Jan. 24, 2012, 1:02 p.m.
Jan. 24, 2012, 1:02 p.m.
I'm sorry to say that I won't be continuing this story. You see, Blaine is me. These letters are literally ones that I have been writing to my ex, only tweaked a little to fit into the Glee verse.
I thought I'd be able to handle having these up on the web, but it turns out I was wrong. All of the "I hope they get back together," and the "poor Blaine"s were really getting to me. Writing letters to Duran turned into how can I make this work for Blaine and it stopped being therapeutic for me.
I'm not blaming any of you for anything, I was the one who decided to post these on the internet, and the response to this has been lovely. I appreciate all of your kind words, but Duran and I aren't getting back together, and I've come to accept this now.
Thank you all again for the lovely words of encouragement, and I apologize for any disappointment.
I love you all.