Feb. 2, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
Feb. 2, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
These were the thoughts running through Kurt's head as he sat on the FIT ball in his Health and PE class. Normally this class consisted of running around outside or lazily playing tennis, and as much as Kurt hated getting sweaty, he would really rather resume those activities. This was just... horrifying.
Kurt silently cursed his fair skin as he felt his face heat up, knowing that it was turning as red as his bow tie. Never in a million years would Kurt do that. Because that was just gross. Not that girls were gross, lot's of Kurt's friends were girls, like Mercedes and Rachel, but what this graphic video was telling him made him sick to his stomach. He leaned forward and rested his head on his arms, eyes glued to the corner of the screen so that it only seemed that he was paying attention.
A few minutes later he snuck a glance over at Blaine, who was sitting next to him. The curly haired boy was sitting as though he had a broomstick shoved up his butt, his hands clasped together so tightly on the desk that his knuckles were white, and his eyes staring straight ahead. Kurt couldn't read his normally expressive face. Blaine's eyebrows—which had recently begun to take on a rather triangular shape—were furrowed slightly, as thought he were concentrating on something.
Kurt turned his eyes back to the corner of the screen and prepared to wait out the most awkward hour of his life.
"Kurt? Kurt, honey, you're sewing those buttons on backwards."
Kurt snapped out of his reverie, and focused back at the little black buttons in his hands. They were, indeed, backwards.
"Shoot, I'm sorry, Lori," Kurt said as he began to remove the buttons, shaking his head.
Lorelle eyed her not-quite-employee as he furiously cut stings, poking himself with the needle a few times.
"Kurt?" she said again, sitting down in one of the two arm chairs, and the boy looked up at her with apology and exhaustion clear in his eyes. "Come sit with me." Lori gestured to the chair beside her.
Kurt set down his needle and sat awkwardly in the cushioned chair, avoiding Mrs Anderson's eyes.
"What's been going on with you lately, buddy?" She asked, worry in her tone. The boy fiddled with the hem of his shirt nervously.
"I've just been a little distracted lately," he tried to pass it off. 'Distracted' was an understatement. Ever since they'd started Sex Ed in gym class, Kurt hadn't really stopped thinking about it. He honestly thought the whole idea was pretty disgusting. Why would you put that in there? Just..ugh.
And then there was the fact that Kurt had started noticing... things. See, there was this boy at school named Finn. Finn Hudson. And he had these really pretty brown eyes, and these nice arms and lips, and Kurt just wanted too... Oh my god there it was again. What did that even mean?
Was it... Was Kurt... Did he... was Kurt gay?
Oh my god, I'm gay, aren't I? was Kurt's last thought before he burst into tears.
Whatever Blaine's mom had been expecting, it definitely wasn't this. She sat for a moment, a little shocked at the boy's outburst, before moving to him and hugging him tightly.
"Shh, Kurt, it's okay," she soothed. "It'll be alright."
Kurt clung to her and continued to cry, desperate to calm the confusion going on in his head right now.
Blaine, in the meantime, was having similar issues, though he dealt with them in a different way. He simply sat on his bed one night, staring at the comforter and working through his emotions.
He eventually came to the same conclusion as Kurt.
Their PE class became more and more awkward for the two boys. They never said a word to each other the whole time, each one wondering what the other was thinking.
Luckily though, they had only one more class after that, and once they met at the bus after school, the whole thing had blown over and they were back to being their hyperactive selves, eagerly discussing anything and everything on the ride home.
One Friday night, Blaine was sleeping over at Kurt's house, and the two were watching a show called Sheer Genius. Kurt kept going on and on about how Dee was going to lose because she kept doing the same haircut over and over again.
Blaine looked over at his friend, watching his face as he stared intently at the screen.
"Kurt?" he asked quietly. The boy in question turned to look at him.
"There's something I need to tell you, but you can't tell anyone, okay?" Blaine said, glancing around a little nervously. Kurt started to get a little worried.
