Changes and Challenges
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Changes and Challenges: Chapter 7

M - Words: 2,766 - Last Updated: Apr 15, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Aug 27, 2014 - Updated: Aug 27, 2014
210 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Dun dun duuuunnnnn..*stage whispers* reviews make me work faster ;)
Burt held his son as he cried himself to sleep. He isnt actually surprised that his sons soulmate happen to be Blaine. He and Elizabeth noticed how close those two were growing up and thought that it made sense that they will be marked with each others name. The boys reminded them of eachother actually thats why it made perfect sense. They were also very close as bestfriends growing up before getting marked with each others names too. Its like history was repeating itself but Blaine altered history when he started bullying his son.

Kurt and Blaine did everything together as kids. Everything from playing together to bathing together sometimes. They were closer than Burt and Elizabeth were when they were growing up so thats why it actually doesnt surprise Burt.

He was angry about the turn of events between those two when they were 12. He knows for a fact that Blaine wouldnt willingly bully his son. He just wish he knew what was going on in that boys head. He use to consider him as another son because of how close the boys were.

Blaine was always a very polite and brightly happy kid. Always stood up for kurt when the other boys picked on him. Was always around all the time even when kurt was sick hell the kid would even attempt to heal him. They were always telling eachother they loved the one another when leaving the other for the day hell the kid practically moved in one summer. They were inseparable so he didnt understand and he didnt buy that crap kurt told him about Blaine not liking that he was gay. Especially when he heard kurt on the phone ranting about how Blaine admittedly said he was attracted to guys as of late.

He looked down at his son tear streaked face and dropped a kiss to his hair before removing himself from the tight grip of his son to make his way to room. His heart was breaking for his son he knew how much kurt was looking forward to getting marked. The boy never shut up about his soulmate and now he doesnt know what Kurt is going to do about this. He wouldnt be surprised if he decides to refuse his soulmate. Hell the boy was put in the hospital multiple times before by the hands of the same guy marked on his skin. He wouldnt blame him if he did he isnt too happy about it but he knows how rare it is to get another mark. He was one of the lucky few to get another one he is glad to have another chance even if the woman reminded him if that faithful day his first soulmate died.

He shook his head and made his way to his bedroom where he sees Carole wide awake reaching out for him. He smiled and crawled into her arms and snuggled against his chest as she dropeed a kiss in his forehead.

"Im guessing that wasnt a scream of joy?" She joked sarcastically. He shook his head sadly and sighed

"No it wasnt. It turns out his soulmate happens to be the one and only Blaine Anderson" He looked up at her as she nods her head in understanding

He told her a while back of his and Elizabeths thoughts of the boys. She was baffled at the turn of events too. She use To hear Finn talk about Blaines treatment towards Kurt a long time ago she never paid much attention to it. When she got marked again and got to know the Hummel men she got curious and asked Burt one night and was absolutely confused about how the famous Blaine used to be to the stories her son use to go on and on about with his then girlfriend Quinn.

"Im not really suprised but even I thought it wouldnt be true when they fell out especially when that damn kid start picking on my boy." He shook his head and continued.

"If you wouldve seen the look on his face. It was like a mixture of defeat, pain ,terror and disbelief as he stared down at his hand as if he was trying to mentally change that damned name." He started shaking his head as Carole rubbed and down his back.

"I can only imagine honey. I really hope everything works out for him god knows that kid deserves a break. Lets get back to sleep thats all we can do for now. He is a smart boy hell figure it out." She leans down and kisses him and wishes him a goodnight

"I hope so" Burt whispers and fall back to sleep.

Kurt wakes up to Finn bursting into his room loudly singing happy birthday. Kurt groans before tossing a pillow at his goof of a step brother.

"Dude get up youre going to be late for school" Finn tosses the pillow back at a grumpy Kurt.

Kurt glares at him "Screw school its my birthday Ill do what I want"

"Nope doesnt work that way come on Mom is fixing red velvet waffles" Then Finn runs out the room

Kurt sighs and stand up stretching listening to his stiff bones crack before looking down at his hand again. Tears well into his eyes but he wipes at his tired eyes he refuse to cry because of Blaine Fucking Anderson.

