Jan. 26, 2016, 6 p.m.
Jan. 26, 2016, 6 p.m.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE Im so so so sorry for beingso slack. Much love xxxxx Im also thinking of another homeless!Kurt au but...well Im hoping to finish it before I publush it, because I hate making you guys wait. It seems to be a theme I have going on here. I hope you enjoyed this one.
Sequel is a possility.
Blaine had recovered just in time for the competition. The snow had also cleared, and Burt and Carole had finally been able to fly over. What surprised Blaine was that Cooper had also been at the show. He had had No Idea.
After the performance was when Cooper had come to greet them.
The Warblers were still chatting excitedly after they heard the news of who won the competition. Blaine was grinning broadly as he had his arm around Kurt's shoulder whose smile was just as wide.
Kurt and Blaine got lost in each other as they sang and afterwards Blaine passionately kissed Kurt behind the curtains earning catcalls from the Warblers. He hadn't even cared that they could see them clearly within view. Kurt had been taken by surprise but kissed back with equal passion.
“This your boyfriend Blaine?” Blaine heard Cooper ask and broke away from the kiss in shock “Coop what are you doing here?”
“I was in New York for a tv commercial so I thought I'd come watch my brother perform…you may think I don't know anything about you, or act like I care what you're doing, but I do care Blaine, and you were so good out there bro, I'm so proud of you,”
“I…I don't know what to say,” Blaine admitted and Kurt shook his head “I think hugging him is ideal,” Kurt offered and Cooper grinned in response. “I don't think that's a bad idea,” He opened his arms to offer Blaine just that, and with his eyebrows raised in shock Blaine accepted and walked into it.
“I'm sorry I haven't been there for you Blaine,”
“You've been busy,”
“That's not an excuse,”
Eventually Blaine let go and put an arm around Kurt introducing him to Cooper with pride. “Cooper this is Kurt Hummel, new addition to the Warblers, and yes hes my beautiful...amazing boyfriend,”
Cooper smiled pleasantly as he took Kurt's hand that had gone out to shake his.
“Pleasure to meet you,” Kurt said.
“Nah the pleasures all mine,” Cooper insisted. Kurt was about to ask some questions about what Cooper had been doing…and had he realised Blaine had been ill the last past week but then Mercedes's voice rang through the huge hall.
"Kurt!" Kurt turned in surprise with a large smile on his face when he saw Mercedes was thrilled to see him. Blaine also looked to where the girl was and watched as Kurt was reunited with his old glee club. Behind Mercedes was a bunch of other New Directions kids who stood nearby. Blaine watched as they embraced him, he had been worried about when they would reconnect if they would be cruel but they welcomed him with open arms and it pleasantly surprised him as he watched the happy bedazzled look on his boyfriend's face.
"You were amazing out there!!" The warblers did raise your glass and Kurt and Blaine sang come what may literally bringing the audience to tears. It had been an unforgettable performance.
Blaine now looked proudly at Kurt who was being given hugs and warm praise and pats on the shoulders by even the guys. He watched as Kurt looked at the back to where Finn was. Finn had been too nervous to move. His pride escalated when he watched as Kurt stepped forward and opened his arms out to Finn and then did the least expected of him "Im sorry Finn,”
"Why are you sorry? Im the one that should be sorry, not you," Finn asked as he accepted the hug and held Kurt tightly. Almost too tightly for Blaines liking.
"Easy he got out of hospital just recently," Blaine warned and he couldn't help but intrude and take Kurt's hand after the hug ended. Kurt first glared at him for being so overprotective when it was not necessary but then his gaze softened when he noticed Blaine checking to make sure he wasnt in pain "You're the one to talk….he wasnt hurting me Blaine, its okay," Blaine nodded and smiled back at Finn "sorry, I get worried about him," Blaine then looked at Kurt who was looking fondly at him as he said “You mean too much to me Kurt,”
"Thank you Blaine," suddenly Blaine had an armful of Finn. Blaines eyes widened as he had not been expecting that. “Thank you for looking after my brother,”
Kurt's eyes went wide at the word brother and then he smiled widely.
“You guys killed your songs too…I can't believe New Directions tied with the Warblers,”
“Personally I think that was the best scenario for all of us,” Kurt beamed. Then they all heard clapping. Kurt turned around, he knew that voice anywhere “And I couldn't be more prouder of all of you lot,”
“Dad! You made it,” He let go of Blaine and couldn't help but run into his dad's arms. “What you think I'd miss this?” Kurt wrapped his arms around his dads waist. Burt sighed happily and returned the gesture. “God kid, I missed you so much kiddo,”
“I missed you too dad,
“You were so good up there Kurt,”
“Thanks dad, The Warblers are amazing,”
“Which is what I wanted to talk to you about son..” Burt added upon glancing at Blaine and asking if the New Directions would let just him and Carole talk to Kurt and Blaine for a moment.
“I know just the place we can talk, do you mind if we get out of here?” Blaine asked them..
“Sounds good to me,” Burt nodded as he took Carole's hand. Cooper was invited along. Blaine texted the guys to let them know what was happening. Kurt said a quick farewell and last hugs and promises to keep in touch with the New Directions before he allowed Blaine to hold his hand on the way out.
