I Should Tell You
The Many Sides of Kurt Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I Should Tell You: The Many Sides of Kurt

T - Words: 2,515 - Last Updated: Jun 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Feb 18, 2012 - Updated: Jun 11, 2012
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June 14, 2012

"Do you want to go out this weekend?"

Blaine physically froze, stopping in the middle of packing up his stuff after Biology on Thursday. The past week and a half had passed lightly, just having more of the same fun, flirtatious conversations the boys had had on day one. He only got to see Kurt for half a day, every day, and somehow that didn't quite seem like enough. The pair had fallen into a routine of going for coffee every day after English and before their last class. Blaine already knew it was going to start taking a toll on his pocket book, but for Kurt, he couldn't bring himself to care.

The weekend was what killed him. Even after only 5 days, he'd gotten so used to Kurt's constant presence that going 48 hours without it literally almost gave him withdrawal pains. They had yet to exchange numbers, something Blaine found incredibly frustrating, so for an entire 2 and a half days, he couldn't get in contact with Kurt at all. It felt like torture.


Kurt's confidence visibly fell a few pegs. "If you don't want to, you can just say no."


"I mean, I'll understand. We've only been talking for a week now—"

"And a half."

"So if that's too soon, or you're just not interested, it's fine by me. I don't want you to say yes out of obligation. I don't need a pity date. I just figured with the way our conversations were going, you were probably at least a little into me."


"But if that's not the case I'd rather just know now than make a fool out of myself on the awesome date I had planned—"


Blaine half-shouting his name got his attention, along with the 4 or so other straggling students still leaving the classroom. Kurt's eyes had gone wide, his body sending off vibes of anticipation and anxiety.

"I would love to see you this weekend."

As Kurt's charming smile slipped back into place, Blaine couldn't help but feel like the world was right again. "Good."

"Good," Blaine agreed.

They both stood there smiling at each other until other students started to pour in for their own class. The boys took this as their sign to head over to the coffee shop. Once orders were placed and drinks were being made, they stood at the bar, waiting to receive their customary beverages and find their table.

"So tell me about this awesome date you have planned for us," Blaine said, being the first to speak since they left the classroom.

Kurt's eyes shone as he batted his eyelashes, twirling back and forth marginally. "No way am I spilling my big plans. You'll just have to wait and see."

Blaine liked this coy side of Kurt. Then again, he thought, he liked every side of Kurt. The sexy, confident Kurt he'd met on the first day. The studious Kurt he saw every day during class when he decided to actually pay attention. The musical Kurt he glimpsed occasionally when he caught him humming to some tune or another at the coffee shop when their conversation lulled. The desperate Kurt that came out every day after English but before they'd made it to the caf�—(Blaine decided that Soulmate was definitely a coffee addict). And now, the coy, teasing side of Blaine had resurfaced for the first time since the day they'd met.

"Here you go, boys," the barista said, sliding their coffees onto the bar. "One medium drip and one grande non-fat mocha."

"Thanks, Melanie," Blaine replied, reading her name tag.

It wasn't until they'd retrieved their cups and sat down that Blaine realized Kurt was looking at him funny. Well, not funny, per se. Just differently. His smile was softer; less aggressively flirtatious and more fondly adoring.

The black-haired boy laughed lightly, tilting his head to the side. "What?"

"What, what?" Hearing Blaine's voice broke Kurt of his expression and the usual lively one was back.

"You were staring at me."

"Am I no longer allowed to look at you? Because that's going to be a problem for our date if I can't even look at you the entire time."

"Oh, really? Do tell me more."

"Nice try—" Kurt broke off, his eyebrows knitting together. "Hey, what's your last name?"

That question just sounded suspicious, and Blaine squinted his eyes accordingly. Nonetheless, he answered, "Anderson. Why?"

"I just wanted to say it. Nice try, Anderson. See? That sounded much better than 'Nice try, Blaine.' It adds a bit more sass to it, don't you think?"

"Everything you do has sass, I don't think you need to use my last name for that."

Soulmate chuckled, nodding his head. "Yes, I suppose that's true."

As an afterthought, Blaine added, "What's your last name?"


"Kurt Hummel," he said, rolling the name around on his tongue, tasting it in his mouth. "I like it."

