June 11, 2012, 11:33 a.m.
June 11, 2012, 11:33 a.m.
Chapter 4: Meeting the Hudsons
Kurt walked inside his room with a big smile on his face. He was home.
"Home Sweet Home," Kurt gestured as he placed Courage (Blaine) down on the floor after holding him and petting him in the car for two hours.
Blaine had fallen asleep in the car he was exhausted, and Kurt's lap felt warm.
Blaine had given up trying to find out how he turned into a cat after 2 hours; they all took him back to Kurt anyway. He quite enjoyed having Kurt in his presence 24/7. Although it was hard learning how to use ….the potty…again. How to walk like a cat, act like a cat…it wasn't easy learning new baby steps all over again.
He had avoided Sebastian as much as he could. Sebastian would always glance at him with an intense look, so he always glanced away. The Warblers however were getting increasingly concerned. Kurt was definitely worried. Blaine sat with Kurt last night watching him pace the room, wondering where he was.
"This is so unlike him," Kurt had said.
Don't worry about me Kurt, your dad is picking you up in the morning, you need to sleep. Blaine meowed. He kept forgetting he couldn't talk.
"I know, I know, I just miss him Courage, what if something bad happened to him? What if I really upset him, I was so careless, and I don't know what to do…"
The only thing I miss is putting my arms around you… I quite love having you to myself. Don't blame yourself Kurt, none of this is your fault.
"I want Blaine…, I just want him back Courage, it's so weird, I feel like he is close, I can just feel him, is that weird Courage?"
Blaine was surprised by the desperate tone… He never saw Kurt looking so worried about him before, it was really touching, and he felt incredibly lucky to have Kurt in his life.
You always had me Kurt.
-The Next Day-
"So Courage…this is my room, as you can see I decorated it myself,"
I've been in here before Kurt, and you never told me you decorated it yourself!
"KURT!" Finn's voice happily echoed through the room as he tackled Kurt into a hug.
"Woah, easy, you'll scare Courage!"
"My cat," Kurt grinned.
"You got a cat!"
"Yeah! Want to meet him?"
"Totally dude, it's good to have you back by the way, we missed you Kurt,"
"I missed you too Finn, even your crazy late night game madness marathons,"
"So is this Courage? That's a weird name Kurt," Finn exclaimed as he bended down to examine Blaine. Blaine liked Finn, but he felt a little insecure around him.
"Probably because you don't know what the word means," Kurt smirked. Finn punched him playfully.
"That's not fair Kurt; I'm not stupid, woah…! He has the same colour eyes as Blaine,"
Kurt nodded.
"Yeah…tell me about it,"
"I don't like the name courage…so what do you think dude…I shall call you… Mr Blainestoffeles! What do you think?" Finn grinned at Blaine.
Blaine laughed at Kurt's horrified face. Well howled.
"FINN!" Kurt blushed.
"What? He likes it!"
"OUT! I have to unpack…"
"Aww dude…, I'm only teasing, you talk about Blaine all the time, and, oh sorry man, why are you crying? Kurt please don't cry," Finn regretted saying that immediately as
Kurt sat on the bed with a loud sigh.
"He's missing Finn,"
"Blaine. Nobody has seen him in 24 hours,"
"Has anyone called the police?"
"Yes, I did last night; they said they couldn't do anything about it till it's been 2 days,"
"But that's crazy, Blaine could be…,"
Kurt looked terrified at Finn…
"He might be alright Kurt,"
"I'm scared Finn,"
"Don't worry bro, Blaine's a tough guy," Finn added putting his arm around Kurt when Burt walked in.
"Who is?"
"DAD!" Kurt exclaimed enthusiastically hugging his father.
Startled Blaine waited until Kurt was calmed down before walking behind him.
"Who's this?" Burt interrupted as he noticed Blaine hiding behind Kurt's leg.
"Mr Blainestoffeles!" Finn grinned evilly at Kurt who rushed him out of the room.
"It's a good name!…"
Kurt gave him a death glare.
"Oh god, not the death glare, I'll be back later, going to call Rachel!"
"His name is Courage," Kurt then added to Burt as Finn hurried out of his room.
"Courage?" Burt repeated.
"Yep," Kurt picked Blaine up and rubbed his cheeks against Blaine's curls holding him tightly.
"Isn't he adorable?"
"He's a big cat," Burt nodded.
I am not big, it's the fur! Blaine insisted.
"I'm trying to get him on a diet," Kurt added.
Well that explains the horrible cheap biscuits. Blaine thought.
"Courage refused to eat the cat food from a can that Wes had brought me at Dalton,"
"I feel your pain buddy," Burt chuckled petting Blaine who meowed in protest.
"So I can keep him?"
"Only if you're the one looking after him,"
Kurt squealed.
"On one condition,"
"Is he house trained?"
Kurt rolled his eyes.
"Yes dad,"
Burt nodded.
"Alright then,
Kurt put Courage (Blaine) down and hugged his father.
"Thanks dad! Have you been eating healthy?" Kurt questioned.
Burt groaned.
"It's bad enough with Carole keeping watch Kurt! I'm healthy already!"
