Oct. 21, 2012, 4:52 p.m.
Oct. 21, 2012, 4:52 p.m.
Chapter Seventeen: I Am Unicorn
"I really like your outfit."
Kurt looked up, surprised to see Brittany standing beside him. He smiled at the compliment. "Thank you, Britt."
"I really want to run your campaign for president," Brittany said. "Out of all of the kids in this school I think you are the biggest unicorn."
"I'm sorry?" Kurt was more confused than was normal from a conversation with Brittany.
"Come on, everyone knows when a pony does a good deed he gets a horn. He becomes a unicorn and poops out cotton candy until he forgets he's magical and his horn falls off," Brittany explained.
The smile vanished from Kurt's face. Every time he thought the blonde could never shock him more than she already had, he was proven wrong.
"That's a terrifying story." Kurt closed his locker and turned to walk down the hall. Brittany followed him, linking her arm through his.
"No it's not. My point is a unicorn is someone who knows they're magical and aren't afraid to show it. You went through hell last year and you never forgot how special you are. And I'm really popular so I could help you get a lot of votes."
"Then why don't you run?"
"I'm not smart enough."
Kurt stopped outside his classroom door, turning to face her. He wasn't sure that it was the best idea, but he couldn't turn the girl down. "I'm flattered, Brittany."
"Great. I'll come over after school and we'll work on some campaign ideas."
Kurt entered the classroom after Brittany left. He looked up when Blaine took the seat next to him.
"Good morning!" he said cheerfully.
"Morning," Kurt said with a smile. He reached across the aisle to squeeze Blaine's hand while no one was looking.
"Kurt," Blaine hissed. He nodded his head towards Kurt's left wrist where the sleeve had ridden up, exposing his most recent cuts. Kurt panicked, wrenching his sleeve down. He withdrew his arm hastily. "Hey, it's okay. No one saw."
Blaine knew Kurt worried constantly about someone finding out his secret. He wished he could say no one would care, but they both knew the truth. Kurt turned his head away as the teacher chose that moment to start class. He was grateful for the distraction. Blaine had already known Kurt had relapsed, but for some reason Kurt was acting like he felt guilty. Blaine filed this away to discuss with his boyfriend later as he pulled a pencil out and began to take notes.
Kurt was shocked when Will included his name in the list for the people required to attend Booty Camp. He looked to Blaine, who shrugged his shoulders, before turning back to Will.
"I must protest," Kurt said, raising a finger.
"You only have one move, Kurt, and it's this really distracting sashay," Mike said.
"This is ridiculous," Kurt whispered to Blaine.
Blaine shrugged his shoulders, unhelpfully. "You know I love your dancing, but I can't speak for the people who aren't in love with you."
Kurt blushed, turning his attention back to Will and Mercedes. He was surprised when Blaine raised his hand.
"Mr. Schuester, do you mind if I join you? I really need to catch up with you guys." Blaine looked between Will and Kurt, waiting for one of them to protest. He smiled when they both nodded in acceptance. Blaine could tell Kurt was upset about being sentenced to Booty Camp, but he hoped his presence could help alleviate whatever anxiety was tormenting him.
Blaine waited until everyone had left to confront Kurt.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"I'll be fine. I need to go though. Brittany is going to help me with my campaign posters so I need to get home before she gets there." Kurt walked out the door, knowing Blaine would follow him. He needed to cut. This meant he had to get home before Brittany got there.
"Oh, okay. Well, call me whenever she leaves. Maybe we can study together," Blaine suggested.
"Not tonight, Blaine. I have too much to do." Kurt looked up just in time to see the crestfallen look cross Blaine's face. "Oh, honey. I'm sorry. I don't mean to blow you off. You know I'd love to do nothing else but spend time with you, but I have so much planning to do for the campaign."
"It's okay," Blaine assured him. "I understand. Call me before you go to bed."
"I will," Kurt promised. He kissed Blaine swiftly on the cheek before he climbed into the driver's seat of his Navigator and pulled out of the parking lot.
