State of The Art
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State of The Art: Chapter 5

M - Words: 1,221 - Last Updated: Aug 06, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Apr 23, 2012 - Updated: Aug 06, 2012
615 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: Good Afternooon (: Or night/depending where you all are!Chapter 6 will be up tomorrow or Sunday!*Check out my other stories I have posted, I promise to have more :)


"God damn it!" Blaine sighed and searched his pockets once again. 

"Where the Hell did I put my keys?" He glanced around and looked to see if he dropped them anywhere. He couldn't have lost them, he only strayed about 

3 blocks. With no other ideas left, Blaine pulled out his cell phone. 

He scrolled down his contact list until he got to "Kurt :)" and hit the button to send a text.

"Did you happen to see where I put my keys? I can't find them anywhere, and I'm locked out. I have no other options left :("

Blaine grunted in frusturation and stared down at Bentley.

"You'll get to eat soon, Bent. Daddy promises." Blaine stroked his ears softly and loosened his collar a bit. They might be out here for a little while.

One New Text.

It was a strange feeling, really. Blaine wasn't used to getting texts. He had limited friends and usually was only texted if they needed a favor or wanted to occassionally go out for a drink. Except for Cooper. Cooper tried to text Blaine every day, to catch up on their hectic lives. Correction, Cooper's hectic life. Blaine rarely had anything to speak about, for his routine was the same each and every day. He figured Cooper got bored of him, and that's why he didn't text him today.

His heart jumped a little in his chest when he noticed it was from Kurt.

"Nope, I'm sorry. :'( Do you want me to come down and see if I can help? I have a bit of experience with lock-picking ;)." 

Blaine instantly smiled at his words. He wants to come down. And help him. Kurt. Beautiful, Handsome Kurt. Honestly, he couldn't say no. It wasn't in his nature, anyway.

"I don't want you to come all the way over here... but yeah, if you could help that'd be amazing."

Blaine shot off a quick text and opened his waterbottle, pouring a little out to let Bentley lick at the transparent, refreshing liquid.

"I'm literally about 2 blocks down, I'll be right over. See you soon, Blaine :)." 

Oh my god Kurt was coming over. He was going to see him soon, again. Blaine instantly fixed his hair and licked his lips.

He was being ridiculous, it wasn't like he was going to pay attention to what Blaine looked like. Kurt was being friendly, just helping a fellow citizen out. Like.. community service, except there was no badges. Neighborly and all that stuff.

Blaine sat down on his porch step and took a deep breath, observing his community. It was nice and simple, a decent neighborhood filled with nice people. Except Blaine had never really been one with neighbors, he only knew the older lady above him, Mrs. Coyle and her grand-daughter Santana. Santana seemed to be a nice girl, but Blaine never noticed her much. He was anti-social and she seemed to be a popular party girl, so he kept his distance besides a polite wave on occasion and mere greetings. Blaine squinted and smiled instantly as soon as he saw Kurt walking down the street. Blaine noticed that he turned a corner and was onto his road, so he must live close. Well that could come in handy. Wait. Not. Creepy, handy. But. Yeah. Still. How could he not have noticed Kurt living near here before? 

"Well, fancy meeting you here!" Kurt exclaimed across the street as he approached slowly, winking from the distance and smiling at Blaine.

"Shhh! You're going to wake everyone up!" Blaine giggled softly and tugged tighter onto Bentley's leash. Bent was certainly excited to see Kurt, but not more than Blaine.

His heart was doing that little flip-flop thing again. Goddamit Blaine, relax. He's just a nice guy. Keep your calm and maybe he won't run away.

"At 7pm? That seems a little early, Blaine." 

"Well, there's old people around here so they tend to bid themselves goodnight earlier than normal." 

"Whatever you say, Mister Know-It-All." Kurt winked at Blaine and walked up to the door, picking a small, metal clip out of his lush coat pocket.

"How do you know how to pick locks?" Blaine looked curiously at his hands and the way he held onto the clip cautiously, examining Kurt's perfectly manicured hands.

"Long story short, my step-brother, Finn, used to steal my socks. Don't even ask what he used them for, but I'm sure you can figure it out. He apparently enjoyed mine more because they were softer and smaller than his.." Kurt blushed a little at the memory and slowly slid the cip into the doorhole. (LOL)

"Ahuh.. well, you get to work on that." Blaine stood back a bit and took this time to admire Kurt's perfect figure. He was like a model, a prince and a dream all combined in one. Blaine let his eyes wander down his body, glaring softly at Kurt's beautiful hips and his perfectly formed ass. God, I wish I could put my hands there. 

"Blaine Anderson, are you enjoying the view back there?" Kurt turned around and smiled at Blaine, and wiggled his butt jokingly as he turned the knob.

"I-I uh, no, I'm uh. I-I u-uh Bentley. Bentley was..he was um, I uh. I don't know. I'm sorry." Blaine's face instantly heated up and he forced his eyes away from Kurt's face apologetically. 

"Don't worry about it." Kurt pushed open the door and let himself inside. 

Oh he wanted to come in. This was amazing. 

Blaine watched carefully as Kurt took in Blaine's decently-sized apartment, the lack of color in the walls and small amount of decoration obviously offending him. 

"Your place is nice. It just a prison in here. All secluded and sealed off from the rest of the World." Critically, Kurt ran his hand slowly along the walls and grazing his fingers over Blaine's counters.

"Oh..Yeah. I like it quiet.." Was all Blaine could manage. Stupid, Stupid. Just focus. Make conversation. You don't want him to leave, do you? Blaine thought, mentally hitting himself in the face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. It's just, I guess being gay has taught me to have different tastes." Kurt said nonchalantly. He didn't even stutter over admitting he was gay. He seemed perfectly fine with it, like it was natural to him.

"You're gay?" Blaine asked too quickly and with not the right words. Blaine you're so stupid. You can't just ask someone if they're gay..but he did kind of just admit it, so in the first place that was a stupid question. 

"Yes. You're not some homophobic asshole, are you?"

"No..No. I'm gay too." Blaine attemped to smile but figured it must've come off as a constipated grin.

"That's lovely. Well, I better be going. It was nice seeing you again, Blaine. Don't forget to text me." Without another word or even waiting for a reply, Kurt slid out the door quietly. 

Blaine went to the kitchen and took out Bentley's food from the bag, pouring it into his bowl. He went to the sink and filled up his other metal container with water, and placed them both on the floor. He smiled at himself as he saw Bentley's eyes instantly lit up with contentment, and Blaine walked over to his couch. There was most likely nothing on TV, so he pulled out his cell phone and scrolled back down to his contact list.

"Goodnight, Kurt. Thank you for your help. -Blaine" 

"My pleasure. :) Goodnight to you too, sweet dreams! -Kurt"



End Notes: Thank you all for reading! Don't forget to come backKlainey Kisses ♥btw I just had to put that LOL in there because it was giggle-worthy. hehe.Also, I'm thinking the next chapter might be via TEXTS only but in Kurt's perspective.(following the Blaine:Kurt format).I just want to say that will NOT be a copy of Little Numbers and I am not in anyway attempting to plagarize. It will be my own writing, and probably only happen in 1/ 2+ chapters.Little Numbers is a great story and I suggest you all check it out!


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he he another great chappy! and don't worry i don't think you copied off of little numbers. in fact i think this story is much better. i'm not really a big fan of little numbers. :)

Wow, thank you! That's actually amazing just hearing that, because that story is one of the biggest in the fandoms, haha. Thank you once again! :)