonight until tomorrow so if you change your mind.." He slipped it into Kurts back pocket with a grin. "Ill see you later."

And then he was gone again, leaving Kurt breathless, to order the crews drinks.

Kurt couldnt sleep that night, thoughts were rushing through his brain and he thought his brain was going to start hurting if they didnt stop. He thought about his father who was scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning, he was going to meet him at the airport at 9am. He thought about Isabelle and how she had promised everything would work out. Finally, he thought about Blaine and the proposition Blaine made to him only a few hours before.

Kurt had never slept with anyone, heck, he had only had his first kiss a couple of weeks ago from a man he claimed to despise. He and Blaine were okay, they were friends, they were civilised towards each other. They had to be, the amount of times theyd kissed in the few weeks.

He was shocked when Blaine admitted he was gay, not because he was gay but he was shocked that Blaine had finally been able to admit it to himself. Even if Blaine wasnt ready to admit it to anyone but him or Brian, that was still a huge step for him. Kurt understood why it was practically crucial for Blaine to fake date Ava, to give the fans what they want; a chance.

The more he thought about Blaines deal, the more he liked the idea. How bad could it be? No strings attached, not having to worry about feelings involved because really, they had only just started to be friendly towards one another.

His hotel room was warm but dark, it was around midnight when Kurt picked up his phone and a slip of paper that he had taken out of his back pocket. He dialled the numbers on the paper and waited as it rung.

"Hlo?" The voice answered with tiredness.

"Blaine, its me, Kurt. About the proposition you made earlier.."


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