What Makes a Parent
Chapter 11: Dreams Change Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What Makes a Parent: Chapter 11: Dreams Change

M - Words: 984 - Last Updated: Nov 24, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Aug 16, 2012 - Updated: Nov 24, 2012
254 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: I'm sorry it's been so long. Things have been crazy between my heart condition, school, and family. The good news is I don't have to have heart surgery again, at least as of right now. I'm going to do my best to update weekly but finals are coming up so I make no promises. I'll update as often as I can though, weekly being the most frequent.Warnings for this chapter: noneDisclaimer: I do not own Glee.

Chapter Eleven:  Dreams Change

Saturday July 19, 2014

Saturday evening found Kurt, Blaine and Aly settled together on the couch. Aly was snuggled against Kurt’s chest, listening intently as Blaine read The Rainbow Fish aloud. Kurt looked up as the doorbell rang. Blaine turned to him with sympathetic eyes.

“Do you want-”

“I’ll get it,” Kurt interrupted. He lifted Aly off of his lap and deposited her on Blaine’s.

“Weed, Bwaine,” Kurt heard Aly request as he walked to the door leading to the garage. Kurt hesitated for a moment before he opened the door.

“Dolphin!” Brittany exclaimed the second the door swung open. She hurriedly embraced Kurt tightly.

“Hi, Brit,” Kurt said, returning the hug.

“Porcelain,” Santana greeted him, stepping into the house before Kurt could invite her in.

“Satan,” Kurt returned.

“Where’s my baby?” Brittany asked, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

“She’s in the living room with Blaine,” Kurt answered. He led the way down the hall to the kitchen.

Brittany paused at the entrance to the living room. She looked to Kurt with wide eyes, asking, “What do I say?”

“Just get to know her. Ask what she likes to do. You’ll be fine,” Kurt assured her.

Blaine finished the book just as Kurt stepped into the room with Brittany and Santana trailing behind him. Aly looked up at the newcomers, her brow wrinkling as she wondered who these strangers were in her house. Kurt spoke up before Aly could ask.

“Come here, Aly Cat.” Kurt opened his arms to Aly. Aly hurried to her father’s side. Kurt lifted her onto his hip, turning so they were facing Brittany and Santana. “Aly, this is your mommy, Brittany.”

“Hi, Aly,” Brittany said, her eyes filling with tears.

“You’re my mommy?” Aly asked.

“Yes, I’m your mommy,” Brittany confirmed.

“Who are you?” Aly asked, turning her attention to Santana.

“I’m Santana. I’m your mommy’s girlfriend,” Santana answered.

Aly frowned, turning to Kurt. “Bwitny wikes giwls wike you wike boys?” she asked.

“She does,” Kurt said, wondering what thoughts were running through the toddler’s mind.

“Okay,” Aly said. Turning back to Brittany she asked, “Do you wan’ to see my woom?”

And so the evening began. Aly showed Brittany and Santana her favorite toys under the watchful eye of Kurt as Blaine cooked dinner. Aly accepted Brittany and Santana quickly, a bit too soon if you were to ask Kurt. But Aly was happy and that was all that mattered in the end. Brittany was ecstatic to learn that Aly loved to dance and sing, and was very talented in both areas for a three-year-old. Brittany taught Aly several simple dance moves until Blaine announced dinner was ready.

Sitting at the table, things grew awkward. No one was sure what to say and whereas earlier Aly had broken the ice, she was now happily devoting all of her attention to her macaroni and cheese. Finally, Santana spoke up.

“So, Porcelain, you’re working at your dad’s garage.”

Kurt raised an eyebrow. “You know I am. You were there just last week,” he answered suspiciously.

“Whatever happened to New York? I thought that was your dream,” Santana asked, sipping on her water.

“Dreams change, Santana,” Kurt replied simply, his gaze resting on his daughter. Yes, New York had once been his dream but that changed the second he heard Aly’s heartbeat. From then on, his only dream was for Aly to be happy, healthy, and safe.

“So you’re telling me you’re content working as a mechanic? You’re happy getting oil on your overpriced clothes every day?” Santana asked skeptically.

“Daddy, I have to go pee pee,” Aly said suddenly. Kurt sighed in relief at the distraction. He didn’t want to have this conversation in front of his daughter.

“Brittany, could you take her?” Kurt asked, surprising everyone at the table. “Aly’s bathroom is down the hall to the right.”

“Sure, Kurt. Come on, Aly,” Brittany said. She took Aly by the hand and let her lead her away from the table. Once the door to Aly’s bathroom had closed behind them, Kurt tore into Santana.

“I don’t know what you’re trying to prove here, Santana Lopez, but stop it this instant. I will not have you acting this way in front of my daughter. And furthermore, my happiness is none of your concern,” Kurt snapped.

“So you have given up on your dream of the Big Apple,” Santana said smugly.

“My dreams don’t matter!” Kurt exclaimed. “My dream changed the instant I decided to keep that little girl!”

“I’m just saying you don’t have to give up on everything you always wanted because you’re a father. Brittany’s achieving her dreams. She’s opening a dance studio,” Santana informed him.

"Brittany hasn’t spent the last three years raising a daughter! Brittany didn’t have her life take a complete one-eighty! She sacrificed nine months of her life and then left her daughter so excuse me if I don’t see her as proof of living one’s dreams!”

Santana looked at Kurt with wide eyes. Before she could speak, Brittany had returned with Aly in tow. The rest of the dinner was strained and Kurt was glad when Brittany and Santana didn’t stick around for very long after dessert.

Meanwhile, Blaine had been thinking over Santana’s words. While he didn’t agree with everything she had said, he did agree that Kurt shouldn’t have let his dream die. But there was nothing for it now. Kurt was too stubborn to admit anything and Blaine was too smart to push the issue. He hoped the conversation would not affect Kurt’s relationship with Brittany but his fear was proved unfounded when Brittany asked if Aly could take classes with her at her dance studio. Kurt agreed, knowing Aly would enjoy the lessons and Brittany would love spending the time with Aly. No, he would not hold Brittany responsible for Santana’s actions. He had already struggled to give Brittany this one chance and he would not let Santana affect his opinion on Brittany’s presence in Aly’s life. After all, Aly didn’t need another parent. She had Kurt and Blaine and that was enough.


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