"What is it?"
"Kurt, I... I think I might be..." Blaine took a deep breath. "I think I might be gay."
Kurt blinked.
Kurt took a moment to process this.
Blaine took his silence the wrong way.
"I mean," the curly haired boy was panicked. "I'm not positive, or anything. I don't really know for sure, but it—it's something I've been thinking about, and—" Blaine choked a little bit and looked down. Tears were starting to form in his eyes, and he looked scared.
"Blaine." He looked up and met Kurt's eyes, gaze wavering. "Blaine, it's okay."
Kurt put a comforting hand on Blaine's arm. He put aside all of his emotions and focused on getting that panicked look out of his best friends eyes. It didn't matter that Kurt was afraid to come out to Blaine right now—how would Blaine see him after that? Would Blaine think that Kurt was trying to copy him? What would that do to their friendship?—or that they'd already had experience with a homophobic teacher in the fifth grade. All Kurt cared about in that moment was helping his friend.
Blaine was full on crying now, and Kurt had to think quickly.
"Stay here, don't move," Kurt said quietly. The brunette jumped of the bed and into his closet, returning with his secret stash of Redvines. He handed one of the candies to the curly haired boy, who cracked a bit of a smile and even laughed a little at the gesture.
"Thanks," he whispered, his voice breaking just a little bit. Kurt grabbed his remote and pressed the mute button. There was silence for a few moments while Blaine chewed his candy before Kurt spoke up.
"Hey, Blaine?" the other boy looked up from the comforter his eyes had been fixed on. "You know this doesn't change anything, right? I mean, I know we've both been bullied and we know that a lot of kids get bullied for being gay, but I'm still your best friend. That's not going to change because of this." Blaine smiled and moved to hug his best friend.
"Thanks," he whispered again, and Kurt hugged him tighter. When Blaine pulled away, Kurt chewed his lip, debating voicing what was on his mind.
"Can I ask you a question?" Kurt asked a little shyly. Blaine nodded. "What... How did you figure it out?" Blaine was obviously caught off-guard be the question, as it took him a minute to respond.
"I don't really know," he finally said. "I mean, I guess when we were sitting with Dan and Eric and those guys at lunch and they were all talking about how hot that Melanie girl was or whatever, and I never really saw it, you know?" A moment passed. "At first I thought it might just be the girl, but I didn't see it in any of them around school at all." Blaine blushed furiously. "And then during gym class the other day, when we were playing soccer, and I... I looked over, and—and there was this one b-boy," Blaine was clearly becoming very embarrassed, but he continued anyways. "And I—I guess I found him... attractive? Yeah, I think that's the word." By this point, Blaine's eyes were cast back down at the comforter on Kurt's bed.
"Huh. Alright," Kurt said, staring at the headboard. He knew he didn't want to tell Blaine that he'd been having similar thoughts—at least not yet. There were too many thoughts buzzing around in his head already. "Can I ask one more question?"
"You just did," came Blaine's response. Kurt rolled his eyes, but a wicked grin spread across his features.
"Who was the guy?"
Blaine sat in shocked silence for a good minute, his face somehow managing to turn an even deeper red.
"No. No no no no no. No way," he said, holding his hands up and backing away from Kurt, who showed no signs of giving up.
"Tell me."
Kurt was kneeling on the bed now, ready to pounce.
"Spill, Blaine."
"Alright, you asked for it!"
The brunette proceeded to tackle the other onto the mattress, where an evenly matched and very drawn out wrestling match began. Normally Kurt couldn't stand the idea of messing up his clothes like that, but really now, this was Blaine, and he wasn't going anywhere tonight anyways.
About fifteen minutes later both boys lay side-by-side on their backs, spread out like starfish and breathing heavily.
Little did Kurt know that his best friend had been speaking of him.
oh how sweet i like it.i want more. LOL
Awwww :) That ending was cute!
I love this story.