April 15, 2014, 7 p.m.
April 15, 2014, 7 p.m.
Im sorry if this chapter is super short but now I have a way of getting this story back on track, I might update again this afternoon or itll be before Friday. I know some of you may think this is Kurt and Blaine moving too fast, well its not. This is just the beginning. Hope you enjoyed and dont forget to drop a review to let me know what you thought. Also, sorry if some things I got wrong. Im sick at the moment and Im not with it but I really wanted to get something put up for you guys who have been so so patient, thank you!
Chapter Four
The cold wind rippled through Kurts button-up t-shirt as he walked quickly on the sidewalk, trying to avoid bumping into anyone. He was looking forward to going sightseeing with Ava. Aiden had even made an effort to show up with them, the only downside was Blaine. Blaine had been nothing but a nuisance and an hour into their little outing, Blaine had already dampened Kurts mood. The weather really wasnt helping either, the rain pelting down on Kurt who had not thought to bring a jacket. "Can we please get a move on? Im hungry and this rain is just making things ten times worse." Kurt almost yelled to the three crew members who were walking way too slowly for Kurts liking.
Aiden rushed to Kurts side once he noticed that Kurt was shivering uncontrollably, he shrugged off his jacket and wrapped it around Kurts shoulders. "There, that should warm you up."
Kurt smiled and even a tiny blush tainted Kurts cheeks. "Thanks. But what about you?"
Aiden waved his hand dismissively, "Ill be alright. Im warm enough." The rain that had dampened Aidens golden hair told Kurt differently.
"Alright, lovebirds, break it up." Blaine practically pushed past the two younger men with eyes like daggers. Kurt blushed for a second time, feeling the heat rush to his cheeks.
Ava walked past shooting an apologetic look to Kurt and Aiden. Its not as if we were having a moment or anything, Kurt thought. Because we werent.
"Were going to get coffee for Mr Stroppy over here," Ava shouted over her shoulder, "Are you two coming?"
Both Aiden and Kurt nodded simultaneously and rushed to catch up with Ava and Blaine, who was still walking in front of the other three. "I heard that!" He shouted to Ava.
"You were supposed to." Ava joked. At least she could hold a witty conversation with Blaine without it being hurtful.
Blaine turned the corner, and Kurt had to wonder how he knew where he was going. There was a possibility that he had been there once before, but not the exact same place.
The little café was on the corner of the street, and when the four of them walked in, they were instantly greeted by the smell of cinnamon and coffee. It was a big contrast compared to the weather outside. Ava had gone to order for the four of them and Aiden, Kurt and Blaine sat at a table towards the back, where it was secluded and there was no chance of Blaine being bombarded by fans, and for a few moments; Kurt forgot how famous Blaine was.
"So, whats the deal with you two?" Blaine directed the question towards both Aiden and Kurt, who didnt miss the bitterness in Blaines tone.
"With who two?" Ava came back, carrying four take-out cups. She handed each one to the three boys, her question lingering.
"Aiden and Kurt," Blaine took a sip of his coffee.
"N-nothing. We just met like four days ago, remember?" Kurt replied, feeling his face flush. He looked over to Aiden whose face had dropped completely. "Also, how are you so sure that Im into that kind of thing, Blaine Anderson?"
Wow, he was actually making an effort.
"One: never, ever, call me by my full name again and two: I can tell. You just look it." Blaine replied casually.
Kurt, Aiden and Ava looked completely shocked by what Blaine had just said. Kurt could feel tears threaten to fall. He would not cry over Blaine Anderson or anything that came out of that pathetic little mouth of his.
"Well, looks can be deceiving, Blaine. You should know that better than anyone." It hadnt meant to come out, it really hadnt. But it had. Not that Ava and Aiden had a clue as to what he was talking about.
"Whats that supposed to mean, Kurt?" Ava asked, setting her coffee on the coaster on the table.
"Yeah, Kurt. Care to elaborate?" Aiden chimed in, irritating Kurt.
"Ill let Blaine explain that one to you." Kurt picked up his coffee, took off Aidens jacket and left it where he had previously sat. "Ill find my own way back."
