Knocked out of sense
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Knocked out of sense : Chapter 2

M - Words: 1,986 - Last Updated: May 04, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: May 04, 2016 - Updated: May 04, 2016
308 0 0 0 0

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

"How you holding up?" Sebastian asked as he was driving Kurt to Dalton.

Kurt looked a little pale, even with his already pale skin. "I don't feel good," He admitted as he looked to Sebastian. "I think I'm going to be sick,"

"Hold on a minute," Sebastian said as he went to park in a gas station. "We can stop here if you need to use the restroom, it's just another 15 minutes away to the school,"

"Thank you," Kurt whispered, because he didn't think he could make more conversation than that without vomiting. When Sebastian parked the car Kurt immediately got out and ran to the public toilet. Sebastian grimaced in sympathy, mumbling "poor bugger".

He waited outside humming to himself when a boy was walking up to him. He had a red jacket on "Why the hell are you faggots here?"

"Pardon?" Sebastian asked. Who the hell did this Wannabe think he was?

"You and Kurt,"

"Me and…"

"YOU HEARD ME," The boy had him shoved up the wall now "You, you and your idiot fuck buddy got my mate Karofsky kicked out of school,"

"Look here butthead, I only just met Kurt,"


"B – U – T –T-H-E-A-D"

Sebastian got hit in the jaw "FUCK MAN, what is your problem!?"

Kurt came out of the toilet then looking ill. "Bas? What…oh…Azimio,"

Sebastian stared at him with wide eyes "You know him?"

Azimio let go of Sebastian and went to Kurt grinning. "Well well well… we aren't at school anymore now homo, whatcha gonna do now? You can't run to your little school anymore can you?"

"Hey! BACK OFF,"

Sebastian went to help but Azimio pushed him away. "If you know what's good for you, you'll leave,"

Kurt looked scared but he tried to hold a brave face as he looked to Sebastian and whispered "Go,"

Sebastian shook his head but as Azimio crowded in on Kurt, Kurt mouthed Get Help

Sebastian couldn't leave Kurt to his own device. He looked at Kurt who got punched in the stomach and ran to his car. He heard Kurt say in a quiet voice "Blaine," as he was getting bullied.

He quickly opened the driver seat and looked around for something he knew he had in these exceptional circumstances. Unfortunately the toilets were in the way back away from the public eye so he couldn't call out for help without Azimio getting away.

He pulled out his knife and charged forward "HEY!"

Azimio punched Kurt to the ground just as Sebastian cut his arm.



"You You…wouldn't,"

"Try me,"

Azimio glared and kicked at Kurt one more time but as Sebastian charged at him again he ran. "Hope you go to hell!" Azimio called as Sebastian pocketed his knife and knelt down to Kurt's level who was now on the ground and bleeding.


Kurt wasn't waking up.

Oh god, oh god…if he showed up at the hospital, he'll go to jail.

He can't…

"Kurt, please – you gotta wake up,"

Kurt didn't move. He checked his pulse, he was still alive. "You're gonna be okay," Sebastian promised…

A phone beeped out of Kurt's pocket. He picked it up, almost scared of it as though it was the police calling to say who attacked him.

Kurt, can we please talk? I'm on my way to Dalton, and I know you're mad at me…but I have something to say. I would really…really appreciate it if you talk to me. I hope you're okay – Blaine

He debated on whether or not to call Blaine. He knew Blaine would freak out. Blaine was always attached to Kurt's hip like a freaking magnet at school. He noticed it on his first day there. He had wanted to ask Blaine out, but someone told him not to bother.

Then he had noticed them in the hallways walking to class and chatting.

He can't tell Blaine. He'll never want to go out with Sebastian knowing Kurt was hurt in his care…and if he finds out, he'll take Kurt to the hospital, and they'll have to get Sebastian's details…and Sebastian can't let that happen.

He couldn't leave Blaine unanswered or he'll come looking for Kurt. So he hovered his fingers over the phone…

Just leave me alone

"At least until I get him awake…" He said to himself as he lifted Kurt and carried him out to his car.

A woman came out then noticing him carrying the other boy and asked what he was doing.

"My friend got beat up by a bully, he fainted, I want to take him home. I think I might need some medication or bandages or something," He added.

He may as well get the stuff now. The lady looked alarmed "Do you need a lift?"

"No no, I got my car,"

The lady went back inside saying she'll get something for the boy. She came out with tablets of Panadol, band-aids, and white bandages for the parts he was bleeding.

"Here, take it on the house. I'm sorry that it happened,"

"Thank you," Sebastian said sincerely. "I'll let him know you wanted to help when he wakes up,"

"If you need any witnesses, I'll be happy to clarify any information,"

She smiled at him and bid him good-day as he thanked her again. Sebastian placed Kurt in the passenger seat. He took of his Dalton blazer and placed it over Kurt since it was still raining and Kurt's body was cold.

"I'll take care of you," Sebastian promised as he got in the driver's seat. He called the school to say he wouldn't be in today, he was taking care of an ill family member.

"Take as much time as you need," The receptionist said but Sebastian argued "No, I'll be there tomorrow, I just need this day off,"

"Alright hon, take it easy,"

"Thank you mam,"

He looked over to the boy knocked out. His chestnut hair was falling over his forehead. He smoothed it back and frowned. Kurt looked so innocent.

