Perfect's Overdone
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Perfect's Overdone: Young Love

T - Words: 3,203 - Last Updated: Jun 15, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Jan 28, 2014 - Updated: Jan 28, 2014
226 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N: is it just me or do they kiss A LOT? ;)

Sorry that there was no chapter last week, I dont intend on that happening again for a while. Thanks for coming back this week, I appreciate your constant support so much :)

Kurt Hummel is in a relationship with Blaine Anderson.

Kurt had looked at the Facebook life event so many times in the last few days, still trying to get the idea to settle. He had never had a boyfriend in his life, but the title fitted Blaine so easily. It was weird to think that things were different between them, but it was such a good kind of different that it made Kurt smile when he had little thoughts about it in class. All of the fundamental basis to their immediate friendship was still there, but now they were allowed to kiss one another within social acceptability just about whenever they liked.

Blaine A. Good afternoon, boyfriend. Will I be seeing you at the LARP this fine evening?

Kurt read the text and grinned down at his phone, quickly tapping out his response. Rachel glared at him from across the choir room. Why Kurt always texted Blaine during glee, he wasnt sure. But it always made the hour or so feel better.

Kurt H. Hey, boyfriend. I will indeed be there. Save some Nightarcy cuddles for me :3

"Does anyone have anything they want to talk about?" Mister Schuester asked. He clearly meant that about the theme for the week, but the glee club had other plans.

"How about how Kurt has a boyfriend now?" Santana piped up. Everyone in the room turned to look at Kurt with varying degrees of surprise. Most of them would have seen it on Facebook days ago, Kurt knew, but it was as though it being put into spoken words changed everything. Tina and Mercedes were beaming, Finn looked uncomfortable, Puck seemed oddly proud. Mister Schuester practically choked on his breath.

"Kurt, Id just like to remind you of the complete disaster that came from me dating Jesse St. James. Dating the leader of a rival glee club may seem like a very romantic Romeo and Juliet gesture, but it can only lead to being harmful for everyone involved! Even those of us who arent involved will be affected by your eventual break up!" Rachel said.

"Who said we were going to break up?" Kurt replied defensively, "We only started dating on New Years."

"Facebook says it was Sunday morning," Tina piped up. Kurt and Rachel both narrowed their eyes at her and she cowered back. There was no denying the power of their joint bitch glare, despite them glaring for such different reasons.

"Guys, can we discuss Kurts new boyfriend later?" Mister Schuester said, "If any of you were paying attention, I just wrote a theme up on the board-" Kurt glanced over to see that the word SECRETS had indeed been written up.

"Are you just jealous because Kurt is getting more than you?" Santana quipped, "His shiny hobbit boyfriend has a great ass."

"Its fine, we dont even need to talk about this."

"Thank you, Kurt," Mister Schuester said somewhat uncomfortably, having let Santana throw him off his game. "So this week…" Kurt ultimately tuned out then, turning his attention back to his phone and shiny hobbit boyfriend.

Blaine A. Do you think I could save some Blurt cuddles too?

Kurt grinned. The out of character cuddles were less knew than everything else, but the title made it seem so much bigger.

Kurt H. Is that our portmanteau?

Blaine A. I dont know, you and Hadley are much better than me at this.

Kurt H. Klaine?

Blaine A. But then your name gets to go first. :(

Kurt H. But look, you have five letters and I only have one!

Blaine A. Okay, Klaine has won me over.

Kurt H. You mean *I* won you over.

Blaine A. You did that a while ago.

Kurt made an odd noise as he stifled his internal awwww. Mercedes gestured at him to show her his phone and he obliged. He trusted Mercedes and she truly was his best friend, and he didnt want to let his new friends or his quickly made best friend turned boyfriend get in the way of that. She wouldnt hassle him about the content, and he wasnt disappointed with her reaction. She smiled at him and whispered, "Could he get any cuter? Really?" Kurt nodded, and she laughed softly.

Kurt H. :3

Blaine A. B)

Kurt H. :P

Blaine A. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Blaine A. was that too many Xs? We only JUST started dating.

Kurt H. I want all the Xs that youll give me. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Blaine A. Oh Kurt, you sure know how to charm a guy.

