Safe in your arms Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Confusion : Safe in your arms

T - Words: 1,126 - Last Updated: Aug 05, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 26/26 - Created: Aug 05, 2011 - Updated: Aug 05, 2011
812 0 0 0 0

Sunday seemed uneventful. Kurt felt he had done something wrong to the other guys. As soon as he go back Kurt ran to his room to change out his uniform, sure some of the guys knew he was a cheerleader in the past but he still felt people would judge him for being a male cheerleader.

After changing he found Blaine and the others all in the common room looking out of breath. They hardly spoke and Blaine wouldn't look him in the eye.

All he kept thinking was "What did I do? Oh god what did I do to Blaine?"

As Kurt left his room he decided going to Blaine's that morning would be a bad idea sure he would have loved to see Blaine but he doubted Blaine would even open the door to him.

Pushing all thoughts aside Kurt found his was to the lunch hall very quickly. As he go his breakfast he spotted Nick waving him over to the table currently occupied by his friends except Blaine.

Just before he got to the table someone walked right into him. Mumbling an apology Kurt looked up to see Kyle who seemed way to happy. "Kurt hey!" he greeted with enthusiasm but Kurt was not in the mood and replied with a cold "Hi."

"Wow what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing!" snapped Kurt way to quickly. He was still really annoyed that his friends ignored him yesterday.

"Sure….well in that case I will pick you up for dinner tonight at 8 meet you at your room."

"What wait I-"

"Wear something nice, for a first date you should try make and impression" with a smug look he ran off leaving a very confused Kurt standing awkwardly in the middle of the hall.

After making his was towards the table his friends immediately started questioning him "What did that jackass want!"

"Oh emm well…"

Wes cut him off "Kurt stay away from him"

"Well I kinda cant"

"Oh god you have a crush on him why Kurt why?" moaned David

"Who? Wait! What the hell I don't have a crush on him he just asked me out tonight well more like didn't give me a chance to answer."

"Don't go Kurt seriously after what he did to Blaine.." Wes trailed off but before Kurt could ask what he did exactly Blaine walked up to the table food in hand and sat right next to Kurt.

"Hey guys what we talking about?" they all shot Kurt a look that simply said tell him. When Kurt gave no response Jeff decided to mention it

"Well Kurt was just-Ouch!" he was cut off by Kurt kicking him under the table Blaine looked confused so Kurt finished Jeff's sentence.

"-Wondering why you were all ignoring me yesterday?"

They all looked away not meeting his eyes and when Kurt looked at Blaine he noticed his crush had a faint blush appearing across his face.

Just as Kurt was about to ask he met Kyle's eyes for across the hall he wasn't that far away and Kurt understood when Kyle mouthed Tonight to him and threw him a wink.

"Guys I gotta go be back in a few minutes" with that he quickly left following Kyle.

Blaine didn't watch him go but David did and as his eyes followed Kurt he noticed his determined look on his face and his quickness to follow Kyle out the room. He muttered under his breath about it not ending well when Blaine met his eyes.

"What?" David just got up and glanced at the others "just come with me all of you." with that they slowly followed Kurt (Again) towards the common room.

The common room was empty when Kurt walked in apart from Kyle sitting with a book. Kurt let out a shaky breath and walked up to Kyle.

"Kyle?" he met the boys eyes and watch as his expression grew into a smile.

"Hey couldn't wait for tonight I take it" once again he winked at Kurt and Kurt began to feel uncomfortable.

"About tonight I'm flattered but I don't really want to"

With Kurt's shaky words Kyle jumped up "WHAT!"

Kurt began to feel a lot more nervous and swore he could hear faint talking.

"I…I...its just I don't want to go out the night before my first school day here and I-" he was cut of by Kyle grabbing his wrist and pushing against a wall.

"Like hell that's it! I bet Blaine or the others told you something!"

"No they didn't I just.."

Kyle smirked suddenly realising the power he had over Kurt leaning closer towards Kurt he had a evil glare in his eye as he muttered his next words

"Well maybe this will change your mind"

In an instant Kyle pinned Kurt's hands at the side on the wall and crashed his lips against Kurt's. With a quick gasp Kurt let out Kyle had enough time to slip his tongue into Kurt's mouth.

No! Not again! Not again is all Kurt thought as a single tear fell from his eye and down his cheek.

Meanwhile Blaine was making his was towards the common room with the others very quickly. After David filled Blaine in on the morning conversation between Kyle and Kurt, Blaine began getting very worried.

They walked towards the common room very quietly hoping not to be heard when they suddenly realised no one was talking. They carefully opened the door they stared at the sight in front of them.

Blaine felt pain fill his heart and all he could think was "of cousce Kurt would like Kyle he is attractive why did I ever think he would like me"

He was dragged from this thoughts as he took in the situation. Kurt's hands were either side of him being gripped tightly by Kyle and one tear was falling down his cheek.

The others couldn't move until Blaine practically screamed "KYLE!"

Kyle didn't move back right away but once he did he simply smiled at Kurt sweetly and said "See you around"

With that he left. As much as Wes, David and the others wanted to follow him and beat him up they knew they couldn't the whole no bullying policy was a pain sometimes.

Kurt couldn't meet anyone's eye he simply slide down to the floor a wrapped his arms around him self and began to cry.

Blaine quickly moved to him and wrapped his arms around him. The others wanted to but they weren't as close to Kurt as Blaine was and a concerning look from Blaine told them to leave.

Once they left it was only Kurt and Blaine and only the cries from Kurt filled the room.

"Kurt?" Blaine voice was wrapped with concern

With no response Blaine picked Kurt up in his arms in a bridle carry and carried him towards his own room. Kurt didn't protest he just gripped hard onto blain's shirts and even though he was crying his heart out he felt very safe in Blaine's arms.


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