The three watched as Kurt exited the café, to the curious looks of passers by. Ava and Aiden both turned towards Blaine, and he knew what was coming.
"So, what exactly did Kurt mean?" And there it was.
When Blaine, Ava and Aiden returned, Kurt was immersed head-to-toe in different items of clothing, desperately trying to mix-and-match for the three costume changes Blaine had during the show tonight. He turned his head when he heard them come in, only to be greeted by Blaine. Who was livid. Ava and Aiden had disappeared, probably to help organise the staging, which wasnt quite finished.
Blaine approached Kurt, and if looks could kill: Kurt would be dead by now.
"You pull a stunt like that again and I will make sure your ass is gone off this tour." He was infuriated, but Kurt showed no signs of fright.
"Blaine, its completely okay to.. you know, like guys instead of girls." He said, hanging one of Blaines outfits on a hanger.
"Im not-" Blaine realised he was shouting, and a couple of people turned their heads in surprise, "Im not gay, I dont like guys." He stammered in a much more quieter tone.
"Im not stupid, nor blind. You had your tongue down that guys throat the other day and you looked pretty into it to me." Kurt didnt take his eyes away from the clothes he was hanging up carefully.
Blaine gripped his shoulder, "I want you to listen to me and listen good. Im not gay, I dont like guys. I have girls screaming for me wherever I go."
"Wow, you have a female fan base. Look, Blaine I know what its like: being in the closet."
Blaines eyes darkened, "Stop pretending that you know me. Because you dont. Nobody does. I am not gay."
"So you keep saying." Kurt replied.
"Anyone would say you were jealous. Jealous that I didnt stick my tongue down your throat and down someone elses instead."
"Jealous?" Kurt let out a scoff, "Blaine, I know what I want. And its not you."
"I need to go find Brian," Blaine muttered, pushing past Kurt. "By the way," Blaine turned around, "that outfit is hideous."
Kurt laughed bitterly. "Im not the one wearing it."
Blaines show went well. The fans were screaming and Kurt was almost accustomed to the noise now. He had only been there for a few days, but having screaming girls everywhere tended to give you a headache and after time it was just old news, everyone was used to it.
"I see you wore the clothes I picked out." Kurt called out to Blaine who had just picked up a towel as he ran off the stage.
"Theyre still hideous but Brian says that I should try to co-operate with you. I dont see why considering youre basically a nobody."
Kurts jaw dropped, he was used to being called that when he was in high school and hearing someone throw the name out there again really stung. It was as though Blaine had just opened an old wound, and now it was fresh.
"Save it Blaine. I dont know why Im so affected by what you say to me considering I cant stand the sight of you most of the times but maybe you should think before you speak." Kurt turned on his heel and walked quickly, trying desperately not to cry. Did Blaine get off on making him feel like nothing? That was the second time he had done that in the space of twenty-four hours.
"Kurt!" Blaine chased after him.
"I dont want to know Blaine. You make me sick. The only reason Im here is because I didnt want to let my boss down. Im not here because Im one of your besotted fans and want to spend every minute with you. I hate you Blaine, hate you. I tried to help you because youre struggling and I know for a fact that youre struggling because I have been there. Youre gay and youre too scared to admit it."
Kurt had had enough. He turned and backed away until Blaine gripped his hand and pulled him closer, firmly attaching his lips to Kurts. However if you asked, Kurt couldnt tell you why he kissed back. He couldnt tell you why he wrapped his arms around Blaine and pulled him impossibly closer. Probably because Kurt hadnt ever been kissed before, unless it was a kiss on the forehead by his father or a quick kiss on the cheek from Rachel or Mercedes. Blaine had given Kurt his first kiss. The man that Kurt disliked - or hated - more than anyone in the world had given him his first kiss.
Blaine was the one to break the kiss, "Do you still hate me?"
Kurt, who didnt remove his arms from around Blaines shoulders whispered, "Yes." and then they were kissing again completely unaware of anybody lurking in the shadows.