He reaches for his phone and sees all the texts, voicemails and Facebook notifications all telling wishing him happy birthdays and congratulations on his mark. Except a crazy Sebastian who tells him he sucks youre marked now you shouldve gotten a taste before getting tied down with a name. He laughs at his bestfriend trust him to help him feel better even if he doesnt know whats going on. He gnored the rest and goes to get ready for school.

He goes through his shower and skin care routine quickly and sits at his mirror considering wether he wants to skip school or not. He decides no he isnt going to do anything drastic just because his soulmate happens to be a grade A Asshole.

He goes to put on his new outfit a pair of white skinny jeans(screw no wearing white after labor day or what ever that saying is) with an orange belt, A white t-shirt and a White,Orange and brown turtle neck pullover sweater and a pair of Orange and white pair of boots. He fixes his hair to perfection before grabbing his orange and white finger-less soulmate glove he has only for this outfit and making his way down stairs.

He giggles at the wolf whistle his step mom made when he got to the kitchen and kisses her and his dad goodmorning before smacking his greedy stepbrother up side the head and getting his plate. He feels his dad eyes on him and he eats and smile up at his dad as to say yes im ok or atleast I will be. His dad tilts his head in a tiny nod before eating his own food.

"So Kurt excited about getting your soulmate mark! Who did you get? Is it somebody we know?" Finn asks with a mouth full of waffles oblivious to the now sad tention in the room and Burt and Carole tenses. Kurt freezes and pushes his food away and running to his room

"Finn where are your manners! You know thats personal you shouldnt ask." Carole scolded her son.

"Its not like Ill know the guy" He shrugged and shoved more waffles in his mouth. "Plus how fair is that? He asked me who mines was when I was marked."

Burt and Carole shared a glance before Burt rubbed at his head and said he was going to check on Kurt as Carole looked her son in disbelief but Finn doesnt know whats going on so she cant really scold him too much. Burt went to stand up Kurt came back downstairs and has seemed to get himself under control.

"Sorry about that. To answer your questions Finn. No Im not excited and yes we know him. Ah- before you ask no Im not telling you his name. Now can we drop it I dont really want to talk about my mark" Kurt cuts Finn off as he opens his mouth and continued to eat before washing his dish and getting ready to leave for school.

As Finn went upstairs to get his backpack Burt whispered in his ear that everything will be ok and that he loves him. Finn returns downstairs and grabbed an apple on the way out the door and everybody shakes their head at him the guy is a garbage disposal. Kurt kisses his dad and stepmom goodbye and held his head up and squared his jaw and heading out the door.


Kurt struts down the hallway with his head held high and wearing his glove proudly. He isnt going to show his true emotions towards being marked with Blaines name especially when said guy is smirking at him from the other side of the hallway as he passes. He holds his middle finger up at Blaine and keeps going towards his locker. He feels good in his new outfit even If thats the only good part of his 16th birthday. He sees people smiling at his newly gloved hand as he makes his way down the hall.

He makes it to his locker and sees his girls Mercedes smiling at him as Rachel bounces on her toes.

"Damn boy you look good! Happy birthday!" Mercedes shamelessly looks his body up and down and he smirks at his crazy friend.

"Happy birthday Kurt! Soooo..."Rachel begins and he rolls his eyes because he knows whats coming and he mentally prepares himself for the confrontation.

"Stop beating around the bush and ask already!" He says as he starts to open his locker

"Soooo firstly I like your glove its very cute! How does it feel to have joined the marked crew? What name did you get?!" Rachel asks while he is rummaging in his locker.

He schools his face as he grabs his books and place them in his sachel. He turns around to their anxious faces and chuckles hoping he is hiding what he is truly feeling well enough for them not to notice.

"Firstly thank you both for the birthday wishes and compliments. It doesnt really feel any diffent honestly and as far as the name Im not telling you" He sticks his tongue out at them

"No fair we told you ours!" Rachel squawks and Mercedes puts her hands on her hip and nods her head in agreement.

"And I thank you for that but Im not ready to acknowledge the name on my hand". He says waving his gloved hand a bit.

"What the hell does that even mean? Why cant you just tell us his name. Wait....Do we know him?" Mercedes asks and squinting her eyes. Kurt starts to fidget and thats enough of an answer for them.

"Okay so we know him, but why cant you tell us? We wont tell anybody if you dont want us to" Rachel speaks up and he considers. He hears the warning bell ring and they begin to walk.

