Oct. 21, 2012, 4:52 p.m.
Oct. 21, 2012, 4:52 p.m.
Chapter Twenty
Singing “Tonight” with Rachel wasn’t hard. It was easy for Blaine to find the right amount of conviction to put into the song. The song came to a close and Blaine noticed Coach Beiste was crying again.
“Are you going to cry every time we sing?” Blaine asked not unkindly.
“I’m such a girl,” Coach Beiste answered with a sniffle.
“My only note is more teeth,” Emma provided.
“I have to be honest,” Artie said. “This entire musical is about sexual awakening. You both lack passion. Have either of you actually had sex?”
“I have to go,” Emma said suddenly. She collected her things and almost ran out of the room, with Coach Beiste following closely behind her.
“Look, I remember my first time,” Artie said. “What was it like for you guys?”
Blaine waited for Rachel to speak first, but she was stumbling over her words. He decided to be honest because he definitely wasn’t ashamed of his lack of experience.
“I’m waiting for the right time,” Blaine said. He wondered if Artie had been expecting him to say ‘waiting for the right person’ but the truth was that he wasn’t. He knew he had found the right person: Kurt.
“Me too,” Rachel admitted before adding in a whisper to Blaine, “I’m so glad you’re my Tony.”
“As your friend, I support your strange aversion to fun. However as your director I’m concerned,” Artie said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Why?” Rachel asked.
“How are you supposed to convey the human experience to an audience when neither of you have opened yourself up to one of humanity’s most basic and primal ones?” Artie asked.
Blaine could see why Artie would be concerned, but he didn’t think it was his business what he and Kurt did or didn’t do. The truth was Blaine was more than ready to take that step with Kurt. He just wasn’t sure Kurt was. He didn’t want to bring it up and make Kurt feel like he was pressuring him. So instead he had decided to keep the topic under wraps until Kurt brought it up himself. Until then, Blaine would keep things as innocent as possible.
The conversation with Artie was still fresh on Blaine’s mind as he danced around his bedroom that afternoon. Kurt was lying on his stomach watching him, having just finished his French homework. He was surprised when Kurt spoke suddenly.
“Do you think I’m boring?” Kurt asked, his voice laced with worry.
“Are you kidding? I don’t think anyone could ever call you boring, babe,” Blaine answered as he continued to dance.
“I mean sexually,” Kurt told him as he sat up. “We are playing it very safe by not granting our hands Visas to travel south of the equator.”
“Yes, but isn’t that what we agreed on?” Blaine asked. Had he been mistaken about Kurt’s feelings towards sex this entire time?
“It is,” Kurt answered. He shrugged his shoulders with a sigh. “But haven’t you had the urge to rip off each other’s clothes and get dirty?”
“Uh yeah, but that’s why they invented masturbation,” Blaine said without shame. If Kurt was finally comfortable enough to talk about this, he wasn’t going to hold anything back. They had to be completely honest with one another.
“It’s so hot in here. Can we open up a window?” Kurt asked, pulling his sweater away from his chest.
“Hey, I’m serious. We’re young. We’re in high school. Yes, we have urges but whatever we do, I want to make sure that you’re comfortable. So I can be comfortable. Besides, tearing off all of your clothes is kind of a tall order,” Blaine said with a sly smile.
“Because of the layers?” Kurt asked.
“Because of the layers,” Blaine answered. He placed a hand on either side of Kurt’s head and pulled him forwards until their lips brushed together.
They spent the rest of the evening that way, sharing kisses that radiated with love. When Kurt left for the evening, he knew his cheeks were flushed and his lips swollen. On the drive home, he thought of their earlier conversation. What if Blaine was only saying he wanted to wait because he didn’t want to see Kurt naked? His body was covered in self-inflicted scars; it could hardly be considered attractive. His anxiety level was peaking by the time he reached the safety of his bedroom. He was pacing outside of his bathroom when his phone rang.
“Blaine,” he answered, sighing in relief. Now he would have no choice but to stay strong.
“Is everything okay?” Blaine asked. “You didn’t call me when you got home like you normally do.”
“I’m sorry. I got distracted,” Kurt lied.
