Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
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Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder: Chapter 44

E - Words: 1,788 - Last Updated: Jun 01, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 86/86 - Created: Jun 01, 2012 - Updated: Jun 01, 2012
311 0 0 0 1

Chapter 44

It wasn't long after the movie ended that Kurt and Blaine decided that Blaine had a lot of work to do and Kurt should go home. Blaine walked his boyfriend to his car and kissed him goodbye lovingly. It didn't seem like a goodbye kiss to Kurt. It wasn't even a 'see you later' kiss. It was more of a let's stay and fool around in the back seat kind of a kiss. Kurt would have been happy to oblige if it weren't daylight and they weren't in an open parking lot.

So they said goodbye after an insanely long hug and kiss that Kurt was sure left bruises on his lower back and ass from Blaine grabbing too hard. He drove away satisfied, but halfway home Kurt felt sad because he had to leave.

Kurt shut the floor shut and kicked off his shoes as he called out to his family to let them know that he was home.

"You're home early," Burt called out from his recliner in the living room.

Kurt walked in the room to sit with his father. "Yeah, Blaine had homework and studying to do. He has midterms next week and I didn't want to be a distraction for him."

"Wow. He's responsible," Burt huffed, stunned. "When I was you guys' age, I did anything to get out of anything related to school."

Kurt wore a pleasant expression, feeling very proud of his choice in a boyfriend. "Hey, whose car is that outside?"

"The Prius? Finn has a kid from school over helping him with his math class."


"Um. Zach, I think. Nice kid. You know him?"

"I don't know. There are a bunch of Zachs at McKinley."

"Well, he's staying for dinner. How was it driving that Mustang?"

Cars, Kurt laughed in his head. Of course he'd care how it drove. "It's a car, Dad. It drove when I put my foot on the gas and stopped when I put my foot on the brake."

Burt laughed. "Who are you? Clearly not my son."

Kurt chuckled with him. "Mom's remember? She had the patience to deal with you and still look fabulous."

Burt laughed harder and dropped his head back. "Right."

Carol walked in at the tail end of their laughter. "What's so funny?" She smiled and kissed Burt's cheek before sitting down next to Kurt. "How was Dalton?"

"Good. I went with Blaine to his Warbler practice and had lunch with the Warblers too. It was really nice hanging out with them."

"I'm glad you had a good time. You'll have to invite some of them over for dinner soon." Kurt nodded in agreement.

"Kurt would you mind getting me another beer out of the fridge?" Kurt made a face at his father. "It's light beer. The doctor said I can have a few once in a while."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine." Kurt stood up and walked into the kitchen. Once he got in he was shocked to see a familiar blonde haired boy grabbing a soda can out of the refrigerator. "What are you doing here?" he asked, then immediately put two and two together, realizing that the 'Zach' that was tutoring Finn was the 'Zach' he was looking at now.

"Hi," Zach said cheerily. "I'm tutoring Finn. I'm getting us soda, do you want one?"

"No thanks. I was just getting my dad a drink." He felt weird saying he was getting a beer. "When did you start tutoring?"

"Today." Zach was rocking back and forth on his feet. "Mr. Turner asked me." Kurt mouth an 'Oh' and nodded, not knowing what else to say. "So, Finn's your brother. I didn't know that. I felt like a tool asking when I saw the photos. If you weren't family it would have been weird that they have an insane amount of photos of you." Zach chuckled nervously.

Kurt smiled closed mouth, still not knowing what to say. "Okay, well I should get my dad that drink. I'll see you at dinner." He moved around Zach to the fridge and peeked out of the corner of his eye at the blonde haired boy. Zach was looking at him, still not having left the kitchen. "Can I help you with something?" he asked awkwardly.

"You were just with Blaine, right?" Zach's chipper tone turned weary.

"Yeah…" he said slowly.

"So, he's not going to be here for dinner?"

Kurt squinted his eyes and cocked his head a little. That's a weird question to ask, he thought. "No, he's at his school."

"Oh," he started nodding his head, looking relieved. "Okay."

"Why do you ask?" Kurt took the beer out of the fridge and shut the refrigerator door, putting the can on the island counter when he stepped toward Zach. His eyes were still squinting.

"N-no reason. Just thought it would be weird with the three of us in the same room."

"Zach, you're one of the most confident people I've ever seen and you just stuttered nervously. What's going on?"

Zach stared in Kurt's eyes, looking like his heart would beat out of his chest. "Um…" he paused. "If I tell you, do you promise not to be mad?" Kurt nodded slowly. "Blaine told me to stay away from you."

