Nov. 24, 2012, 3:09 a.m.
Nov. 24, 2012, 3:09 a.m.
Chapter Four: Daddy Loves Blaine
Monday June 9, 2014
Kurt was anxious for work to be over. Today was his and Blaine’s two month anniversary and they had plans to go see a movie after a romantic dinner. They rarely went out in the evenings because of Aly, but as it was their anniversary Kurt had asked Carole to watch her for a few hours.
As he stepped out of his dad’s office, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Kurt pulled it out, smiling when he saw he had a new message from Blaine. He opened the text and read it. I’m still not telling you where we’re going for dinner. Just dress nice. Kurt frowned. All week Blaine had refused to disclose the location of their dinner date.
Opening his phone to a blank message, Kurt began to reply. He took one step forward, but the ground moved out from under him. He had stepped on a creeper, which flipped up as he took a step. His foot twisted as he tried to regain his footing. Before Kurt could catch his balance with his other foot, he was on the ground.
“Kurt, are you okay?” Burt called out from across the garage, hurrying to his son’s side.
“I hurt my ankle,” Kurt answered, holding his foot in his hand.
“What happened?” Burt asked, gently moving Kurt’s foot so he could examine his ankle. Pain shot through Kurt’s ankle as Burt moved it.
“I wasn’t looking where I was going and accidentally stepped on the creeper,” Kurt said, flinching as his dad flexed his foot.
“I’m going to kill Puck. I’ve told him numerous times to put that thing up before someone tripped on it,” Burt said angrily. He carefully put Kurt’s foot down. “Can you walk?”
“I don’t know.” Kurt braced himself on his arms, trying to lift himself off the ground. Burt slipped under Kurt’s arm, wrapping an arm around his waist as he lifted him to his feet. Kurt gingerly tried to take a step with his right foot but immediately lifted it back up, exclaiming in pain.
“I’m driving you to the hospital. You need an x-ray,” Burt said as he helped Kurt towards his car.
“No, Dad. You can’t leave the shop. I’ll drive myself.” Kurt shook his head.
“You’re going to drive with your left foot?” Burt asked skeptically.
“Whoa, what happened?” Puck asked as he entered the garage.
“What happened? What happened is you forgot to put the creeper up again and Kurt tripped over it!” Burt said angrily.
“Are you okay, dude?” Puck asked, walking over to Kurt’s side.
“I hurt my ankle.” Kurt sighed. “I’ll be fine, Dad. I’ll manage somehow.”
“No, you won’t.” Burt turned to Puck. “This is your fault. You take him to the hospital.”
Thinking it best not to speak, Puck helped support Kurt and began to walk him towards his Navigator. He held onto Kurt’s arm as he sank down into the passenger seat before hurrying to the driver’s side.
“I’m sorry, dude,” Puck said as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“Its okay, Puck. I should’ve been looking where I was going,” Kurt said with a sigh, leaning his head back against the seat.
“Is Carole working?” Puck asked.
“She should be,” Kurt answered.
Several minutes later they were pulling up to the hospital. Carole was waiting outside with a wheelchair. She hurried to the car, helping Kurt into the wheelchair.
“Burt called and told me what happened,” Carole explained as she wheeled him into the ER. “We’re taking you straight to x-ray.”
Kurt nodded, turning to Puck who was following behind them. “You don’t have to stay, Puck.”
“How are you going to get home?” Puck asked. When Kurt didn’t answer Puck smirked. “I’m staying.”
"That’s fine, honey, but you’ll have to wait in the exam room while he gets an x-ray,” Carole said. She told him where to go before wheeling Kurt down to the x-ray room.
Twenty minutes later they were sitting in the exam room while a doctor lifted the x-ray up to the light. The doctor slipped the x-ray back into its envelope before turning to Carole, Kurt, and Puck.
“It’s not broken,” the doctor said. Kurt sighed in relief. The doctor continued, “But it is badly sprained. You’ll have to stay off of it for a week.”