“What’s going on?” Blaine asked. He could tell something was not right with his boyfriend.
“I just . . . did you mean what you said earlier?” Kurt asked.
“What? Of course I did,” Blaine answered in surprise. “Why? What brought this up?”
“So you’re not rejecting me because of my scars?” Kurt asked tentatively.
“What, baby, no. First off, I am not rejecting you. One day, we will make love and it will amazing, but not until we’re both ready. Your scars have absolutely nothing to do with that. You’re beautiful, Kurt, scars and all. Nothing will ever change that,” Blaine told him earnestly.
“I’m sorry that I doubted you,” Kurt said.
“Don’t be sorry. These are legitimate fears but you have got to talk to me about these things, Kurt. You know you can talk to me about anything,” Blaine said.
“I know. I should probably get to bed.” Kurt stifled a yawn. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Forever?” Kurt asked with a small smile.
“Always,” Blaine replied with a smile of his own.
Kurt had turned down Blaine’s offer to accompany him to Dalton. He had work to do on his father’s campaign, and besides, the Warblers had been Blaine’s friends first. He deserved some time with them on his own, without having to share company. Blaine walked down the staircase where he had first met Kurt, smiling at the memory. He felt out of place without the blazer, but he knew he would be welcomed back by his Warbler family.
He was pleased when he heard Nick’s voice drifting out of the choir room. It appeared the boy had finally gotten a solo, and not just any solo but “Uptown Girl.” Blaine leaned against the doorway, listening to his friends sing. He noticed a new guy walking towards him. He didn’t like the way the guy looked at him, like he was a piece of meat. Just as the boy pulled him into the group, Nick and the other Warblers noticed his presence. He followed the movements of the other Warblers, not familiar with the choreography. The song ended and Blaine applauded loudly.
“You guys killed it!” he exclaimed, pulling Nick in for a quick hug.
“We’d sound so much better with you,” Trent commented. “Is this your triumphant return to Dalton?”
“No, I’m still at McKinley,” Blaine answered with a smile. “I’m actually here to invite you to the opening night of West Side Story. I reserved a whole row of seats just for the Warblers. It would mean the world to me if you’d come.”
“We’ll be there,” the new guy spoke for the group. “Once a Warbler, always a Warbler, right?”
The group clapped him on the back before they went their separate ways. Only the new guy stayed behind.
“Blaine Anderson,” he said, extending his hand. “I’m Sebastian Smythe.”
“Hi,” Blaine said, shaking his hand.
“Do you want to grab a cup of coffee?” Sebastian asked.
“Sure,” Blaine answered. Several minutes later they sat at a table in the commons, both sipping cups of coffee.
“You’re a legend at Dalton,” Sebastian told him. Blaine blushed, unsure of how to respond. “Don’t be modest. I was like, ‘I don’t know who this Blaine guy is but apparently he’s sex on a stick and sings like a dream.’”
“Which Warbler said I’m sex on a stick?” Blaine asked with a laugh.
“Doesn’t matter,” Sebastian answered quickly. “Since I’m working to take over your place, I have to ask. Why did you leave Dalton? Were you tired of all the prep school boys or did you break too many hearts to stay?”
Blaine laughed awkwardly. “It wasn’t like that. Let’s just say that I miss Dalton but McKinley is where my heart is.”
He couldn’t help but smile widely when he thought of Kurt. Blaine never doubted for a second that he had made the right decision to transfer schools. Sebastian frowned at his lovesick expression. Sebastian changed the subject quickly. They talked about the school and the difficulty of the classes for a while before Sebastian announced he would be late for lacrosse practice.
“Could we meet again?” Sebastian asked as he gathered his things. “I could really use some more of your insight, Blaine. You know, Warbler to Warbler.”
“Sure,” Blaine agreed, against his best judgments. Sebastian made him uneasy, but if he really did need someone to come to for advice, Blaine couldn’t turn him down. He just hoped Kurt wouldn’t be upset that he had said yes.