Kurt H. and here I was thinking that YOU were the charmer in this relationship.

Blaine A. because Im a prep school boy?

Kurt H. because youre a prep school boy. My dad said you were charming and everything.

Kurt never did find out what it was that Blaine had said to Burt that had made him like him so much, but it didnt take much to guess that it had worked.

Blaine A. I passed the papa Hummel test? :D

Kurt H. Not yet, you didnt. You have to come over for dinner sometime.

Blaine A. Oh, yikes. I can do tonight after the LARP, if you want?

Kurt H. Yes! Ill let my parents know :)

Kurt sent a text to both his dad and Carole to let them know that they would have company. Neither of them seemed to mind in the slightest, as he expected, and Carole thanked him for letting her know far enough in advance so that she could cook for five instead of their usual four.

Glee finally ended, though it seemed to drag on and on. As Kurt was leaving he heard Mister Schuester ask Rachel, "Whos his boyfriend?" Rachel sighed.

"Blaine Anderson, the lead soloist of the Warblers." Kurt glanced over his shoulder just in time to catch Mister Schuester making a face of pure discontent. He had no idea what it was that Mister Schuester had against Blaine and he doubted he would ever find out, but it was hugely entertaining to him nonetheless.

Kurt arrived at Erica and Lukes house so early that the Dalton boys hadnt bothered to change into their costumes yet. He hadnt really noticed that he had gotten out of glee early- maybe Mister Schuester was really that upset about his new relationship- but it was a kind of nice surprise. Marley raced in ahead of him and darted to the bathroom to change into her costume, while Kurt bounced into the living room and sat down next to Blaine. Blaines face lit up excitedly to see him and it made Kurt want to giggle.

"Hey, you," Blaine said brightly.

"Hi yourself," Kurt replied.

Blaine leaned in really close and whispered, "how do you feel about PDA?" Kurt looked around the group- Nick and Jeff who were wrapped up in one another, and Ethan tapping out some rhythm on his thigh while he talked absently with Erica.

"This isnt really public."

"Good," Blaine breathed, and leaned in to kiss Kurt. He was perfectly happy to oblige and meet him.

"Well hello, boys," Erica said, "Should we start a slow clap now, or..?"

"Were official now. Didnt you see on Facebook?"

"Of course I saw, but I worried it was like those white girls who insist on calling one another wifey." All of the boys made various faces of dislike. "Yeah, I know, guys. But Im really happy for you. Glad you got your act together."

"Mm. Me too," Kurt said, snuggling into Blaines side. Blaine kissed the top of his head. Marley walked into the living room in her full hero costume and looked around.

"Why am I the only one whos ready to LARP?" she asked. The others all sort of shrugged.

"We can be low key today," Erica said, "you know, focus more on relationships in preparation for the upcoming plotter than on the plots. Have sort of a catch up session. You know what, you guys can just get going whenever. The others can just join in when they turn up."

"Im going to put my costume on," Blaine announced and gently pried Kurt off of him in order to stand up and head for the bathroom. When he returned, a few of the other roleplayers had joined, and Erica encouraged them to go into character. Blaine took Kurts hand and pulled him upstairs and into the guest room. Blaine kissed Kurt enthusiastically and he didnt hesitate to reciprocate, pulling Blaine close with his arms wrapped around him. He barely registered what was happening until Blaine walked him back against the bed and they flopped down together, Kurt pulling Blaine closer.

"You have a thing for the cape, dont you?" Blaine teased.

"I have a thing for you," Kurt replied, kissing Blaine hungrily. They flipped over and Kurt had Blaine pinned beneath him against the bed, and it suddenly dawned on him that this was what constituted making out. He was making out with his boyfriend. He trailed his lips down Blaines neck, nipping beneath his jaw, and Blaine whined.

"We um, we should probably slow down a little," Blaine said as soon as he could form the words. Kurt pulled away. The lines between Kurt and Blaine and Darcy and Nightbird were blurred, but he just couldnt care. They were dating in character too, so why the hell not?

"Uh, sorry."

"No, its okay, I um, I liked it. Im just worried we were liking it, uh, too much."

"Oh, right." Kurt felt a little bit flustered all of a sudden and moved off of his boyfriend completely.

