Aug. 5, 2011, 12:51 a.m.
Aug. 5, 2011, 12:51 a.m.
As soon as the door was closed Kurt let out a sigh of relief he was finally safe in Dalton Academy, sure he would miss New Directions a whole lot but Kurt needed to feel safe. Dalton didn't seem that bad sure it was dated back to the 20s and he would need to wear a uniform all day but they still had a Glee club who were like "rock stars" and a certain Blaine Anderson also happened to be in these hollowed halls.
Kurt gracefully began to unpack his clothes taken his time not to damage or ruin any of them. While he did this his mind began to wonder. What were his classes going to be like? Is it really possible to go to a school with no bullying? Kurt was quickly dragged from his thought when a sharp knock hit off his dorm door. With a sigh but smile Kurt opened the door to find Blaine, Wes and David along with two others smiling at him
"Hey guys" kurt smiled
"Hey you" Blaine beamed and began to walk in the room followed by the others.
"Kurt you know Wed and David"
Kurt nodded and smiled. He gave a questioning look at Blaine and the two other random boys he had never met before.
Blaine just laughed "These two are Jeff and Nick"
They both greeted kurt with harmless smiles and just as kurt was about to say something, Jeff began to tell him how they were both in the warblers with the others. Wes soon interrupted.
"Kurt? You do realise you will be wearing your uniform what's with all these clothes?" Glancing at the bed Blaine smirked.
"What! Life is a catwalk and I take every moment to look my best" kurt replied with a half joke tone
The conversation began quickly between the six boys talking about classes and Kurt's other school and New Directions with each of them helping Kurt unpack.
About 2 hours later they were finished and heading out of Kurt's room. "Hey kurt movie night in the commons" Wes shouted back before leaving. This was a regular Friday night event.
Blaine saw the pondering look across Kurt's face and quickly added "Please come It will be fun plus you can meet the rest of the guys"
Wes, David, Jeff and Nick all left shaking there heads muttering things about Blaine being a love sick puppy and making a move. Kurt not catching on turned back to a glaring Blaine.
"I guess I could join. What time?" "7" shouted Nick
"Great see you then"
The others left and just as kurt closed his door blaine burst at the others "What the hell why did you say that"
"Hey man, calm he clearly likes you just go for it I swear if we have to deal with you being all love sick I'm going to tell Kurt my self"
Blaine stopped mid step "You wouldn't" The rest looked at each other with matching smiles then continued quickly down the halls.
6:30 Kurt just finished fixing his hair he was wearing black skinnies with a simple yet very Kurt like sweater when a knock much like before drilled at his door. Kurt quickly opened the door, Blaine was stood there in VERY fitting jeans and a simple t-shirt. Kurt's eyes roomed his body but was dragged all to quickly up to meet Blaine eyes when he greeted Kurt.
"Ready to go" Blaine asked while giving Kurt a look over.
Nodding Kurt stepped out his room and turned to lock it. Blains eyes nearly popped out his head Kurt's ass looked damn fine!
"Blaine? Blaine!"
"You okay? You spaced out a few seconds there"
"Err yeh..fine sorry lets go"
Blaine leading the way to the common room repeated in his head "Kurt Hummel you will be the death of me"
The movie didn't last long. Questions soon began to be thrown at Kurt.
"Can you sing? Will you join Warblers? What's your family like? How many toes do you have?"
Kurt looked confused and a little scared "Guys back off Kurt he isn't use to our…..weirdness"
Kurt thanked Blaine while also thinking that he sounded like Mr Schue he turned to the others "How about we play truth or dare that way I get to know about you and you get to know about me"
Many "yes's" filled the room and one boy ran to the kitchen for a bottle.
Blaine looked slightly troubled, his crush on Kurt was obvious (Except to Kurt) so would they mention it. Kurt was suddenly pulling him up over to a now forming circle. With a smile and a squeeze of his hand Blaine walked with him.
Many dares and questions were soon asked starting with Jeff daring another boy Kurt hadn't really met to eat something that looked to gross for words and Wes asking David something about sexual experiences. Blaine and Kurt both stayed quiet until Nick spun the bottle and it landed on Kurt.