“A week?” Kurt exclaimed. “How am I supposed to work? I can’t take off of work! I need to provide for my daughter!”
“I’ll write you a work excuse for the week,” the doctor answered as if that solved everything. Kurt frowned, opening his mouth to protest further but Carole cut him off.
“I can help you with Aly, dear,” Carole offered.
"You don’t have to do that, Carole.” Kurt sighed. “I can manage. I’ll just keep her out of daycare for the week. Thankfully, preschool is out for the summer.”
“Here’s a prescription for pain medicine.” The doctor scribbled on a prescription pad before handing it to Kurt. “Remember, stay off that foot for one week.”
Carole took Kurt to the hospital pharmacy to fill the prescription. She also secured some crutches for him to use for the week. Kurt supported his weight on the crutches, slowly making his way back out to his Navigator.
“Are you sure you don’t need me to help you with Aly?” Carole asked as she watched Puck help Kurt into the car.
“I’m sure, Carole, but thank you,” Kurt answered.
“Call us if you need anything,” Carole said. She kissed his cheek before bidding them goodbye and scurrying back into the hospital.
“Where are you going?” Kurt asked when Puck turned left out of the hospital.
“I’m taking you home,” Puck replied, wondering if the pain medication was already making Kurt forgetful.
“We have to go get Aly. Turn around,” Kurt instructed.
Puck did a U-turn, heading back towards Aly’s daycare. They pulled up in front of the building and Puck cut the engine. Kurt opened his door and tried to lift himself onto the crutches but he wasn’t used to them yet and fell back into the car.
“You’re supposed to wait for me,” Puck said as he came around to Kurt’s side of the car. He helped him to stand, shutting the door as Kurt took several uneasy steps with the crutches. “You didn’t even have to get out. I could’ve gotten her.”
“Her teacher doesn’t know you. She wouldn’t let Aly go with someone she doesn’t know and who isn’t approved by me to pick her up,” Kurt replied.
Puck held the door open and they walked down the hall, stopping at the three-year-olds room. Again, Puck opened the door, allowing Kurt to enter the room first. Aly looked up when she heard the door open, her eyes lighting up when she caught sight of her father.
“Daddy!” Aly squealed. She ran to Kurt and was preparing to fling herself at his legs when Puck intercepted her.
“Whoa, Munchkin. You need to be gentle with Daddy; he’s hurt,” Puck told her as he lifted her to his hip.
"Daddy has a booboo?” Aly asked.
“Yes, sweetie. Daddy has a booboo,” Kurt said as he waved to Aly’s teacher. He followed Puck and Aly out of the room.
“Down, Uncle Puck,” Aly demanded as Puck carried her down the hall.
“What do you say, Aly?” Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow at his daughter.
“Please,” Aly said automatically.
Puck put her down, smiling when her little hand wrapped around one of his fingers. He held the door open for Kurt, following behind him across the parking lot. Puck helped Kurt climb into the car first, then helping Aly climb into her car seat.
“Is Uncle Puck going home too?” Aly asked as Puck fumbled with the buckle of her car seat.
“Move, Puck, I’ll get it,” Kurt said. He turned around to buckle Aly into the car seat. He groaned in pain as he turned back around.
“Is Uncle Puck going home?” Aly repeated, not happy that her father had ignored her.
“No, sweetie. Uncle Puck is just dropping us off.” With a thought, Kurt turned to Puck as he climbed behind the wheel. “How are you going to get home? You can take my car if you want.”
"It’s okay. I’ll call a cab,” Puck said as he pulled out of the parking lot of the daycare center.
Once they pulled into Kurt’s apartment complex, Puck helped Kurt out of the car first before letting Aly out of her car seat. She reached her arms towards Kurt. Kurt was clearly unable to pick her up, so Puck lifted her onto his hip. He helped Kurt up the stairs to his apartment while balancing Aly on one hip. When they reached the door, Puck took the keys from Kurt, opening the door. He set Aly down before helping Kurt to the couch.