Unfortunately, Brittany was already waiting in his driveway when Kurt got home. He sighed to himself, knowing he would have to wait until later to make himself strong. Kurt led Brittany up to his room, watching in horror as she pulled out several pink posters and explained her idea for Kurt Hummel's Bulging Pink Fun Sack. He hated having to tell Brittany the truth, but he couldn't lie to her. The entire thing was a joke. Kurt let her down as easy as possible, sighing in relief when the girl finally left. After seeing her out, he returned to his room, entering his bathroom without a second's hesitation.
Gripping the sink, he stared into his reflection in the mirror. Why couldn't he ever do anything right? Why could he be good enough for a change? Ignoring the tears that streamed down his cheeks, Kurt pulled his razorblade out of its hiding spot. Kurt knew he had to hurry because his dad would be home at any moment. He pulled his shirt up and brought the blade down to the sensitive skin of his stomach. He pushed it in, watching as the crimson blossomed across his porcelain skin. He cleaned up after himself quickly, not wanting to risk being interrupted.
Kurt walked back into his bedroom, stretching out across the mattress. He knew he should call Blaine and tell him what he had done, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. He couldn't stand to hear the disappointment in his boyfriend's voice. So instead, Kurt stared at the ceiling until his father called him down to dinner. And when he called Blaine that night before bed, he pretended that everything was all right.
Kurt took his place next to Blaine, going through the movements of the grapevine as Will instructed.
"I'm only doing this in the hopes that it might help with the auditions tomorrow," Kurt admitted.
"I'm still trying to decide between 'Maria' and 'Something's Coming,'" Blaine said as he copied Mike's steps.
"Those are Tony songs. Are you auditioning for Tony too?" Kurt asked in surprise. He had hoped Blaine would try out with him, but not for the same part.
"Would that be weird?" Blaine asked, not wanting to upset his boyfriend.
"No not at all. You'd be great as Tony, perfect actually." Kurt knew if Blaine auditioned for Tony he would get the part. There was no doubt about that. He was perfect for the part, whereas Kurt was too feminine.
"Except you've been here longer. You already have great chemistry with everyone. I'd be fine with any part as long as I'm up there on that stage with you," Blaine told him truthfully.
Kurt smiled. "You're too sweet."
"Guys, stop talking! Concentrate on your dancing!" Will exclaimed from the front of the room. Kurt sighed unhappily but listened, trying to ignore Blaine's close proximity for the rest of the hour.
The next day, Kurt tried to ignore his nerves as he made his way to the auditorium. His hands were shaking and before he could quite realize what he was doing, he found himself pushing open the door to the boys' restroom. Choosing the stall furthest from the door, Kurt shifted through his messenger bag until he found his blade. He drug it across his stomach, gasping at the relief the action bought. Kurt smeared the blood across his skin with his fingertip, watching it color the snow white flesh red. He put the blade back in his bag before pressing toilet paper to the cut. He waited until the bleeding had stopped before wiping the remaining blood off of his stomach.
Now that he had made himself strong, Kurt had no nervousness. He grabbed his messenger bag and pushed the bathroom door open. Once in the auditorium, he waited until he heard Artie call "Next!" before he crossed the stage.
"I will be auditioning for Tony, the male lead." Kurt announced with a smile.
"What will you be singing?" Artie asked.
"I will be performing the semi-autobiographical 'I Am the Greatest Star' from Funny Girl."
"Isn't that a Streisand song?" Coach Beiste asked.
"I know what you're thinking, but I got written permission from the woman herself: Miss Rachel Berry." The sentence had the desired effect of laughter, which helped soothe Kurt's nerves.
"Whenever you're ready," Artie told him.
Kurt performed flawlessly. He sang his heart out while climbing over the scaffolding his father had built for him. And he knew instantly the sai swords had been a huge success. Coach Beiste, Emma, and Artie all cheered for him when it was over.
Kurt grabbed his messenger bag from backstage, pushing open the door to the hallway. He wasn't surprised to find Blaine there waiting for him.
"How did it go?" he asked innocently.
"As if you weren't watching," Kurt said with a smile.
