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Perfect: Chapter 10: Born This Way

M - Words: 5,071 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 40/40 - Created: Jun 06, 2012 - Updated: Oct 21, 2012
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Author's Notes: A/N:  Thanks to everyone who reviewed. If anyone has any songs they would like to see in this story please let me know. I will be more than happy to consider them, but I will not guarantee that you will see them. What I’m really looking for are songs that are comforting or uplifting. So please feel free to make any suggestions on songs, or just the plot in general. This chapter takes place during the “Born This Way” episode.Warnings for this chapter:  cuttingSpoilers for:  2x18 – Born This WayDisclaimer:  I do not own Glee. “Shine The Light” belongs to Sugarland.

Chapter Ten: Born This Way

“What brings you here, Kurt?” Dr. Madsen asked.

“Don’t you know?” Kurt raised an eyebrow. He knew the hospital had sent his records to her; he had been there when his father signed the release form. He had only been out of the hospital for a day, but he had assumed that the psychiatrist would look over his file before their appointment.

“I do. But I want to hear it from you,” Dr. Madsen answered patiently.

“I cut myself . . . and my father found out.” Kurt spoke to his hands.

“When and why did you start cutting?” Dr. Madsen poised her pen over her clipboard, ready to jot down whatever Kurt said.

“It started several months ago. . . . I was being bullied at my old school. It really affected me. I couldn’t sleep; I lived in fear and pain.”

“And cutting changed that?”

“It changed the pain. . . . The fear went away after I transferred to Dalton, but sometimes I’m still scared,” Kurt admitted.

“Do you miss your old school?” Dr. Madsen asked.

“I miss my friends. I don’t feel like I can be myself at Dalton. I felt alone at McKinley, and that’s just gotten worse since I transferred.”

“I think you should spend more time with your friends in Lima. If being at Dalton is adding to your depression, you might want to consider transferring back. I know that might not be possible with the bullying, but if we can work out some way to protect you . . . I just want you to consider it.

“I don’t believe depression is the only cause of your problems. I also believe you have an anxiety disorder. I want to treat these with an anti-depressant that also works with anxiety. But before we go any further, I have to ask. Are you here of your own volition?” Dr. Madsen asked.

Kurt was caught off-guard by the question. “No – I don’t know.”

“Let me rephrase the question. Who wants you to be here more:� yourself or your father?”

“My dad,” Kurt answered immediately. “Why does that matter?”

“Kurt, if you aren’t ready to admit that you have a problem then you won’t get better. Treatment will be completely ineffective,” Dr. Madsen explained.

“But I don’t have a problem. What happened was an accident. I’m always careful and it’s not going to happen again.” Kurt was tired of everyone talking about his problem when he didn’t even think he had one.

“Many people living with mental illness that is complicated by self-mutilation believe they don’t have a problem. What happened was an accident, yes, but that does not mean that it could not happen again.”

“But it won’t. I’m not going to hurt Blaine like that again.”

“You can’t do this for anyone but yourself, Kurt. It won’t work otherwise. I think that’s enough for today. We’ll meet again next week. Think about what I said about McKinley. Dalton may be keeping you safe, but it’s not helping with your depression.”


“We were so worried when we heard what happened,” Tina said as she sat down at the table at the Lima Bean.

Kurt had only spoken briefly with his New Directions friends to let them know he was okay and was not suicidal. When Mercedes, Tina and Santana had invited him and Blaine to coffee the day after his release, he had agreed. He missed his friends and talking with Dr. Madsen about possibly transferring back made the pain even worse.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you guys. It was an accident. It won’t happen again,” Kurt assured her. He desperately wanted to change the subject and was glad when Mercedes brought up the upcoming New York trip for the McKinley group.

“I’m so proud of you guys. I just wish I was going with you.” Kurt took a sip of his coffee. He hated that he was so jealous, but he knew he should be preparing for the trip along with his friends. And he would be if it weren’t for Karofsky.

“We miss you so much,” Tina told him, reaching across the table to squeeze his hand.

“I miss you too.”

“Can’t you come back to McKinley?” Mercedes asked hopefully.

“I told Kurt I would fully support him if it weren’t for Karofsky. He’s not safe at McKinley as long as that Neanderthal is walking the halls.” Blaine wrapped an arm around Kurt, pulling him close.

“What did you just say?” Santana asked.

Kurt didn’t like the look on her face. He cut Blaine off before he could elaborate. “Let’s just change the subject.”