“Are you sure you don’t need any help with her?” Puck asked uncertainly as Aly scurried over to her toys.
“I’m fine, Puck. Thank you. If I need anything I’ll call my dad and Carole,” Kurt assured him as he settled back against the cushions.
“You can call me too,” Puck reminded him.
“I know. Thanks, Puck. I’ll talk to you later,” Kurt said.
“Bye, Kurt. Bye, Aly.” Puck waved at his honorary niece.
Aly ran across the room, throwing herself at his legs. “Bye, Uncle Puck!”
Puck smiled, hugging the toddler before he left the apartment. Now that he was gone, Kurt allowed himself to wonder what he would do for an entire week while he couldn’t work. Then he remembered, he was supposed to have a date with Blaine tonight. He groaned before fishing his phone out of his pocket and dialing Blaine’s number.
“Hello?” Blaine answered on the second ring.
“Hey, I have bad news,” Kurt said as he watched Aly play with her stuffed animals.
“You can’t make it,” Blaine said in disappointment.
“I’m sorry. I tripped at work and sprained my ankle. The doctor told me to stay off of it for an entire week,” Kurt said. He glanced over to where he had last seen Aly, frowning when she wasn’t there. He looked to his right, his eyes widening as he saw her climbing up the back of the loveseat. “Alexandra Elizabeth Hummel, get down right now.”
Aly climbed back down with a frown because she’d caught. Blaine listened to the exchange between father and daughter.
“I’m coming over,” Blaine told him.
“No, I’m okay, really. I’ll be fine,” Kurt told him as he kept an eye on Aly who was now playing with Crystal the cat, her favorite stuffed animal.
“Have you had dinner yet?” Blaine asked.
“Not yet. I was going to make some sandwiches,” Kurt answered.
“And Aly will need a bath,” Blaine reminded him.
“I’m fully capable of giving my daughter a bath,” Kurt told him.
“I’m coming over,” Blaine repeated.
Kurt sighed, knowing he was fighting a losing battle. “Fine.”
“I’ll see you soon,” Blaine said before hanging up.
Twenty minutes later, the buzzer sounded. Kurt grabbed his crutches and slowly made his way to the door. He pressed the button that would allow Blaine into the building before unlocking the door. He had just flopped down on the couch when Blaine entered the apartment carrying several grocery bags.
“How do you feel?” Blaine asked. He leaned in to kiss Kurt, but Kurt looked meaningfully at Aly who was watching them. Blaine pulled back with a smile. “Hello, Aly. Do you remember me?”
“Yuw Daddy’s fwiend,” Aly said, looking at him with interest.
“I am,” Blaine said with a nod. He turned back to Kurt. “Are you in pain?”
“Not as long as I keep off that foot. The pain medicine the doctor gave me is working,” Kurt answered. “What’s in the bags?”
“I’m going to make spaghetti,” Blaine announced as he carried the bags into Kurt’s kitchen.
“You don’t have to do that, Blaine. You don’t have to go to the trouble,” Kurt called out to him.
“It’s no trouble,” Blaine answered as he took the groceries out of the plastic bags.
When Blaine reentered the living room, Aly was nowhere to be found. Blaine plopped down on the couch next to Kurt. Kurt smiled, leaning towards Blaine to brush their lips together.
“I’m sorry about earlier it’s just I haven’t told Aly about us yet,” Kurt explained, checking to make sure his daughter was still in her room.
“She’s three,” Blaine said bluntly.
“She may be three but if she sees us kissing she will ask questions,” Kurt told him.
Blaine smiled, leaning closer to Kurt. “Then I guess we should get it out of our system while she’s in the other room.”
Kurt closed the distance between them, kissing Blaine slowly. He groaned when he felt Blaine open his mouth, his tongue snaking out to beg entrance to Kurt’s mouth. Kurt opened his mouth, lifting a hand up to wrap in Blaine’s hair. The kiss was growing in passion when a small voice interrupted them.