"You're right. I couldn't stay away. I love watching you perform." Blaine took his hand in his as they walked towards the parking lot.
"Do you want to come over? Finn is at Rachel's and Carole and Dad won't be home until later."
"Are you inviting me back to your empty house?" Blaine asked in a scandalized voice.
Kurt laughed. "I'll take that as a yes."
"Well, of course it's a yes. Like I could turn you down." Blaine walked around to the passenger side of Kurt's car. They had decided it made more sense to carpool to school instead of them both taking separate cars, as more often than not they ended up at the same place after school.
Kurt started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. He laughed when Blaine yelled 'Ooh!' in excitement when P!nk's "Fucking Perfect" came on the radio. Blaine cranked up the volume, singing along loudly. Kurt shook his head at his boyfriend but joined in, harmonizing with Blaine's voice perfectly. Not much later, they were pulling into Kurt's driveway. Kurt cut the engine before they climbed out of the car, grabbing their bags from the backseat.
The couple rushed up the stairs to Kurt's room, happy to have the house to themselves. Blaine threw his bag on the ground before stepped towards Kurt, crushing his mouth to his. Kurt moaned happily, running his hands through Blaine's hair to free it from its gel confines. They kissed for several minutes until Kurt pulled away, breathing heavily.
"I've been wanting to do that all day," Blaine said with a smile.
"Then why didn't you?" Kurt asked in a breathy voice.
"There were always too many people around. I didn't want to risk Finn seeing us and running to Burt. He might decide to cut my lips off." Blaine tangled his fingers together with Kurt's.
"Well we can't have that now, can we?" Kurt asked, taking a step towards Blaine. Their lips met again briefly but Kurt pulled away again. He didn't move far, satisfied with speaking against Blaine's lips. "Besides, he wouldn't do that. Not when he has a shotgun."
"So not helping." Blaine pressed his lips back to Kurt's, groaning when the other boy licked his way into his mouth. Blaine's hands fell to Kurt's hips, pulling the boy closer so their torsos were pressed together. Blaine didn't know what reaction he had been expecting from Kurt, but it was definitely not the one he got.
Kurt hissed in pain as their stomachs brushed against each other. He leapt away from Blaine, looking down in horror as blood seeped through his tight-fitting shirt.
"Kurt?" Blaine asked, knowing instantly what had happened.
"I must've hurt myself on the scaffolding," Kurt said, attempting to lie his way out of the situation.
"Dammit, Kurt, don't lie to me!" Blaine exclaimed angrily. "I know you hurt yourself. I'm not stupid!" Blaine stepped towards him, pulling Kurt's shirt up to expose the damage he had done to himself that week. The damage he had inflicted without telling Blaine. "You're supposed to be getting better! You're not supposed to be doing this anymore!"
"Well, maybe I don't want to get better anymore! Did you ever consider that! I wasn't ready for this! You pushed me into it! Well this is my decision, not yours!" Kurt screamed back. He expected more anger from Blaine, but when the boy's face screwed up in pain he was shocked. Tears formed behind Blaine's eyes as he folded in on himself, sinking to the floor. "No, please don't cry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Blaine. I didn't mean to yell at you."
"I'm so sorry, Kurt. I'm so sorry," Blaine sobbed.
"No, baby. Please, don't cry. This isn't your fault. I should have said I wasn't ready. I should have been more adamant. Please, don't cry. It isn't your fault. I won't shut you out again."
"You can't keep this from me, Kurt. You can't," Blaine said through his tears.
Kurt fell to his knees beside his boyfriend. "I'm sorry, Blaine. I won't lie to you again, I promise."
"I can't lose you," Blaine sobbed weakly, pulling his knees up to his chest.
"What? Baby, I'm not going anywhere. You will never lose me."
Blaine shook his head feebly, burying his face in his knees. Kurt placed a hand over Blaine's.
"Please, tell me why you're afraid of that. I swear to you I will never leave you."
Blaine slowly raised his head to look at Kurt. He didn't know how to say what he needed to say, so he took a deep breath and began to sing.