The next day, Blaine had yet to tell Kurt about Sebastian. He wasn’t sure how to tell him and he was too afraid that he would be upset about it. So for now, he kept it to himself. He would figure out how to tell Kurt later. For now, he was focusing on Artie’s opinion of his lack of sexual experience. He was getting books out of his locker when Kurt approached him.
“If you see any of Rachel’s campaign posters, feel free to tear them down,” Kurt said with a sigh as he leaned back against the lockers.
“Do you think we’re too sheltered as artists?” Blaine found himself asking. Kurt lifted his head in confusion. “West Side Story is all about living outside your safe little world. Don’t you want to wake up every day and be adventurous, to experience everything in life that you can?”
“Of course,” Kurt answered in surprise. He pulled out his phone, scrolling through it until he found what he was looking for. “That’s why I made a Bucket List. Just promise not to laugh. Number eighty-seven, become CEO of Logo.”
“Of course,” Blaine said with a smile.
“Number sixty-three, lay a rose at the birthplace of Noel Coward. Oh, and this is really embarrassing but I wrote it before I met you. Number five, have relations on a dewy meadow of lilac with Taylor Lautner before he gets fat,” Kurt said, blushing. “It’s stupid.”
“No, it’s not. It’s hot,” Blaine answered.
Kurt was shocked when he looked into Blaine’s eyes and saw desire. He struggled to find his voice. “Well anyway, we’re young. We have all the time in the world to be ‘adventurous.’”
Blaine leaned in closely. When he spoke his voice came out seductively. “Don’t you think now is the time to be adventurous, while we’re still young?”
Kurt watched as Blaine strode off down the hallway. Maybe Blaine was right. Blaine was it for him, Kurt knew that. So what was the point in delaying the inevitable? They both knew they’d be together for the rest of their lives. Why shouldn’t their living start now?
When Sebastian asked if he wanted to meet for coffee that afternoon, Blaine agreed but not without reservations. He couldn’t believe that Sebastian had lived in Paris, or asked for cognac in his coffee.
“You’re so out there,” Blaine said as he sat down.
“And your whole bashful-school-boy thing, super-hot,” Sebastian replied.
“Look, Sebastian, I have a boyfriend,” Blaine told him. He hadn’t taken the hint during their previous meeting so Blaine decided to spell it out for him.
“Doesn’t bother me if it doesn’t bother you,” Sebastian answered.
“Well it does. I really care about him,” Blaine said.
“He doesn’t need to know,” Sebastian countered.
Blaine was beginning to wonder if the guy had a conscience. “I never want to mess up what I have with him, in any way. He’s really great.”
“Who’s really great?” Kurt asked, suddenly appearing over Blaine’s shoulder.
“You are,” Blaine said with relief. “We were just talking about you. Sebastian, this is my boyfriend, Kurt.”
Kurt extended his hand, forcing a smile when Sebastian shook it. “Pleasure.”
“And how do we know Sebastian?” Kurt asked. Blaine could tell by his tone of voice that he was unhappy with the situation but it was too late to do anything now.
“We met at Dalton. I was dying to meet Blaine. The Warblers never shut up about him. I didn’t think he could live up to the hype, but as it turns out. . . .” Sebastian said with an overconfident smile.
“Yes, he’s even more impressive in the flesh,” Kurt said as he pulled up a chair. He slid his arm through Blaine’s, snuggling up to his side.
“What’re you guys doing tomorrow night?” Sebastian asked, trying not to frown at the couple’s close proximity to each other.
“We’re rehearsing for the school musical and then at bedtime we do a moisturizing routine over the phone,” Kurt answered before Blaine could speak.
“As sexy as that sounds, how would you like to go to Scandals in West Lima? I can get you guys a couple of fake IDs,” Sebastian suggested.
“Scandals?” Blaine asked in surprise. He turned to Kurt to explain. “That’s the gay bar.”
“Come on, guys, live a little.”
“Thank you for the offer, Sebastian, but that’s really not our kind of thing,” Blaine declined.
“Let’s do it,” Kurt disagreed. If Sebastian wanted a fight, it was a fight he was going to get.
“What?” Blaine asked in confusion.
“Yeah, I mean we have a whole bunch of firsts to start crossing off our list,” Kurt said. “We’re in.”
