What Makes a Parent
Chapter 6: Is Blaine My Papa? Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What Makes a Parent: Chapter 6: Is Blaine My Papa?

M - Words: 2,137 - Last Updated: Nov 24, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Aug 16, 2012 - Updated: Nov 24, 2012
339 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter! It's one of my favorites so far!Warnings for this chapter: noneDisclaimer: I do not own Glee.


Chapter Six:  Is Blaine My Papa?

Friday June 13, 2014

            “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Kurt asked, not looking at Blaine. He was staring at the front door of the Hudmel house. Inside Burt, Carole, Finn, Rachel, and Leroy and Hiram Berry were waiting for them.

            “I’m positive,” Blaine assured him, reaching over the console to take Kurt’s hand in his. “Remember, I’ve already met your dad.”

            “That was before we were dating,” Kurt reminded him, glancing in his direction.

            “True, but he was the one who convinced you to go to dinner with me in the first place,” Blaine pointed out.

            “Which was very out of character for him,” Kurt informed him. “Dad’s very . . . protective of me. Don’t be surprised if he’s changed his tune.”

            “Well, we’ll never know until we go in,” Blaine said, squeezing Kurt’s hand gently.

            “I wan’ to get out!” Aly exclaimed from her car seat.

            Kurt turned around in his seat to see his daughter pulling on the buckle of her car seat. He reached back, popping her on the hand.

            “Alexandra Elizabeth, you know not to touch that!” Kurt scolded her. He never let her touch the buckle of her car seat because he was afraid she would learn how to let herself out, and would do so while he was driving.

            Aly pouted but didn’t say anything. Blaine killed the engine, coming around to the passenger side to help Kurt out. Once Kurt was standing, supported by his crutches, Blaine let Aly out of her car seat. Aly scrambled out of her seat, standing on the backseat. She reached her little arms out towards Blaine, who swung her up onto his hip.

            “Come on, love,” Blaine said to Kurt. He put his free hand on the small of Kurt’s back, guiding him up the driveway to the front door.

            Kurt took a deep breath when he stepped up to the door. He reached out one hand to turn the doorknob but Blaine beat him to it. The door swung open and Blaine waited for Kurt to enter first. Kurt made his way through the door, smiling when he saw Finn sitting on the couch with the rest of their family, as well as Rachel’s dads.

            “Ukle Finn!” Aly squealed from Blaine’s arms. She pushed on Blaine’s chest, who put her down. Aly ran across the room and into her uncle’s arms.

            “Hey, Squirt!” Finn used the nickname he had given Aly shortly after her birth. “I missed you!”

            “I missed you too!” Aly said.

            “I’m sorry we’re late. It’s not easy for me to get around right now,” Kurt said as he awkwardly maneuvered himself towards one of the armchairs.

            “It’s all right, son. I’m glad you could make it. It’s good to see you again, Blaine,” Burt said, standing up to offer Blaine his hand.

            “It’s good to see you too, sir,” Blaine said, shaking Burt’s hand.

            “Please, call me Burt,” he said as he sat back down.

            “Everyone, this is my boyfriend Blaine. Blaine, this is my stepbrother Finn and his fiancé Rachel, and this is Hiram and Leroy, Rachel’s dads.” Kurt handled the introductions, gesturing to everyone in turn.

            “It’s great to meet all of you,” Blaine said with a dapper grin.

            “Dinner’s ready,” Carole announced, stepping out of the kitchen. She brightened when she saw Blaine, moving to hug him. “Blaine, I’m so glad you could make it!”

            “Thanks for having me, Mrs. Hummel,” Blaine said, returning her embrace.

            “Carole,” she corrected him. “Now, let’s eat before it gets cold.”

            Everyone filed into the kitchen, Blaine helping Kurt to his feet. He lifted Aly up into the chair to Kurt’s left, taking the seat to Kurt’s right for himself. Kurt fixed Aly’s plate before making one for himself.

