June 1, 2012, 8:59 p.m.
June 1, 2012, 8:59 p.m.
Blaine walked into the second half of Warbler practice, still dead tired, and wondering how everyone else had enough energy to have a dance party. They probably got a good night's sleep instead of driving home and sneaking into the dorms after curfew at 4:00AM. Blaine mentaly went over his night. He grinned. Mmm, he thought. Totaly worth the exhaustion. Blaine quickly decided to skip first and second period to sleep.
A circle had formed and the Warblers' best dancers were taking turns showing off in the center. He joined the group and saw the new guy that was introduced in the beginning of practice. He looked like he was about to jump in the circle. Hope he can dance 'cause Bradley will crush his skills, he thought. No sooner, did Blaine think that, the muscular teen, known as James, was jumping, popping, locking, and throwing down moves that elicited a lot of hoots and howls. Uh-oh. He may be better than Bradley.
Wes and David came in and turned the music off just as Bradley slid into the center to battle James. They shook hands and had an immediate camaraderie. James had his jacket off during the dance party so Blaine was able to see that even though he had on a button up shirt and tie, and dress pants, he had a very muscular body. He was slender, like Kurt, but unlike Kurt, his appearance wasn't soft. He reminded Blaine of a young Colin Ferrell. His skin was free of imperfections, his hair was on the long side, falling in dark brown angles about in inch or two below his chin.
Without being told, everyone took a seat around the room and their attention turned to the Wes, David, and John. "Earlier we introduced a new Warbler, James, to our group. We've invited him to sing something for us to showcase his talent to the group." Wes continued on about while featured soloists are common, it is important for everyone to know the strengths of each Warbler so that they may play that strength to their greatest advantage. "James."
Everyone clapped as James approached the piano and took a seat at the keys. He plays? Blaine thought, impressed. There were only a few Warblers who could play the piano or any instrument for that matter. Blaine was one of them.
"I'm a Joshua Radin Fan so, I'm going to sing one of his songs called Streetlight."
James took a breath and put his hands on the keys, lightly pushing at first and then gradually increasing pressure on them as the song went a long.
I wait for something under a streetlight
It won't be long because it's dark, it's cold
It's one of those nights where
Something out there keeps me alive
But I don't know where to go
So I think I'll sit and stay here for while
'Til I figure it out
Blaine raised his eyebrows in surprise. Everyone in the Warblers were talented in some way, but this guy really could sing. He was a baritone, like Blaine, but was clearly comfortable in a higher key.
So let the wind blow us to where ever it says
We are supposed to go.
When you want something but can't name it
It's under a streetlight
It's something you've never seen before
Open the door
At this point James owned the crowd and everyone was moving some part of their body in beat to the song.
It's something you've always been afraid of
It's under a streetlight
And now all you want is more
But I don't know where to go
So I think I'll sit and stay here for while
'Til I figure it out
James voice emoted perfectly. He was sunny and carefree, like the song. It made everyone in the room smile along with him as he sang.
So let the wind blow us to where ever it says
We are supposed to go.
I don't mind the wait it's fine
As long as you know
It's the wait that could mean there's something
But I don't know where to go
So I think I'll sit and stay here for while
'Til I figure it out
So let the wind blow us to where ever it says
We are supposed to go.
So let the wind blow us to where ever it says
We are supposed to go.
James faded the piano keys out to end the song and grinned as he looked around the room, his expression read to Blaine that he wasn't looking for approval; instead he seemed to be looking for agreement for what he knew his performance to be: amazing. Everyone cheered and a few stood. Blaine had to admit that he was impressed. The boy could sing, dance, and play an instrument. He would be a fantastic addition to the group. If only he'd lose the air of cockiness, he thought.
The rehearsal lasted a half hour longer and no one was happier than Blaine to leave the rehearsal room. He collected his things and decided to send a text to Kurt before leaving. B- We had a new kid join the Warblers today. James. New Directions should be scared. His voice is incredible.
K-Good. You needed someone decent after you lost me. ;)
B- I don't ever want to read or hear the words "you lost me" come from you. I love you.
K- I love you. Have a good day. I have ND rehearsal now.
B- Besides, check your hip. I branded you for at least a few days if not a week. You're legally mine for at least that long. Blaine grinned slyly as he remembered attaching his lips to Kurt's skin and feeling his body.
K- Turning my phone off now. ;)
B-Wait! It's Friday. Will I see you tonight?
K- Of course. I'll call you later to make plans. Keep your pants on until then.
B- Only if they can come off when I see you next. He meant it. After months and months of wanting to touch and be close to Kurt, and then last night happening; he was hoping for a week's vacation, alone in a room together, never leaving, and clothing optional. Kurt has a beautiful body.
"Hey Blaine!" Wes called.
Blaine looked up from his phone, chuckling to himself after having sent the responding text to Kurt. He walked over to the piano where the council heads, Wes, David, and John were already crowded around the new Warbler. "What's up?" he greeted cheery.
"We wanted to introduce you to James personally," Wes informed.
"James, this is Blaine. He's our featured soloist," David said to James.
They exchanged 'nice to meet yous' and Blaine couldn't help but smile bigger when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, knowing Kurt sent him another text.
"We were actually hoping that you might take James under your wing and help him out a bit until he gets comfortable here," John explained. "Kind of like what you did for Kurt."
Blaine thought back to when Kurt first attended Dalton Academy. He did take him under his wing and helped acclimate him to Prep School life, but his intentions weren't exactly what John thinks they were. This was different. Kurt was gay, bullied at his previous school, beautiful, and precious to Blaine from the very beginning. James was… how would he describe him? Well, frankly he struck Blaine as a Hottie With A Body and someone who was overly proud of this fact. This was something that Blaine picked up on from just the way James carried himself. "Uh, sure," he said. He turned to speak to James. "Um, do you want to get a cup of coffee after classes? We can discuss what the Warblers are about and what we do."
"Sounds great. I'll meet you here at 3:30?" Blaine agreed and James left for his first class.
"Thanks for doing this, Blaine," said Wes.
"We would have asked Thad, but something told me that James wouldn't really learn anything expect gossip and Thad's pick up lines… maybe even Thad himself," explained David.
"Thad?" Blaine asked confused. Then he understood; why the council membersfelt they couldn't mentor him; why they originally thought of Thad, and now Blaine; James was gay. "Wait! James is gay?"
"You didn't already know? Aren't all you gays supposed to have gaydar or something?" David said sarcasticly.
Blaine brushed the comment off without thinking about it. "But he's so masculine. I never would have guessed."
"Because he's so different than Kurt?" Wes encouraged.
"Not exactly. I'm different than Kurt."
"Not by much. You may not seem stereotypical, but outside of Warblers and out of uniform…we knew before you told us."
"What? How?"
"The way you fussed over your hair and clothes," said John.
"How rigid you were before you came out to us. You weren't comfortable in your own skin and it showed," added David.
"Your posters on your wall," mused Wes.
"What? You guys have posters!"
"Not of cologne ads." Wes laughed as he said it.
Blaine pressed his lips together. "Fine. I'll mentor him. Although, based on James persona, Thad would have been the better choice."