Changes and Challenges
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Changes and Challenges: Chapter 11

M - Words: 2,013 - Last Updated: Apr 15, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Aug 27, 2014 - Updated: Aug 27, 2014
199 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: 😁 Im horrible right lol what did you think of this one??.. im gonna update again soon...actually as soon as this is posted and edited im gonna start on the next. Thanks for those who prayed for my family and i(or wished on four leaf clovers and stars...what ever you believe in you adotable gleeks). My sister is much better...Everything else is falling into place....AND I FINALLY QUIT SMOKING YAAAAAAYY! Now if you have any ideas or suggestions for this story email me.! Like id give you the one with my full name. 😝...Dont judge the name its a story nehind it...youre free to ask of you wanna)...Until we meet again darlings😘😘😘
Blaine silently cursed the tingle in his palm that has him hyper aware of Kurts presence now. The more time goes on the more he feels the boy eyes on him and the more it makes him fidget . He sits in class uncomfortable at the whole situation.

He is at a lost on what to do about it. He knows he dont deserve a chance with Kurt. He also knows its a very slim chance the boy will actually refuse him because seriously who wants to be chance being alone all their lives? He just wishes he was strong enough back then to ignore the threats of the other boys that way he wouldnt be in this mess. He is broken out of his thoughts by the substitute.

"Alright class before the bell ring I was to inform you that its essay time!!" The sub tells the class some pulling out a bowl. He groans along with the others in class. Ms. Heard chuckles at the response and continued.

"Yeah I know I know it sucks! Anyway youll have to pull a topic from the bowl. Write about some the history of the topic. Your opinions on the topic. Write anything else you think you may need in this essay. Remember its creative writing so i dont know get creative?! Also youll have to pair up with a partner yay!" She says sarcastically and a few more students groan.

Okay Blaine dont panic. Its a 75% chance you will be paired with Kurt....Just look around and find a suitable partner before its too late. He thinks as he looked around trying to find somebody to pair up with. But that seemed irrelevant as he heard the sub speak up again making his anxiety level rise a bit.

"Ok so I was going to let you choose your own partners but according to Ms.Simmons thats not a good idea so lets see...You and um you" She points out random people.

He nibbled nervously on his bottom lip and hoping with all his might that he gets paired soon with somebody before he has an aneurysm . Unfortunately the sub glance at him with a twinkle in her eye and a hint of a smirk on her face and he just knows whats about to happen. Doesnt mean hes going to believe it yet..There s still hope damn it!!! he thinks.

"Ok so next since you two are so popular for whatever reason today" She draws out, smirk getting bigger and a mischievous look on her face. He just knows its coming."You" She points to a wide eyed Kurt.

Theres still hope! Theres still fucking hope! he chants in his head as he fight the urge to squeeze his eyes close. "And you" She points to a panic looking Blaine. Fuck! He dropped his head in irritation but lifted his head to glare at the sub.

"Alright so move next to your partners and Im going you bring around the bowl, After that you can discuss with your partner anything you may need to until the bell rings then you can get the hell out of here" She tell them and the class begins to move around but Kurt and Blaine are stuck staring dumbstruck at the substitute.

"Come on guys put some pep in your step" She says and he cant tell if she is mocking him or not. He just feels the need to be petty so he crosses his arms and stay still. He sees Kurt moving towards him in his peripheral vision.

He looks up at the sub again to see her biting her lip in suppressed laughter and He gets mad. What the fuck kind of teacher is she. I ought to get Puck to pee on her car. See how smug youll be after that he is broken out of his inner rant by the sound of shuffling paper.

He sees Kurt look at the paper and freeze. For some reason his anger builds more at the action and he snaps out "So? Are you going to show me what our topic is or nah?"

He snatches the paper out of his hand, ignoring the glare to his shoes and reads the paper. Soulmates now He knows why the pale boy froze.

"What the fuck!" Slips out and he glares at the retreating sub. He glances over at Kurt -who he notice wont look at him- rubbing at his palm and back at the sub.

Excuse me maam can I talk to you?" He asks as the lady settles back in the desk.

"What is it?" She asks back while she shuffles paper around on the desk not looking up.

He scratches at his palm and looks around to see the class looking at the two of them . He sighs quietly and gets up and walk to the desk and leans in close to her with both hands on the desk. She looks up at him and raises her eyebrow at him.

"Thing is Miss.... I need some help here" He starts off looking in her eyes. He makes sure not to speak too loudly because he is aware of his classmates curious eyes. "Would it be too much to ask if I can please change my predicament just a bit?" He asks sweetly with pleading eyes.

