June 11, 2012, 8:36 a.m.
June 11, 2012, 8:36 a.m.
Blaine woke the next morning feeling positively buzzing. His whole body was immediately fully awake, humming with anticipation of the day's events, and this was all before his morning coffee. He rolled over in bed, further tangling himself up in his bed covers and sheets, with the intent of checking the time on his clock. Instead, he came face to face with his boyfriend who was lying next to him on the bed, and oh, that would explain the dip he felt on that side. That's about all it would explain, though. Blaine was thoroughly confused.
And when you wake up to someone next to you that you don't expect, you can't help but be startled, right? So, it wasn't really his fault that as soon as he saw Soulmate's face, he muttered "Fuck."
"Well good morning to you, too, Sleeping Beauty," Kurt smiled, looking amused, at him and tucked a loose curl back with the rest.
"I'm sorry," Blaine said, his voice low and still thick with sleep. "Did I miss something? You are sleeping over tonight, right? It wasn't last night and I missed it?"
It took Kurt a second to reply, and when he did, he sounded almost breathless. "No, you're right. You just didn't specify what time I should come over. I tried to wait but Laurel said we'd all three have lunch together, and lunch can be anytime between 11am and 2pm so I didn't know what an appropriate time was but—"
"Whoa, Kurt, chill. It's fine. What time is it?"
His boyfriend seemed almost relieved to roll away from him to check the clock, and Blaine tried not to read too much into that. "It's almost noon."
"Crap," Blaine muttered, shooting into a sitting up position. "I'm sorry, I have no idea how I slept that late."
"It's fine. I was having fun watching you sleep."
The dark-haired boy rubbed at his eyes and turned around to gaze at his boyfriend, who was still lying in his bed, looking up at him. "I'm sure you were, Edward Cullen."
"Not in a creepy way," Kurt huffed. "You just make adorable faces when you're sleeping. You look so peaceful."
Blaine didn't really know what to say to that, so he just turned back around and threw the covers off his legs, standing up. "I'm surprised Laurel even let you in my room."
It took Kurt an unusually long time to reply, and when he did he had that breathless sound again. "I've done it before, remember?"
He turned around to scrutinize his boyfriend and narrowed his eyes. "Okay, what is with you this morning?"
That seemed to bring Kurt back, and his cheeks flooded with color. "What do you mean?"
"You seem…nervous about something. Or…I don't know. You're talking funny. And I just woke up, so I know it's not something I did."
"It's because you just woke up, dummy."
If this was how today was going to go, Blaine was not happy. He did not like being in a perpetual state of confusion. "What?"
"Your hair…" Kurt paused, and suddenly he shifted, not looking Blaine in the eyes anymore. He looked uncomfortable, like he'd rather be anywhere than this room right now. "It's so…I don't know…curly. And messy. It looks unbelievably…hot…"
That was definitely not what Blaine expected him to say. He wanted to say something, but couldn't really figure out what to say anyway, and was cut off when Kurt, surprisingly, continued.
"And your voice…when it's all low and raspy like that, right when you wake up…I don't know, it does things to me…and then…I mean, come on, Blaine, this one should be obvious." It definitely wasn't, and Kurt could see that he wasn't at his mind's sharpest when he'd just woken up. "Sweetie, look down. At what you're wearing."
It took him a second to actually comply with his boyfriend's request because wow Kurt just used a pet name when speaking to him for the first time and if that wasn't the cutest thing he'd ever heard. After their conversation last night, Blaine wasn't sure Kurt would even want to, but there he was using a term of endearment, and it was like music to Blaine's ears. He would have fainted at the adorableness of it all had he not remembered that Kurt had actually told him to do something, and when he finally got around to looking down, he realized Oh. I'm not wearing a shirt. Or pants. Or anything but my boxers.
Well, this is awkward.
And he wasn't exactly sure what to say in the situation. "I, uhh…"
"I'll just go see if Laurel needs help with lunch."
