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Confusion : Meet the gang

T - Words: 2,248 - Last Updated: Aug 05, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 26/26 - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 05, 2011
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Kurt felt great Friday morning he was getting to see his dad carol and all of New Directions. As he made he way t breakfast he ran into Blaine who apologised for not speaking to him last night and assured Kurt he would be fine. Kurt didn't push the Kyle situation it didn't seem fair and he was in too good a mood to bring him down.

As they approached the breakfast table Wes and Nick were arguing about a girl while David and Jeff drowned there pancakes in syrup

"Kurt I feel you should eat more Coffee and some fruit must not fill you up" Blaine's tone seemed concerned but Kurt just replied with "and get fat I don't think so" in a sarcastic tone. Blaine just rolled his eyes and began to eat.

"Why the hell did she break up with me!" Kurt immediately turned his attention to Wes "You okay Wes?"

"No! My girlfri-"

"Ex girlfriend" butted in Nick

"Whatever she just broke up with me, I mean I have never had bad luck on Friday 13th"

The others rolled there eyes telling him, he had it coming while Kurt stopped moving completely.

"It…its Fri-Friday 13th of M…May"

"Yeh? Oh god your not a superstition creep are you Jeff is bad enough"

"Hey!" was all Jeff responded with the others began to laugh but Blaine kept his eyes fixed on his friend, who was quickly turning white.


"I…I need to go see you at rehearsal"

With that he left very quickly, the others took no notice and began to eat again but Blaine immediately became worried. The others didn't notice but Kurt had tears forming in his eyes.

"Hey guys" they all looked at Blaine with annoyed expressions that just screamed What were eating!

"I think we should take Kurt out for a meal tonight, you know make him feel like he is fitting in and celebrate his first week at Dalton"

"Sure I guess but doesn't he want to see his other friends?" replied Nick

"We could invite them too I'd like to see the competition" Wes added quickly.

"Okay I'll go ask see you at rehearsal" Blaine quickly left to find Kurt feeling excited he might actually get to meet Kurt's friends.

Blaine made his way towards Kurt's first class of the day in hopes to talk to him about the meal, but once he was in ear shot of Kurt he began to worry. Kurt was on the phone and his voice sounded broken.

"I know dad but I feel awful I never forget and I promised the guys I would see them today"

The was a long silence and all Blaine could wonder is what did Kurt feel awful about.

"Are…are you sure? I mean I will be back for 7 and we could go then together but are you sure you will be okay?"

Another pause but this one was shorter "Okay thanks dad I need to go class is about to start, love you"

With that Kurt ended the call. He had his back to Blaine the whole conversation so as he turned Blaine realised he had been crying by his red eyes and his tear stained cheeks. Ever so gently Blaine walked towards Kurt, who still hadn't noticed him.

"Kurt" immediately he jumped and made eye contact with Blaine

"Blaine!" he bean quickly wiping away his tears

"Kurt have you been crying?" ask Blaine gently

"No! yes."

Before another word was said Blaine took Kurt in his arms and hugged him tightly

Kurt let out a sigh before he spoke "I think I cry in front of you to much"

Blaine chuckled a little "Want to tell me what's wrong?"

Before Kurt could responded Nick Wes and David walked in they all had the class with Kurt too. They were laughing at something but stopped immediately when their eyes landed on Kurt wrapped in Blaine's arms.

"Kurt you okay"

At that exact moment fresh tears started to flow from Kurt's eyes and the others were round him

"Hey shh its okay" Blaine tried to calm him down but the other began questioning.

"What's wrong"

"Was it Kyle?"

"I'm going to punch his face in"


They all stopped dead in there tracks looking at Kurt with confusion Kurt sighed

"I don't know how to tell you so I will sing at rehearsal"

They all looked at one another knowing it was best not to get the answer out of Kurt.

After an awkward silence Wes spoke up "So will you be interested going for a meal with us tonight and your new direction friends on us of course."

Kurt began shaking his head "You can do that there are loads of us it will cost a fortune."

The others began to laugh and Kurt just looked at Blaine very confused.

"Don't worry about it we have loads of money"

"Well I guess so I would love for you guys to meet"

"Great we will go after rehearsal" Wes was literally beaming

"Hey Blaine?" asked David


"Your not in this class get the hell out"

Laughing Blaine nodded and hugged Kurt one more time in which caused the others to roll there eyes.

"Bye guys"

"Bye" sighed a breathless Kurt.

"Order order , okay Kurt your up and no one better run out this time"

Wes gave Blaine a fierce look while the others just laughed.

As Kurt got up he felt less comfortable, maybe singing this song is a bad idea it is originally sang by a girl and maybe everyone will think its stupid. With a sigh Kurt made his way to the front of the room.

"Hey guys…well emm today is kind of a hard day for me I don't really know how to tell you so I will just sing it."

Blaine could hear the heartbreak in Kurt's voice and quickly tried to rack his brain as to why this day would be hard for Kurt. Before Blaine could think to much music started to fill the room followed by Kurt's voice.

Na na, na na na, na na

I miss you,

miss you so bad

I don't forget you,

oh it's so sad

I hope you can hear me

I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away

Was the day I found it won't be the same


I didn't get around to kiss you

Goodbye on the hand

I wish that I could see you again

I know that I can't


I hope you can hear me cause I remember it clearly

The day you slipped away

Was the day I found it won't be the same


I had my wake up

Won't you wake up

I keep asking why

And I can't take it

It wasn't fake

It happened,

you passed by

Now you are gone,

now you are gone

There you go, there you go

Somewhere I can't bring you back

Now you are gone,

now you are gone

There you go,

there you go,

Somewhere you're not coming back

The day you slipped away

Was the day I found it won't be the same

no..The day you slipped away

Was the day that I found it won't be the same oh...