"As you should, you'll be screaming it one day."

And just like that, the atmosphere shifted. Blaine's jaw literally dropped a little bit. Surely, he hadn't meant to say that. Surely, he meant to say something else. Kurt was forward, sure, but no sexual innuendos had been made just yet. Kurt compared him to a freaking Disney princess for crying out loud, where the sexiest it gets is a romantic run-and-jump, embracing kiss.

As Blaine sat there, gaping at Kurt, he took in the other boy's face. His counterpart's eyes had gone wide and he lifted a hand half-way to his mouth, almost like he could catch the words before the fell on the table, spilling all over the surface and ruining the light-hearted mood. This was yet another new side to Kurt. Blaine had never seen him look like this before. All of the confidence had left his body, but not in the same way it had slipped earlier. This was Kurt completely unraveling his firey demeanor, revealing an insecure young man.

The taller boy cast his gaze down to the table, not daring to look Blaine in the eye. "When I'm famous. I meant that you'll be screaming my name when I'm famous. Because I'm a singer. And I'm going to be famous. Not screaming my name like…that…"

He smiled internally at how, even when his confidence seemed to be completely absent, Kurt was still firm in his belief that he was destined for greatness.

"Right. I didn't think you meant…that…"

"No, no. That's…inappropriate, crossing a line."

Kurt looked so flustered that Blaine decided to take pity on his poor, adorable soulmate and crack a joke to break the tension. "Ah, so the ever-flirtatious Kurt does have lines? Good to know for this weekend."

Glasz eyes cautiously slipped back up from the table and met hazel ones, holding steady. Something flashed through them—gratitude?—before a smile snaked its way on Kurt's face. "And that's the only information you'll be getting."

"I don't even get a when and where?"

"No to the when, definitely not to the where. Just be prepared all weekend for me to show up at your house at any given moment."

"You don't even know where I live," Blaine pointed out.

"I have my ways."

"If your 'ways' include looking me up, you'll need to know that I don't live with my parents. Laurel Anderson is who I'll be listed under."

Kurt cocked an eyebrow. "You moved out already? I was waiting 'til the end of the summer to move out myself, but hey, I guess the sooner the better, depending on your parents."

Blaine hesitated, not wanting to reply but knowing he had to. "I left my parents' house when I was 14, actually." He was careful not to say "move out," since he didn't so much move out as he was kicked out.

The face Kurt pulled was exactly why he didn't like to tell people about his home life. Kurt didn't even know the story and already his face was full of pity. And then, he asked the inevitable question. "Why?"

The former Warbler shifted in his seat, resistant to divulging all of his deep dark secrets over coffee before bio class. "I'd rather not discuss that just yet. Let's save that for first date conversation. For now, just for your planning references, I live with Laurel Anderson. She's who you want to look up."

"And Laurel would be your…sister?"

"Older cousin," Blaine corrected.

Kurt nodded, then lifted his coffee and took a sip, eying Blaine. It made him feel a little uncomfortable, but when you drop information like that, people don't tend to take it lightly. So he just waited it out until Kurt set the cup down again and smiled.

"So what did you think of the sonnets we discussed today?"

Blaine had never been more grateful and eager to talk about Shakespeare.

Friday came and went, and the only time Blaine saw Kurt was during their school routine. After biology, Blaine headed for his house and set out a nice outfit, just in case Kurt counted Friday night as the weekend and their date had been planned for that night. The hours passed by, though, with Blaine busying himself by doing various things, like playing his guitar and studying for the upcoming tests next week.

He told Laurel about the upcoming date as soon as he got back home Thursday afternoon. She wasn't quite as eager as he hoped she'd be; mostly, she was still skeptical and concerned about him getting hurt. Blaine knew that and they talked it out, but she was still no less worried at 8am on Saturday when there was a knock at the door. Laurel set down her newspaper on the table next to her bowl of cereal and padded to the front of their house. She peered out the window, and laughed, shaking her head. Blaine was right. Kurt was gorgeous.

"Hi, there," she said, swinging open the door. "I'm Laurel. You must be Kurt."

Kurt reached out his hand, smiling. "I am. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise. Blaine talks about you a lot. Why don't you come in? I'm not sure he expected your surprise date to be quite so early. I'll go see if he's awake."