"You had a heart attack dad!"
"Yeah about a year ago, I'm fine Kurt, I want to eat real food,"
"Kurt..." Burt mocked.
Blaine watched the two and wished he had the same relationship with his father. He found it amazing how much Kurt cared for Burt as well. It was such a nice family.
"How's Blaine?" Burt asked
Blaine looked up.
"Don't use Blaine as an excuse to change the subject!" Kurt scoffed.
"Hey kiddo, I'm fine, quit worrying! I was merely interested, you haven't talked about him in a while," Burt reasoned.
Kurt sighed dramatically.
"Nobody knows where he is, I think it's my fault," Kurt choked.
"How could it be your fault?" Burt put an arm around his son.
"I didn't tell him I was leaving Dalton, and he didn't come back to say goodbye, what if he's angry at me?"
"So… let me get this straight… you didn't tell Blaine you were leaving and he didn't come back so no one knows his where abouts?"
Kurt nodded.
Blaine listened intensely.
"Has anyone tried to contact Blaine?
"We tried dad, nobody knows what happened to him, and I'm worried," Kurt admitted.
"You really care about this kid,"
Kurt nodded again.
"Does the school know?" Burt rubbed his neck.
"Yes, I got Wes and David the council of the Warblers to help, and they got the Warblers to contact people they knew around Westerville, and I've alerted 'The Lima Bean' and 'Breadsticks'.
Blaine was touched by how much trouble has been put into, for his disappearance, and he hated knowing how upset it was making Kurt, and that he couldn't do anything about it.
There had to be something he could do. Anything.
"What's with the sad faces?" Carole came in mixing some sort of batter in a bowl. Kurt had greeted her on the way in.
"Blaine is missing," Burt embraced the shock on Carole's face.
"What about the police?" She suggested.
"Tried already, they said it has to be 46 hours before they have a search party, starting from the time I called," Kurt mentioned.
"It's been 3 days!" Burt raged.
"I know dad, but they aren't interested in finding a lost gay kid that goes to a school show choir, they researched him, they think he isn't a suspicious case to worry about, and I quote 'it's probably just a misunderstanding',"
Burt got up angrily. Burt almost stomped on Blaine who ran behind Carole.
"Dad! Please," Kurt fussed immediately.
"Burt, We'll find him, don't over do it," Carole agreed.
"He's a good kid Kurt, someone needs to look for him and from what I gather at the parent's night, his father won't do a thing about it,"
Dalton had a parent teacher night, a couple of weeks ago, it was a cold brutal meeting between Burt and Mr Anderson, who pretty much made it obvious how he didn't approve of Burt allowing his son to act inappropriately (Being Gay)… he said it was unreasonable, and that his son was at least attempting. Burt had almost hit the guy, had Kurt not stepped in the way, telling him it wasn't worth it.
"Dad, all of the Warblers and half of Westerville are looking for him, maybe the police is right, and its just a misunderstanding, I didn't mean to get you upset, I just miss him, that's all,"
Blaine watched sadly, wishing he could hug Kurt.
"We'll find him kiddo, if they don't we will," Burt promised.
Kurt smiled.
"Thanks dad,"
"You're welcome son,"
"I'm making some pancakes if you want some?" Carole smiled to ease the tension.
Blaine's stomach growled hungrily.
"I think Courage is hungry," Burt laughed.
"I do!" Finn shouted from outside overhearing the word Pancakes running to the kitchen.
Kurt shook his head.
"You two,"
"Don't look at me like that!" Kurt warned Blaine who was giving him the best pleading look he could as he watched them eat at the table.
"Oh come on Kurt, give him a little bit," Burt argued.
Blaine grinned as he crept over to Finn who held out some pancake in his hand under the table waving Blaine over. Blaine took it eagerly. Oh it tasted so good.
"Finn!" Kurt screeched.
Blaine hid immediately behind Finn.
"What?" Finn asked innocently.
"I saw your hand,"
Blaine pushed his head against Finn's leg, he wanted more, he had no idea how hungry he was, till he smelt the food.
"So?" Finn shrugged with a mouthful of food.
"Don't feed him fatty food," Kurt glared.
"Aw Kurt, he's starving!" Finn protested.
"Here Courage, I got some left over," Carole lowered to the ground and put a bowl of left over pancake and syrup. She chuckled at the annoyed look on Kurt's face.
Thanks Mrs Carole! Blaine beamed as he demolished the food.
"Mum!" Finn pouted as the rest of the food was eaten.
Kurt grinned satisfied.
"Well…on this one occasion," Kurt added as Blaine lifted himself onto Kurt's lap and sighed (purred) happily. Blaine curled himself into Kurt's lap. Maybe this is all just a dream. Blaine thought, but in the meantime he could get used to being around Kurt all day.
"Welcome to the family," Burt chuckled as Finn frowned at the empty bowl, and the smirk look Kurt gave him.
Mr. Blainestoffelees...I'm liking it. That totally seems like something Finn would do!
Finn is such a big teddy bear. I had to keep that as his personality, because I love him! :)Thank you for reviewing! xx