“Yuw kissing my daddy,” Aly said to Blaine.
Kurt groaned, shooting Blaine an I-told-you-so look. Kurt turned to his daughter, opening his arms. “Come here, Aly Cat.”
Aly went to her father’s side. Kurt lifted her up onto his lap, smiling when she snuggled into his chest. He placed a kiss to the top of her head before pushing her back so he could see her face.
“Aly, Daddy has something to tell you,” Kurt said slowly. Aly was playing with Kurt’s fingers. He gently pried her fingers off of his, putting a finger under her chin until their eyes met. “Can you listen to Daddy, please?”
Aly nodded. Kurt smiled. He looked over at Blaine, who nodded his approval, before he continued.
“Do you remember what Ms. Anna told you when she got married?” Kurt asked, referring to Aly’s preschool teacher.
“Yes,” Aly nodded.
“She told you that she fell in love with a wonderful man and got married, right?” Kurt said. Aly nodded so he continued. “Remember when that happened I told you that girls don’t always fall in love with boys? Sometimes they fall in love with other girls, just like boys sometimes fall in love with other boys.”
“I ‘member,” Aly said.
“That’s good, sweetie. Because Daddy fell in love with someone and he’s a boy too,” Kurt said slowly. Blaine felt like his heart had stopped. He knew he was falling for Kurt, but he had yet to tell him as he was afraid Kurt wouldn’t feel the same way. Yet here he was, telling Blaine in front of his daughter that he was in love with him. Kurt looked up at Blaine with a smile. “Daddy loves Blaine.”
“Okay,” Aly said simply. “Can I play now?”
Kurt laughed. “Yes, you may play now.”
Aly scrambled off of his lap to play in the corner of the living room. When Kurt turned to Blaine, he was surprised to see him still watching him. Blaine had a strange expression on his face that Kurt couldn’t quite put a finger on.
“You love me?” Blaine asked in a whisper.
Kurt bit his lip with a nod. “I do.”
“I love you too,” Blaine answered with a soft smile. His hazel eyes shone with happiness as they looked deeply into Kurt’s cerulean eyes.
Kurt smiled widely. He pressed a quick to kiss to Blaine’s lips, mindful that Aly was still in the room. When they pulled apart, they kept their heads together. Suddenly Aly was back at her father’s side, trying to climb into his lap.
“Daddy!” Aly said loudly. She reached her arms up. Kurt chuckled, pulling her onto his lap. He kept a hand on her back so she wouldn’t fall backwards.
“What it is, princess?” Kurt asked.
“I’m hungwy,” Aly informed him.
“I’ll go start dinner then,” Blaine said. He got to his feet only to have Aly follow him into the kitchen.
“What’s tat?” she asked, pointing to the box of pasta.
“Those are the ingredients for spaghetti,” Blaine told her.
“Oooh! I love getti!” Aly exclaimed. She ran back out to her father. “Daddy, Bwane’s making getti!”
“Blaine,” Kurt corrected patiently. “And I know, sweetie. Why don’t you go play so Blaine can cook?”
“Wead to me?” Aly requested.
“What do you want to read?” Kurt asked.
“Bwown Beaw, Bwown Beaw,” Aly answered.
Kurt sighed, but pulled his crutches towards him so he could go find the book in Aly’s room. He had only taken a step when he was stopped.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Blaine’s stern voice surprised Kurt, making him jump.
Kurt turned to look at him. “Aly wants me to read to her. The book is in her room.”
“You’re supposed to call me,” Blaine told him. “You’re not supposed to get up unless it’s absolutely necessary.”
“Says who?” Kurt asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Says me,” Blaine answered, waiting for Kurt to challenge him.
“Fine, then you find the book. Aly’s room is the first door on the right,” Kurt told him, pointing towards behind him towards the hall.