Na na, na na na, na na

I miss you

As the song faded a lone tear slipped down Kurt's cheek his eyes fixed on the floor the room was silent. David was the first to move and wrap Kurt in a tight hug followed by Nick, Jeff, Wes and a few other Warblers.

Once they all moved away the realised Kurt still hadn't moved or spoke, his tears filled eyes were just locked on Blaine's. Slowly the shorter boy stood up and pulled Kurt close to him.

After what seemed like forever they pulled away and Kurt's phone buzzed, he took it out to see 1 new message from Mercedes that read.

"Babe I just realised the date sorry hun you still coming back tonight I need to hug my boy x"

Kurt smiled a little at this and quickly replied with

Thanks cedes I am and some friends are taking us all out wait in Glee club till I get there x"

As he slipped his phone back in his pocket he realised all the Warblers even Kyle were still looking at him with concerned eyes.

"Sorry guys I just-"

" hey we understand why your upset its just-"

"You don't know who?" cut in Kurt

They all nodded trying to figure out if the over stepped by asking that question but Kurt began filling them in.

"My mum, she died when I was young on the date."

Once again he was wrapped in many arms and after a while many began to leave. Eventually only Nick, Jeff , Wes, David and Blaine were left with Kurt.

"Kurt if you don't want to go out tonight-"

"No! I do I mean I miss my friends and I really want you guys to meet"

They all smiled realised Kurt brightened up at the thought of seeing his other friends

"Well lets go change and head out" replied Jeff.

They made there way to their own rooms together but before they parted Kurt had a sudden thought.

"Hey guys, don't wear anything to expensive pr something you really love or a one of a kind outfit"

Before the others had time to question Kurt went into his room.

An hour later and they were walking into McKinley High.

"I don't think I have ever been inside a public school" grinned David.

The others just shook there heads while Jeff began thinking.

"Hey Kurt?"


"Well why did you tell us to not wear anything we love?"


Before Kurt had time to finish that sentence an ice cold blue slushie hit him in the face and Amizon's voice was ringing in his ears "Welcome back lady."

He turned the corner still laughing as the other Warblers came out of shock. "That Jeff is why" Kurt coldly laughed.

"My god Kurt are you okay?"

"I'm fine Blaine really everyone in Glee clue has had it before I just get it more for being gay"

As Kurt wiped his eyes he realised people in the hall started to stare at him.

"Guys go to the music room its down the hall first door on the right"


"I'm just going to get cleaned up go introduce your self"

Before they could protest Kurt was speed walking in the opposite direction.

"-So I think my voice would be better for this song"

"Rachel for the last time I'm giving the song to Quinn"

At that exact moment all 5 Warblers walked in and everyone immediately took an interest in them.

The teacher immediately addressed them "Hey guys I don't think I have ever seen you are you new?"

They all laughed but before they had time to respond Mercedes was up and hugging Blaine

"Hey Blaine how you been?"

"I'm good thanks you?"

"Okay missing my boy, where is he by the way?"

At this point Nick jumped into the conversation "He got hit in the face with a blue ice thing"

"Ohhh blue that's gotta hurt not as bad as the red thought"

They all smiled back still not sure what to say when a small brown hair girl called there attention.

"Excuse me who are you?"

"Oh sorry were the Warblers" as Blaine went to great her with a hand shake she let out a cry that could have burst an ear drum


Many in the group began to question the 5 boys and the grew very uncomfortable luckily Kurt walked in at that moment

"Leave them alone they were about to take you for food" they Warblers were thankful for Kurt's entrance and laughed

"KURT!" a very tall boy ran to Kurt and gave him a very tight hug

"I've missed you to Finn"

The Warblers noticed Kurt's happiness as soon as he was hugged by the taller boy and leaned near Blaine

"I thought you said he was single" Blaine felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Just as Kurt finished hugging everyone he was about to introduce the Warblers when he heard David say "Clearly he is not single you saw how the tall one hugged him"

Kurt began uncontrollably laughing while everyone watched him very confused. Once he stopped he turned fully to his other friends, "Finn is not my boyfriend he is my step-brother"

Finn let out a nervous chuckle as New directions began to laugh and Blaine felt slightly revealed. As soon as the laughing stopped one member with a Mohawk spoke up "So what's this about food?"

By the time they reached breadsticks everyone had been introduced, Nick and Wes were flirting with Santana and Britney and David and Jeff were talking to Finn about call of duty.

After they ordered Kurt was suddenly reminded he needed to call his dad

"Hey guys I need to call my Dad be right back" before anyone could reply he was out the door.

Wes suddenly had an idea and turned to Blaine "Hey B your curls are coming out"

Blaine didn't even respond and was quickly running towards the bathroom.

Everyone left at the table were looking at Wes in confusion when Mercedes spoke up "err he didn't have any curls showing"

Wes just laughed " I know that but I needed him to leave"

Everyone gave him another confused look and Wes let out a huge sigh

"Look I don't know about Kurt but Blaine talks about him all the time and its driving us crazy that they wont get together, its worse now they go to the same school they are always making lovey dovey eyes and its getting on my nervous"

The other Warblers let out a "yeh" before Finn started to talk "Blaine's not the only one who does it, I swear the day Kurt came back from spying on you all he could talk about was and I quote "A dreamy eyed Warbler"

They all laughed at that and Mercedes got a brilliant idea "Hey guys since they both like each other but are to stupid to see it how about we make a plan"

They all shared and evil grin and exchanged numbers before Kurt or Blaine returned, They didn't know what the plan was but they knew they were going to have fun.


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