March 14, 2015, 7 p.m.
March 14, 2015, 7 p.m.
Blaine was starting to get on Kurt's nerves. The first day Burt was in hospital, Blaine was everything Kurt needed. When he had arrived and Kurt allowed him to take his hand as they closed the door behind them Kurt turned to him instantly “Thank you for coming,” Kurt said looking at him with as much emotion & gratitude he could muster as he looked at Blaine smiling sadly at him “Anytime, you need me Kurt, I'll be there.”
Blaine walked Kurt out into the hospital gardens and sat on a bench and allowed Kurt to cry on his shoulder. They talked softly about Kurt's childhood, and Blaine listened as Kurt went down memory lane of experiences with his father, “He was amazing. I took it for granted at first,” he said as he told Blaine about how he came out to Burt and Burt accepted him as he was just like that.
“What about your father?” Kurt asked reminding himself to let Blaine speak. The other boy shook his head and was deadly serious as he spoke “I don't have the relationship with my dad that you have with Burt,”
Blaine gave him time to speak when he wanted to speak. He was patient, and kind while holding his hand and rubbing soothing strokes over his knuckles. He was also generous by buying him, Carole and Finn dinner from a nearby restaurant which most of it went to waste anyway after they went back inside so they wouldn't have to eat the hospital food which Carole hadn't even thought of buying for dinner. “Oh Blaine you didn't have to do all this,”
“It was the least I could do,” Blaine said and insisted they rest after he asked the nurse if he could have 3 chairs outside Burt's room for them to eat on.
“Thank you Blaine,” Carole hugged him and thanked all of them for being there, even though it wasn't necessary since nothing changed.
“I wouldn't want to be anywhere else,” Finn said playing with his food. Even Finn couldn't eat, and Kurt could see he felt guilty about the whole thing. He placed a hand on his knee and shrugged of the fact that he flinched “It's not your fault Finn,”
Finn didn't answer. Blaine shrugged at Kurt when he looked at him with concern.
Blaine had wanted to continue meeting with Kurt at the but after the third day Kurt said he was fine, besides he couldn't allow Wes to drive Blaine all the time who didn't have a car. He collected Kurt's work for him instead, and had it all sorted on Kurt's small desk in the corner by the time he came home. He always made sure Kurt ate something, and bought him coffee constantly.
Then Blaine kept asking him questions. “How are you feeling?” he asked as soon as Kurt woke up on the fourth morning of his dad being in hospital, and this time he told Carole he couldn't miss the last class because they had a test. She insisted he had one day rest. Blaine was hovering over the bed as though he was sick and he kissed his cheek “Do you need me to do anything?”
“I need you to give me room to breath,” Kurt pleaded as Blaine gave him that space “Okay, I'll get some coffee,” He said to Kurt while he got dressed for class and then as Kurt was about to take of his t-shirt he noticed Blaine still staring at him and raised an eyebrow.
Blaine blushed and went to get their coffee. Blaine was up half an hour before Kurt. He had been doing that since Burt was put in a coma. The next day Blaine opened the door to see Kurt frowning as he arrived back from the hospital.
Kurt sighed as he thanked Blaine for opening the door and went to his bed to place his satchel down. He just wanted to sleep and not thinking about it.
His phone beeped. He checked his notifications briefly before turning it off. He normally spent half an hour on it, but one minute looking at a picture he was tagged in was enough.
Mercedes_N1Diva mentioned you in a comment
Mercedes_N1Diva Praying for @Kurt-Hummel's dad. Kurt we're going to sing for him on the weekend, I really hope you can come boo.
He noticed most of the likes were people he never met before and people from glee club and then there was Blaine of course.
JustCallMeMIke @Kurt-Hummel We miss you Kurt, hope your dad's okay.
WesleyMontgomery123 @Mercedes_N1Diva @Blaine_Warbler you going?
Mercedes_N1Diva @WesleyMontgomery123 No. This is strictly for Kurt and my church choir, he can decide who wants to go with him.
“How's Burt doing?” Blaine asked when he entered the dorm room but upon seeing Kurt' he changed the subject “What movie do you want to watch?” He asked acting like nothing was wrong. Kurt frowned “I don't feel like a movie tonight, thank you,”
Blaine had obviously just had a shower, because his hair was damp and he was a simple t-shirt and pants as he sat crossed leg on his bed with a book beside him, obviously waiting for Kurt to arrive.
“Okay,” Blaine said eyeing Kurt carefully and then began talking about his day to stop the silence from interrupting their communication.