"Right, yeah. And I'll, um…I'll get dressed…in clothes…so I'm not half-naked…"
"Good idea," Kurt said. And just as he was passing by Blaine on his way out the door, he leaned in to his ear and practically purred, "Because I don't know how much longer I can keep my hands off of you if you don't."
Blaine was pretty sure that Kurt walked out after that, but he couldn't really tell for certain, because all of his blood rushed straight to his dick and his brain was left to function without it. I mean, seriously. What was with Kurt this morning? He was usually not so forward with sexual stuff. And that was fine, Blaine would take this slow if that was what Kurt wanted—even though that's definitely not what he expected from the tall, cocky boy—but now all of a sudden he was changing his tune? How was it okay to lean into his ear and just breathe something like that? It wasn't, Blaine decided. And it definitely wasn't fair that while he got dressed and brushed his teeth and did his hair, he had to keep his thoughts on dead kittens and his nana's dentures to prevent certain things popping up.
Once he felt presentable enough, dressed in a simple forest green v-neck and black jeans, he made his way down the hall and stopped just outside the kitchen archway.
"…and he's just done it that way ever since," he heard Laurel saying.
"Have you ever thought to hide it from him?"
"It crossed my mind, but the one time he accidentally lost it on his own he went so berserk I decided to never come between Blaine and his hair gel."
Blaine laughed quietly to himself. They were talking about his hair?
"I'm sorry," he started, crossing the threshold and entering the room, "is there something wrong with my hair gel?"
Kurt grabbed the bowl he'd been preparing something in and walked over to Blaine. "Of course not, sweetheart. I just prefer it when you let the curls loose. Curly hair is something to be proud of, not something to hide." He ran a hair through Blaine's ungelled hair and kissed his nose before taking the bowl and setting it on the dining room table.
Blaine felt Laurel trying to make eye contact with him, but he was still trying to remember how to breathe because okay, now pet names were a thing, and Kurt had just run his hand through his hair, and kissed his nose. Like, seriously. He was pretty sure, at this point, that he'd died in his sleep last night due to a mysterious gas leak and this was heaven.
Finally, Blaine met Laurel's eyes and he caught the amused yet guarded expression she was wearing. It looked like the was torn between "aww"ing at the cuteness of it all, and pushing Kurt as far away from him as he could, because in her mind, this happiness could only last so long.
If Kurt noticed anything was off, he didn't say anything; he just went right back into the kitchen and continued cooking whatever it was that they were having for lunch. And now that Blaine thought about it, he really wanted to know what that was. He was always starving when he woke up.
"What's for lunch?" he asked.
Laurel smiled at him. "We're kickin' it old school today with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and fruit."
In theory, that sounded fine. But Blaine was very particular about his jelly, and his fruit. "With what kind of jelly?"
"Grape. Come on, Blaine, you've lived with me for how long now? Give me some credit. I know what jelly you like."
"And the fruit?"
"Someone's a picky eater," Kurt teased. "It's green grapes, green apple slices, strawberries, and banana slices."
Blaine smirked a little, happy with the choices and with the fact that Kurt seemed to be in such a good mood today. Granted, Kurt was in a good mood almost every day, but today just felt different. His boyfriend was more playful, more open, more…domestic.
Although green grapes and green apples were the only grapes and apples he ate, he was curious as to why Kurt had been so specific with it. He had a feeling that part wasn't Laurel's doing. "Why only green grapes and green apples?"
"Because those are the only ones worth eating. Purple grapes or red grapes or whatever they're called are disgusting and apples are gross when they're all sweet. I like sour apples much better."
Yet another thing we have in common, Blaine thought.
Laurel and Kurt were moving all around the kitchen and the dining room, setting the table and finishing up the food, while Blaine just stood in the archway connecting the two rooms, watching them. It was nice, seeing how seamlessly Kurt fit into their lives. It worked, the way his cousin and his boyfriend moved around each other. There were no awkward collisions, Kurt seemed to know where everything was, and they didn't get in each other's way. It was almost like Kurt was meant to be there, not just in their kitchen, but in their lives.