Dead star shine,
Light up the sky.
I'm all out of breath.
My walls are closing in.
Days go by.
Give me a sign.
Come back to the end,
The shepherd of the damned.
Each passing day was a challenge for Kurt, Blaine knew that. But what Kurt didn't know was how hard it was for Blaine to watch everything that he went through. He just wanted to make everything go away, to take the pain away.
I can feel you falling away.
No longer the lost.
No longer the same.
And I can see you starting to break.
I'll keep you alive,
If you show me the way.
Forever and ever,
The scars will remain.
I'm falling apart.
Leave me here forever in the dark.
Seeing Kurt suffer was killing Blaine. He knew it had only been a matter of time before he fell apart, but he hated that it had to happen in front of Kurt. Blaine could tell Kurt was getting worse, not better. He wasn't himself anymore. And Blaine was terrified that one day he would walk into Kurt's room to find him unconscious on the floor, bleeding out.
Kurt placed a hand over Blaine's before he began to sing with him.
Daylight dies,
Blackout the sky.
Does anyone care?
Is anybody there?
Take this life,
Empty inside.
I'm already dead.
I'll rise to fall again.
Blaine hoped Kurt knew that it didn't matter how many times he gave up, Blaine would never give up. He would be there every step of the way, no matter what happened. He would never abandon Kurt. When Kurt felt like no one cared, he would show him that he did. And when Kurt felt alone, he'd help him feel his presence.
I can feel you falling away.
No longer the lost.
No longer the same.
And I can see you starting to break.
I'll keep you alive,
If you show me the way.
Forever and ever,
The scars will remain.
I'm falling apart.
Leave me here forever in the dark.
God, help me I've come undone.
Out of the light of the sun.
God, help me I've come undone.
Out of the light of the sun.
For now, it seemed like Kurt had disappeared back into the darkness of his depression. He had let the cutting take over once more, but Blaine was determined to show him the light. The problem was getting Kurt to see it. If only he could tell Blaine how.
I can feel you falling away.
No longer the lost.
No longer the same.
And I can see you starting to break.
I'll keep you alive,
If you show me the way.
Forever and ever,
The scars will remain.
Blaine let his eyes drop to the blood on Kurt's shirt. He knew Kurt would always have his scars, though they would eventually fade with time. They would always be there, physically and mentally. Blaine looked forward to the time when there were no new ones marring his boyfriend's beautiful skin.
Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand as they continued to sing. Kurt's voice echoed after Blaine's.
Give me a sign.
(There's something buried in the words.)
Give me a sign.
(Your tears are adding to the flood.)
Just give me a sign.
(There's something buried in the words.)
Give me a sign.
(Your tears are adding to the flood.)
Just give me a sign.
(There's something buried in the words.)
Give me a sign.
(Your tears are adding to the flood.)
Forever and ever,
The scars will remain.
As the song ended, Kurt pulled Blaine into his arms. He held him tightly, letting him cry against his chest. When they finally pulled apart, Blaine's words broke Kurt's heart.
"It hurts me to watch you go through this. I'm terrified that one day I'll find you again, unconscious and bleeding," Blaine whispered.
"You won't. I'm careful."
"No, you're not! There's nothing careful about what you're doing, Kurt. It's dangerous," Blaine said sadly.
"I would never put you through that again, Blaine. I love you." Kurt tugged him back into his arms.
Blaine rested his head on Kurt's shoulder, wishing there was some way to make Kurt see the truth. But he knew he couldn't. So he simply whispered back, "I love you too."
Kurt had heard through Tina that Artie, Coach Beiste, and Emma were meeting to discuss the casting for West Side Story. He had positioned himself outside the open window to Emma's office, sitting on the ground so no one could see him.
"Kurt Hummel, talk about star quality, huh?" Emma's voice drifted out through the window.
Kurt gripped his tissue tighter, smiling widely. This was exactly what he had wanted to hear. But his heart sunk as Coach Beiste began to speak.
"My only problem is Tony is supposed to be a gang member. I look at Kurt, and I don't believe it."