"We can keep kissing, you know." Kurt shuffled up against the headboard and Blaine adjusted so that their legs were side by side but he was leaning over Kurt, and gently began to kiss him again.

After the session ended and the group sufficiently hassled them about how they were the disappearing couple of the day ("Its not fair, they date in character and out of character!" Luke had teased when Erica had pointed it out), Blaine changed out of his Nightbird costume and back into his Dalton uniform.

"Its more appropriate dinner attire," he rationalised. They drove in their separate cars to Kurts house, and then met outside before heading in.

"Ready?" Kurt asked. Blaine nodded. "Just one thing…" Kurt lifted his hand to smooth down a few of Blaines curls that had sprung free. Blaine blushed softly, probably thinking about the events that had led to his hair getting messed up anyway.

They walked hand in hand to the door and then straight inside. Carole and Burt were hovering just inside the doorway, obviously anticipating their arrival. "Hi," Kurt said, "thanks for letting Blaine come over for dinner."

"Oh, its no trouble, darling. Im Carole," she introduced herself. Blaine extended a hand to her and she shook it.

"Im Blaine," he replied, then offering his hand to Burt, "Its good to see you again, sir."

"You too, kid."

"Do you need a hand with anything?" Blaine asked, looking between his boyfriends parents. Carole looked pleasantly surprised.

"No, but thank you, honey. Well come and get you when dinners ready." Kurt nodded towards the stairs, which Blaine immediately took as a cue to follow him, and they headed up the stairs together.

"Door open!" Burt called after them, and Kurt ignored it.

"Youve been in my room before," Kurt said as they sat down on the bed beside one another, "this isnt some grand moment. Youre not automatically learning new things about me by being here."

"I dont need a grand moment." Blaine said. He swung his legs gently, and oh, it was precious. He couldnt quite reach the floor from where he was sitting on the bed. Kurt thought that if he scooted forward to the edge a bit further he would reach, but as it was his legs were hanging.

"What do you want to do now?"

"Well…" Blaine leaned forward and kissed Kurt softly. "Okay, Im satisfied. What do you want to do? Its your house."

"And youre the guest." Kurt stood up from the bed and walked across to his desk, where he hit play on his docked iPod. His playlist began to play softly, creating background buzz. He rolled his eyes as he sat back down. "How are you, Blaine?" Kurt said, realising they had barely talked normally all day.

"Im well," Blaine said, "were working on some new arrangements for the Warblers at the moment, and thats going quite nicely. Were experimenting with some Broadway stuff to contrast against the pop."

"Oh, what Broadway stuff?"

"Well, Im a solid supporter of Seasons of Love, but the others dont think it suits all male groups well enough. Its a shame we dont have a dashing young countertenor to hit the high notes for us."

"Oh, stop," Kurt said, waving his hand. Blaine was all but batting his eyelashes at him. "You just really love Rent."

"I do really love Rent. I do have a soft spot where dashing young countertenors are concerned, too." Blaine got to his feet and extended a hand to Kurt who didnt hesitate to accept it, pulling him close as they began to dance flirtatiously around Kurts small bedroom. All too perfectly, the song switched over to Ill Cover You, one of the songs that they had promised to duet together.

"Id sing," Kurt said quietly, "but Im not convinced that my dad wouldnt stand outside the door to applaud at the end."

"Hes your biggest fan, huh?" Kurt nodded. Burt would always be the head of the hypothetical Kurt Hummel Fan Association, but if the way things had gone in the last few weeks were any indication, Blaine would be giving Burt a run for his money one day. "We have all the time in the world for singing. Lets just let this be as it is for now," Blaine said. The hushed voices between them made Kurt feel as though they were wrapped up in their own little world. They werent Angel and Collins, and they werent Nightbird and Darcy. They were Kurt and Blaine, and Kurt had never been happier to be himself. With Blaine, he never felt like he had to pretend.

The song ended and blended into another, and Kurt slowly lost track of how many songs had passed as he stood with Blaines arms around him. Blaines lips brushed against Kurts jaw and he tilted his head slightly to give him better access, sighing happily at the feeling. When their lips finally met, it felt like it had been an eternity rather than a handful of minutes that had passed since they had last connected.

Kurt doubted he would ever be able to return to a world where kissing his boyfriend wasnt an option.