"Blainers, you gonna just stand there all day or do you want to help me out here?" Laurel asked, gesturing to the cabinet she was too short to reach. Granted, Blaine was pretty short too, but he had about 6 inches on Laurel. Short genes just ran in the Anderson family.
He walked over to help Laurel reach the bag of sugar she seemed to be eyeing and lifted up on tip-toes to get it, but even he was too short. "Seriously how did it get up there if neither of us can reach it?"
"I have no idea."
Kurt, who was already giggling because Laurel had called Blaine "Blainers," started laughing even harder, but came over to them and easily plucked the sugar from the shelf without even having to rise on the balls of his feet. "There you go."
Laurel smiled. "Thank you."
"What do you even need this for anyway?" Blaine asked.
"You know I put sugar on everything."
"Which is why you always have a bag of it handy where you can actually reach it, so why did we need to get this one?"
"Because I ran out this morning when I put it on my cereal."
Blaine balked. "Geez, Laur, last time I saw that bag it still had like a quarter left!"
"I'm an adult, Blaine, I can use as much sugar as I want to!"
"You're going to get a million cavities and all of your teeth are going to rot and fall out before you even turn 30."
"Actually," Kurt piped up, "that's a myth. Sugar and candy don't rot your teeth any more than other foods, like broccoli. Dentists and parents just tell kids that so they won't eat excessive amounts of unhealthy foods."
Blaine and Laurel just stared at him, and Blaine could tell Kurt was starting to get nervous under their gazes when Laurel broke out into a smile. "See, Blaine? I can have as much as I want. Thank you, Kurt."
Kurt just smiled shyly and opened a few cabinets before finding the one he was looking for. He pulled down a small bowl from the shelf and took the bag of sugar, opening it and pouring some into the container. "This way you have easy access to it and you don't have to have the giant bag sitting on the table."
The blonde girl looked contemplative, eyeing Kurt as he closed up the sugar bag and put it back in its cabinet—this time on a lower shelf. Her facial expression seemed amused, which put Blaine at ease. She turned to him and said. "I like this one. You can keep him."
The corners of his mouth turned up and he couldn't help the proud smile he wore as he stared at Kurt. "I think I just might."
Soulmate blushed and turned away, taking the bowl of sugar to the table. "I think everything is ready now."
"Then what are we waiting for?" Blaine demanded, plopping down in a chair at the table. "Let's eat!"
Lunch went smoothly, much better than Blaine had been expecting. Of course, Laurel had barraged Kurt with a series of questions about himself; the normal ones that she would have asked, like about his hobbies and where he planned to go to school and what he planned to major in, were all off the table because Laurel already knew all of these things from Blaine. Instead, she asked about his family, which turned very awkward very quickly when Kurt revealed that his mother had passed away when he was 8. She offered the customary, "I'm sorry," and promptly changed the subject to his hobbies in high school. He talked about glee club and being on the Cheerios, which immediately peaked Laurel's interest, despite the fact that she'd already known about it, and the two discussed the pros and cons of cheerleading for children and why it should he considered a sport and how it's more dangerous than football. Really, given that Laurel was head cheerleader in high school, Blaine should have expected that. He just hadn't prepared himself for the mental images from their first date that popped into his head at the mention of it.
Fortunately, he was able to control himself, and they finished the meal all talking like old friends. Kurt insisted on helping to clean up, which definitely won him brownie points, and after that they all went into the living room for some TV. A Project Runway marathon was on, so Laurel and Kurt gushed to each other the entire time about which outfits looked really well put together and which outfits were alright and which outfits were just not okay under any circumstances. Blaine would occasionally offer his opinion, but he was just so happy to see his boyfriend and his cousin—the two most important people in the world to him—getting along that he was more than content to just sit back and let them bond.