"Kurt could bring delicateness to the character of Tony," Emma defended him. "Tony is retired from the gang, after all."
"Look, I love Kurt. But I want a masculine Tony. Kurt is too feminine," Coach Beiste said.
Kurt bit his lip, fighting off tears. He continued to listen as Emma asked Artie for his opinion.
"We should wait and see who else comes in. I'm just worried Kurt is a little delicate for Tony," Artie said.
Kurt crawled out from under the window, taking care not to be seen. He just couldn't do anything good enough, no matter how hard he tried. Everyone always expected more from him than he could ever give. Trying his best wasn't good enough anymore. Unable to stand the cloud of depression and anxiety, Kurt hurried to the nearest bathroom. He rifled through his bag for the blade, dropping the bag to the ground once he had found it. Kurt pulled up his shirt and aligned the edge of the razor with his skin, pushing in slowly as he pulled the blade up. The razor sliced into his skin, releasing the pain Kurt was seeking.
Remembering his promise to Blaine, Kurt quickly cleaned up after himself. His next class was with Blaine so it would be easy enough to find him. When he entered the classroom, Blaine was already sitting in his seat.
"Hey!" Blaine smiled cheerfully.
"Hi," Kurt answered glumly.
"What's wrong?" Blaine asked instantly.
Kurt didn't answer verbally. Instead he turned to face Blaine, hoping he would read what he needed to say in his eyes. Blaine took one look at his boyfriend's blue-green eyes, still red from crying, and took a deep breath.
"Why?" he asked.
"I can't do anything right. All I ever do is screw everything up," Kurt said sadly.
"That's not true." There was so much that Blaine wanted to tell him, but he was denied the chance when the teacher began to speak. They didn't get a chance to speak after class either. They agreed to meet after school so they could talk.
Kurt was walking down the hall after school when he saw the first poster. Several yards away, Santana was helping Brittany post more. Pink posters with unicorns and Kurt's face declaring his run for presidency. Kurt tore the nearest one off the wall, running to Brittany.
"This is not the poster we agreed on!" Kurt exclaimed breathlessly when he reached the cheerleaders.
"The poster you wanted was depressing," Brittany said.
"I wanted something simple and toned down," Kurt told them.
"This is toned down compared to the first posters," Santana cut in.
"Why are you so upset? You need to embrace how special you are." Brittany took a step towards him.
"I'm not going to win," Kurt said through his tears. He was distracted when he noticed Rachel walking by him. Kurt grabbed her by the arm, pulling her in the direction of the auditorium. "Rachel, I need you to come help me reaudition for Tony." As they walked off he turned around and yelled back down the hall to Brittany and Santana. "And tear down those posters!"
Once in the auditorium, Kurt explained that he was going to reaudition with a scene from Romeo and Juliet with Rachel playing Juliet. He read through his lines flawlessly, trying to ignore the snickers coming from the three casting directors sitting in the audience. But the final straw came when he leaned forward as if to kiss Rachel and the girl burst into laughter. Kurt pulled back instantly and Rachel knew her mistake.
"I'm sorry! Its fine, you can kiss me." Rachel tried to pull him back down to complete the scene but Kurt was already standing. He ran from the auditorium, quickly shedding the Romeo costume for his normal clothes. Then he sprinted to the nearest bathroom.
Kurt threw his bag on the ground next to the sinks, pulling his razorblade out quickly. He pressed the blade into the skin of his wrist. The door burst open and Rachel ran in, but it was too late. Kurt was already pressing the blade back into his flesh again, making a cut parallel to the first one.
"Kurt, stop!" Rachel pulled the blade out of his hand.
"No!" Kurt yelled, grabbing it back from her. He hissed in pain when the blade bit into the skin of his palm, but Kurt could care less. He needed the pain so badly at that moment that he didn't care how it happened as long as he got it.
"Kurt, listen to me! I'm sorry that I laughed at you. I didn't mean it. Just please, don't hurt yourself," Rachel pleaded with him.
"It's a little too late for that!"
