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Soulmate: Chapter 12

E - Words: 1,282 - Last Updated: Jul 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Feb 05, 2013 - Updated: Jul 20, 2013
716 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: I just felt the need to say that even Blaine has never kissed Kurt yet. I think you need to know that for later on. :)

He was so depressed. He couldn't stop thinking about the name on his wrist, he couldn't say soulmate anymore; he just couldn't, it hurts whenever he thinks about it.

When Kurt was young, he always looked up at his mother and father's relationship. The love between the two Soulmates; how his mother's eyes spark when his dad is back from work, and she goes to greet him on the door with a peck on the mouth and a big smile on her face.

His dad never ordered his mom in front of him. They had an unspoken language between one another that whenever his mom does anything that might get his father angry or anything, she always looked at him as if apologising to him with her eyes and Burt would always answer her with his telling her that he forgave her. Kurt wanted to have this with his soulmate.

When his mom died, Kurt never saw his father like that. He didn't cry so he wouldn't make things worse for Kurt, but his face showed it all; he was broken, he lost the love of his life and he looked like he doesn't want to live anymore but he had for his son, the produce of him and his love.

Eight years later, when Burt and Carole got married he saw the love between the two. Maybe they weren't soulmates, but the love between these two always got Kurt to feel happy that his father found someone to take care of him and give him the love he knew his dad needed after his mom's death.

Kurt always thought that his dom would respect him and love him with all that he has, he knew that he would just do his best to be good for his dom.

These dreams all faded when he saw Blaine. What that man did to him was so harsh, treating him like a toy that should just be there for his pleasure. No one saw Kurt naked before Blaine, he was never touched before Blaine, he never saw a penis before Blaine's. Blaine just came to his life a took his firsts with a snap of his fingers just cause he can, just cause he has the excuse of being a dom who happens to have his name on his wrist. Kurt was devastated, what an excuse of a dom? thought Kurt.

It was Monday today and Kurt didn't look forward for that day. His first class as usual is literature.

Kurt retrieved his books from his locker and walked down the hall to class.

"Kurt! Wait for me" Kurt heard Chandler call after him.

Kurt stopped and looked back to see Chandler running to him "oh hello Chandler" Kurt said smiling.

"Oh man you walk fast!" Chandler said out of breath "How are you?"

"Oh I'm good. How are you?" Kurt smiled.

"I'm fine. Let's go to class now, we don't want Mr. Anderson to be mad at us" Chandler said and the smile which was on Kurt's face faded just by mentioning the name.

"Yeah let's go" Kurt said.

Entering the class, Kurt felt his whole shiver as he didn't know what Blaine would be like today after what happened between them the last time he was at his house. He stayed close to Chandler and sat beside him in class.

They've finished "A view from the bridge" and were starting off today with "Pride and the prejudice" and They were going to cast who will do who in the story.

Blaine entered and started the class professionally; he didn't even glance at Kurt for the first half of the class. But then Chandler grunted something about Blaine cause he didn't give him a role in the novel and Kurt couldn't help but laugh at what he said.

Then Blaine looked at him, His eyes were cold and angry and Kurt could not hold the gaze because he felt that voice in his head telling him to submit and Kurt won't do that. He looked next to him, hit Chandler's arm playfully, and then looked in front of him again to find Blaine's eyes on him shooting daggers at Chandler as if just looking at Chandler would get him killed. Kurt decided to spend the rest of the class looking down at his desk.

Blaine finally dismissed the class and for Kurt's surprise he didn't call Kurt to wait for him after class, Kurt never felt relieved before.

The day passed quickly and Kurt was excited for Glee today, he felt like singing today to relieve some feelings he have. He went to Mr. Shue earlier to ask him if he can and the teacher gladly said yes.

Kurt entered the glee club; he planned to sing a fun song not something to describe his feelings because he wanted to escape them for a while at least.

He was sitting between Rachel and Mercedes talking about sales when Mr. Shue entered.

"Hello guys" greeted Mr. Shue "I have a guest today again who seemed to like our last week's voices and wanted to come again. I told him that few of you are going to perform again and he said that he'd love to come and watch you. I think by now you know that I mean Mr. Anderson welcome him!" Mr. Shue said the lodes minus Kurt who was so stunned started applauding.

Blaine entered with a charming smile on his face waving to the entire club.

"I'd love to have you here every day Mr. Anderson in glee instead of Mr. Butt chin" Santana said raising a hand, Mr. Shue glared at her and she just raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay so now class we'll start of by Rachel, you had something to sing today." Mr. Shue said.

"Of course Mr. Shue I'd love to begin the week with Barbra's amazing song "Funny girl"" Rachel said enthusiastically, Santana rolled her eyes at the choice muttering "as usual" under her breath.

"Great Rachel" Mr. Shue clapped his hands as Rachel stood in front of the club gesturing to Brad to start playing the piano.

Blaine was amazed at the tiny girl's voice, she was born to be on Broadway, and he could not help but close his eyes and listen to her.

It seemed that many of the glee kids were singing today. Artie and Sam sang, "Suit and tie" by Justin Timberlake, Santana sang "Mine" by Taylor Swift; she sang it to Brittany who just blushed and smiled. Then Mercedes came and killed it with Alisha Keys "Girl on fire" leaving everyone speechless.

"Kurt you're up now," Mr. Shue said with a smile.

"I'll be singing something different today" Kurt started "and by different I mean that it's not something that I usually sing. Tina and Brittany can you come up and help me?" Kurt said with a smile.

The music started and most of the glee club knew and started clapping with the beat. Kurt, Tina and Brittany started dancing as Kurt started singing the lyrics to Taylor Swift's "We are never getting back together". The kids stood and started to dance with each other singing along with Kurt.

Blaine never saw Kurt like this before, he looked so happy as he was having fun with his friends and Blaine wanted to be the one making Kurt happy, well he will be happy when he's submitting to you isn't that supposed to make all the subs happy? Blaine thought. However, there was that small voice in the back of his head disagreeing with him, telling to try and please Kurt and to love him. Blaine didn't know where did this voice come from, but he knew that he wanted to talk to Kurt and see what the boy was thinking of in order to plan what he's going to do to get him.


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Oh, FINALLY, BLAINE! Just talk to Kurt and forget about whatever your poor excuse of a human being father told you. Great chapter..please update?