“I’ve got to gay-go, I’ve got to go.” Santana got to her feet before practically sprinting from the coffeehouse.

“Did she just say she had to gay?” Kurt asked, turning to Blaine who had a smirk on his face.

“I think she did.” Blaine nodded, laughing.

“That could only mean one thing,” Kurt said looking to Mercedes. She nodded in agreement, speaking in unison with Kurt, “She’s up to something.”


Kurt was walking down the halls of McKinley. He could see Blaine in the distance, waiting on him. He sped up his pace but Blaine just got further and further away. He called out, telling him to wait that he was coming. But Blaine was turning his back on Kurt, walking away from him.

“He doesn’t love you. No one loves you. You’re alone. No one will ever want you. And you will always be alone.”

Kurt turned around to see Karofsky. As the jock advanced on him, Kurt screamed. The sound echoed through the hallway and in Kurt’s ears.

The screams woke Kurt. He flew to his bathroom, grabbing his razor without thinking. He slid the blade across the skin of his stomach. The pain soothed him, pushed away his anxieties and his mental anguish. Until Kurt realized what he had done. He would do anything to keep Blaine from being hurt, but here he was causing Blaine pain by hurting himself.

Kurt went back to the other room, grabbing his phone off of his nightstand. He slumped to the ground against the wall, dialing the number he knew so well.

“I need you,” he said when Blaine answered on the second ring.

“I’ll be right there,” Blaine said.

And then Blaine was in his room, closing his eyes for a split second when he saw Kurt was bleeding. He pulled his boyfriend into his arms, holding him close. He rubbed his back, whispering into his ear.

After several minutes, Blaine pulled away. He looked down to access the damage Kurt had done to himself. The cuts were shallow, but they still had to be treated.

“Let’s get you cleaned up,” Blaine said, pulling Kurt to his feet.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Kurt sobbed as he allowed Blaine to lead him into the bathroom. He knew Blaine would assume he was apologizing for cutting, and Kurt was willing to let him make that assumption at the moment. He wasn’t able to speak to correct him.

“I know, baby. I’m not mad. It’ll be all right.” Blaine kissed his forehead before he pulled out hydrogen peroxide, gauze, and medical tape. He cleaned the wounds before covering them in gauze and taping them up.

Once this was done, Blaine helped Kurt back to the bed. Kurt looked up at him, tears in his eyes. Blaine’s heart broke when he asked “Will you just hold me?”

“Of course, love.” Blaine climbed in behind Kurt, spooning up against him. He held him tightly, careful to avoid putting his arm where the fresh cuts were. After a while, Blaine asked, “Do you want to tell me about your dream?”

A tear fell down Kurt’s cheek, but he nodded. “I was at McKinley, walking towards you. But you kept getting farther and farther away until you finally walked away from me. You left me, and then Karofsky was there. He said no one loved me and I would always be alone; no one would ever want me.”

Blaine pulled him closer, pressing his lips to the back of Kurt’s neck. “I will never leave you, Kurt. I promise. You are not alone and you will never be alone because I will always be here for you, as long as you want me. I will stay by your side, I promise.”

Kurt didn’t fight his tears as they fell. Instead he brought a hand up to where Blaine’s rested against his heart, lacing their fingers together. He gripped his hand tightly, ignoring the pain when his knuckles grew stiff.

“Never let go,” Kurt sobbed.

“Hey, look at me.” Blaine waited until Kurt had rolled over to face him before he continued. “Why are you so afraid of me leaving? You know I’m not going anywhere. I’m never going anywhere, Kurt.”

Kurt shook his head, unable to answer as tears streamed down his face. Blaine pulled him closer, tucking Kurt’s head under his chin as he held him tight. He wished Kurt would talk to him, but he knew this was not easy for him.

“It just feels so hopeless,” Kurt finally whispered after his tears had subsided somewhat.

“What does?” Blaine asked, sincerely hoping he didn’t mean their relationship.

“I try so hard to be happy but I just can’t. I try not to be afraid but the fear is constantly there. I feel like this darkness is smothering me and I can’t find a light. I don’t know what else to do but cut, and now everyone is telling me that’s a problem.” Kurt spoke into Blaine’s neck, not wanting to see the look in his eyes as he admitted his feelings.

“Kurt, cutting is a problem. I know you think it’s a solution but it’s not. I had hoped that some good would come out of your accident that you would finally see how serious this is. You could easily die, Kurt, and I feel helpless to save you when you’re doing this to yourself. I can protect you from a lot of things, but I can’t save you from yourself.” Blaine ran his hand through Kurt’s hair while he talked.