Blaine stooped down so he was on Aly’s level. “Which book do you want, sweetie?”
“Bwown Beaw,” Aly told him.
“Let’s go find it then,” Blaine said. He lifted Aly up to his hip, disappearing into her room.
Aly’s bedroom was small, but surprisingly neat for the room of a three-year-old. A white sleigh toddler bed with pink paisley bedding was under the window. A white dresser was pushed against the nearest wall, with at least thirty stuffed animals on top of the dresser. A white bookshelf was against the other wall, filled with all of Aly’s favorite books. Blaine walked over to the bookshelf, chuckling when he saw the books were alphabetized by author. He quickly found Brown Bear, Brown Bear and exited the room. Blaine gave Kurt the book first before he deposited Aly carefully on his lap.
“What do you say?” Kurt asked her.
“Tank you, Bwaine!” Aly exclaimed with a smile.
“You’re welcome, sweetie.” Blaine smiled fondly at the toddler before returning to the kitchen.
By the time Kurt had read Brown Bear, Brown Bear through three times the spaghetti was ready. Blaine helped Kurt into the dining area before watching over Aly carefully as she climbed into her booster seat. He served Kurt first before giving Aly a small portion. He cut up the spaghetti before he placed it in front of Aly. When he looked up Kurt was smiling at him.
“What?” Blaine asked, his face flushing unconsciously.
“I keep waiting to wake up and find out this has all been a wonderful dream,” Kurt said as he twirled spaghetti onto his fork.
Blaine smiled but didn’t speak. Words weren’t needed. Aly’s delighted chattering more than made up for anything Blaine could have said. Once everyone was full, Blaine helped Kurt back into the living room before cleaning up the kitchen. When every surface was spotless, Blaine returned to the living room.
“What time is it?” Kurt asked as Blaine sank onto the couch next to him.
Blaine glanced at his watch before answering, “Six-thirty.”
“Aly needs a bath,” Kurt said as he began to haul himself up onto the crutches.
“Let me do it,” Blaine said, putting a hand on Kurt’s arm to stop him. “You don’t need to strain yourself.”
“How would giving my daughter a bath strain myself? And have you ever bathed a child before?” Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow in question.
“No but it can’t be that hard,” Blaine admitted. He could tell Kurt was still doubtful so he thought of a quick solution. “How about you tell me what to do? That way you don’t have to bend over the tub or anything.”
Kurt thought for a second. “Fine.”
Blaine was right, giving Aly a bath had hardly been a challenge at all. But Kurt insisted that was not always the case. After all, three-year-olds were anything but predictable. Regardless, Aly was soon clean and dressed in her favorite pink nightgown with yellow flowers. Blaine carried her into her room, laying her down on the bed.
“What story do you want?” Kurt asked as he joined Aly on the toddler bed.
“Sweeping Beauty,” Aly said around a stifled yawn.
Aly climbed into her father’s lap, waiting for him to begin. Kurt recited the fairytale from memory, running a hand through his daughter’s blonde locks. Aly fell asleep before the story was finished but Kurt recited it all the way through anyway. Kurt lifted Aly off of his lap and laid her down on the bed. He pulled the covers up over her, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Goodnight, princess. Daddy loves you,” Kurt said softly.
Blaine helped Kurt to his feet, pausing at the door to turn the light off. He closed the door behind him quietly. Kurt was already on the couch and Blaine smiled as he joined him.
“You were amazing tonight,” Kurt said as he looked into his eyes with admiration.
“Just tonight?” Blaine asked with a cocky grin.
“Shut up,” Kurt said playfully as he leaned forward slightly.
“Shutting up.” Blaine closed the distance between them. He slanted his mouth over Kurt’s, groaning when Kurt immediately opened his mouth under his lips. His tongue snaked out to dance with Kurt’s. Things escalated quickly and Kurt’s hands had moved to the bottom of Blaine’s shirt and were tugging it upwards when the door buzzer sounded. Kurt pulled away from him, groaning unhappily.