They all three cooked dinner together, chicken fettuccini alfredo, and talked about all sorts of things in a wide range of topics. It was nice, Blaine thought, to finally have someone to bring home like this and have him completely tear down the awful image of himself that Laurel had built up in her head. When Kurt suggested that they all watch RENT after dinner, Blaine was pretty sure that Laurel had accepted Kurt as a permanent member in the family. It seemed an unspoken given that they would all sing the songs together, and after the first line of "Seasons of Love," Blaine had to stop because wow, Kurt could sing. Sure, he'd known that already just based off of the facts that he was in glee club and he was going to NYU for music, and he'd heard him sing at that cheerleading practice on their first date, but before that night, he'd never actually heard Kurt really sing; it wasn't out of his safety genre, like 4 Minutes, and it was Kurt singing for Kurt. You could tell that this was something he really loved, something he put his heart and soul into. Blaine decided to sing more quietly, although still singing along, to test out and see how well they harmonized. After all, a couple that harmonizes well together, stays together. As it turns out, they harmonized perfectly, which further solidified their status as soulmates in Blaine's mind. Especially when Laurel stepped back and let them duet "I'll Cover You."
By the end of the movie, it was almost 10pm, and Blaine figured it was time for them to go to their rooms and settle in for the night. Not that Blaine was an early sleeper, but he was sure he and Kurt could find something to keep them occupied for a couple hours, if Kurt's earlier behavior was any indication. He had, after all, snuggled up to Blaine's side during the movie, winding Blaine's arm around his shoulders and lacing their fingers. Instead of eyeing them suspiciously, Laurel smiled sweetly at them, so Blaine figured they had finally won her over and were out of the deep end.
"Okay, well I think Kurt and I are going to go to my room. 'Night, Laur!" Blaine hurried to get up when a hand caught his wrist.
"Wait a second there, Blainers. I want to talk to you two before I let you go be in your room, alone, and share a bed, together."
Blaine groaned, both at the nickname and at the implications of just what this discussion was going to be about. He glanced over at Kurt, who looked both nervous and embarrassed, and squeezed the hand that was still locked with his reassuringly.
"Fine," he said, sitting them both back down.
"I warned you I was going to have a sex talk with you, like, two weeks ago," she said, standing up in front of the pair on the couch. "So, this is me getting around to that."
"Seriously? You do know you're not my actual mother, and I'm an adult, right?"
Laurel huffed a bit and crossed her arms. "You're barely an adult; technically, you're still a teenager, because you're eighteen. And your own mother isn't here to give you this talk so I will."
"You do know that she already did when I was 13 right?"
"That was when she thought you were straight. And before you had a boyfriend," she looked pointedly at Kurt. "Now, Kurt, I want to know what your intentions are tonight with my cousin."
"Oh my god," Blaine moaned, slapping a hand to his forehead and running it down his face.
Kurt looked like a dear caught in headlights, and he was holding onto Blaine's hand so tightly Blaine thought he might have been giving birth. "I, uh…"
"Are you going to deflower him?"
"How do you know I haven't already been deflowered?" Blaine interjected.
"Because I know who it would have been with and you would have told me. Quit trying to distract me. I'm trying to question your boyfriend." She turned her attention back to Kurt. "Do you have condoms, Kurt?"
Kurt's jaw physically dropped an inch. "Um—"
"Because promiscuity is getting more and more popular these days for reasons I will never understand, which make STDs more rampant. Tell me about your sexual history. How many men have you been sexually involved with?"
"Okay!" Blaine shouted, leaping from the couch and nearly knocking Laurel over. "That's enough." He was now not only sufficiently mortified, but angry. "You have no right to question him like that. I don't know how many times I have to tell you we're not having sex for you to believe me. We've only even known each other for, like, a month. So chill. Leave Kurt's business as Kurt's business and quit acting like a psycho. This over-protective older cousin bit is getting really old really quickly. Now, Kurt and I are going to go to my room, and most likely we're going to just lie in my bed talking for a few hours and then go to sleep. So, goodnight." Despite his anger, Blaine leaned down and kissed his cousin's cheek. Then, he turned around and offered his sufficiently traumatized boyfriend a hand. "Come on, Kurt."