Kurt pulled back enough so he could see Blaine’s face. “I’m careful, I promise.”

“You’re not, Kurt. There is nothing careful about what you’re doing. I wish you would see that. You accidentally cut too deep once, you’ll do it again.”

“I would never put you through that again, and I can’t believe you think I would.”

“I know you wouldn’t, love, not intentionally. But if this happened once it can happen again. I just want you to be healthy. I want you to get better and I know you can’t do that while you’re denying that you have a problem.”

“This is making me better, Blaine. Why can’t you see that?”

“That’s the addiction talking, Kurt. This is not you.” Blaine shook his head.

Kurt could feel tears welling up behind his eyes once more. He tried to fight them off but they bubbled over regardless of his efforts. “I’m sorry that I’m not perfect. I’m sorry that I’m not good enough.”

“Oh, Kurt.” Blaine pulled him close again, holding him against his chest. “I never want you to feel like you aren’t good enough. You’re perfect for me. You are everything that I need and will ever need. You’re only human, Kurt. Your flaws don’t make you imperfect, they make you you.

Kurt continued to sob against Blaine’s chest. His entire life, he had only wanted to be accepted, and here was Blaine accepting every aspect of him. That gnawing fear that Blaine would leave him raised its head again and he choked out, “Don’t leave me.”

“I’m not going to, Kurt, I promise. I’m right here. Where is this fear coming from?” Blaine asked again.

Kurt stiffened under Blaine’s touch, mumbling something against Blaine’s skin.

“I couldn’t hear you, baby,” Blaine told him.

Kurt sighed, pulling away but not meeting Blaine’s eyes. “I think I want to transfer back to McKinley.”

“What? But what about Karofsky? You aren’t safe there, Kurt. I know you miss your friends, but your safety is much more important than that.” Blaine was shocked. He knew Kurt missed the New Directions, but he didn’t think it was bad enough to where the boy would jeopardize his safety to be reunited with them.

“It’s not just me. Dr. Madsen thinks transferring back would help with my depression. She mentioned it today.” Kurt knew he should have mentioned this earlier while they were having coffee with the girls, but he just couldn’t broach the subject.

“Look at me, Kurt. Please just look at me.” Blaine put a finger under Kurt’s chin, raising his head until their eyes met. “If there is . . . any way for you to return to McKinley safely then I will support you one hundred percent. But until then, I need you to be safe.”

Kurt smiled weakly before pressing his lips to Blaine’s. When he pulled back he said, “Thank you.”

“I just want you to be happy. And if it takes you returning to McKinley for that to happen, I will support you. If being here is adding to your depression then I agree; you should transfer. Just not at the expense of your safety. Now, it’s late. We should get some sleep.”

Kurt nodded, snuggling into Blaine’s arms. It wasn’t long before he found peace in sleep, but Blaine stayed up longer. He hated that Kurt felt so hopeless. He began to formulate a plan in his mind, only drifting off to sleep when it was perfected.


Blaine woke early the next morning. He smiled when he saw Kurt sleeping peacefully beside him. He leaned over the sleeping boy, pressing his lips to Kurt’s gently. Kurt turned his head away, settling deeper into the bed. Blaine chuckled, kissing Kurt’s exposed neck. He trailed kisses up Kurt’s throat, across his jaw to his lips. As their lips met again, Kurt began to wake, turning his head towards Blaine to deepen the kiss. When they finally pulled away for air, Kurt had a silly grin on his face.

“What a way to wake up.” He laughed breathlessly.

Blaine laughed, kissing him chastely. “I have a surprise for you. I’m going to go change in my dorm and then I’ll be back.”

Kurt let his mind wander over the possibilities of Blaine’s surprise while he got dressed. He still hadn’t thought of what his boyfriend could possibly have up his sleeve when Blaine was knocking on his door.

“Are you ready?” Blaine asked.

“Ready for what?” Kurt raised an eyebrow.

“Nice try. Come on.” Blaine grabbed Kurt’s hand, leading him through the halls until they reached the choir room. It was still early so the room was unusually deserted. Blaine didn’t let go of Kurt’s hand until they were seated at the piano. “Last night you said that things felt hopeless, and I hate that you feel that way. You said you felt the darkness was suffocating you and you couldn’t find a light. Well, I want to be your light if you will let me.”