“I better see who that is before they wake Aly up,” Kurt whispered.
“I’ll go.” Blaine was on his feet before Kurt could protest. He pressed the button and spoke into the intercom. “Hello?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought my dolphin lived here,” a female voice said through the speaker.
Kurt was on his feet as fast as he possibly could given the current situation. Blaine turned to look at him in confusion.
“Brittany,” Kurt said in shock.
Blaine’s eyes grew wide. He knew Brittany was the name of Aly’s mother. But as far as he knew she had given up her parental rights three years ago and Kurt hadn’t seen her since. So why was she here now? Blaine shook himself out of his thoughts before asking, “What do you want me to do?”
“Send her up,” Kurt said after a second.
Blaine told Brittany the apartment number, pressing the button that would unlock the door downstairs. Seconds later there was a knock on the door. Blaine opened the door, standing out of the way so Kurt could see his visitor.
“Dolphin!” Brittany said excitedly. She rushed forwards to hug Kurt but paused when she took in his crutches. “You’re hurt.”
“I sprained my ankle,” Kurt said slowly. “Brittany, what are you doing here?”
“I know it’s been a long time-”
“Two years,” Kurt supplied. “I thought you moved to Kentucky with Santana.”
“I did. She graduated so we moved back,” Brittany said.
“Why are you here?” Kurt asked, dreading the answer.
“I was wondering. Do you still have my baby?” Brittany’s words echoed through Kurt’s head as he thought back to the day Aly was born.
Friday February 18, 2011
“Congratulations, Mr. Hummel. You have a beautiful baby girl,” the nurse said as she walked over to Kurt with the newborn baby in her arms. “Would you like to hold her?”
“I don’t want to break her,” Kurt said fearfully, eyeing his daughter –HIS daughter – with wide eyes.
The nurse smiled kindly. “You won’t break her. Here, just support her head and her back. There you go.”
Kurt looked down in wonder as he held his daughter for the first time. He never thought he would have the opportunity to have his own children, but here he was three months before his eighteenth birthday with a natural born daughter.
“Does she have a name yet?” the nurse asked.
“Alexandra,” Kurt answered. “Alexandra Elizabeth Hummel.”
“That’s beautiful,” the nurse said with a smile. “I’ll send someone up to help you fill out the birth certificate.”
Kurt nodded absently, not taking his eyes off of his daughter. He had almost forgotten Brittany was in the room until she spoke.
“Are you happy?”
Kurt turned to face her, smiling widely as he nodded. “I’ve never been happier, Brit. Would you like to hold her?”
“No. I don’t want to get attached to her. It’s going to be hard enough as it is, seeing as how we’re both in glee club still. I know I’m going to see her but I need some time first,” Brittany said as she watched Kurt.
Kurt wasn’t sure what to say and was thankful when a nurse appeared with the birth certificate in hand. He supplied his daughter’s full name once more, as well as his own name.
“And the mother’s name?” the nurse asked.
Kurt paused, turning to Brittany. He wasn’t sure if she wanted her name on the birth certificate or not, given the circumstances.
“Brittany S. Pierce,” she answered when Kurt didn’t. Once the nurse was finished she turned to leave but Brittany stopped her.
“I know my name is on her birth certificate, but I want to give up my rights as her mother,” Brittany said.
Kurt bit his lip uncomfortably. He had known this was coming but he still wished Aly would have a mother in her life. Kurt knew from experience how hard it was growing up without one. But at the same time, having no mother at all was better than having one that didn’t want a child in the first place, or lacked the maturity to care for a child. Regardless, a part of him was angry with Brittany for not wanting their daughter. Kurt tried not to listen as the nurse explained about the necessary paperwork, instead focusing his attention on his daughter. He had chosen this life for the both of them the second he heard her heartbeat. Kurt knew it would be hard raising her on his own, but he would never regret his decision to parent. She was his life now.