When they arrived at their destination Lucy gave them warm hugs “I JUST GOT A TEXT FROM MAX ABOUT THE NEWS OH MY GOD GUYS CONGRATULATIONS, you know what? Coffee for everyone on the house,”
“Lucy you're going to get fired if you keep giving us free coffee,” Kurt laughed at which Burt rose his eyebrow thinking She got him free coffee before? He decided to play his part “I'll be happy to pay,” Burt offered but Lucy dismissed it. She waved a hand at him “Nope. My treat, you all take a seat now, get, WOW TIED FOR FIRST PLACE!! I feel like a proud mama right now,”
Blaine and Kurt chuckled at her enthusiasm. Burt looked a little surprise by her excitement. “I take it she knows you guys..” Kurt nodded “I'll explain this later,”
“Hey didn't I see you on the news before?” She asked suddenly remembering Burt's face who looked a bit grim remembering the past. Kurt however took his dad's hand and squeezed it. “I forgive you dad, stop looking so upset please,” He whispered while they went to find their seats. Blaine took a mental note to talk to Lucy about payment as he overheard her boss call out “Lucy, you better be paying for all that coffee! We can't afford to keep giving freebies to peasants you know,” The manager grumbled as Lucy rolled her eyes. “They aren't peasants … but yes of course I will you imp,”
Blaine followed Kurt and his parents to a table. Cooper was happily chatting to Lucy who was now enchanted by his appearance. He was happy to talk to her at the counter while she worked so Blaine used that opportunity to get Kurt's parents to talk about whatever they wanted to talk about.
“You looked really happy up on that stage Kurt…happier than I've even seen you when you used to go to McKinley,”
“Dad…you know I wanna come home…I'm done running, you don't have to-” Kurt was about to continue but Burt held up a hand “Just let me talk kid. I saw how happy you were with your group up there,”
“And you were so good up there Kurt, you harmonised with the Warblers so well,” Carole said still gushing about it as Blaine smiled when she looked at him and praised him as well.
“Carole's right, I'm pleased to hear you want to come home, and you are welcomed at home Kurt, but from what Finn has told me… you weren't always treated right at McKinley and there are a dozen of witnesses from your glee club having seen you been pushed around or shoved in a dumpster am I right? Mr Schue would be even happy to testify to that to Mr Figgins,”
“Dad…I'm not sure what your saying here,” Kurt admitted but added “Yes I did get shoved and bullied,”
“How would you feel about boarding at Dalton?”
Kurt looked to his dad then Carole and saw they were serious “Dad …it's a private school, you can't afford it” He shook his head. Not after all he put them through.
“Kurt they have a no bullying policy…. And on such circumstances where bullying occurs, students can be transferred to be safe there so long as they have a good academic profile. Emma Pillsbury the councillor was able to pull strings. She called Dalton, let them know of your situation and that you were a bright kid, and with great potential, she also said you'd be willing to do extra classes if necessary, but when they heard you could sing, they said it wasn't necessary because the Warblers were always looking for potential students,”
Blaine then looked to Kurt and grinned as he took his boyfriends hands who was trying to process all of this.
“It's true Kurt, not everyone at Dalton is able to sing, so when there is someone with singing potential, we immediately let them in, whether they get solos or not of course is up to how good their auditions are,” Blaine informed as Burt nodded.
Kurt looked to his father and then hugged him again wordlessly. “But…wait so your asking if I would live and do school work at Dalton?”
“It's only for weekdays, on the weekends your allowed home, if you want of course, but at least you have a roof over your head and you'd be happy – I think, it's up to you Kurt. You can either be there or come home with us and go back to McKinley if that's what you wanted -
You'd get to spend more time with Blaine too, personally I'm not sure how I'd feel about that, but it's better than allowing either of you to drive 2 hours to see each other, and after what Blaine's done for you, I think it's the least I can do,”
Kurt looked to Blaine at this who was silent. “Do you mind if I talk to him for a moment?” He asked and Carole added “Of course you can sweetie, honey just know we want to do everything we can to make sure you don't feel like you have to run again, I'm proud to be a future step mother of such a wonderful boy, you have to know that, and your father…he regrets what he did everyday, and we'll do whatever it takes, you take your time to think okay?”
Kurt nodded and then looked to Blaine again “Can you come with me for a minute?” Their coffees arrived. Carole and Burt allowed this to be a distraction while Kurt got up, took Blaine's hand and walked him to a quiet area of the cafe. “What do you think I should do Blaine?”
Blaine smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “Kurt, It's up to you what you want to do. Personally I want you safe. After hearing you being bullied and god Kurt, you'd be safe at Dalton, and then I'd get to see you every day…I think that alone makes me want to beg you to accept their offer but it's up to you sweetheart, I'm glad things are working out but what would make you happy?”
“I'll be happy so long as I'm with you, having my family show that they really do love me feels means everything to me but Blaine so do you. I don't what would have happened if I hadn't met you. I know you love me but,.. I can't help but feel like...you deserve better, are you really sure?”
He asked suddenly hesitating and Blaine looked confused “Sure about what baby?”
Kurt's heart warmed at the endearment.
“Are you sure I would make you happy being with you every day, studying with you, seeing you in the hallways, possibly having dinner in your room or my room,”
Blaine laughed “Kurt…I couldn't think of anything that would be more ideal than what your saying to me right now,” Kurt grinned and used this opportunity to kiss Blaine. “But are you sure you won't miss McKinley?” Blaine asked then.
He didn't answer, he'll explain that to him and his dad. He took Blaine's hand and walked back to the table to say he wanted to go to Dalton. Burt looked somewhat relieved…knowing his son will be safe there.
“You sure Kurt? What about your friends at McKinley?” Carole asked rephrasing Blaine's previous question.
“Oh I'll miss McKinley…and I'll still see them on weekends… but let's just say Dalton is where my heart is…” Blaine looked at Kurt then with such love in his heart but then Kurt was out of his seat and hugging Burt “Thank you dad,”