She studies his face and sits back in the chair lacing her fingers on the desk in front of her."Sorry sir but I cant do that. Youll have to take that up with your teacher when she gets back." she smirked at his crestfallen face and looked back down at the papers on the desk pretending to be busy.

He dropped his head a bit and took a deep breath trying to calm his anger down,before trying again."I figured that ....but you really dont understand. You see the dude you assigned me with and I have some um, serious personal problems going on. It has something, no not something Everything to do with that particular topic. I really dont want to go into any detail but if I have to explain it I will. Is there any way possible I can switch partners or another topic? Please."

The smirk stayed on her face as she glanced back up at him with narrow eyes. She sighed and shook her head. "Sorry I cant allow you to do that. Its not fair to the rest of the class. And although I kind of want to be nosey and ask the reason but Ill let Ms. Simmons deal with it. I really am sorry though." She told him before looking back down at the papers.

He looked at her for a few seconds and could tell she was uninterested in what he had to say and his anger took over as he exploded "I dont care about everybody else! Screw them! Im not working with him! Especially on this stupid topic! " He challenged her forgetting to manage the volume of his voice. He misses the amused looks of his peers and the look of hurt that crosses Kurts face before he schooled his expression and begin packing up his things.

She looks at him in surprise before grinning broadly at him. "Well Im in charge today sir so my decisions are my decisions. You no choice but to follow my instructions...No Wait! You do have a choice... Either you can follow my rules and go take a seat or you can act like an ass and get sent to the principle and get detention for disorderly conduct. Now like I said take it up with your teacher when she returns. Please head back to your seat the bell will be ringing soon." She dismissed him and and went back to her papers.
He growled and made his way back to seat next to Kurt.

Aware that everybody was now staring at him but this time he couldnt ignore them." Damn! Can you mind your own fucking business for once in your miserable lives?! Nothing exciting is happening over here. Pack up your shit and stop staring at us! Were soulmates whoop de fucking do!" He says sarcastically " Doesnt mean shit changes!"

He finishes just as the bell ring. He stuffed his stuff in his book bag and quickly fled the classroom. Leaving a wide eyed Kurt, a pissed off Ms.Heard, and some loud whispers behind him.


Kurt sat there gaping at Blaines quickly retreating back. He sighed and grabbed his satchel and headed on out the door for lunch. He wont admit it but for some reason Blaines words had felt like a stab in the chest. The more the words keep bouncing around his head "Were soulmates whoop de fucking do!" Doesnt mean shit changes!" The more his stomach clench uncomfortably and his heart feels heavy.

He doesnt know what to think of that sentence. He knows he fucked up. He knows he needs to make a decision, but at the same time he knows that they have a certain time limit to make this decision so he doesnt have to rush per say. He just needed time to do something before Blaine got marked to avoid all this but he was too conflicted and stubborn to actually have a conversation with the hazel eyes boy.

He walked to his locker to switch his books contemplating whether he wants go to the cafeteria for lunch or go hide away from his nosey peers. The latter sounds much more appealing so thats what he chooses. He quickly switched his books and head down C hall and out the door to his car.

He lets out a breath of relief once on the safety and comfort of his car. He locked the door and let his seat back so nobody will see him and closes his eyes to relax. That is until his phone ring and he groans. He grabs his phone and look at the screen as Mercedes flashes across but he ignores it.

He doesnt want to be bothered. He knows shes just calling to see where hes at. He knows since they are close that the glee club told her to call because they want to be nosey and he really dont want to deal with that right now. So he put his phone on lights only and put the phone back down. He laid there with one arm across his eyes as he tried to escape his reality by thinking of something else. Unfortunately his thoughts stemmed to hate him today because all he could think of is scenarios of what he couldve done differently

Thankfully his thoughts were interrupted by his grumbling stomach.He still let out a frustrated sound as he wonders about what he should do about lunch. Since obviously he didnt plan on that in his haste to escape. I could go grab some food from the cafeteria and sneak back to my car or I could go get snacks out of the vending machine he grimaced at that thought... Oh! Or I could go to Wendys down the street. his mind supplied triumphantly as he pulls his seat back up and find keys and listen as his ignition turns over. Wendys it is! He really really dont want to go back in that school.

Before pulling out his parking spot he grabs his phone and noticed he had 5 missed calls and 15 texts. He rolls his eyes at that and decided to check them when he returns back from his food run. He turns the volume up on his phone and sit it in the drink holder and popped in his mixed CD Sebastian made him and proceeded to back up singing to Classic by Mkto.

His phone began ringing again by the time he put the car in reverse. He shook his head, reached down and pushed any button to make it shut up. He was just now taking his foot off to reverse when a Jolt of intense tingle shot through his palm and a short curly haired boy walked behind right behind his moving car.


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