Kurt took the hand and followed Blaine out of the room, looking down at the ground at the whole time. Once they were in his room and the door was closed, Blaine brought both of his hands to Kurt's face and stared intently at him.
"I am so sorry. My cousin is a neurotic maniac. After everything with my parents, she's really protective of me. She means well, she just doesn't know where to draw the line."
"No, no, it's fine." The look in Kurt's eyes told Blaine it wasn't, but he could feel his boyfriend's body visibly relax and knew it was going to be. "I get it."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, it's okay."
Blaine studied him for a moment before bumping their foreheads together. "Alright." He let go of Kurt's face and went over to his dresser, looking for a comfortable pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt. Normally, he just slept in his boxers, as Kurt saw this morning, but now that he was here Blaine thought it would be more appropriate to wear actual clothes. "Did you bring anything to sleep in?"
He turned around to see his boyfriend digging around in a duffel bag that he didn't notice in his room before. "Well, I'm just gonna go change in the bathroom. You can change in here, if you want."
Blaine was concerned at the sudden decline in his boyfriend's speech, but decided to let it go until they were both dressed and ready to talk. So, he gathered up his clothing and headed out his door and across the hall to the bathroom. He changed quickly, not wanting to leave Kurt alone for too long, and then just stood in the bathroom staring at himself in the mirror in case Kurt needed more time. The last thing he wanted was to walk in on his boyfriend half-naked.
Actually, that might not be so bad…
Stop it! Control yourself.
He shook his head and decided that he'd waited long enough, leaving the bathroom and knocking on his door lightly before pushing it open. Kurt was sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at the floor, looking completely uncomfortable.
"Hey," Blaine knelt down in front of him took his boyfriend's hands, gazing up at him. "What's the matter?"
Something about Kurt seemed off. The boy in front of him was so different than the boy that had been laughing in his house all day, it startled him. "Come on, Kurt, you know you can tell me anything."
Kurt was still silent, and made no show of talking, so Blaine sighed and stood up. He turned off the lights, then walked around to the side of his bed, noticing that Kurt had finally moved and was watching him in the dark the entire time. He lifted the covers and slid underneath them, leaving them half-folded down at his waist. "Come here," he said softly, opening his arms. He figured if Kurt was comfortable, he might be more apt to opening up. His boyfriend did as instructed and climbed up the bed to slide in next to him. Blaine immediately wrapped his arms around him and brought him closer, leaning his head on his chest and running his fingers through his hair. The moonlight from the window offered enough light so that he could still see his boyfriend's face, which seemed to be relaxing with each run of his hand through his hair.
It seemed to work, because after a moment Kurt took a deep breath and spoke. "I was bullied a lot in high school. I know at Dalton Academy, you guys had a zero-tolerance policy. McKinley was different. The jocks constantly slushied people—"
"I'm sorry, slushied?"
Kurt sighed. "A slushie is when someone gets one of those slushies from a gas station and throws it in your face. I always said it was like being bitch-slapped by an iceberg."
Blaine physically winced just at the thought of it. "Ouch."
"That's just the beginning of it, at least for me. For the other kids in Glee club, AKA the losers, it was just slushies, and those are bad enough on their own, but things were worse for me, because I'm gay. I would get shoved into lockers all the time. Sometimes, it wasn't so bad. The idiot jocks would get underestimate their distance from me, so when they shoved me it was more like a gentle nudge."
He paused, so Blaine ran his hand down his back to reassure him and prompted, "But other times?"
"Other times, they would be having a bad day, or got a bad grade, or were just generally angrier than normal, and the shove was a legitimate shove, right into the hard metal and giant locks that hung off the doors. My junior year, there was this one guy in particular, Dave Karofsky," just the way Kurt said his name sent a shiver down his spine, "who was out for my blood. I mean, he just really targeted me. One day, I got fed up. Enough is enough, you know? I was just so tired of not even being able to go to class without getting some form of injury. So I ran after him, into the boys locker room, and…" Kurt's breathing had turned ragged, and suddenly Blaine wanted to backpedal and not have this conversation. It was obviously upsetting Kurt, and he hated to see his boyfriend like this. "And he, uh…he kissed me."
