Keeping Secrets
Chapter Five Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Keeping Secrets: Chapter Five

E - Words: 2,551 - Last Updated: Apr 15, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jan 18, 2014 - Updated: Jan 18, 2014
114 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Ooh, so now the story actually begins. I just want to point out that the views of homosexuality in this is not what I believe in. I fully support gay rights and this is just character development. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope youll review! I cant believe I have almost 2,000 reads on here, its completely insane! Anyway, Im sorry it took me so long to update but I hope this chapter was worth it. Its the longest chapter yet! Until next time, goodbye!

Chapter Five

Two weeks later and things hadnt improved. Blaine was still an arrogant, self-centred individual who thought way too highly of himself. Kurt had kept himself to himself, distancing himself from even Ava. She had started to become concerned about the way Kurt was acting. It was no different for Blaine, his behaviour hadnt changed, if anything he had become more arrogant and vein.

"Kurt, youve been distancing yourself from everyone. Please talk to me." Ava had to speak through the door of the bathroom in one of the arenas. Kurt had been in the bathroom for around twenty-five minutes out of the thirty-five they had been at the arena. "Kurt, theres people who need to use that bathroom too, yknow."

Ava slid down the smooth wooden door, expecting to be there for another few minutes. Which is why when she heard the sound of a lock being unlocked, she didnt have enough time to move away and therefore when Kurt opened it, his face looking fully refreshed, she fell to his feet. "Um, hi?" She said awkwardly.

Kurt rolled his eyes and stepped over her. Ava recovered quickly and got up, desperate to stop Kurt and find out what it was that he was so annoyed or irritated about. "Kurt, wait!" She ran to keep up with him and luckily it worked.

"Kurt, whats going on? Why are you so annoyed? Why are you distancing yourself?" Kurt looked at her but said nothing. "You can tell me. I wont judge you."

"I did something that I shouldnt have and now I hate myself." Kurt said, his eyes averting downwards. He started to mumble, "Probably more than I hate Blaine, which is the reason I feel like this now."

"Wait, what?" Had he said that out loud? Yep, he had. Whats this got to do with Blaine? Has he hurt you?" Kurt didnt reply. "Oh my god, he did, didnt he?"


But it was too late, Ava was furious. "Where is he? Ill hurt him myself." She was shaking uncontrollably with anger. Ava liked Blaine, but he really knew when to push her buttons and right now was one of those times.

"Ava, he didn-" There was really no point in Kurt trying to stop her now.

Blaine was in one of the back rooms almost filled with staging equipment strumming his guitar innocently. "You!" Blaine looked up once he recognised the voice. He was greeted with a face of pure fury and anger.

"Me?" Blaine asked gulping. He hated when Ava got mad because she could be terrifying when she wanted to be.

"No, the Queen of England. Of course, you! What did you do to Kurt? Hes been distancing himself for weeks and its all your fault!" Ava was interrupted by the arrival of Kurt who was panting and was leaning over to catch his breath after running to stop Ava.

"Ava! Blaine didnt-"

"What I did to him? Hes the one who kissed me! He forced himself at me. I didnt do anything wrong." Kurts jaw dropped. Blaine was lying, but why?

"You kissed me Blaine, I know you did!" Kurt was getting frustrated and Ava could see the redness begin to take over his skin.

By now an audience had gathered outside the door, crew members who had discreetly tried to follow Ava to where she was going. The crew may have been disciplined but they loved a good fight. Blaine looked towards the door and panicked.

"I did not. Im not gay, Hummel! Im not like you."

That stung.

"At least Im not afraid to show who I am. Im comfortable with who I am and Im happy, I havent been living my life a lie because Ive been forced to! Blaine, remember what I saw the other day? You did the exact same with me."

"I didnt! Now leave me alone." Blaine pushed through all the staging equipment and through the crowds of people. Brian, who had appeared a few minutes after Ava had, ran after him.

"Blaine, slow down," Brian shouted after him.

"Its not true what hes saying!" Blaine cried.

"Then why are you getting so worked up about it?" Blaine curled up against the corner that he had mistakenly trapped himself in.

"Its not true, I swear."

"Blaine you know it wouldnt bother me in the slightest if you were. But it seems to be bothering you, so I have an idea."

"So you believe him? You think Im gay? Gee, thanks." Blaine muttered sarcastically.

"No, but to save this getting out and to stop the people who are already speculating, we should get you a girlfriend."

"You mean like fake date someone?" Blaine asked. Brian nodded. "I dont know. I guess it could work. Im not doing this because everyone thinks Im gay though, right? Because Im not."