Blaine’s hands began to stroke the keys, playing a simple melody. He turned to look deep into Kurt’s eyes before he began to sing.

When you walk into the edge of those,

Dark and lonely woods.

And when I ask how was your day,

And you answer, “Not so good.”

And when nothing seems to be working out,

Quite the way it should, I will shine the light.

Kurt could feel the tears welling up behind his eyes, and for once he didn’t attempt to push them back. He had been through so much at McKinley and lived in fear for so long that he had almost forgotten what it was to not be afraid. He felt like he was constantly surrounded by darkness, but there was that one point of light that was Blaine. And here he was, showing Kurt how much he cared.

And when the skies up above you fill,

With gray and stormy clouds.

And there’s not a single face you know,

In the maddening crowd.

When you know that you don’t make your way,

But you just can’t see how, I will shine the light.

While Kurt didn’t see his self-harm as a problem, he knew his depression was. But the only thing that made it lessen caused Blaine pain. Kurt never wanted to hurt Blaine. He was his boyfriend, his best friend, his everything. They had only been together for a month but already things were getting serious. Kurt knew if it wasn’t for Blaine, he would not be living.

I will shine the light,

I will shine the light.

I will hold you in my arms,

Until everything’s alright.

I will shine the light.

And when your worries, they won’t let you sleep.

And rob you of your days.

And you’ve looked in all directions,

But you still you can’t find your way.

Oh, when you just need someone to remind you,

That it’s all gonna be okay, I will shine the light.

Listening to Blaine sing, Kurt knew he meant every word. He knew that Blaine would always be there, as long as Kurt needed him. Whether it was to hold Kurt in his arms, or watch over him as he slept, Blaine would take care of Kurt. He wished he could take Kurt’s pain away and make it his own; he wished he would never again see tears fall from those beautiful eyes. But none of that was possible, so Blaine would be there to comfort Kurt.

I will shine the light.

I will shine the light.

When you’re staring down your demons,

Weighing in your darkest night,

I will shine the light.

Sometimes we jump into the great unknown,

Sorrows, we all will have to walk alone.

But waiting there in the end is a heart that calls you a friend.

That’s me, clapping the loudest, welcoming you home.

Blaine knew that recovery would not be easy, and before it could even start Kurt had to accept that he had a problem. But Blaine would be there every step of the way, even when Kurt started to feel like he lost himself. Blaine would wait for him to find those missing pieces of himself and he would help him put the puzzle back together. He would never leave Kurt to face his demons alone.

So when your heart is heavy like a stone,

From carrying its load.

And you look into the mirror,

And see someone you don’t know.

Oh, when the shadows are closing in on you,

Like a hand around your throat.

I will shine the light,

I will shine the light.

When you’ve given into your fears,

When you’ve lost your will to fight,

Let me know what I can do.

Let me try to make it right.

And I will shine the light,

I will shine the light.

“Thank you,” Kurt choked out as Blaine lifted his hands off of the piano keys. Kurt wrapped his arms around the shorter boy, burying his head in his shoulder. He didn’t fight his emotions even though he felt weak for breaking down in front of Blaine. He let the feelings out, clinging to Blaine.

“I care about you, Kurt, and I’m not going to let you go through this alone,” Blaine promised. He held Kurt close until he finally stopped crying, knowing he would never abandon the boy to his own devices.


That night, Blaine slept with his phone on his pillow next to his head. But it never rang. He slept through the night without waking once. The next morning, he dressed quickly and made his way over to Kurt’s dorm. He knocked on the closed door, knowing Kurt would already be awake.

“Just a minute,” Kurt called through the door. Blaine listened to him move around his room. Finally he heard him call, “Come in.”

Blaine smiled when he opened the door to see Kurt standing in front of the mirror over his dresser, styling his hair. His back was to the door, but Kurt knew it was Blaine. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt from behind, pulling him back against his body. Kurt hissed when Blaine’s hands touched his stomach. He immediately realized his mistake, and froze. Blaine looked at Kurt in the mirror. Blood had drained from his face and he looked close to tears.

“Kurt?” he asked. Kurt didn’t answer, but bit his lip hard. Blaine moved so he was standing in front of Kurt.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Kurt sobbed, dropping his head.

“Kurt, I’m not mad. . . . But in order for this relationship to work, we can’t keep secrets from each other. Especially when it comes to this,” Blaine said.

“I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to disappoint you so I didn’t tell you,” Kurt admitted.