Kurt turned away from her, pulling paper towels out of the dispenser. He pressed them to his cuts before slipping the razorblade back into his messenger bag. Without another word, Kurt left the bathroom. He could hear Rachel's footsteps behind him as he walked towards the choir room, but he ignored her.
Silence fell the instant Kurt entered the room, Rachel following quickly behind him. Blaine was on his feet instantly and at Kurt's side. Rachel was still trying to talk to him but he continued to ignore her and tried to walk around Blaine to get to his seat.
"Kurt, stop. What happened?" Blaine asked, worry evident in his voice.
Kurt's eyes were red from crying. Blaine was unable to see the cuts on his wrist because of the long-sleeved shirt he wore, but Blaine knew he had hurt himself. Blood was dripping down Kurt's wrist to his hand, where his palm was still bleeding from the cut there.
"Kurt?" Mercedes asked, slowly rising from her seat.
"Please, don't," Kurt said in a broken voice. Again, he tried to walk past Blaine but Blaine grabbed his right arm to stop him.
"We need to talk about this," he said.
"No, we don't," Kurt argued.
"I agree with Blaine. Why didn't you come to us if you were upset?" Finn asked, clearly concerned for his stepbrother's well-being.
"Because it's not your problem!" Kurt exclaimed. "You don't understand! None of you do! I know you try, Blaine. I know you do, but you don't. And that's not your fault. It's mine." Kurt paused for a moment before he continued, "I don't want this to be the only part of me that you guys see."
"It isn't, Kurt. I swear to you it isn't." Blaine gripped both of Kurt's hands in his, careful to avoid touching the cut to his palm.
"You are the best part of my life right now," Kurt told Blaine honestly. He turned to the group. "I know it seems like I have the perfect life but it's far from it. I struggle every single day and no one notices except Blaine."
"No one notices because you don't want them to," Blaine told him. "You're a good actor."
"Just please, listen to me. It's hard for me to talk about this. Please, go sit down." Kurt pushed Blaine back towards his seat. "I can't talk about it, but maybe this will help you to understand."
Kurt waited until Blaine, Rachel, and Mercedes had returned to their seats before he began to sing.
And I'd give up forever to touch you,
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow.
You're the closest to Heaven that I'll ever be,
And I don't want to go home right now.
Kurt slowly walked towards Blaine as he sang. Blaine was the one constant in his life. Everything else good eventually turned sour, but not Blaine. If not for Blaine, Kurt would not be standing there today. And they both knew it.
And all I can taste is this moment.
And all I can breathe is your life.
'Cause sooner or later it's over.
I just don't want to miss you tonight.
Kurt turned away from Blaine, walking past each member of New Directions as he sang. He just wanted them to understand why he couldn't come to them. He didn't want his cutting to be the only part of him that they saw. Because Kurt was so much more than just another cutter. His self-injury was only a piece of him.
And I don't want the world to see me.
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand.
When everything's made to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am.
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming,
Or the moment of truth in your lies.
When everything feels like the movies,
The entire group drew a breath and began to sing with him, almost moving Kurt to tears. He was holding it together by a thread and he knew that could break at any moment.
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive.
And I don't want the world to see me,
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand.
When everything's made to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am.
As the band played behind him, Kurt felt himself break once again. He dropped to his knees, burying his face in his hands. Blaine was by his side in a heartbeat, pulling him into his arms. Kurt cried into his shoulder, trying to put himself back together. When Kurt pulled away, Blaine helped him to his feet.
And I don't want the world to see me,
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand.
When everything's made to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am.
And I don't want the world to see me,
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand.
When everything's made to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am.
I just want you to know who I am.
I just want you to know who I am.
I just want you to know who I am.
The group crowded around Kurt, taking turns hugging him after the song ended. Blaine took Kurt's hand again once he had embraced everyone in turn. Kurt turned to look at him, not knowing what he was going to say. Blaine looked around at the group before pulling Kurt out into the hall so they could have some privacy.
"You need to talk to your dad," Blaine said.
"I know. And I will. He's still at the shop but I'll go down there." Kurt sighed heavily.
