Keeping Secrets
Chapter Eight Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Keeping Secrets: Chapter Eight

E - Words: 1,748 - Last Updated: Apr 15, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jan 18, 2014 - Updated: Jan 18, 2014
112 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Oh shooooot. Hi again. So I watched the promo for "Bash" and Im absolutely terrified for this episode, because I hate the idea of what is going to happen. I wont give any spoilers away but if youve seen the promo youll know what Im talking about. Anyway, the next chapter is going to be good and a lot of shit is going down. I think youre all gonna love it. Anyway, someone told me they loved the little comments from fangirls in the beginning (and end of this one) so each chapter is going to have some. Not long of this story left now. The sequel will be longer. Anyway, I should stop rambling and the next chapter should be up very, very soon. Thanks for reading! {P.S: Dont forget to review and follow!}

Chapter Eight

blainesass: Lets be honest here you guys, Blaines probably messing around with that new guy, Kris wasnt it?

DreamingB93: his names Kurt and I highly doubt that Blaine would be doing his stylist.

BDAlovers: Blaine confirmed that he wasnt the person in the picture so we should believe him.

Kurt awoke with a start, his eyes struggling to open. The first thing he noticed was that he was not in his own room. This room was different, as if better. An arm was wrapped around his waist and when he turned he saw that it was Blaine. He started to panic when he realised that he hadnt taken his shirt off last night. Blaine was sleeping peacefully, a smile on his face and also shirtless.

"Gmorning sunshine," Blaine awoke, his voice thick with sleep. Kurt hadnt realised hed been staring.

"What happened last night?" Kurt asked in a panic. Had he actually..?

"Dont worry, we didnt have sex if thats what you were worried about. You called me around midnight and I invited you around to my room, we made out, gave each other a few hickeys but you fell asleep pretty soon after. So I took off your shirt and let you share my bed. If you hadnt guessed Im a little on the cuddly side when I sleep."

Kurt got up and examined himself in the mirror at the bottom of the bed. "Oh my goodness, Blaine. These are on my neck!"

"Nice observation skills." He smirked to himself.

"How in the world do you plan on me covering these up?"

"Wear a scarf?"

"Its not that eas-"

"Blaine, are you awake?" A voice shouted from the other side of the door, startling both Blaine and Kurt. "We have to leave soon and Kurts father should be here anytime! Im just about to go wake him up so hurry up."

There was a moment of silence between the two of them as Brian continued to knock on the door.

"Blaine, come on, wake up!"

Blaine thought it would be best if he actually said something so that Brian wouldnt barge in. Now that would be an awkward moment to say the least.

"Uh, yeah Im awake! You guys go down and get ready to check out, Ill go wake Kurt up and wait then well walk down together." Blaine stammered out, he really was flustered.

Now, if you were to ask, Blaine would not be able to tell you why he panicked so much when Brian knocked the door. Hadnt he already caught them? Well, he at least got a picture of them, didnt he? He had told them Next time, try not to get caught.

Brians words echoed in Blaines mind.

"Come on, you need to go back to your room and change without getting caught." He said to Kurt who was still examining the purple bruises on his neck. Would he find a scarf suitable enough to cover them?

"Ill wait for you in here, okay?"

Kurt nodded, "Sure thing."

Just as Kurt went to leave, he looked back to see Blaine pouting, his bottom lip pushed out.


"No goodbye kiss?" Blaine said in the most child-like voice he could use.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "I dont think so." And then Kurt slammed the door.

Blaine fell back on his bed, realising that he hadnt actually changed yet. He rushed to find clothes that looked half decent as he had stuffed a few things into an overnight bag yesterday because today they would be back on the road. He took a moment to think.

What was he getting himself into with Kurt? Kurt had told him the only reason he would kiss him is because he liked the feeling of being able to kiss someone. Was Kurt using him until someone better came along? And most of all, why did he care so much?

In his whole twenty one years of existence, Blaine had only cared about his brother, Cooper and they didnt speak as much as he had liked and hoped for and so he never really really cared for anyone. But he felt as though Kurt was someone to care for and he couldnt understand why. Did he actually like Kurt? No, he couldnt. It was because he hadnt had any action in ages, so when Kurt offered it on a metaphorical silver platter then he was obviously going to take it.

"Blaine, are you done?" Kurts voice came from outside his hotel room. Blaine hadnt noticed that he had zoned out completely.

"Um, Yeah. Im coming now." Blaine double checked that he had grabbed everything from his room and he was out of the door in minutes.

"Hey," Kurt said, smiling slightly.

"Hi, are we going to pick up your dad?" Blaine asked, "Come on lets walk."

"Yeah and his wife is coming to visit too."

"I didnt think we were at the meeting-the-parents stage of our relationship."

Kurt looked over at Blaine with a slightly-annoyed expression. "We dont have a relationship Blaine."

"Were friends, right?"

"Yeah, I guess. But thats friendship. Not a relationship." And they left it at that.

