Sept. 5, 2012, 2:46 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2012, 2:46 p.m.
Kurt stood backstage, watching as another person concluded their speech. It had been about an hour in of the fundraiser, and Blaine still wasn't here yet. But Kurt remained calm, because he had no doubt in his mind that he wouldn't show up. After all, he just won a gold medal. Clearly he'd be busy, but he'd find time to get here before their performance. Carefully, he held his script in a tight yet relaxed grip in his hands. He was up next, to make a proper introduction to their guests. It was a full house, and it seemed that people were having a great time. The fans were in their most classiful element, there was no screaming or begging for autographs. Though each time one of them caught Kurt, he'd stop for a brief moment and talk with them. They were absolutely ecstatic that they had such dedication to their fans, and Kurt was happy to oblige.
When the presenter stepped off stage, shook hands with Kurt, and then disappeared, Kurt was given his cue to go on the podium.
As Kurt stepped onto the stage, he gave a gentle wave and a tiny smile. The audience erupted in applause, and Kurt blushed from the welcoming attention. He straightened his expensive, sleek suit and stepped up onto the large podium resting center stage.
"Hello," Kurt began, and the clapping ceased around him. "Thank you for coming to this event tonight. It is my absolute pleasure to be here with all of you extraordinary people. Whether you're a talk show host, a famous actress, or even a fangirl who runs a blog: you're the people I admire. The people that give us hope for a more accepting, greater generation. Today, in this room, we are equal. Nobody is superior to the other, we are all sitting here today with one simple goal: To change the World to be equal to all." A couple of claps echoed throughout the room, and Kurt walked off the podium. A man with a handheld microphone walked over, and Kurt went to go sit at the bottom of the stage, mike in hand. "Though we all know deep down inside, that is basically Mission: Impossible. But hope is what keeps the heart pumping, what keeps the prize solid and golden. So, my dear friends, push forward with entire hope that one day, the World will be different and more excepting. Maybe not in my day, or yours, but hopefully in our offspring."
"If nobody opposes, I'd like to share my story." He continued, crossing his legs properly and looking out into the crowd that was eagerly staring up at him. There was a lack of cameras raised, except for the few reporters aligning the back wall. It was truly a personal, touching moment. Everybody in the building was entranced by Kurt's quiet, calm tone and his relaxed demeanor. His words spoke what others have feared to say, or never had the pride of admitting this truth. "I came from a background where people were completely unaccepting. I was bullied each and every day for being the lone gay kid at my school. I was stereo-typed, which I still am to this day, and tortured for something I had zero absolute control over. And I've come to realize that this hateful attitude toward the 'different' kids has decreased. People have grown up, realized their wrongs. However, it's still an evident problem today. Young people who never had the chance to expierence something great in their lives because it ended too soon have died because of these actions. Who knows? One of those children could have been the next Mother Teresa, or an equivalent. It is something I take such trouble in saying, because I was once in their position. A huge aspect we are all working for is the legalization of gay marriage in all fifty states of America. Hopefully one day, worldwide acceptance. I, for one, am definitely looking forward to the possibility of tying-the-knot in my future and I certainly don't want to have to travel to an entire different area to do so. Here we have all gathered in celebration; to help build hope for a better tomorrow. I want to again, thank you all for attending this evening. As you know, Blaine Anderson was supposed to be accompanying me today, and he will definitely be as soon as possible. After all, he just won an Olympic gold medal. So, Congratulations to him!" Kurt smiled, clapping along once again with everybody else. "And with that, enjoy yourselves!" He smiled, dropping down to the floor and dancing at the front when the music began playing. A couple of fans kind of huddled him, but Kurt relaxed and danced along with them. At the back of his mind though, Kurt analyzed the truth in his closing words. He would just have to wait until Blaine showed up.
"Come on, come on..." Blaine sighed, resting his head against the comfortable leather abyss of seat behind him. The traffic was ridiculous at rush hour, and Blaine's limo had been in a deadlock for about fifteen minutes. He was unbelievably close to the building where the fundraiser was being held, and he couldn't even get there because of the huge build-up of agonizing nonmoving traffic.
It was almost six o'clock now, and Blaine was incredibly late. As a final resort, Blaine double checked his feet to confirm that his flats were secured tightly to his feet. Running his fingers through his tangle of curls, Blaine turned the lock on the back door and pushed it open. He stared at the mass of cars around them, swallowing the street, before he stepped out onto the open road, slamming the door shut. He ran to the passenger window, tapped goodbye to his driver and dashed down the road. Blaine quickly manuevered towards the sidewalk, using his athletic stamina to run to the event.
Dozens of people caught sight of him running down the crowded sidewalks, but to Blaine they were simply a blur of figures and odd glances. A couple of people pointed out his status, but he just smiled, nodded and kept on running. Barely breaking a sweat, Blaine increased his pace as he neared the doors. The area was surrounded by police, bodyguards and various other protective services. Blaine slowed to a walk, straightening his suit and attempting to re-align his haphazard combobulation of hair. A woman who also seemed to be in a rush almost slammed into Blaine's side, sending him toward a questionable-looking shop. But Blaine kept pushing forward, literally, and quickened his strides.
Blaine shook out his thoughts and kept walking towards the building. One of Blaine's bodyguards who had arrived earlier had noticed him hastily walking down the street, and rushed up to meet Blaine. Without any words, he had attached himself to Blaine's side and escorted him quickly towards the doors. Blaine smiled to the clan of photographers situated outside of the building, waving to them as they snapped endless photos of his enterance. He made it.