            “Would you like a roll, Papa?” Rachel asked Hiram.

            “Thank you, sweetie,” Hiram said, taking one of the offered rolls.

            “Would you like one, Daddy?” Rachel said, turning to Leroy.

            “Do you even have to ask?” Leroy asked with a laugh. He took one of the rolls. Rachel set the plate back down.

            “Aunt Washey?” Aly spoke up, trying to pronounce Rachel’s name.

            “Yes, Aly?” Rachel said, turning to the toddler with a smile.

            “Why do you caw him Papa and him Daddy?” Aly asked, pointing to Hiram and Leroy in turn.

            Rachel’s eyes snapped to Kurt, who had frozen in place the second the question left his daughter’s mouth. He had not been expecting this at all. Kurt wasn’t ready for this. Not knowing how to answer, he looked to Hiram and Leroy for guidance. Leroy nodded encouragingly and Kurt drew in a deep breath before he began.

            “Aly, remember how I told you that sometimes two boys fall in love instead of a boy and a girl?” Kurt asked slowly.

            “Wike you and Bwaine?” Aly asked.

            “Yes, like me and Blaine,” Kurt confirmed.

            “I ‘member,” Aly told her father.

            “Well, when they fall in love, they get married and have babies. So instead of having a mommy and a daddy, Aunt Rachel has two daddies,” Kurt explained patiently.

            “Instead of having a mommy and a daddy, Aunt Rachel has a daddy and a papa,” Leroy added. Kurt smiled at the man, thankful for his help.

            “Aunt Wachey’s Papa and Daddy aw in wuv?” Aly asked. “Wike Daddy and Bwaine?”

            “Yes, we’re in love like your daddy and Blaine,” Hiram said, reaching over to take Leroy’s hand.

            Aly didn’t speak, her face scrunching up as she thought before asking her next question.

            “Is Bwaine my papa?”

            Kurt gaped at his daughter, looking frantically to Hiram and Leroy for assistance. Of course, he hoped Aly would one day call Blaine Papa, but he hadn’t expected it so soon.

            “You should only call Blaine your papa if you love him as another daddy,” Leroy answered.

            Aly thought about this for a second before nodding. “Okay,” she said, picking her fork back up to spear some macaroni and cheese.

            Kurt sighed in relief, turning to look at Blaine, who gazed back with wide eyes. Thankfully, Rachel started talking about life in New York and Kurt was spared from saying anything else on the subject. Dinner quickly lost all awkwardness. When everyone had eaten their fill, Blaine and Rachel insisted on cleaning up. Finn helped Kurt into the living room where he collapsed in one of the armchairs. Aly went to the corner of the living room where her toys were kept and began to color. Looking at his daughter, Kurt remembered the night Brittany had shown up on his doorstep. His anxiety must have shown on his face because Carole was suddenly by his side.

            “Are you okay, sweetie?”

            Kurt shook his head, looking up to see all eyes on him. “Brittany wants to see Aly.”

            “Wait, what?” Finn asked. “I thought she was in Kentucky with Santana.”

            “She was. Santana graduated and they just moved back. She showed up at my apartment Monday night,” Kurt said.

            “What did you say?” Rachel asked as she entered the room, having overheard the conversation.

            “I told her I’d have to think about it,” Kurt answered with a sigh. “What if Aly wants to see her?”

            “Have you talked to Aly about it?” Carole asked gently.

            “Not yet. I know I have to but I can’t bring myself to do it,” Kurt admitted. He turned to Hiram and Leroy. “What would you have done if Shelby tried to see Rachel before she was in high school?”

            Leroy sighed. “We had a written agreement that Shelby would not contact Rachel. If Rachel wanted to see her, she could after she was eighteen.”

            “What does Aly know about her mother?” Hiram asked.

            “She knows Brittany was young when she was born, and she wasn’t ready to be a mother. She hasn’t really asked about her,” Kurt told them.