“I’m not disappointed,” Blaine told him. He moved his hands to grasp the bottom of Kurt’s shirt. “Let me see.”

“No,” Kurt protested, taking a step backwards. His hands flew to the hem of his shirt, tugging it down so forcefully that Blaine could see the shirt being stretched.

“I know you don’t like anyone seeing your scars, but I want to make sure the cuts aren’t too deep.” Blaine took a tentative step forwards, not wanting Kurt to bolt.

“They’re not. I was careful.” Kurt took another step backwards.

“I know you were, love. Please, let me,” Blaine pleaded. He knew Kurt thought he was careful, but Blaine realized there was nothing careful about what Kurt was doing.

Kurt bit the inside of his cheek, but nodded, moving his hands away from his shirt. Blaine grasped the hem, pulling it upwards. Blaine had always thought when he took Kurt’s clothing off it would be for a completely different reason, but he pushed the thought away. As the shirt was removed to expose skin, Blaine sucked in a breath. There were three parallel cuts on Kurt’s abdomen. They were obviously fresh, as the irritated skin around the wounds showed, but they were not bleeding. Blaine breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that they were shallow. With a split second thought, Blaine sunk to his knees in front of Kurt.

“Blaine, what’re you-”

Blaine shushed him, brushing his lips across the new cuts. Kurt gasped, but not from pain. He didn’t speak, continuing to watch Blaine as he kissed each cut and scar covering Kurt’s arms and stomach. Finally, Blaine raised his eyes to meet Kurt’s gaze.

“Why?” he asked in a broken voice.

“I felt weak. Karofsky’s dad called my dad wanting to set up a meeting at McKinley. Apparently Karofsky wants to apologize. I felt weak and I had to be strong,” Kurt told him.

“You are strong, Kurt. You don’t need to cut yourself to be strong.” Blaine stood up, taking Kurt’s hand in his. He led the boy over to his bed, sitting on the edge of it. “Why do you think Karofsky wants to apologize now?”

“I don’t know. Finn said he apologized to the entire glee club too but they refused to accept it until he apologized to me. I know I said I want to transfer back to McKinley but I’m scared, Blaine.”

“I know you are, and that’s okay. I’ll go with you to the meeting if you’d like,” Blaine offered.

“Can you just wait at my house with Finn until it’s over? That way I know you’ll be there if I need you. Right now I need to get ready for the flash mob New Directions is putting on for Rachel.”

“Of course, baby, whatever you need.”

Kurt smiled. He wondered, not for the first time, what he had done to deserve someone as wonderful as Blaine.


“Look, I hear what you’re saying but all I’m hearing is talk. How am I supposed to know that you will keep my son safe if he returns to this school?” Burt asked.

Kurt was sitting in Principal Figgins’s office at McKinley with his dad, Figgins, Will Schuester, Karofsky and his father. He avoided looking at anyone, instead choosing to study the carpet.

“David started an anti-bullying club,” Figgins said, gesturing to Karofsky. “If Kurt chooses to return to McKinley, this club will keep him safe. We haven’t had any incidents since the club began.”

“The bullying stopped because the bully stopped,” Burt said. He knew his son wanted to return to McKinley, he could tell by the way Kurt had greeted his friends in New Directions upon his arrival at McKinley. But Burt could not allow his son to return to this school unless he was one hundred percent sure that he would be safe.

“Burt,” Mr. Karofsky began, “I was understanding when this whole thing started. I did not doubt your son’s story; I did not defend my son. That’s because David had not been acting like himself in a long time, but now here he is: my son back again.”

“This thing has caused my family a lot of stress and heartache. My son had to leave his friends behind to transfer to a school that I couldn’t afford, because he wasn’t safe here because of your son.” Burt was getting angry. He couldn’t believe this jock wanted to apologize and then act like nothing had happened, like he had never threatened the life of his son.

“You know, I remember what we used to say about gays when we were growing up. We’re the same age, I’m sure you remember too. Society has come a long way, and so has my son. Why can’t you accept that?”

“Because he threatened to kill my son!” Burt exclaimed.

“I never actually meant that,” Karofsky spoke up for the first time since they had entered the room. “It was just a figure of speech.”

“How is Kurt supposed to know that?” Burt asked, angry.

“Your words still matter, David,” Will agreed.

“I know, and I feel horrible about everything that happened. I know I was wrong. I’m sorry. I’m not that person anymore; I don’t think I ever was to begin with,” Karofsky said.