"I know Blaine, youve said multiple times now. I have just the girl."

"Are you sure this is going to work, Bri?" Ava asked. She was standing opposite Blaine and Brian who were looking at her with hopeful, silently pleading eyes. They were quick to nod when she asked the question. She blushed. "Well, okay. How bad can it be?"

"Thank you." Brian and Blaine spoke simultaneously. "Youre a lifesaver." Blaine engulfed her in a hug.

"Now Blaine, you need to understand that just because Ava has so kindly agreed to fake date you that there are going to be the odd few that will still speculate about your sexuality."

"But Im not-"

"Whether youre gay or not, coming out right now wouldnt be the best option for you. If you do realise that you are, then any relationship you have will have to be well hidden. It would be the downfall of your career." Brian said. Blaine looked slightly confused.

"Why would it be that bad?"

"Its not bad but you have thousands, heck even millions of female fans, Blaine. Think about it, a lot of those girls out there believe theres a chance that they might be with you, and thats the interpretation that youve given them, which is fantastic but if youre gay? Then those numbers will drop because a lot of these girls will then realise that youre not interested, therefore, drop in fans." Brian explained to an exhausted looking Blaine.

"Oh, okay. I guess I could work it. But Im not gay," He replied, Or so I thought. He thought bitterly to himself.

"Blaine." A voice, a familiar voice, startled Blaine. He turned and saw that Kurt was standing there, looking rather sheepish. Blaine rolled his eyes, wasnt Kurt the one who had caused all this mess?

"Could you excuse us for a few minutes?" Blaine signalled for Ava and Brian to leave, they were both chatting amongst themselves about Blaines new relationship arrangement. Brian nodded and pulled Ava away.

"Im so-"

"Dont, Kurt. I dont want to hear it. I thought you said you didnt believe in outing people? Because Im pretty sure thats what you just did. Do you know what that makes you, Kurt? A hypocrite. You know, I wouldve happily kept your little secret a secret but you had to go and open your mouth!" Blaine exclaimed, earning a look of complete shock from Kurt.

"My little secret?" Kurt looked around to make sure that nobody was eavesdropping in on their conversation. "Youre the one who threw yourself at me. I told you that Id happily help you if you were struggling but I didnt mean that I could be your little experiment."

"Did you enjoy it?" Blaine asked, a smirk forming on his face.


"The kiss. Well, the multiple kisses. Did you enjoy them?"

Kurt had gone a deep shade of red, his whole face covered. "I guess, then again I have nothing to compare them to."

A look of shock then, realisation hit Blaine. "You mean I, I was your first kiss?"

Kurt looked away sheepishly, clearly embarrassed.

"Kurt, Im so sorry."

"Dont Blaine, I need to go. Isabelle will be arriving soon. I just wanted to apologise for the way I acted, so Im sorry."

"Apology accepted." Blaine said as Kurt turned to walk away. Then, "Oh! Kurt," Kurt turned and looked at Blaine expectantly, "Im sorry too, for you know, being a jerk."

And as Kurt walked off, he could safely say that he was beginning to like Blaine Anderson.

"I know, I know." Isabelle had been allowed to stay for a week, and for the first time since the beginning of the tour, Kurt felt as though he could be himself again. There was no tension between him and Blaine anymore, he was off with Ava somewhere. Probably making out or something. Kurt thought bitterly. He couldnt understand why he was getting jealous though, he didnt have feelings for Blaine, he refused to let himself have feelings for Blaine.

"Its really great to have you here, Ms Wright," Brian spoke formally.

Isabelle laughed, "Its Isabelle, darling. That makes me sound old." She giggled again. Kurt had already decided that Isabelle and Brian had the hots for one another.

"Kurts been doing a wonderful job." Nina turned to Kurt who was blushing profoundly.

"Well, I try." He muttered.

The whole crew had set up early to be on time to greet Isabelle from the airport. There was an hour and a half until show time and the whole crew were busy socialising. Blaine entered with Ava in tow to the wolf-whistles of the crew who were oblivious to the relationship stunt. Just because youre fake dating doesnt mean you can flaunt it in everyone elses faces. Jeez, get a room.

"Kurt?" Oh crap, had he said that out loud?

"Y-yeah?" Kurt stammered, the heat rising to his cheeks.

"Are you okay? You look, well, to be completely honest you look irritated. Do you want to go somewhere private and talk?" Isabelles voice was gentle which Kurt found relaxing.

"I just need to go get some air. Im feeling claustrophobic in this room." He ruffled his shirt slightly for effect, but he knew Isabelle would never believe that. He rose from his chair to the confused glances of crew members.