“Great,” Sebastian said with a smile.
Kurt tried to hide his discomfort as they walked towards the bar of the club. Sebastian was there waiting for them. Kurt slid his hand into Blaine’s.
“I really don’t like that guy,” Kurt said under his breath.
“He’s harmless,” Blaine assured him with a squeeze of the hand.
Kurt resisted the urge to pour the drink over Sebastian’s head when he handed him a Shirley Temple. He wanted to tell Blaine not to drink anything the boy offered, but he knew Blaine would only say he was being ridiculous. When Sebastian asked Blaine to dance, he looked to Kurt to see if it was all right with him. He didn’t want to upset him and Kurt didn’t want Sebastian to know that he was upsetting him, so he agreed. He sat with his back to the bar, keeping a watchful eye on his Blaine.
“Better watch your boyfriend,” a familiar voice drawled.
Kurt turned in surprise to see Karofsky. He hadn’t seen him since the previous school year, as the jock had transferred over the summer. “So how’s life at your new school?”
“Fine,” Karofsky answered. “I just want to have a normal school year without any rumors about me.”
“Well just so you know, I never would have told anyone. It’s not who I am.” Kurt turned to see Sebastian dancing a respectable distance away from Blaine. Satisfied, he turned back to Karofsky. “So do you come here all the time?”
Karofsky nodded. “People like me here. I feel accepted. I’m what they call a bear cub.”
“Because you look like Yogi?” Kurt asked in confusion.
Karofsky laughed. “No, because I’m burly.”
Kurt nodded, turning his head away.
“So is this the point where you judge me?”
“No,” Kurt answered. “As long as you’re not beating people up I’m all for being whoever you have to be at your own speed.”
“I’m just trying to get through high school,” Karofsky said.
Kurt smiled, taking a sip of his drink before he abandoned it to dance with his boyfriend. He slid in between Blaine and Sebastian, grinding his body against Blaine’s in a way he had never dared before. They spent the rest of the night that way, until Kurt decided it was time to get Blaine home.
“This is the best night of my life,” Blaine slurred as Kurt escorted him out of the club. “I wanna live here and I wanna make art and help people.”
Blaine chose that moment to exhale right into Kurt’s face. Kurt coughed, pulling back with a laugh. “You could certainly help people make fires with your breath.”
“I only had one drink,” Blaine protested. They had reached Blaine’s car by that point and Kurt unlocked the doors. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt’s waist. “Kiss me. Come on, kiss me.”
“No, you’re going in the back. Lay down so you’re less likely to get sick.” Kurt helped Blaine to lie down in the back seat. He gasped when Blaine pulled him down on top of him. “Whoa, Blaine, okay.”
Kurt tried to disentangle himself from his boyfriend, but Blaine was having none of it. His mouth found Kurt’s neck as his hands wandered down his back. Kurt finally managed to sit up but Blaine followed him.
“Kurt, let’s just do it. I want you. I want you so bad.” Blaine tried to attack his neck again but Kurt pushed him back.
“No, Blaine. Stop it!”
“I know you wanted to do it in a field of lilac and all that but who cares where we are? It’s all about us, right?”
“Right, it’s about us! Which is why I don’t want to do it on a night when you spent half the time dancing with another guy and you’re too drunk to remember it the next day!” Kurt exclaimed angrily.
“Why are you yelling at me?” Blaine asked.
“Because I have never felt less like being intimate with someone and either you can’t tell or you don’t care!”
Blaine pushed his way out of the car, walking towards the road.
“Where are you going?” Kurt yelled.
“I’m sorry if I’m trying to be spontaneous and fun!” Blaine threw his arms up in the air. “I’m just going to walk home.”
“Blaine!” Kurt called out, trying to stop him. Blaine kept walking so Kurt had no choice but to get in the car. He followed Blaine the entire way home, making sure that he was safe. Blaine refused to talk to him, even though Kurt kept the window rolled down and tried to reason with him several times. He refused to leave Blaine alone to his own devices while he was drunk. Once Blaine made it safely into his house, Kurt left Blaine’s keys under the doormat and walked home.