“And so Wes told me that we should do some sexy numbers, because he overheard from David talking to Mercedes on the phone that, that is what they were doing at McKinley and so I thought that we could…Kurt?”
“I'm rambling, you should get some sleep,”
“I'm not tired,” Kurt disagreed as he was cooking dinner.
“I think you should still try and get some sleep Kurt, you didn't get much last night,”
“You're not my mother,” Kurt snapped and Blaine fell silent. He stared back at Blaine who was no longer lying on his bed but sitting up and Kurt noticed a slight disappointment in Blaine's features as his face scrunched up but quickly redeemed itself as he nodded. After a moment's silence Blaine got up looking ahead of him and not at all at Kurt.
“I'm just going for a walk,” Blaine said grabbing his Ipod. He turned back to look at Kurt as he reached the door and looked like he was going to say something but when he saw Kurt's confused face he composed himself and opened the door leaving Kurt alone working in the small kitchenette Kurt felt ashamed, and he didn't end up eating more than 5 mouthfuls of his tuna salad which he put in a bowl and labelled ‘Eat me' on it for Blaine, when he woke up.
While Blaine was so focused on Kurt, Kurt had noticed that Blaine's weight has been starting to decrease and he felt part of that.
He ended up going into the hallways and calling Carole to see how she was. He hoped Blaine hadn't gone out because it was raining. Nothing changed with Burt, Finn was miserable at school too, other than that all they could do was wait. He hated it.
So he went to bed and lay awake staring at the ceiling, listening to the rain against his windows, the silence was deafening and he couldn't stand it.
On Friday they had a Warblers meeting that afternoon. He found out from Wes that Blaine wasn't going to attend.
They were hanging on a thread, but he was tired, and desparate for his father to wake up.
He wanted to ask Wes if it was because of him, but then he also didn't want to find out if he talked to Wes and David behind his back. During the Warbler meeting Kurt watched the council rattle on about Blaine's song choices and he must have fell asleep sitting in the comfortable armchair because Wes was rubbing Kurt's shoulder “Warbler Kurt?”
Kurt opened his eyes and yawned “Sorry, what were you saying?”
Wes looked at him sympathetically and his eyes wondered around the room noticing it was empty of boys and now only he and Wes were there “Oh,”
“I hated to bother you when you clearly needed some sleep.”
“Thanks for waking me up,” Kurt said sincerely and Wes waved his hand as though to say ‘Don't mention it'
“So why wasn't Blaine at the meeting?” Kurt asked finally, unable to handle not knowing. Wes eyed him like trying to work out a piece of puzzle.
“He's actually sick, he went to stay at his parents place, they're on holiday, he has a key and he didn't want you to get ill on top of everything else, any news on your father?” Kurt shook his head. “No…”
“I don't know if this is a right time to talk about it, but I also couldn't help but notice you and Blaine appear to be … having some tension between you,”
Kurt sat up as Wes gathered his things. There were a lot of paperwork on the council table in comparison to New Directions meetings.
Kurt sighed “It's not that I don't appreciate what Blaine does for me, it's just…sometimes ...”
“You want to be alone right,” Wes finished for him and Kurt nodded surprised. “How did you know?”
“I've known Blaine a long time Kurt, I used to be roommates with him,”
“You were?” Kurt was amazed, that explained why Blaine's room was more spacious than other Warblers who were individually by themselves.
“Yeah I was. I feel kind of bad about it now actually, and we've made up for it since, but when we were roommates I remember feeling resentment towards Blaine. I used to get annoyed because he used to talk till 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning about his day.
Don't get me wrong, I love Blaine as a friend. His life is as important to me as my families; but I just wanted to enjoy some peace and quiet. When I didn't speak to him for a week during class times, and asked the headmaster if I could move in with David instead he asked me if he done anything wrong, why I had gone behind his back to change rooms,”
Kurt was quiet as Wes told his story. Wes looked pensive as he remembered the incident. His eyes were narrowed and he looked at Kurt with something that looked like shame “I got angry at him and said it was because he wouldn't shut up,”
Kurt felt a terrible weight on his shoulders. It was as if a giant boulder was laid on him and he quite catch his breath remembering Blaine's face when he looked at him as though he wanted to say something but decided against it.
“Can you give me his address?”
“I don't know if that's a good idea…”
“Please Wes, he's helped me and my family so much, the least I can do is buy him dinner,”
Wes could see he was determined to get what he wanted “Alright, but if you get sick, tell Blaine it wasn't my fault,”