"Thank you. I can go check on him, actually." At Laurel's expression, he added, "I mean, if that's okay." Blaine's cousin looked skeptical, eyeing Kurt and seeming to size him up. "I promise, I'll be nice."

Laurel lifted an eyebrow and sighed. "You know, under general circumstances I would probably insist you wait on the couch. But as it stands, it's 8 in the morning and I was in the middle of a compelling news story and an awesome bowl of Cap'n Crunch that's most likely on the brink of soggy at the moment. So, go for it."

The boy literally bounced on his toes, smiling. "Thanks."

"His room is the second door on your left," Laurel said, pointing down the hall behind her and heading back into the kitchen.

Kurt tiptoed down the hallway and gently knocked on Blaine's door. When he received no response, he twisted the knob and pushed it open slightly, peering in the room to see Blaine rolled up in his blankets, looking like an eggroll. He chuckled before stepping into the room, crossing the few feet to reach the edge of Blaine's bed. He climbed on top of it, crawling across the bed to lay down next to him, and started playing with Blaine's curls.

"Blaine," he called softly.

The dark-haired boy stirred slightly under the covers, mumbling something incoherent but not fully waking.

"Oh, Blaine," Kurt said again, drawing out Blaine's name in a sing-songy manner.

Blaine rolled from side to side under the covers before his eyes fluttered open to see none other than Kurt Hummel staring down at him.

"Shit," he muttered, shooting up to an upright position. He rubbed his forehead before turning back to stare down at Kurt, who was still lounging in his bed. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Ooh, someone likes to swear early in the morning. Duly noted. I'm here for our date, silly. Granted, this wasn't the original plan, but something came up and I had to shift our plans a bit. I thought you'd enjoy coming along."

"Coming along to what?" Blaine asked wearily.

"You'll see. Get dressed. I'll go wait with your wonderful cousin, though to be honest I don't think she likes me that much. But we can discuss that later."

And then, Kurt was gone, bounding out of the room and down the hallway, presumably to the kitchen where Blaine figured Laurel would be eating her usual bowl of cereal.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair and still trying to wake up. Admittedly, he'd been more than happy for Kurt's face to be the first thing he saw that morning, but for the rest of the day he knew that he was going to pout and repeatedly bring up how much he hated being woken up in the morning. Even though, if Kurt was the one waking him up, he couldn't see himself minding all that much in the future.

Shaking his thoughts from Kurt and focusing on the task at hand, he crossed the room to his closet and easily picked out the clothes he'd laid out the previous day for their date: a simple black polo and a nice pair of jeans that fit his body just right. He tugged them off their hooks and walked across the hall to the bathroom. Instead of using his usual amount of gel, effectively turning his head into a helmet, he used only a light amount to somewhat tame the beast. Kurt seemed to like toying with his curls earlier, and if leaving his hair curlier than usual would make Soulmate happy, then he was more than happy to oblige. He finished getting dressed and doing his hair in record time and rounded the corner to the kitchen to see his cousin and date chatting amiably at the table about proper ways to take care of natural blonde hair.

"It's so rare to find someone who was just born blonde, rather than someone who buys it in a bottle at the store. You have to know how to keep it looking its brightest," Kurt was saying, surveying Laurel's head.

Blaine cleared his throat and leaned against the threshold, causing both occupants at the table to look up.

Laurel sucked in a breath. "Blaine, your hair—" She cut herself off, unable to finish the sentence, and he knew why. He hadn't left his hair curly in over 3 years.

"Well don't you look nice, all awake and everything."

He laughed at Kurt's remark. "Ha-ha, you're so funny. Let's head out to this epic date that you have planned that couldn't possibly wait until the sun was up."

"Blaine, the sun rose at 5:15 this morning, like I did. It's really not that early. We do need to be going, though. It would definitely not be good for either of us if we were late."

Blaine caught Laurel's eye across the room, who had a peculiar expression on her face. He figured he'd hear all about that later, but for now, all he was interested was the ominous tone Kurt's voice took on as he said they shouldn't be late.

"Please don't tell me this plan of yours is going to be life-threatening."

"Not what I have planned, but our first stop is potentially so."

That did not make him feel any better.


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