Aug. 5, 2011, 12:51 a.m.
Aug. 5, 2011, 12:51 a.m.
Slowly and shakily Kyle whispered out "I…I'm s-sorry" His eyes fixed on the floor and Kurt looked deeply at him. Neither boy said anything for awhile and Kyle was just waiting to hear Kurt's outburst of how he should be, but it never came. Meeting the younger boys eyes all he could see was forgiveness.
Almost unbelievably Kurt replied, "I know….Kyle I.." He broke off, truly what could he say that he forgives Kyle that everything would be fine. The truth was Kurt didn't think it would be, he could forgive Kyle, but he highly doubted everything would return to normal.
The silence was broken again but not by voices this time by Kurt's phone going off, quickly pulling it out he read the text with the smallest hint of a smile on his lips. It was from Blaine of course just asking if they could get dinner after the show tonight. Kurt replied quickly and slid his phone back away. Looking up once more he saw Kyle smiling shyly at him. Before Kurt could question it Kyle cleared everything up
"You really love him huh?"
"More then anything"
"I'm truly sorry Kurt, I promise to leave you and Blaine alone from now on"
As Kyle moved towards the door Kurt let out a harsh "No!"
"No? You don't accept the apologies I know but I truly-"
"No its just….I want to be friends Kyle….before I came and you dated Blaine…Wes, David they said you were nice, genuine, I guess I want to meet that guy"
Kyle smiled and for the first time in a while he felt happy, as he pulled back from the door, he sat on his bed wide eyed and looking at Kurt. Exchanging a glance Kurt got the hint and sat down on his own bed.
They talked for what must have been hours and before they knew it Kurt's phone was going off signalling that they should get ready for the concert. The both quickly dressed in there uniform and Kyle ran over a few notes before they left. Picking up his phone Kurt realised he had received a text only moments ago for his boyfriend.
Kurt, Wes likes to freak before public performances, had to calm him down, meet you at the grand hall just before we perform, love you babe x
Giggling slightly Kurt walked to his door and swiftly left with Kyle by his side. They walked in comfortable silence, there relationship seemed to have grown over the hours they spent together and Kurt was thankful for that. The only problem he had now was controlling the bundle of nerves he was currently processing.
Okay Kurt was getting slightly annoyed for one thing they were about to perform and Wes and Blaine were still know where to be seen and his phone didn't have a signal. Glancing round the room he watched as many Warblers got into position, soon his eyes feel on to Kyle the boy looked ready to burst. Smiling slightly Kurt approached him, not missing the look Tom was giving Kyle.
"Hey you okay?"
"Kurt! God No! How did you do it at Regional's I mean?"
"Just relax and breath"
"Oh god god god, by the way where is Blaine and Wes?"
"No clue, oh wait there they are"
Pointing to the far side of the stage Kurt waved to his boyfriend who was currently sporting a confused look.
"Aww cute" Kyle teased playfully as Kurt shoved him a little.
"Yeh, yeh whatever, don't think I don't notice the looks you and Tom share!"
"Wait what lo-"
Before Kyle could finish talking Wes was earring Kurt into position and the Cruise host of the night was currently informing the crowed of "A special event"
Glancing at his boyfriend Kurt watched as Blaine mouthed what looked like "What's with you and Kyle?" Kurt simply mouthed back that he would tell him later as the stage curtains flew open.
"Dream on" was powerful and the audience loved it, but the winner so far seemed to be "Anything you can do!" The crowed went wild and laughter rang through out the hall. Each Warbler boy was grinning from ear to ear as the lights dimmed. Kurt and Blaine exchanged a glance as the Disney mix music started.
Stepping out first, the spot light hit Kurt as he began singing.
Little town
It's a quiet village
Every day
Like the one before
Little town
Full of little people
Waking up to say:
With the music keeping a slow beat Kurt stepped back in line as Blaine stepped out and began singing where Kurt left off.
Riff-raff, street rat.
I don't buy that.
If only they'd
Look closer.
Would they see a poor boy?
No sire.
They'd find out
There's so much
More to me
As Blaine went back into line the music seemed to change dramatically and in a sinister way Kyle leapt forward with the music. Speaking to begin with his voice rang through with an evil tone.
I never thought hyenas essential.
They're crude and unspeakably plain.
But maybe they've a glimmer of potential
If allied to my vision and brain.
Letting out a low chuckle the Warblers began humming in time to the music, once again Kyle was in the spotlight but singing this time
I know that your powers of retention
Are as wet as a warthog's backside
But thick as you are, pay attention
My words are a matter of pride
It's clear from your vacant expressions
The lights are not all on upstairs
But we're talking kings and successions
Even you can't be caught unawares
The music rose when Kyle stepped back in. Almost immediately David stepped out and in an creepy voice began to sing
Beluga sevruga
Come winds of the Caspian Sea
Larengix glaucitis
Et max laryngitis
La voce to me
Now, sing!
Stepping out along side David, Kurt began to sing in the sweet innocent way Ariel does.
I don't know when,
I don't know how
But I know something starting right now
Watch and you'll see
Someday I'll be
Part of your world
The music brightened as Kurt stepped back in line just as the twins stepped out. Evan began in a price like stance.
You're the fairest maid I've ever metYou were made...
Before Evan could finish, Ethan jumped in, with a sweet high voice.
To finish your duet
All the Warblers came together for the last part harmonizing beautifully
And in years to come we'll reminisce
How we came to love
And grew and grew love
Since first we knew love through true love's kiss
The hall burst with applause with each Warblers grinning from ear to ear. As the Curtin fell they jumped into a growing hug. Slowly as people left Blaine and Kurt found each other and shared a sweet kiss.
"You were wonderful babe!"
"So were you Blaine!"
"Come on lets go change, then I'm taking you for a romantic dinner!"
Kurt playfully held his hand over his heart as he followed Blaine "My prince charming"