“What do you think, Kurt?” Will asked. Kurt looked up in surprise. No one had spoken to him since they had entered the room; it had all been about him.

Kurt thought for a moment before he answered. “I believe he realizes what he did was wrong and that he’s remorseful.”

“You’re only saying that because you miss your friends so much. But this isn’t just about your friends, Kurt. It’s about your safety,” Burt told him.

“Can David and I speak privately for a moment?” Kurt asked, surprising everyone.

“I’ll be right outside,” Burt said after eyeing his son for a few seconds.

“Why are you doing this?” Kurt asked once they were alone.

“I’m just trying to make things right,” Karofsky replied.

“Karofsky, I know and I haven’t told anyone.”

“Why? It would’ve made things a lot easier for you.”

“I know it’s not healthy to deny who you are, but I don’t believe in forcing someone out of the closet before they’re ready. You have to make that decision on your own, Karofsky. But you owe me. I’ve lived in fear for months because of you.” Kurt bit his tongue, stopping himself from mentioning the nightmares. He would not expose his weakness to his tormentor. “Now tell me the truth. What’s really going on here?”

Karofsky sighed, looking out into the hall at the adults before he answered. “This was Santana’s idea.”

Kurt listened as the jock explained about Santana’s plot to become prom queen. He knew this should change everything and make him decline the offer to return to McKinley, but he missed his friends. “I’m not surprised. But if you’re gay you shouldn’t lie to everyone about who you are.”

“Look, I’m not sure I am gay,” Karofsky said.

Kurt leaned forwards; he was feeling a lot braver now that he was alone in the room with Karofsky. “I have several options here. I could out you in front of everyone-”

“Dude, I said I’m sorry!”

“Or I could transfer back here,” Kurt continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “I can become a part of your anti-bullying movement, which I fully believe in, and also demand that we start a chapter of PFLAG here at William McKinley.”

“PFLAG?” Karofsky asked with a frown.

“Parents, Family, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays,” Kurt explained. “You need to be educated, David. I’m not saying you have to come out, but you need to be educated.”

“Oh, man, just kill me now,” Karofsky groaned.

“You think this is bad?” Kurt asked. “You made my life a living hell for months! All I’m asking is for you to not let the cycle of hate continue.”

“All right, fine,” Karofsky agreed.

Kurt drove home with his father after the meeting. He was nervous to tell Blaine that he would be transferring back to McKinley, but Blaine took the news well. He fully supported Kurt, knowing that this was what he really wanted. Kurt held him close, knowing he would miss seeing him every day. But he was happy to be returning to McKinley, where he really belonged.


Kurt was surprised when Mercedes asked him to meet her in the courtyard at noon. He agreed, assuming that she would want to celebrate his transfer as that would be when it was official. He was surprised when she told him that they had met there for an ulterior motive.

He gasped when Blaine appeared, flanked by David and Wes. He wanted to run into Blaine’s arms, but forced himself to stay next to Mercedes. Blaine smiled sadly before he spoke.

“Kurt, Dalton’s going to miss you. You were a great addition to the Warblers, and you made us a stronger team. We hate to see you go, but we know this is where you truly belong. I’ll still see you on the weekends and after school, but these guys won’t.” Blaine nodded towards David and Wes. “So, we wanted to say goodbye.”

“And thank you,” Wes added.

Then, Blaine was singing “Somewhere Only We Know” as the remaining Warblers filed into the courtyard. Kurt let the music wash over him, watching Blaine the entire time. Blaine ran down the steps to the piano, continuing to sing as his fingers danced across the keys. The Warblers followed him in a single-file line. Blaine pushed away from the piano, walking towards Kurt. He took his boyfriend’s hands, leading him down the steps. Blaine continued to sing passionately behind Kurt as each and every Warbler hugged him, whispering words of goodbye. Wes was the last Warbler, and then Kurt was hugging Finn and Mercedes, fighting back his tears. He turned back towards Blaine as the song ended, pulling him into a tight embrace.

“I’m never saying goodbye to you,” Kurt promised.

Blaine squeezed his hand before he followed the other Warblers out, fighting off his own tears. Kurt watched him go with a sad smile on his face. He knew he would miss his friends at Dalton, but he belonged at McKinley. He hadn’t ever been truly happy at the private school, not when all of his close friends were miles away. But now he was back, and he would continue to fight his depression. Kurt had finally come home.


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