Aug. 31, 2012, 9:06 p.m.
Aug. 31, 2012, 9:06 p.m.
While Blaine was fearfully searching for him, Kurt was still in the alley, pressed up against the wall of the bank. Sebastian had let go of him, but was blocking the only way out. Kurt was too afraid to move from his spot, much less make a run for it. Not with Sebastian pacing back and forth, holding on to that knife. He wasn’t sure that the other boy would really use it on him, but he didn’t want to risk it. He had to come up with a plan somehow. He only half-listened as Sebastian began to speak.
“See, Kurt, I don’t think it’s a big secret that I don’t really care for you all that much. And the reason for that is the fact that, for whatever strange, cruel reason, Blaine is in love with you. And you know what, Kurt? I think he deserves better. Much better than you.”
Kurt bit back the angry retort that threatened to erupt from his lips and summoned all his willpower not to punch Sebastian right in the face. The other boy had opened his knife up to a particularly sharp-looking blade, and the sight of it was making Kurt weak with panic. He did not want to risk making Sebastian snap and use the knife on him.
“In fact,” Sebastian continued, leaning against the opposite wall from Kurt and crossing his arms smugly, “I think Blaine and I would make a far better match. Wouldn’t you agree? Wait, don’t answer that. Of course you don’t. You think entirely too highly of yourself. Honestly, someone should have knocked you down a peg or two a hell of a long time ago.”
Kurt heard the words coming out of the other boy’s mouth, but was not really listening. His mind was racing. By now, Blaine would have noticed how long he had been gone and would be looking for him, right? If he couldn’t find him, surely he would call for help. Yes, of course he would. But who knew how long that would take? Kurt desperately tried to think of a way to escape without making his situation worse. If only there was a way to distract Sebastian long enough for Kurt to run past him and onto the street. Unfortunately, the alley was very narrow and he knew that, if he tried to run past Sebastian, the other boy would block him easily.
“Now, Kurtie, here’s the deal I think is fair,” said Sebastian in a low voice, stroking the knife blade in an almost loving way as he spoke. “You are going to end your relationship with Blaine. I don’t care how you do it, but you’re going to make absolutely sure that he knows that you never want to see or talk to him again. You’re going to tell him to transfer back to Dalton so that you don’t have to even be in the same school as him anymore.”
Kurt was pulled completely out of his thoughts of escape by the shock of Sebastian’s words. “WHAT? Are you insane?”
Sebastian lunged forward and put his face very close to Kurt’s. “I didn’t say you could talk, did I? But, since you asked, no. I’m not insane. In fact, I think this is quite clever. See, Blaine will be so heartbroken over losing you. I don’t know WHY. I mean, look at you. But he will. And when that happens, I’ll be there to help him pick up the pieces.”
He stepped back from Kurt and gave him a smug smile. “I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “What if I refuse?” Well, Kurt, I hate to sound like a cliché, but I have connections and ways in which I can make your life miserable. Hell, I don’t even have to hurt you to hurt you. Maybe I can just visit your step-brother one day. He’s as dumb as a box of rocks. He’d fall for anything easily. Maybe a friendly chat to distract him as someone plants an explosive device in his truck. Hmm? How’s that sound, Kurt?” He paused. “Or maybe,” he said in a low voice, putting his face back near Kurt’s with a dangerous gleam in his eye, “Maybe I can arrange a surprise visit to your dad.”
All of Kurt’s self-control left him at once. Without even thinking, he brought a hand up and slapped Sebastian hard, right across the face. The boy looked only momentarily taken aback before his eyes darkened with anger. “You really shouldn’t have done that,” he growled, hooking the fingers of one hand into the fabric of Kurt’s coat and pulling him toward himself. His other hand brought the open knife up to Kurt’s face, but did not touch him with it. “Long story short, Pretty Boy, you’re going to break up with Blaine, or this,” he said, bringing the knife ever closer to Kurt, “will only be the beginning of your troubles.” As Sebastian finished talking, Kurt felt the knife blade connect with the side of his face as Sebastian cut a thin stripe down his cheek. He cried out loudly in pain, bringing a hand up to his face to feel the damage, and let out a strangled sob as he felt blood. He struggled to break free of Sebastian’s grasp, but the other boy was surprisingly strong.
“Do we understand each other, Kurt?” asked Sebastian, bringing a finger up to tap at the wound he had inflicted, causing Kurt to whimper. “Do you comprehend what will happen if you don’t follow instructions? Or do you need more convinci-“
“GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM! RIGHT NOW!” Both boys turned to see Blaine lunging toward them, fists clenched in anger, his face looking positively murderous.
Blaine wasn’t even sure what he was doing. He felt as if he were on autopilot. All he knew was that Kurt needed him. He marched furiously toward where Sebastian stood holding roughly onto Kurt, HIS Kurt, while the other boy whimpered, and…was that BLOOD on Kurt’s face? Oh, hell no. He reached them in record time and grabbed onto the hood of Sebastian’s jacket, pulling him off of Kurt and pushing him hard into the wall before crossing over to his boyfriend. Blaine threw his arms around him and held him close, feeling Kurt’s heart beat a mile a minute as he buried his face into Blaine’s shoulder and sobbed. Blaine just stood and held him for a minute, rubbing small circles on Kurt’s back and whispering gently into his ear.
“Shhh. It’s OK. You’re OK. I’ve got you. I won’t let go. Never let you go. You’re safe now.” He brought one hand up and gently lifted Kurt’s face until their eyes met. “You’re OK,” Blaine repeated. His eyes wandered over to Kurt’s cheek, which was now marred by a long, bloody, angry-looking stripe. He ghosted his fingers over it, not daring to actually touch it, lest he cause Kurt even more pain. His eyes darkened furiously and he turned around to glare at Sebastian, holding Kurt to him even tighter as he did so.