"Mom sent me to tell you that- woah," Finn said at the door of the bedroom. The boys sprung apart, and Kurt quickly hopped across the room to silence the music. "To tell you to wash up because dinner will be in three minutes."

"Thank you, Finn," Kurt said, resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. Finn meant well, but he had zero subtlety and he had a tendency to infuriate Kurt with the smallest gestures. They hadnt been family for long, but it was hard to tell when you looked at the pair at home that it was the case. They argued as much as any family would expect, always over the tiniest details.

"Sorry," Blaine said, smiling shyly at Kurt as Finn hurried away, the audible "No, they werent making out, they were like, dancing, or whatever," in Finns voice downstairs making them giggle, "Its just hard not to when youre all… you know…"

Kurt smiled. "Not really, but I appreciate the thought." They went downstairs together and sat beside one another at the remaining two places that were set at the table. Kurt squeezed Blaines hand supportively underneath the table as they began to eat.

"So, Blaine," Burt started, "Kurt tells me that you go to Dalton. Is that a good school?"

"Yes, sir. I transferred at the end of my first year of high school after getting into a situation at the public school, and Im really happy there," Blaine answered.

"Situation?" Burt sounded sceptical, "its not a reform school, right?"

"Oh! No, its a prep school. It wasnt that kind of a situation, Mister Hummel. I transferred for their zero tolerance bullying policy, actually."

"Oh. Are the extracurricular activities any good?" Burt continued to make polite chat with Blaine, along with the three others occasionally contributing. After Blaines initial mention of the bullying, he didnt push the topic any further. He just knew how it was between Kurt and Blaine, how hugely important the boy was for his son. Kurt was grateful- gay bashing was hardly a first dinner with the parents kind of table topic. His face value acceptance of Blaines appreciation for the policy was enough for Burt.

Blaine seemed to impress Burt in all aspects, from his academics, to his sporting knowledge, to his glee club, to his manners and kindness. When Blaine called him sir right as they finished their meals, Burt told him to call him by his first name- and Kurt knew that was the sign of true approval from him.

"Can I help with the dishes?" Blaine offered, looking between Burt and Carole.

"Oh no, honey, youre the guest," Carole insisted, "besides, you really should be getting home, its quite the drive from here. But thank you, Im not used to having offers from these boys." She looked deliberately at Finn, who shuffled his cutlery around on the plate and avoided eye contact. Kurt rolled his eyes at Finn but made no effort to volunteer himself.

"Youre right," Blaine agreed. After some shuffling around as they stacked dishes in the kitchen, everyone walked Blaine to the door. Kurt couldnt believe they were treating his boyfriend like a shiny new toy- that was meant to be his job, wasnt it?

"Thank you for dinner," Blaine said, hugging Carole again, "And you, Burt. It was good to talk with you again."

"You too, kid. Youre a good guy." Finn fist bumped Blaine as he said goodbye and ducked away as their parents glared at the couple.

"Im going to walk Blaine out to his car," Kurt announced, wanting the chance to kiss him goodnight but not wanting to do it in front of his parents. Burt seemed to understand that perfectly, and though Carole took the hint and pulled him into the living room, Kurt knew that Burt was less than happy at the idea.

"Thank you for inviting me to dinner, Kurt," Blaine said, "it was great. I like your family."

"I like them too."

"I should be going." Kurt didnt miss the hopeful hinting in Blaines voice, and Kurt glanced back towards the house (he could have sworn he saw the curtains moving) before he allowed himself to slide his arms around his boyfriends neck and kiss him.

"Good night, Blaine," he said slightly breathlessly as they broke apart.

"Night, Kurt. Ill text you tomorrow."

"Tonight? Let me know that you get home safe," he said, adjusting Blaines lapel and tie just so.

"Okay, Ill do that." Blaine pecked him on the cheek quickly before he climbed into his car. Kurt returned to the doorstep of the house and stayed there until Blaine was out of sight down the street.

When Kurt returned to the house, Burt smiled at him firmly. "Hes good for you, you know," he said, "He makes you happy."

"So happy."

"You deserve that happiness. And you know, I think youre good for him too." And there was nothing more that Kurt could hope for in their early relationship.


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