When he was outside, the tour buses were all parked up and there were only a few passers-by. "Kurt." The voice Kurt recognised as Isabelle was no longer gentle, it was firm, it made him nervous.

He turned.

"Im concerned Kurt, I know youre trying to put up a front for my sake, to prove to me that youre loving it here. I know youre not. Im sure the crew would understand if you wanted to come back to New York." Isabelle smiled sympathetically.

"No, I dont want to leave. I love being able to see all these sights and its an experience I may never get again. I just have a lot on my mind, thats all."

"Tell me, Kurt, whats on your mind?"

Kurt looked around consciously. "Promise not to tell?"

Isabelle held out her finger. "I pinky promise."

Kurt had to laugh, "How old are you?"

"Kurt Hummel!" Isabelle feigned shock, "You know you arent supposed to ask a lady her age."

They both laughed, before Kurt became serious.

"A couple of weeks ago I was asked to go and find Blaine. I looked everywhere and I finally found him," Kurt began.


"He was making out with a guy from the crew. Darren, David.. Dustin. That was his name. He was making out with him and he looked so scared." Kurt took a moment to think, "Okay, so then we had an argument two weeks ago, and well, he kissed me. And because Ive never kissed anyone before I kissed him back. And then today I accidentally, almost kind of told everyone. I mean, I know I didnt like Blaine at the beginning but I guess hes alright." Kurt looked down, clearly embarrassed.

"So youre like, attracted to him?" Isabelle asked. Kurt was quick to shake his head.

"I wouldnt say Im attracted to him, I like him in a sense that we can actually hold a civilised conversation now, theres still a bit of awkwardness but I guess that we can handle it."

"You kissed him back because youve never kissed anyone before, anyone in your position would do the same thing." Isabelle said, patting Kurts shoulder.

"Anyway, hes convinced himself that hes not gay so I guess we just have to accept that."

"Hey." A voice interrupted them both, they turned to see Blaine standing with his hands clasped in front of him.

"Hey," Kurt replied and after an awkward silence blanketed over the three of them.

"I uh, Im gonna go and find Brian, you know," Isabelle stumbled her way past Blaine who looked at her strangely. "Bye Kurt!" She shouted and re-entered the arena.

"Did you wanna talk?" Kurt asked, almost ready to follow in Isabelles foot steps.

Blaine looked up nervously. "I uh, sure."

Kurt observed Blaines posture, he looked extremely nervous and Kurt noticed how jumpy he had become. "It sucks about this fake dating arrangement."

"Well, as your - I refuse to call you my friend yet - acquaintance, I can talk to you if you ever feel like it."

Blaine looked hurt by what Kurt had said. "Why wont you call me your friend?"

"Because this conversation is probably the first weve had without biting each others heads off."

"Or sucking each others faces off," Blaine muttered under his breath but unluckily Kurt had heard him.

"That was a mistake," Kurt rushed to say, not bothering to take a look at the hurt look left on Blaines face. "That wasnt supposed to happen. You were there and I always wanted to know what kissing someone felt like."

"I get it Kurt, I do. You hate me but you dont have to be so bitter towards me. I know that not everyone will like me, I cant understand why it hurts when you say you dont like me. Heck, Im even used to my own parents disliking me."

"Im getting there Blaine, Im starting to like you. And one day I will, I know it. It just takes time, okay?" Kurt asked. This conversation had escalated quickly.

"Would this help?" Blaine edged closer to Kurt, trapping him against the cold brick wall and kissed him. It was the same as the kiss they shared two weeks ago, however Kurt felt more at ease.

It was as though when Blaine kissed him, he lost sense of the real world. Why did he fall weak at the knees when Blaine kissed him?

Kurt pulled away, a look of shock on his face. "You need to stop doing that Blaine, please."

"Why? Its pretty clear to me that you love it." Blaine had a smirk on his face.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "See and the arrogant you is back again. I hate this you."

"Hate is a strong word Kurt."

"Yep, and thats how I feel about you."

Well, two could play at that game.


A picture of what is said to be the music phenomenon Blaine Anderson was reported last night of him locking lips with another guy. Who could have seen that coming? A picture emerged of the mystery guy pressed up against a wall by Anderson this morning and the source wishes to remain anonymous. So, the cat is out of the bag but the question is, who is this mystery guy?

Our insider source also gave another picture, although it is not confirmed as of when this was taken. It cannot be determined whether it is the same mystery guy as the picture above as the darkness is preventing from seeing the body figure.

The two shared a passionate embrace and they look pretty into it, too!

There you have it teens!

Have your say:

Blaine Anderson, gay or nay?


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