What the hell am I doing?

A whole day went by, and still no signs of Kurt. They couldn't contact the police yet until 48 hours. It was 7 O clock at night. Everyone was worried.

"He could be hurt by then. He could be bleeding, he could be dead…" Burt was saying to the school Principal but the man looked just as lost as he did. He normally went home and let the receptionist take charge of who came and went in the school but he stayed behind when called for an emergency meeting at 5 O clock. They've talked for an hour, looked around the school grounds for the second hour, even though Blaine had already done that several times during the day. Blaine even went to check the Lima Bean to see if Kurt had shown up at all during his free periods and when school ended he went to Kurt's mum graveyard, but the flowers there were 2 days old so the keeper told him. "I'll find him," Blaine had told the grave. Mrs Hummel – loving mother and wife was what was in front of him. A tear fell down his eyes "I hope he's okay, please watch him for me, please."

"All of our students in The Warblers have tried everything they can to get a hold of your son Mr Hummel, were all just as worried as you are, we even contacted Kurt's old school, and they haven't heard anything either,"

"I just don't get it…why would he disappear if he was hurt? Blaine said there was blood…what…what if he was murdered?"

Burt kept thinking of the worse scenarios. Blaine was looking grey at the idea as he whimpered and Rachel was rubbing his shoulders in what she hoped was a comforting manner while Finn comforted Carole. They were all in the Principals office. No one understood what happened.

Everyone was scared for Kurt Hummel.

Blaine most of all. Why did Kurt send him that text to leave him alone and then disappear?

Why did he tell Burt he loved him?

Why was his car left unattended?

Most of all he kept thinking; where was he?

He had already excused himself from class several times in that day so he could try call Kurt again and again. His English teacher insisted he take the day off since he wasn't paying attention in class, and he didn't show up at Warblers rehearsal. Blaine rarely missed Warblers rehearsals.

"I got to go look for him," Blaine said.

Burt frowned "Blaine, I'm not sure…if Kurt's in trouble, you could get in trouble too, you think I didn't want to do the same?"

"Maybe he just wants to be alone?" The Principal added not sure. "From what Blaine has told us, maybe we're over-reacting, how about we give it a night, he could be at a hotel somewhere for all we know,"

"I have to at least try!" Blaine blurted out looking determined to follow through with his plan "Please let me try, I know where Kurt likes to go. I know all his favourite places. He's my…he's my best friend. I can't stand the idea of anything bad happening to him,"

"Let me go with you then," Finn insisted as they looked to the principal.

Rachel nodded "I'm sure some of the New Directions would be willing to help. It was hopeless in glee club today, nobody could focus, he's our friend too… even Mr Schue decided left the room to talk to Mr Figgins about his whereabouts, and whether or not Karofsky had anything to do with it, but Karofsky was suspended, and when they called his home, he was there with his dad,"

"What about the other jocks?" Burt asked looking to Finn "There's more than one right?"

Finn nodded "Yeah, there are,"

"Alright, everybody just calm down for a minute and listen. You might not like this, but I suggest we wait for the night to kick over, and if there are still no signs of Kurt by the morning, then I'll allow for the small search party to begin, but for now I say we call it a night, and wait, he could be just upset over the argument he had with Blaine. He is old enough to make his own decisions, and when he shows himself, he'll want people to be there to support him, not be frightened,"

Burt seemed reluctant to agree but Carole put a hand on his shoulder "He's right Burt. We can't really do anything unless were absolutely certain he's missing,"

"But the blood Carole, and he's not picking up anyone's phone call?"

Blaine couldn't handle it anymore. "I can't, I can't stand here and discuss this, I have to know if he's okay,"

"Fine, Blaine and Finn can go look, but boys if you don't find anything in a couple of hours I suggest you come back, Blaine I want you back here by 11pm,"

"Yes sir,"

"And Blaine?"


"Take Wes with you,"

"Okay," Blaine agreed. Wes was sensible. He was pretty good at reading into things, so he had no issues with that. Straight away he went to find the other Warbler who was on Facebook asking anyone for information on Kurt. He looked to Blaine who was standing in his doorway and asked "Well? Anything?"

Blaine shook his head. "I'm going to go look for him, Mr Donnovan wants you to come with me,"

Wes was already up from his seat. "Let's go then,"

"Hey Blaine?"


"Why do you keep that notebook in your back pocket? I noticed you looking at it a lot today in class,"

"It's… I can't let it go,"

"May I?"

Blaine wordlessly gave the book to Wes to look at. Wes flipped over the first page.

"Oh," Wes was staring at what Blaine looked at a hundred times that day already. It had been the same book that Kurt claimed to be plotting weekand outfits in. Which he did have drawings of in other pages.


They got to the carpark and Wes immediately took Blaine's keys. Finn had followed them when they reached the lobby. "Nope, I'm driving, Blaine, you take the passenger seat, Finn,"

"Yeah, got it,"

Finn was already sitting in the back. Blaine looked to Wes "I'm fine to drive,"

"No," Wes said immediately. "You're not fine Blaine,"


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