To his own surprise, Kurt wasn't mad. He felt like this was something he already knew. Blaine told him that he saw Zach, but didn't say more than 'I sort of threatened him.' He rolled his eyes and made a face. "That sounds like something he would have done." He composed his face. "I'm not mad." Nothing could make me mad at Blaine after today. "Don't worry. He'll be nice from now on." He thought about what he said. "Well, maybe not nice, but civil." He laughed at his own comment. "You don't have to worry."

"So, you two patched things up then?"

Kurt didn't want to be discussing Blaine with Zach any further. "Uh, yeah. Officially since last Wednesday."

"I am sorry… for ruining things."

"Stop apologizing. You agreed to never bring it up again, remember? I'd really like to get back to not having to think about it." His phone rang in his pocket, signaling a text massage. He plucked his phone out of his pocket and smiled wide when he saw a picture of Blaine flashing on the screen.

"Blaine?" Zach asked.

"Mmhmm." He was still smiling.

"It's really sweet how you light up like that over him."

B- Did you make it home okay? The car didn't give you any trouble?

"Mmm." Kurt had stopped paying attention the second he saw the screen on his phone. Zach picked up on that and scooted out of the kitchen to rejoin Finn.

K- Just got home fifteen minutes ago. Car was fine. The gas pedal is touchy. One tap sends it flying.

B-Yup : ) that's why I wanted it.

K- Cause it makes a dramatic getaway from your parents? Lol

B- Ouch! A little too soon for that joke, but I'll forgive you if you promise to make it up to me. *wink*

K- Isn't sex supposed to be a stress reliever? I bet I can keep you nice and calm for your exams. He smirked devilishly at his sexting skills. He didn't even blush this time, which he was somewhat proud of.

B- Um… I really don't know how to reply to that…

Kurt couldn't tell from the words typed out on the screen, but he felt that he made Blaine uncomfortable. K- Relax, darling. I meant oral… cause I know how weak in the knees I make you.

B- You shouldn't have left. I'm weak right now.

K- No, you're horny right now. Kurt giggled and tucked his phone back in his pocket. He grabbed the beer and brought out to his dad.

"Thanks, Kurt."

"Welcome." He turned and headed to the hallway.

"Hey! Um. Wait a second." Kurt looked back to his dad. "I have something I need to talk to you about."

He cautiously stepped toward the couch next to Burt's chair. "Am I in trouble?"

"No. I…" Kurt saw the lines creasing in Burt's forehead.

Damn it, Kurt thought. He's going to have an uncomfortable conversation with me.

"Did you ever look at those pamphlets I gave you?"

Kurt was stunned. He decided to answer quickly. "Oh! Dad, I don't think right now is a good time to talk about this. We have company in the dining room right now." He was mortified.

"Don't worry, this will be quick and they're not coming out of there anytime soon."

It was at this point Kurt noticed a plastic bag sitting next to Burt's chair and Burt tossed it at Kurt. Kurt caught it and looked in side. He looked inside the bag and quickly dropped it on the floor. His eyes went wide and his entire body flushed a brilliant shade of red. "Why did you get me those?"

Burt stood up and extracted a box of condoms from the plastic bag. He took Kurt's hands and shoved the box in his son's palm. "I want you to take these to your room and keep them."

"We're not having sex, Dad." He got out the words quickly, his eyes still wide.

"I believe you, but I don't need to know that. I don't want to know. But if and when you do start having sex; whether it is with Blaine or not, I'd prefer to know that you're being safe. After this morning and the increase in catching you sucking his face off, I'm proned to thinking that the chances of you moving your relationship forward with him could happen anytime." Kurt opened his mouth to interject, but Burt stopped him. "And before you tell me again about how you aren't having sex, I want to remind you that I don't want to know and these are just a way to keep you prepared for… just incase."

Kurt gulped. There was so much he wanted to say in protest, but couldn't find the words. "Okay."

"Okay?" Burt looked at his son for clarity.

"Yeah. Thanks, Dad." He felt his hands burning around the box. "Can I go now?" He got up and ran to the staircase before his father could come up with something else to make him listen to.

He rushed to his room and threw the box of condoms in his nightstand.

B- I finished my lab report and did a rough outline for my psych paper. Can I come over?

K- I have your car.

B- I can take Wes'

K- You don't want to be here right now.

B- Why?

K- Zach is here. Before you get mad, he's tutoring Finn.

There was a delay between his text and Blaine's response.

B- Well, that pretty much killed my happy place.

K- Don't let it ruin today for you. He's staying away from me, just like you told him to.

B- I don't know how to respond to that… so I'll just say I love you.

K- I love you.

B- I still want to come over… later? ; )

K- Finish your homework and then we'll talk. : p


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