He didn’t know how the night had turned out so bad. Kurt knew he had screwed up by ever agreeing to go to that club. And now Blaine hated him. He slipped into his house, creeping up the stairs to his bedroom. He was grateful everyone was already asleep. There would be no delays. Kurt pressed play on his iHome, smiling at the song that it queued up. It was exactly what he needed just now.
Did you know,
Hidden by his clothes there are some scars?
Some are recent,
Some have been there for years.
Did you know,
It doesn’t even hurt?
It never really hurts, but there are tears.
Kurt entered his bathroom immediately, sliding his razor out from its hiding spot. He pressed the sharp edge of the blade against his wrist, drawing it parallel to his vein. He hissed in pain as the skin opened and blood flowed out. It wasn’t enough though. Kurt pulled the blade across his skin, like he was drawing on a canvas. But the canvas was skin and the paint blood.
Do you want the real story,
Or do you prefer the lie?
Do you want to see him smile,
Or maybe see him cry?
Do you want to follow,
Or let him go alone?
For then, never to know. . .
Never to know.
Never to know.
His body wracked with sobs, Kurt opened his own skin. He had ruined everything he had with Blaine in just one night. Did Blaine really expect for Kurt to give him his virginity when Blaine was drunk? Would Blaine have been happier if Kurt had relented and given him what he wanted? Kurt didn’t know because Blaine had left him. He was alone.
Have you seen the way he acts sometimes?
And when you ask,
He’ll say that he’s okay.
Have you seen how well he pretends?
Laughs out loud,
Before he looks away.
Kurt didn’t know what would happen when he saw Blaine again. He was resigned to pretend like nothing had happened. After all, he was an actor. His pretending was flawless, except when it came to Blaine. Blaine always saw through his mask. But maybe Blaine wouldn’t care enough to try. Kurt could just say he was okay and leave it at that. Surely, after the way he had screwed up, Blaine wouldn’t care to press the matter. He would probably be glad to be rid of the subject completely.
Do you want the real story,
Or do you prefer the lie?
Do you want to see him smile,
Or maybe see him cry?
Do you want to follow,
Or let him go alone?
For then, never to know. . .
Never to know.
Never to know.
Never to know. . .
Never to know.
The last eight months had been the best in Kurt’s life. Now they had all but been destroyed. The funny thing was Kurt was ready to take that step with Blaine. He just wasn’t going to lose his virginity when his boyfriend was drunk and had spent half the night ignoring him for another guy. Kurt wanted their first time to mean something; he wanted them to be able to look back years from now and remember the beautiful moment when they gave themselves to each other completely. Now that was all ruined. And it was his fault.
Do you want the real story,
Or do you prefer the lie?
Do you want to see him smile,
Or maybe see him cry?
Do you want to follow,
Or let him go alone?
For then, never to know. . .
As Kurt pulled the blade across his skin one more time, he realized how deep he had gone. He knew he should probably go to the ER for stitches but without Blaine he could care less. Without Blaine he was nothing. Rinsing off the blade, Kurt put it back in his hiding spot. Then he pulled out all of his medical supplies. He pulled the skin together with a butterfly strip before covering the entire thing in gauze and medical tape.
Do you want the real story,
Or do you prefer the lie?
Do you want to see him smile,
Or maybe see him cry?
Do you want to follow,
Or let him go alone?
For then, never to know. . .
Never to know.
Kurt fell into bed, completely exhausted both mentally and physically. Ordinarily, he would call Blaine to tell him what he had done. But now they weren’t talking. Kurt hid his sobs in his pillow, hugging it to his chest. He couldn’t help but feel the entire situation was hopeless. But there was only one way to fix it. He would have to make Blaine talk to him.
Opening day dawned bright, despite the darkness of the previous night. Blaine didn’t see Kurt all day and before he knew it he was standing backstage with Rachel. They were both putting makeup on, waiting until they were told to go on stage.
“Just so you know, your Maria has disappointed you,” Rachel said as she applied blush to the apples of her cheeks. “I’m still a virgin.”
“Then your Tony has disappointed you,” Blaine said, putting down a makeup brush. “I ruined everything with Kurt.”