That was definitely not what he expected to hear. He was prepared for Kurt to launch into an awful story of how Karofsky got some other guys and jumped him or something. This…This, somehow, seemed worse.
"It was my first kiss, you know? One that counted, anyway. Kissing Brittany doesn't really count in my book because she's a girl. But that was my first real kiss, and he stole it from me. Turns out he was so hard on me because he's gay, too. He was a little less accepting of himself than I am. All of that homophobia, it was mainly internalized. He hated who he was, and I was a projection of that. I guess I shouldn't have provoked him, but—"
"Wait," Blaine said, leaning his head back to look at Kurt, who had tears shining in his eyes. "You don't think that was your fault, right?" Kurt's pause was all the answer he needed. "Kurt, honey, that was not your fault. That was all him. That guy…he has a lot of issues. The fact that he sexually assaulted you could never be your fault. This Karofsky guy, he's sick, and he needs help, but you did nothing wrong. Okay?"
Kurt looked unsure, and hadn't even noticed that Blaine used one of the vetoed pet names, but nodded anyway, burrowing himself back into Blaine's chest and gripping his shirt like a lifeline. "I didn't tell anyone; I couldn't. He may have been a bully, but a small part of me felt bad for him, you know? He was so obviously struggling and hurting, it must suck to hate yourself that much. So I kept it to myself. I just wanted to pretend it never happened. But it totally killed me inside. My self-esteem, my happiness, it was all gone. Not that I was super confident or exuding happiness to begin with, but whatever I had, it went out the window.
"The only time I ever felt good about myself was when I was performing. But in glee club, I was always just swaying in the background. I wanted more. So, I re-joined the Cheerios. I was on the cheerleading squad for a little while my sophomore year, but it just didn't stick. After everything went down with Karofsky, I went to Coach Sylvester and asked for my place back on the Cheerios. She's a hard woman to understand, but underneath it all she really does care about certain people, and I knew I was one of them. I was always her favorite. So she let me back on the squad, and I started getting my confidence back. It felt good, to be a part of a team that really appreciated me. I always got solos and performances in the center with all the girls dancing around me. It was nice to feel like the star I always imagined myself to be. By senior year, I was made co-captains with her other favorite, a girl named Becky.
"The guy you met in class that day, that was because of the Cheerios. I graduated high school finally feeling like I could make something of myself, like I wasn't such a loser. I had this new confidence that I never had, even before what happened with Karofsky. I was a new person at a new school, I had the chance to start over, even if it was only for a couple summer classes. It was like a test run to see how things would go once I got to New York." Kurt unclenched Blaine's shirt and patted his chest, looking up at him.
There were so many things Blaine wanted to say in that moment. After everything Kurt just told him, basically unraveling everything that made him act the way he did, Blaine just had so many things running through his mind to say to Kurt. Instead of trying to pick one of them, he just smiled and said, "And how did that test run work out for you?"
Kurt hesitantly returned the smile and brought his hand up to cup Blaine's cheek. "I got your attention, didn't I?"
"You sure did." Blaine wanted nothing more than to lean down and kiss the beautiful boy wrapped in his arms. But after everything Kurt just told him, he knew that wasn't an option.
This was Kurt's way of explaining why he was taking it so slow, why the idea of sex got him so uneasy. The only real sexual experience he'd ever had had been forced upon him by his biggest tormentor. All Blaine wanted to do was hold on to Kurt and never let him go, never let any terrible things happen to him again. It seemed like life had been too hard on Kurt, and he didn't like that one bit. Sure, he'd been kicked out of his house and disowned by his parents, but he had a pretty good life. He had Laurel, and in high school he had the Warblers, and he had everything open to him. It seemed like, for Kurt, life spit in his face every chance it got.