            “Why do you even have to ask Aly about it? She’s three-years-old; can’t you decide for her?” Finn asked.

            “If Aly wants to see Brittany I’m not going to stop her, Finn. I know how hard it is to grow up without a mother. I never wanted the same for Aly.”

            “It sounds to me like Aly’s getting the chance you never had,” Burt finally spoke up.

            Before Kurt could reply, Aly was climbing into his lap. She rubbed her eyes with her small fists before saying sleepily, “I’m sweepy.”

            “We’ll go home soon, princess,” Kurt told her, running a hand through her golden locks.

            “’Kay,” Aly murmured, snuggling deeper into her father’s arms. She fell asleep instantly. Kurt suppressed a chuckle, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. He looked up to see his father watching him.

            “I just want her to be happy,” Kurt said softly, so not to wake his sleeping daughter.

            “Oh, Kurt, she is happy,” Carole told him with a small smile.

            “I just . . .” Kurt trailed off, not sure of what he was about to say. He bit back his tears, turning to face Rachel. He hesitated before asking, “What do you think?”

            Rachel opened her mouth to speak and closed it again. She took a moment to collect her thoughts before trying again.

            “I grew up without a mother, Kurt. We have that in common. But I still had two parents. I never even wondered about my mother until Shelby showed up during our sophomore year,” Rachel paused. “Aly doesn’t have two parents. Not yet at least,” Rachel glanced at Blaine. “I don’t know what it’s like to grow up with one parent, but you do. In the end, it’s up to you whether you want Aly to have a relationship with Brittany or not. But I think you should ask Aly what she wants. She may only be three-years-old but she’s an insightful little girl. She always has been.”

            Kurt nodded, pondering what everyone had said. He knew he had to talk to Aly, and in the end, whatever she wanted, Kurt would go along with. Kurt cleared his throat before he spoke, “We should get Aly home. It’s already past her bedtime.”

            Blaine took Aly from her father, cradling her in his arms. Finn moved to help Kurt up, holding onto him until he had regained his balance with the help of the crutches.

            “Thank you, everyone,” Kurt said with a smile.

            Burt, Carole, and Rachel hugged him in turn while Hiram and Leroy shook his hand. Blaine was surprised that he received the same treatment even though he had only met Burt once before, and had never met Rachel or her fathers at all. Finn helped them out to the car and got Kurt settled in the passenger seat. He hugged Kurt before turning to Blaine and Aly. He kissed Aly softly, careful not to wake her, before Blaine deposited her in her car seat.

            “It was nice to meet you, Blaine,” Finn said, thrusting out one hand.

            Blaine smiled before taking Finn’s hand. “You too, Finn.”

            Finn bid them goodbye, heading back into the house. Kurt was quiet on the ride home, his mind whirling by both of the heavy conversations that had taken place that night. Blaine didn’t press him for conversation, leaving Kurt alone with his thoughts. The second they reached Kurt’s apartment complex, Kurt knew something was off. The door downstairs only opened when the correct passcode was entered, or someone unlocked it from their apartment. So it was a shock when Kurt saw the door had been forced open.

            “Something’s not right,” Kurt said.

He was out of the car, without his crutches, before Blaine could stop him. Kurt unbuckled Aly from her car seat, pulling her into his arms. Blaine was already halfway across the parking lot. Nothing could have prepared Blaine for the sight that greeted him when he reached the landing to Kurt’s apartment. The word ‘fag’ had been spray painted across the open door in angry red letters. Inside, the apartment had been ransacked.

“Oh my god,” Kurt gasped in horror.

            “Daddy, what’s wong?” Aly asked, lifting her head from her father’s chest.

            Kurt was unable to answer her, still trying to process what he was seeing. Blaine turned to Kurt, raising one hand to hold him off.

            “Stay here,” Blaine said before disappearing into the apartment.


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