“Daddy?” a small voice asked from behind him. Kurt tried to spin around but lost his footing even with the crutches. Blaine’s arm shot out to steady him, keeping him upright. Aly was standing in the doorway of her room, clutching Crystal to her chest.
Kurt looked at Blaine meaningfully. “Blaine, why don’t you take Aly back to bed? I’ll be there in a minute.”
Brittany and Kurt watched Blaine pick Aly up and carry her back to her room. Once they were gone, Brittany asked, “Was that her?”
Kurt shook his head incredulously. “Yes, that was my daughter.”
Brittany’s silence obviously meant she had missed the pronoun usage so Kurt turned and began to walk back towards the couch. Brittany followed him.
“Who’s the guy?”
“My boyfriend, Blaine,” Kurt answered as he sank into the couch. “I don’t mean to be rude, Brittany, but let’s just cut to the chase.”
“What chase?” she asked dimly as she sat next to him.
Kurt sighed. “Why did you come here? It’s been two years since I last saw or heard from you.”
Brittany turned sideways to face him. “I want to see Aly.”
Kurt bit his lip. That was exactly what he had been afraid of. “Why?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why do you want to see her now? You had ample opportunity before you left for Louisville but now you want to see her?” Kurt asked.
“I know it’s been a long time, Kurt. But I want to be a part of her life.”
“You signed away your rights as her mother three years ago,” Kurt reminded her harshly.
“I’m not the same person I was three years ago, Kurt,” Brittany said softly. “Ever since Aly’s birth I’ve felt like there’s been something missing in my life. I just want a chance to get that back.”
Kurt thought for a long time. He wanted Aly to have a mother, but he didn’t want her to get hurt either. What if Brittany changed her mind and left again? Kurt was her father. It was his job to protect her. Finally, he spoke, “I’ll think about it.”
“Thank you, Kurt. I’ll just let myself out.” Brittany squeezed his hand before she walked out of the small apartment.
Kurt sat there for a minute, unable to move. Once he had gathered himself together, he slowly made his way to Aly’s room. He opened the door, smiling at the sight before him. Blaine was sitting on Aly’s bed with his back against the headboard, reading to the girl though she had already fallen back to sleep, curled up against Blaine’s side. Blaine looked up when he saw Kurt. Kurt put a finger to his lips and motioned for Blaine to follow him. Instead of going back to the couch, Kurt led Blaine to his bedroom. Once there he paused, facing the bed.
“Kurt?” Blaine asked. He moved to stand in front of Kurt, frowning when he saw he was crying. “Oh, Kurt.”
Blaine pulled him into his arms, holding him close as he cried. Small tremors wracked Kurt’s body as a sob tore from his throat.
“I can’t lose her!”
“Lose who? Aly?” Blaine asked.
“Yes, I can’t lose her,” Kurt sobbed.
“You’re not going to lose her, Kurt. Aly isn’t going anywhere,” Blaine said as he rubbed soothing circles into Kurt’s back with one hand.
“You don’t understand!” Kurt sobbed as he pulled away from Blaine. “Brittany wants to see her!”
Blaine sighed. “Kurt, just because Brittany wants to see Aly doesn’t mean she wants to take her away from you. And either way, Brittany can’t see Aly without your consent. She gave up her rights when Aly was born, right?” Kurt nodded. “So see, nothing to worry about.”
“But what if Aly wants to see her?” Kurt asked.
Blaine felt his heart break for his boyfriend. He knew this wasn’t easy for him. “Aly’s asleep. There’s nothing we can do about this right now. Why don’t you try to get some sleep?”
Kurt sighed unhappily but nodded. Blaine helped him change before Kurt stretched out on the bed. Blaine changed into a pair of Kurt’s pajamas before he slipped into bed beside him. Kurt immediately curled up into his side, resting his head on Blaine’s chest. Neither of them found peace in sleep for several hours.