June 1, 2012, 8:59 p.m.
June 1, 2012, 8:59 p.m.
The end of Thursday classes came and Kurt found himself running to Finn's locker. "Hey Finn!" he called out.
Finn was loading his schoolbag up with his school books and laughing to something Puck had said. He looked over his left shoulder toward where Kurt was.
"Finn, do you need the car?"
"Uh, kinda. Puck's coming over for some Halo, then Zach's coming over for the math tutor thing for both of us. I need it to bring Puck over and drive him home."
"If I drove you guys home and arranged for Zach to bring Puck back to his house after tutoring, can I take the car?"
"You going to Dalton again?"
"That's so not fair. Burt lets you do anything you want with no question."
"I get straight A's and help him in the shop from time to time."
"Does he know Blaine spent the night in your bed last Sunday?"
"Dude!" Puck encouraged. "Not that it's something I want to know or anything, but way to go. At least one of us is getting some, cause everyone knows Rachel ain't given up it up until her wedding day and Lauren is holding out on me."
"I'm not… getting some," Kurt lied. I'm getting a lot. "Finn, it's nothing against, you, but Carol can't exactly tell me what to do cause I'm seventeen and I'm not her kid, and my Dad doesn't tell you yes or no on anything more than the rules of the house. It's your mom that tells you what you can and can't do. It sucks that your mom is so strict." Kurt squinted his eyes. "Which is weird because she's so sweet."
"I know," Finn added. "It's weird how you don't notice she tells you no until after she leaves the room."
"So can I?"
"Take the car. Please Finn? I'll owe you one, I swear."
"What are you so desperate to go do there anyway?" Finn asked without assumption.
Kurt blushed before thinking up something to say that didn't closely resemble 'I want to fuck my boyfriend's brains out.' "Do I need a reason to want to see my boyfriend that I don't have the luxury of seeing everyday before, during, and after school?"
"Dude, don't be a cock block," Puck advised Finn, putting his hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Give him the car and let him get his wick dipped."
"Man, I don't need to know that about my brother."
"Then hand over the keys and I'll stop saying things about Kurt going to Dalton to go balls deep in some curly headed Warbler."
"Puckerman, I swear to God, I will kill you." Finn took the keys out of his pocket and handed them to Kurt. "Zach better be okay with driving Puck home."
"Got it. I'll meet you both at the car in five minutes." Kurt ran through the hallways, hoping to catch Zach still in the classroom of their last class. God, I'm freakin lucky, he thought to himself when he saw Zach talking to their teacher. He waited for the conversation to be finished and overlooked the big smile on Zach's face when he saw Kurt.
"You waited for me?" Zach asked curiously.
"No. Well, kinda. I mean, I left, but then I came back because I have a question. It's more of a favor."
Zach continued to smile closed mouth through Kurt's rambling. "Alright, shoot."
"Okay, so you'll be at my house later tutoring Puck and Finn, right?"
"I really want to take the car that Finn and I share to Dalton tonight, but I can only do that if Finn doesn't need it to take Puckerman home."
"Kurt, are you asking me to take Noah home when I leave?"
"Yes. Please? I'll owe you one big time. Oh! And I wouldn't call him Noah if you want to keep your legs."
Zach chuckled. "Sure, I'll drive him home and thanks for the tip."
"Great thanks! Sorry, I gotta go. See you tomorrow. I really do owe you one." Before Zach had a chance to reply, Kurt was running to the parking lot.
Kurt dropped Finn and Puck off at his house and ran to his bedroom to grab a few condoms and his bottle of lubrication because he didn't know if Blaine had either at his dorm. He shoved them in is shoulder bag and raced back out to the car, calling "Thanks Finn!" and "See you guys later!" on his way out.
He drove to Burt's shop and rushed into the garage, finding his father bent under the hood of a car. "Dad!" he yelled, hoping his father would hear his voice over the loud sound of the power tools he was using. He yelled a couple more times and Burt finally looked up.
"Hey kiddo, what are you doin' here? I could use your help if you want some extra cash." Burt greeted his son with a smile.
"Oh," Kurt immediately felt bad for asking to go somewhere now that his father told him he could use his help. "I'm really sorry, Dad. I actually wanted to ask you if I could skip out on dinner tonight and go see Blaine. I can help you tomorrow, if you still want it."
Burt looked slightly disappointed, but said Kurt could go anyway. "Oh and Kurt!" Kurt was already halfway to the door but turned back immediately. "I'll extend your curfew an hour if you make me a cup of coffee and promise me that you'll work here from right after school until six."
"Ohmygodyeah." It came out sounding like one word. Kurt began brewing the coffee and pulled his phone out.
K- I'm leaving for Dalton in 5 minutes. Dad is giving me an extra hour with you! I don't have to be home until 11. Now we have more time for sexy times ; )
Blaine sent an immediate text back. B- Actually I have something different in mind tonight. I wouldn't plan on spending the whole afternoon and evening in my bed. Blaine was chuckling on his end and continued the text in a second send. B- and on my floor, in my shower, on my desk, up against the wall, on the hood of my car, behind a curtain in the common room, on different parts of the piano in the Warbler room…
Kurt jumped on his first text immediately, smiling and blushing at, but trying to overlook the second text. K-What? No! you said if you in any way said no to me, I get to punch you in the balls. I will be arriving and greeting you with a clenched fist.
B- Yes, I know. I'm telling you no. I have a surprise for you first. I know I demanded you naked in my bed by 4:30 but I want something better.
K- There's better? Pretty sure you shoving me chest and face first onto my shed wall and impaling me with your enormous dick over and over tops everything right now.
B- I wish you could see my face right now ; )
B- It's been a while since we've had a date. I feel like I should show you how much I love being with you as Kurt before showing you how much I love being with your body.
K- So you're going to take me out and butter me up before expecting I put out?
B- Pretty much
K- What if I said I'm not that kind of girl? I don't pop my cork for every guy I see.
B- I got you flowers
K- I don't put out for money, honey
B- There's also a gift
K- Okay so clearly I am NOW that kind of girl. If the gift comes in a robin's egg blue box, I will be your slave.
Blaine looked over to the box wrapped in a white bow, sitting on his desk and smiled. B- Don't go trying to guess because if the gift isn't from tiffany's then you'll feel bad for feeing disappointed and I'll feel like crap for not getting you something you really wanted. I put thought into this.
K- You're right. I'm sorry. I won't punch you in the balls now. Okay, Dad's got his coffee now, so I'm leaving. See you in an hour! Xoxo
B- Can't wait! Drive safe! Love you so much xoxo