He sighs "Ok but you have to swear on your weave" He turns to Mercedes "And kitten sweaters" He turns to Rachel "You wont say a word until Im ready" They nodded seriously.

"I got marked with-" He got cut off by Blaine shoving him into the locker

"Seriously could you get any gayer? Look at that outfit it just screams homosexual. Oh happy birthday loser!" Blaine says to him

Kurt starts shaking and eyes welling with tears a bit at the encounter with Blaine. This is the guy he suppose to be with for the rest of his life?

"How about you leave me alone for one day of your miserable life huh? Im not in the mood for your idiocy today" Kurt snaps shakingly and Blaine smirks.

"Whats the matter Hummel? Your soulmate saw your ugly face and ran already thats a shame?" Blaine says smugly and notices Kurt tenses up and smile brightly

"Ooooo looks like I hit a sore spot. Dont worry maybe the universe will be kind enough to give you another name one day so you wont end up an that old man that hoards everything and stays with 25 cats" Kurt pushes him hard as the tears threaten to spill over while Blaine cackles in his face.

He pulled himself together and raised his knee and getting Blaine right in the balls. He smirked at the yelp the curly hair boy let out.

"Dont worry about my soulmate midget mike you just better hope you get somebody decent karma is a bitch. Oh! Thank you for the birthday wishes though. Youre a doll" Kurt slaps him playfully on the face and walks off with Rachel and Mercedes.

"Like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted" He turns back to glare at a smirking Blaine "My soulmate happens to be the Blaine Anderson" He whispers and see their jaws drop comically.

"Holy Shit! No wonder why you didnt want to say anything. Damn boo Im sorry" Mercedes tells him sympathetically

"Wow kurt Im sorry too....But if he is your soulmate why didnt you say anything back then? I mean he will know sooner or later. What will happen between you guys when he gets marked and you both meet eyes and his mark tingles and his feelings hit him? That connection gets poweful I doubt hell be able to ignore that Kurt. It isnt a guarantee that youll be able to refuse him and it definitely isnt promised that youll get another name." Rachel rants and he knows she is right but he refuses to think on it.

"If my memory serves me correct I have 6 weeks until his birthday. Maybe ill figure out something by then but please dont say a word to anybody. Not even Finn and Sam please" He begs and they promised to keep their mouths closed.

"I hope you know what your doing Kurt. This is your soulmate youre talking about no matter how much of a douche he is."Mercedes whispers before they walk in the room.

"I hope I do too" He sighs and site down and gets ready for the teacher to start class.

These past 6 weeks has been rough on Kurt. Not only has his dad been down his neck about his soulmate mark but so has Mercedes and Rachel. That was until he snapped on them and they stopped. He also cried to Sebastian about it the afternoon of his birthday and him being the perverted bestfriend he is offered him a blow job to take his mind of it even if it was a joke it helped him feel better.

He also told him dont dismiss the idea altogether because its vet rare to get another soulmate. He also told him he understands his hesitation but told him dont be stupid obviously the universe sees something in them so maybe its time to bury the hatchet. And that completely shocked Kurt into silence.

Also the tension between Kurt and Blaine hadnt been helping in anyway shape or form. They have been arguing and even had anothrt fight a few weeks ago because Blaine said yet another thing about Kurts soulmate not wanting him because what gay man will want a girly boy like him. Kurt didnt take too kindly to that so he embarrased him at lunch and after school Blaine appeared out of no where and started a fight with him.

Kurt of course stood his own but didnt want to fight his soulmate. It just didnt feel right but he wasnt going to let anybody push him around. Times up unfortunately and Blaines birthday is tomorrow and he has no clue whats going to happen.

He is brought out his thoughts when Blaine pushes him to the ground on the way to Gym class. He considers revenge but he really doesnt want to be bothered especially with his mind all over the place so he decides to ask coach beiste to use the weight room to blow off some steam. He gets in there and goes for the punching bag first.

He doesnt notice a little curly haired Jewish boy in there with him because he is so deep in thought.

He doesnt notice when Jew fro got a glimpse of his mark while he is gloveless.

He didnt hear the click if the camera when his mark was on full display.

He certainly didnt see the telling smile when Jew fro walked out the room.


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