"You should probably change first." Blaine nodded towards the bloodstains on the sleeve of Kurt's shirt.
Kurt followed his gaze down to his sleeves. He grimaced at the sight. Another shirt had been ruined. He lifted his eyes to meet Blaine's before he spoke, "I'm sorry."
"I know." Blaine leaned in to kiss him softly. "Go home and change and then talk to your dad. I'll call you later tonight, okay?"
"Okay." Kurt hugged him tightly before he left. He assumed Blaine would tell Will where he went, since he had left before Will could start rehearsal.
Kurt changed at his house quickly before he drove to his dad's shop. He was sitting near the car his dad had been working on when Burt entered the room.
"What do you want?" Burt asked when he saw him.
"Nothing. Is Finn the only son who is allowed to help out around here now?" Kurt asked.
"No, but you only volunteer to help when you want money or you need to talk about something. So which is it?"
"I made a list of the only musicals I am a shoo-in for the lead role," Kurt said, pulling out a piece of paper. He read the list to his dad.
"Dude, you're gay," Burt said simply.
"Excuse me?"
"You're gay. And you're not like Rock Hudson gay, you're really gay. You sing like Diana Ross and you dress like you own a magic chocolate factory."
Kurt couldn't believe what his dad was saying. He had expected him to support him, not make him feel worse. "Why are you being so mean to me?"
"What's wrong with any of that? It's who you are."
"I'm not saying I'm ashamed of who I am. But if I want to be an actor I have to pass as straight to get the great roles. It's not fair that I won't get a shot at them because I'm gay."
"Kurt, if they aren't writing movies or plays for someone like you then you have to write them yourself. Change your own history. Break the rules."
"I'm tired of being a unicorn."
"You know what they call a unicorn without a horn?" Burt asked. "A freaking horse."
Kurt smiled. Burt looked his son over carefully. Something else was bothering him, he could tell it. Then he noticed to cut on the palm of his hand.
"What happened?" Burt asked, lifting Kurt's hand up to examine it.
"It was an accident," Kurt answered too quickly.
"Was it really?" Burt raised an eyebrow.
Kurt paused before he admitted, "No."
"We'll increase your therapy sessions, son. I wish you had come to me sooner." Burt clapped a hand on his shoulder. "You'll get through this, okay?"
"Thanks, Dad."
Kurt watched as his dad walked off. He didn't know if meeting his therapist more often would help or not, but he was willing to try it.
Kurt was putting up the posters Brittany had made when the girl appeared beside him. Kurt spun around to face her.
"Brittany, you were right! I need to celebrate who I am and I am a unicorn," Kurt told her.
Brittany hugged him. "I'm so proud of you."
"So, do you want to work on campaign ideas after school?" Kurt asked her.
"I'm sorry I can't. Santana and I are working on campaign posters," Brittany answered.
"But I already have them."
"No, for my campaign. I decided to run too. I'm also a unicorn and I'm starting to believe in my own magic. I will see you at the debate, okay?" Brittany walked off.
Kurt was shocked. If Brittany was running, he was sure to lose the popularity vote. He would just have to find something to win everyone over. But Kurt didn't have time to worry about that just now. He knew Blaine was auditioning for Tony in a few minutes and he wanted to sneak in to watch him.
Blaine's audition had already begun when Kurt crept out onto the balcony in the auditorium. Kurt smiled as he watched his boyfriend perform. He really would make the perfect Tony and Kurt knew no matter what part he went out for he would get it. Artie, Coach Beiste, and Emma clapped loudly when the song ended.
"Wait a minute, Blaine." Artie called him back as he began to leave the stage. "You said on your audition form you're only interested in the role of Bernardo."
"Yes or Officer Krupke. Either one is fine."
Kurt could tell by his boyfriend's tone of voice that he really wanted to play Tony. He felt like a horrible boyfriend for not encouraging him to try out for the part.
"Would you mind reading for Tony?" Artie asked.