“Whatever happened, I’m sure he’ll forgive you,” Rachel said supportively.
Blaine was spared from having to explain the situation when Artie announced it was time for the show to begin. As Artie wheeled away, he changed the subject. “How are we, as virgins, supposed to do this?”
“Tony and Maria were soul mates,” Rachel answered. “Against all odds, they found each other. I know what that’s like, and you do too. We just have to tap into that.”
Blaine followed Rachel’s advice and before he knew it the play was over. He avoided the throng of people trying to talk to him, instead going to change back into his normal clothes. After everyone had left, he went back on stage, trying to perfect the move he had messed up earlier. He was surprised when he heard Kurt’s voice from the other side of the stage.
“Shouldn’t you be celebrating?” he asked.
“I’m going over the move I messed up tonight,” Blaine answered. “I know I can do it better.”
“That’s the beauty of the stage. You get to do it all over again the next night,” Kurt said as he stepped closer. “Personally I thought you and Rachel both were perfect.”
“Thank you. Your Officer Krupke killed,” Blaine told him. “You brought the house down.”
“Well I can’t help but pull focus.” Kurt lifted his eyes to the ceiling. “Sorry.”
Blaine chuckled. “Don’t apologize. You were fantastic.”
“All your friends came tonight. The Warblers. Sebastian.”
“Come here.” Blaine beckoned him forward with his hand. “Give me your hand, and hold it to your heart.”
Blaine took Kurt’s hand, pressing it over his heart.
"Just like the song?” Kurt asked.
“Just like the song.” Blaine nodded. “Kurt, Sebastian doesn’t mean anything to me. And you were right, our first time shouldn’t be like that. I was drunk and I’m sorry.”
“Well it sure beats the last time you were drunk and made out with Rachel,” Kurt said cheekily.
Blaine groaned, dropping his head. “You would bring that up.”
“I’m sorry too,” Kurt ignored him. “I wanted to be your gay bar superstar but try as I might I’m still just a silly romantic.”
“It’s not silly,” Blaine assured him. He leaned forwards to kiss Kurt, using his mouth to open Kurt’s. Their tongues tangled together for a moment until Kurt pulled away, gasping for air.
“You take my breath away,” he said, resting his forehead against Blaine’s. “Not just now, but tonight on that stage. I was so proud to be with you.”
“I hope so. I want you to be,” Blaine’s voice broke. He cleared his throat. “Artie’s having an after party at Breadstix. Would you accompany me?”
“No.” Kurt shook his head. Blaine looked disappointed so he explained quickly. “I want to go to your house.”
Blaine looked at him in surprise. “Are you sure?”
“I’m positive. I love you. There’s never going to be anyone else for me. It’s always been you. So why delay the inevitable?” Kurt took Blaine’s hand, pulling him out of the auditorium.
The drive to Blaine’s house wasn’t awkward in the slightest. They knew what was about to happen and they knew they were ready for it. Blaine pulled his car into the driveway, hurrying to open Kurt’s door before Kurt could do it himself. Kurt blushed, taking Blaine’s hand in his as they walked to the door. They walked calmly to Blaine’s room, neither trying to rush the other. Once inside, Blaine kissed Kurt deeply. Kurt’s tongue snaked out to caress Blaine’s as Blaine’s hands fell to the buttons of Kurt’s vest.
“Are you sure?” he asked again.
“I’m not changing my mind,” Kurt assured him.
Blaine slowly unbuttoned Kurt’s vest, pushing it off of his shoulders. He continued with the buttons of Kurt’s shirt, sliding the garment down his arms. He frowned when he reached Kurt’s left wrist. He looked up to meet Kurt’s eyes.
“I wasn’t sure if we were talking so I didn’t tell you. I was going to tonight but I knew you’d see it. I wasn’t keeping it from you,” Kurt said, trying to keep his voice steady.