The airport waiting room was too crowded for Kurts liking. He was beginning to feel claustrophobic and he needed the air. But Burt and Caroles plane was scheduled to land in ten minutes, so he thought to just wait. Fortunately for him, Blaine wasnt allowed into the airport because one: Rumors about him and Kurt had already been spread and two: Too crowded, possible Blaine Anderson fans, chaos.

So Kurt was stood next to Brian, who had insisted on accompanying Kurt to the airport. "Look, Kurt. Their flight has landed. Cmon."

Brian led Kurt to wait for his father and step-mother. "Are you excited?" He asked.

Kurt half-smiled, "Yeah."

He was just hoping Blaine didnt open his mouth. Or you know, make Kurt open his.

"Oh, there they are!" And then Kurt was off in the direction he had seen his father walk out in.

"So then, Kurt was running around with this water shooter thing and didnt realise that hed been holding it the wrong way around and went to shoot Ava but ended up soaking himself instead." A roar of laughter erupted from the people sitting on the two sofas in the lounging area of the tour bus.

Kurt, flushed red, buried his face into his hands and wanted to curl up and disappear. Aiden was reciting the story of what happened when it had been a really humid day and how the crew had decided an acceptable way to cool down was to have a huge water fight in an arena parking area. Only, it hadnt gone too well for one Kurt Hummel.

"It wasnt that funny, okay? It was a simple mistake that couldve happened to anyone." He argued, obviously trying to dig himself out of the hole.

"Your reaction was priceless, Kurt." Blaine chimed in, earning another flush of cheeks from Kurt.

Burt and Carole were fitting in with everyone straight away.

"Kurt, can I have a word with you? Alone?" Burt asked, earning confused glances from everyone around them.

Kurt sat up from where he was sitting, "Yeah, sure."

Burt led him out into the open while the bus had stopped. "Who are you trying to kid, son?"

"I dont know what youre talking about."

"Your scarf. It isnt hiding the marks on your neck." He said, pointing to the scarf Kurt had to rush to pick out. It completely clashed with his outfit but drastic action had to be taken.

Kurt avoided his gaze.

"You didnt tell me you were in a relationship." Burt said.

"Im not."

"Well whats with the marks?" He enquired.

"Theyre bruises Dad, honestly."

"You expect me to believe that, really? Cmon Kurt, whose the guy?"

"It was just a one time thing and we didnt have sex, it was just a spur of the moment thing." Kurt muttered.


"No one important, come on. Well be leaving soon."

"Fine, but this isnt finished Kurt. No matter how old you are, youre still my little boy. Okay? And you matter so much that you dont need to throw yourself around. Its hard to find a relationship right now because youre here, there and everywhere but theres someone whose waiting for you when you get home, there always is." Burt said, almost bringing Kurt to tears.

"I know, thanks Dad." And then Burt engulfed Kurt into the hugs that Kurt always loved.

"What is it?" Blaine asked.

Kurt had pulled him to one side once they had arrived at the next venue and ensured that they were somewhere where they wouldnt be followed or their conversation overheard.

Kurt looked at Blaine half apologetic, before Blaine edged closer and pulled off the scarf that was still covering the purple marks on his neck and placed his lips there, tracing the marks as if a reminder that they were there.

"Blaine, th- this is what I wanted to talk to you about. We need to stop doing this-" Kurt couldnt help but tilt his head backwards as Blaine kissed and licked up Kurts neck.

He pulled away from Kurts neck, "What? This?" and then Kurt was pretty sure that Blaine had left yet another mark on his neck.

"Yeah," Kurt pushed Blaine away from him. "I just dont think we should do this anymore." And then Kurt was gone, looking just as heartbroken as Blaine did, standing on the concrete flooring.

Why did Blaine care so much? He had no feelings towards Kurt whatsoever. He didnt. He refused to.

A relationship that starts out with hatred never works well, He told himself.

Did he even want a relationship with Kurt? Did he have those feelings for him?


A few weeks ago an article was released exposing pop star Blaine Anderson, however when asked, he confirmed that the picture was not, in fact, him. Now the same anonymous picture sender sent in a picture. It is unclear whether this is in fact Blaine Anderson and what people are speculating to be Blaines stylist, Kurt Hummel. Where, who seems to be Blaine, placing kisses all over the other mans neck. But what about Blaines girlfriend, Ava? One of his dancers. Have your say: Do you think that picture is Blaine Anderson? Or is it a mere coincidence?

daisychain102: Its extremely unprofessional for Blaine to date his stylist out of all people. I highly doubt that this is Blaine Anderson.

BlaineLovers: And dating one of his dancers isnt?

BDAFans: I think it is Blaine but hes lying to us.

AndersonMarryMe: Oh would you look at that, a fake fan.

BDAFans: Just because I think that its Blaine? Oh get real. If it is nobody should have a problem with it because we dont know the full story. What if he prefers men over women? I think it would be adorable.


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