July 16, 2012, 6:44 p.m.
July 16, 2012, 6:44 p.m.
When they arrived home everyone gathered around Blaine and pulled him into a hug. The Warblers stayed for a while and chatted but had to get back before curfew.
"Seeya man! Don't scare us like that again alright?" David said as Thad, Nick, and Jeff patted Blaine and Kurt on the shoulder before heading of with the others who were talking with the New Direction kids.
"Sir we would like to discuss something with you in a couple of days is that alright if we keep in touch?" Wes asked as Burt nodded shaking the Warbler's hand.
"Take care guys, glad your okay Blaine!" Wes called back over his shoulder as he head out with the rest of them who said goodbye to the New Directions.
The New Directions all said their goodbyes as well in an hours time promising to visit again also thanking Burt and Carole for the food and for finding Blaine, Burt simply said it was Kurt's idea in the first place so they smiled and left waving at the two boys still in the living room. Blaine was overwhelmed and very emotional.
"I think he already found himself a pillow," Carole smiled as they watched Blaine lean on Kurt who held him gently. Finn patted Kurt on the shoulder and smiled at the sleepy Blaine before saying goodnight so he could go to his own room and text Rachel.
"Dad... could Blaine, sleep in my room tonight?" Kurt asked suddenly rubbing Blaine's arm affectionately as he gazed up at his father.
Burt sighed and looked at Carole who only stared back and shrugged a little. Burt thought for a moment than looked at Kurt and Blaine and nodded.
"Door stays open, and only if Blaine wants to he might want his own room," Since Kurt and Blaine had become boyfriends and Blaine has been a member of the family for over a few months now Burt managed to turn the old guestroom into what looked liked Blaine's own style.
"Blaine you want to sleep in my room tonight?" Kurt asked sweetly. Blaine smiled and nodded his head enthusiastically.
"Is that okay?" Blaine asked unsure. Burt laughed and pushed them along.
"Yeah yeah, go on, goodnight boys,"
"Goodnight dad, Carole," Both boys said at the same time. Carole chuckled as they left the room.
"Why do they call you dad, and don't call me mum," Carole grinned jokingly.
"Becuase I'm the favourite one," Burt laughed. Carole shook her head.
"Oh I see, I cook and slave all day, and yet you let them sleep in Kurt's room once so your the favourite one,"
"Yep," Burt kissed Carole and took her to their own bedroom.
Kurt opened the door to his room and as soon as they got inside Blaine collapsed on the bed. Kurt smiled fondly at the boy and laughed.
"Alright come on, don't you want to get into your pajamas first?"
"No," Blaine replied simply.
"Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaine," Kurt whined.
"Kuuuuuuuuuuuurt," Blaine grinned making himself comfortable on Kurt's bed. Kurt raised an eyebrow.
Kurt pulled Blaine's feet giggling trying to pull him of the bed.
"KURT! I'm tired!" Blaine clung to the sheets.
"Yeah and thats my bed, so if you want to sleep in it, I suggest you get changed," Kurt laughed.
"Fine," Blaine sulked. Kurt threw a t-shirt at him as he caught it frowning.
"Don't give me that look,"
Blaine yawned as he took of his t-shirt slowly, watching Kurt with a fond smile. Kurt gasped.
"What?" Blaine asked innocently.
Kurt bit his bottom lip as Blaine pulled the t-shirt on, noticing Kurt staring admiring Blaine's body chest hair, and the beautiful tan skin, even though it had some scars on it.
"What is it?" Blaine asked pulling his t-shirt all the way down.
"You... you're beautiful," Kurt blushed.
Blaine realised what he did then and put his hand over his mouth. He had taken his shirt of without changing in the bathroom like he normally did.
"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomf...,"
"Sh..., Its okay, you're my boyfriend," Kurt laughed as he kissed Blaine quiet.
"I aint normally like that though, I just feel comfortable around you," Blaine admitted.
"My very...*kiss* beautiful *Kiss* Boyfriend,"
Kurt brushed a hair out of Blaine's eyes who blushed a light pink and looked into his eyes.
"I mean it Blaine, your beautiful, inside and out, don't let your father chase you away again,"
" I love you Kurt," Blaine stated shyly.
"I love you too," Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt again, making him giggle.
"What's so funny?"
"I just remembered our first kiss, remember when the New Directions came in, and Mercedes covered our story with pudding?"
"Mhm.. you taste better than pudding," Blaine acknowledged as he kissed Kurt again.
Kurt smacked him lightly on the shoulder.
"Don't compare me to pudding,"
"Why... pudding is delicious, and warm... and sweet, just like you," Blaine laughed at the look Kurt gave him.
As they lay in bed half an hour, Blaine put his arm around Kurt pulling him closer.
"Why... aren't we clingy," Kurt yawned smiling pleasantly at Blaine as he snuggled into the boy's neck with his head.
"I ran and almost lost you and I was stupid, I love you Kurt,"
"Then don't leave me again," Kurt said seriously pulling Blaine closer as he stroked Blaine's skin under the thin shirt he was wearing.
"I promise, I won't leave you again,"
"I love you too," Kurt looked up and Kissed him and snuggled back as Blaine sighed and drifted of to sleep with a dreamy smile.
Kurt watched Blaine sleep and played with his hair. Blaine was the most gorgeous thing he has seen in his life, and he won't let anything hurt the boy again. Kurt promised himself as he fell asleep with Blaine's arms around him.