Blaine knew how hard this had to be for him. Here Kurt was, laying himself completely bare and admitting his wrongdoings, waiting for Blaine to accept him. Blaine lifted Kurt’s wrist to his lips, kissing each wound, each scar. He paid special attention to the one held together with a butterfly strip. He could tell instantly Kurt should have gotten stitches. He hated to think that Kurt had been in so much emotional anguish that he had to cause himself that amount of pain, to cut into his flesh so deeply. And Blaine hadn’t been there to help him. Blaine let Kurt’s hand fall back to his side. Then he dropped to his knees, trailing his lips over each scar on Kurt’s stomach. When he had kissed the last one, he stood again. Kurt kissed him passionately, pulling Blaine’s shirt up. They broke the kiss only to dispose of the shirt, tossing it in the corner. Blaine gently pushed Kurt back on the bed. Once they were completely naked, Blaine started to give Kurt one last chance to back out, but Kurt stopped him.
“If you ask if I’m sure one more time I will hurt you,” Kurt said with a smile.
Blaine laughed. “Fine, then I won’t.”
They explored each other’s bodies for the first time, basking in the closeness. As Blaine’s hands trailed over Kurt’s body, Kurt kissed him deeply. He pulled back to whisper against his lips, “Make love to me.”
And Blaine, never one to tell Kurt no, did as he asked. After they made love, Kurt rested his head on Blaine’s chest, listening to his frenzied heartbeat. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, holding him close.
“Are you all right?” Blaine asked after his breathing returned to normal.
“Perfect,” Kurt answered, leaning up to press his lips against Blaine’s. He laid back down, his face pressed into Blaine’s neck. “Will you sing to me?”
“Of course,” Blaine answered. He rubbed small circles over Kurt’s back as he began to sing.
It’s a little bit funny this feeling inside.
I’m not one of those who can easily hide.
I don’t have much money but boy if I did,
I’d buy a big house where we both could live.
Kurt smiled as he listened to Blaine sing. He could have all the money in the world and it wouldn’t matter as long as he could listen to Blaine’s voice. Whenever he sang, it seemed like everything else just disappeared except for the two of them.
If I was a sculptor, but then again, no,
Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show.
I know it’s not much but it’s the best I can do.
My gift is my song and this one’s for you.
Blaine carded his hand through Kurt’s hair. Normally Kurt detested anyone touching his hair, but not now. Now, nothing mattered except for the two of them and the love that they shared.
And you can tell everybody this is your song.
It may be quite simple but now that it’s done.
I hope you don’t mind.
I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words,
How wonderful life is while you’re in the world.
Kurt twisted his head to press a kiss against Blaine’s collarbone. He propped his head up with one hand, smiling down at Blaine as he continued to sing.
I sat on the roof and I kicked off the moss.
Well a few of the verses well they’ve got me quite cross.
But the sun’s been quite kind while I wrote this song.
It’s for people like you that keep it turned on.
So excuse me forgetting but these things I do.
You see I’ve forgotten if they’re green or they’re blue.
Anyway the thing is what I really mean,
Yours are the sweetest eyes I’ve ever seen.
Blaine copied Kurt’s posture. He leaned forward to brush his nose against Kurt’s. Kurt chuckled, lifting a hand to run through Blaine’s loose curls.
And you can tell everybody this is your song.
It may be quite simple but now that it’s done.
I hope you don’t mind.
I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words,
How wonderful life is while you’re in the world.
I hope you don’t mind.
I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words,
How wonderful life is while you’re in the world.
Blaine captured Kurt’s lips in a kiss as the song ended. He laced their fingers together, squeezing his hand slightly. They broke apart at the same time, resting their heads against one pillow.
“I love you,” Blaine said.
“I love you too,” Kurt answered.
“Forever.” This time it wasn’t a question.
I don't know whether it's just my ipod being funny, but on chapter 20 it goes 'He was pacing outside of his bat' and stops...is a bunch of it missing? Anyway, I really love this story and I can't stop reading!
Hey,Thank you for letting me know about the cut off. I don't know what happened. I uploaded it weeks ago and it was perfectly fine but sure enough when I went back it had been cut off. I fixed it just now so you should be able to read the rest of the chapter. If not let me know. Also, this story can be found on AO3 and FFN so if it isn't resolved you can read the chapter there. Always,Rhiannon (godessoftrees)