Blaine was surprised and didn't know how to answer. If he tried out and got the part, Kurt would be upset. But Blaine really wanted that role. Kurt didn't wait to hear Blaine's answer. He ran down the stairs, out into the hall, and straight into Rachel.
"Kurt, what's wrong?" she asked him.
"Nothing," Kurt answered. "Sorry for running into you."
"It's okay. Please, tell me what's wrong. Isn't Blaine auditioning now?" Rachel persisted.
Kurt sighed heavily. "He is. Artie wants him to audition for Tony and if he does I know he'll get the part. And now Brittany is running for president and she's going to win and I'll never get into NYADA with neither of those things on my application!"
"Kurt, calm down. That isn't true. You could still win the presidency and you don't know that they will cast Blaine as Tony," Rachel said soothingly, taking his hand in hers. "But if those things do happen we'll figure something out."
"What're you two doing out here?" Blaine asked as he exited the auditorium, holding the door open for Artie.
"Nothing," Rachel answered immediately. "I was just telling Kurt about the surprise we have for him."
"I hope you didn't give anything away," Artie said as he began to wheel himself towards the choir room.
"She didn't," Kurt said, playing along. He let Rachel pull him down the hall after Artie.
No one would explain anything until they had reached the choir room. The entire glee club was standing in the front of the room when they got there. Rachel forced Kurt to sit down before she joined the rest of the group.
"We know you've been having a tough time lately, and we just want you to know that you're not alone. We're all in your corner. Just don't ever give up," Rachel told him.
The entire group began to sing. Rachel took the lead, looking deep into Kurt's eyes as she sang.
I'm so stubborn,
That's how I got here.
So alone, feels like forever.
I wanna swim away and breathe the open air.
But I feel so afraid, then I hear you say.
Blaine stepped forward to sing the chorus with Rachel. Kurt knew he had scared Blaine when he had said he didn't want to get better. Blaine was terrified that Kurt would give up completely and take his own life. But Kurt would never do that.
Hang on when the water is rising.
Hang on when the waves are crashing.
Hang on, just don't ever let go.
Rachel stepped back to let Blaine sing the second verse. Blaine's hands were shaking but he managed to keep his emotions in check.
I'm so hungry, how can I stay here?
Starving for what I hold so dear.
Like a hurricane it takes everything from me.
Wake me from this dream.
This time Finn joined Blaine in singing lead for the chorus. The entire group continued to add their voices to the mix as the music swelled.
Hang on when the water is rising.
Hang on when the waves are crashing.
Hang on, just don't ever let go.
Hang on when you are barely breathing.
Hang on while your heart's still beating.
Hang on, just don't ever let go.
As Finn sang the bridge, Blaine pulled Kurt into the group. He danced with him as everyone continued to sing.
Three days, thirty years,
So hopeless, doesn't matter.
Don't say it's too late if you blink your eyes,
The sun is rising, the sun is rising, oh.
For the last chorus, no one sang the lead. Instead they sang as one as they continued to dance. Kurt looked into each of their eyes and saw how much they cared about him. The fact that they would put all of this together for him touched him.
Hang on when the water is rising.
Hang on when the waves are crashing.
Hang on, just don't ever let go.
Hang on when you're barely breathing.
Hang on while your heart's still beating.
Hang on, just don't ever let go.
As the song ended, Kurt finally let his tears fall. He said brokenly, "Thank you."
The entire group crowded around him in a massive group hug. Mercedes was the last one to pull away from him.
"Promise me that you will not give up. No matter what, you keep fighting," Mercedes said.
"I will," Kurt promised. He turned to Blaine. "I didn't mean what I said earlier this week. I was upset and I didn't mean it. I do want to get better."
"And you will," Blaine answered. He kissed his cheek, pulling him into a tight hug. "I promise."
Kurt knew the future was still unsure. He didn't know if he would get the part in the musical or if he would win the presidency. But one thing was for sure. He still had his friends and he had Blaine. He wasn't alone. He had never been alone.
This was kinda confusing at one point causeast chapter you had Kurt tell him self cutting was a weakness not stragth then here you have hom saying it makes him strong .... But still love the story so far