“You have five seconds to get out of my sight before I kick your ass,” growled Blaine, his voice shaking with anger. “And don’t think we’re not going to the police about this, either. I am done. DONE.”
Sebastian got up from where he had landed when Blaine pushed him and dusted himself off calmly. “Blaine, I know you’re upset right now, but…”
“But NOTHING, Sebastian. How much of a cold-hearted asshole are you that you think this is even remotely OK? How STUPID are you to think you could lay a hand on my boyfriend and get away with it? And what for? Because you have some dumbass idea in your head that you and I would be together if not for Kurt?” Blaine was practically shaking with rage now. He summoned every ounce of willpower he had left and led Kurt over to the side, gently making him sit down. “Baby, stay here for a minute. Please.” Kurt sniffed and nodded. Blaine turned back around and advanced on Sebastian, fists clenched. Sebastian opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the connection of Blaine’s fist with his jaw, which caused him to stumble and fall. Blaine stared down at him, his fists never breaking formation as he furiously spat out his next words.
“If you EVER even so much as THINK of touching Kurt again, you had better learn to sleep with one eye open, Smythe. Because if I find out about it, I will hunt you down like the animal you are. Do you understand me?”
Sebastian blinked up at him. Blaine watched as he pulled himself up and rubbed his injured jaw thoughtfully. Blaine turned and was about to go collect Kurt and leave when Sebastian’s next words stopped him right in his tracks.
“I don’t know, Blaine. If hurting Kurt’s feelings is apparently what it takes to get you to touch me, I can’t say I’d mind. I like it rough, anyway,” he said, still rubbing his jaw, a smile appearing on his face.
Almost before he had finished talking, Blaine had pounced. From his spot against the wall where Blaine had left him, Kurt could see his boyfriend grab hold of Sebastian’s jacket to keep him in place as his other fist flew at every part of the boy he could reach, punching him repeatedly. After the third or fourth punch, Sebastian tried to wriggle free of Blaine’s grasp and failed. Kurt watched as the boy struggled to reach into his jacket pocket, and a horrible thought occurred to him as he realized what Sebastian was searching for.
“BLAINE! STOP!” Kurt shouted as he shakily stood up. Blaine froze and turned to look at him, the momentary distraction being all it took for Sebastian to land one good punch to his stomach, causing Blaine to let go of him with a sharp gasp of pain. Now free of Blaine’s hold, Sebastian turned toward Kurt and glared, advancing on him as one hand retrieved the half-open knife from his pocket.
“This is all your fault, you know, Hummel. You cause nothing but problems for me.” He opened the knife all the way and gripped it hard in one hand. “Nothing. But. Problems.”
Kurt swallowed and glanced at the open knife with dread. “Sebastian,” he breathed in a frightened whisper, “Please, don’t...”
The other boy gripped the knife even harder and took several more steps toward Kurt, staring into his eyes with a look of pure malice. Kurt felt his stomach drop as Sebastian raised the hand holding the knife in preparation to use it. He closed his eyes and whimpered as he waited for the sharp stab of pain he was expecting any moment.
It didn’t come.
Kurt opened his eyes when he heard Sebastian swear loudly. The first thing he saw was Sebastian running as fast as he could out of the alley, dropping the knife on his way and filling Kurt with a sense of relief. The relief didn’t last long, for the second thing he saw was Blaine, crumpled in an unconscious heap at his feet.
“Blaine?” Kurt whispered, kneeling down beside him and gently shaking his shoulders. “Blaine? Blaine, please answer me. BLAINE!”
Blaine didn’t move. Kurt felt panic quickly rising within him as he slipped one arm beneath his boyfriend and gingerly turned him over with the other, pulling Blaine into his lap. He then gasped in horror as he saw a large, red blotch quickly spreading across the front of Blaine’s grey jacket. With trembling fingers, Kurt hurriedly unzipped the jacket and let out a sob as he moved it aside to reveal Blaine’s blood-soaked sweater.
“Oh, God, Blaine! HELP! Somebody HELP ME, PLEASE!” Kurt shouted. With Blaine still in his lap, he fumbled in the pocket of his pants for his cell phone before he remembered he hadn’t brought it with him when he left the car. Being careful not to move Blaine too much, he felt his boyfriend’s pockets until he found the outline of his phone and gently pulled it out. He shook as he unlocked the phone and dialed 911. The dispatcher told him to stay on the line until the ambulance arrived. Kurt quickly turned on the speakerphone and sobbed quietly as he held Blaine close to him, careful not to touch his wound. He brought one hand up to Blaine’s head and gently stroked the dark curls. “Blaine, please hold on. Please. Help is on its way, just, PLEASE hold on for me, baby.”
Blaine just lay there, motionless. Kurt could see that he was still breathing, though, which reassured him, if only a tiny bit. He bent down and planted a tender kiss on his forehead.
“Blaine, I don’t know if you can hear me, but you need to stay with me. Do you want me to sing to you?” Kurt knew he wouldn’t get an answer, but he felt like he had to keep saying something. Continuing to stroke Blaine’s curls, he struggled not to cry as he began to sing the song that Blaine always told him made him fall head over heels for Kurt.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
Kurt sang the entire song, watching Blaine’s chest like a hawk to make certain it was still rising and falling with his breathing. He was never so relieved in his life as when he heard sirens and the sound of medical personnel exiting an ambulance in the distance.
“Hold on, Blaine. Don’t say goodbye to me.”