"I'm sorry that happened to you. If I could go back and save you from it, I would."
"I know," Kurt murmured. "But I have you now, don't I? That's all that matters."
Blaine was pretty sure his heart exploded and that was it, no more, that was as much as he could take for the night. Kurt had used up all of emotional stock for the day and he was out, done, ka-put. But then he felt Kurt leaning up and the soft feel of lips on his, Blaine was more certain than ever now that he was dead. There was poison in his dinner and everything after that had been of his own mind's creation. Granted, the conversation with Laurel in the living room was more of a nightmare, but right now, this was a dream. This was his own personal heaven, and there was no way life could get any better than it was right now, with Soulmate in his arms, kissing him.
"I want to take things slow," Kurt said, pulling back. Blaine whimpered at the loss of contact, which made Kurt laugh and kiss him again, this one more light than before. "I know that's probably not ideal for you, but after everything, I'm still kind of…freaked out, I guess, by other people touching me like that, and—"
"It's fine," Blaine hurried to tell him. He brought his left hand up to press an index finger to Kurt's lips, effectively stopping him, and then moved his hand to brush over his boyfriend's face. "That's perfectly fine by me. I don't mind at all. We'll do everything on your terms, whatever you want whenever you're ready."
Kurt looked so relieved Blaine thought he was actually going to cry. "Are you sure?"
He kissed Kurt's forehead and brought them closer again, entangling their legs and holding Kurt tight. They just lay like that, perfectly content to just be, for what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes before Kurt cleared his throat. "Can I…Can I ask you something?"
"Of course," Blaine said automatically.
"Earlier, when Laurel was trying to give us her big sex talk, the topic of your deflowering was brought up."
Blaine tensed. "Yes?"
"She said, if you had in fact been…deflowered…that she knew who it would have been with, if it happened." Blaine knew exactly what he was about to be asked and his heart dropped to his stomache. "Who was she talking about?"
This was it. It was only a matter of time before it came up, Blaine knew, he just wanted it to wait as long as possible. The Trevor Incident was not something he liked to bring up often, or at all if things went his way, and now Kurt was asking. Kurt would find out, eventually. It was an inevitability. Just…not tonight. Not when things were going so well.
"I…I don't want to talk about it."
"You know you can tell me anything," Kurt said, mirroring Blaine's own words from earlier.
He knew he was being a hypocrite by keeping this a secret. Kurt had told him about his own romantic history, though it could hardly even be called that, and it was only fair that Blaine did the same. But somehow, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Just the thought of Trevor didn't mesh well in his mind with where he was right now. It seemed wrong to bring him into something that was so right with Kurt.
"I know, I just…not tonight, okay? I'll tell you all about Trevor another time, just…not now. I can't talk about it right now. Alright?"
"His name was Trevor?"
Just hearing the name falling from Kurt's lips felt like a stab in his heart. It was all so wrong. "Kurt. Please."
Kurt must have heard the desperation in his voice. "Alright. Another time."
"Thank you."
Blaine had closed his eyes, but felt Kurt move his head a little to kiss the part of Blaine's chest where his head was laying before settling back in. "Goodnight, Blainers."
For this first time in his life, Blaine didn't mind the nickname at all. "Goodnight, Kurtie Pie."
The next morning, Blaine woke up on his side, facing Kurt, with his arm draped over his boyfriend's waist. To his surprise, said boyfriend had yet to wake up, but was instead snoring softly in what Blaine decided was the world's cutest way to snore ever. He decided to wake him up, payback for the previous two times he'd been woken up by Kurt, and leaned over to loom over Kurt's face. He pressed soft kisses to each cheek, to his nose, to each eyelid, to his forehead, along his jaw, and finally to his lips. Then, he backed away again and watched his boyfriend stir awake.
The second Kurt opened his eyes, he smiled. "Hi."
"Hello, there. How'd you sleep?"
"Pretty good."
"Any nightmares?"
Kurt's smile just got even wider. "Not a single one."