"Truth or dare" he asked with a wicked smile.
Okay Kurt think about this truth could be something about your life or friends or….maybe Blaine, but dare could be to do something creepy ahh okay err. "Truth". Nicks expression sunk he really had hoped Kurt would choose dare, he wanted him and Blaine to get a move on and had really hoped a dare to kiss him might work. Nether the less he soon thought of a question. "Okay tell us 3 things no one here not even Blaine knows about you."
Kurt sighed in relief thank god he thought "hmm okay well last year I dated a kissed a girl to connect with my dad. I was on the football team and won the only game for them last season and hmmm I was also a cheerleader last year."
Every boy was silent and Blaine's mind began to race cheerleader I bet he would look hot in that uniform…ohh god Blaine stop being a creep! What about this girl I shouldn't be jealous of a girl he's gay!
His thoughts were interrupted but the others asking Kurt questions.
"Girl I thought you were gay?"
"Cheerleading why?"
"Football your so small"
Kurt just laughed " I am gay but my dad kept spending time with my now step brother and I got jealous so I acted straight, no big deal and the cheer coach is kind of evil but needed me and my friend to sing for a competition and yes football my dad didn't know I was gay at the time and I ended up on the team as the kicker to hid it from him."
The others were lost they couldn't take all this in they just stared. Wes was first to break the silence noticing Blaine's blush he spoke up "Thinking about cheerleading their Blaine"
Blaine's face burned red as Kurt turned to him being a little red also, Kurt just laughed.
The others slowly began to laugh but Kurt cut in "I'm going to head back I'm really tired after the move. See you guys tomorrow"
Blaine got up along with Kurt "I will walk you back. Bye guys"
"So see you tomorrow". They reached Kurt's room after making plans to meet tomorrow at 8 for breakfast. "Sure" they went to hug just like they always do but once they let go Blaine kept looking at Kurt's lips he wanted to tell Kurt everything, anything about how he felt. Kurt didn't notice the glances and turned to unlock his door when Blaine grabbed his wrist.
"Kurt I…I wanted to-"
"Well isn't this touching" a sinister bitter voice made both boys look up to be faced with a tall blonde hair boy.
Kurt looked confused and turned to Blaine too sees hurt affection and guilt cross his friends face. Kurt felt a bit uncomfortable in-between them both by the way there were looking at each other.
"Kyle" the new boy reached out a hand to Kurt "I'm Kyle he repeated." Kurt took his hand with caution "Kurt" he replied with a simple smile.
"And Blaine how have you been? It's been ages, 3 weeks I think since I last saw you."
Blaine grumbled something about showing up for warblers would solve that but was soon interrupted by Kurt's questions towards Kyle.
"I'm sorry who are you? Err wait that sounded mean. Are you in the warblers" Kurt asked with a little interest.
Kyle laughed "yes I am and I'm Blaine's boyfriend"
Kurt's breath hitched at that point and his heart broke on the last word. He wanted to crumple to his knees right then as a million question flew through his mind. Why didn't Blaine mention him? So Blaine must not like me! What's he go I don't?
Blaine came out of his shocked state pretty quickly practically screaming "EX! You are my ex boyfriend"
With a faked pained voice Kyle quickly mentions "ahh yes you broke me heart"
Blaine began to get really annoyed "ME! I broke your heart? You did one hell of a job on mine!"
Wed and David soon appeared upon hearing the shouting look at the boys in front of them Kyle look like a smug idiot, while Blaine looked angry and hurt, and thrown between then was a confused looking Kurt.
"Kyle! don't you think you should go now" Wes warned
Kyle smiled and tuned to Kurt "it was lovely to meet you Kurt" and with that he kissed Kurt's hand. Kurt flushed bight pink.
Blaine began to get annoyed again but Kyle soon left followed by Blaine stomping in the other direction
"Don't" argued Wes.,
Kurt knew something was wrong the emotions on all four boys alone told him that much. Kurt decided he couldn't do anything right now and left into his room bidding goodnight to Wes and David.
Kyle felt good he never felt this good before, it was a thrill and he couldn't wait for more. With a smug smile he began to think about the last few minutes "ahh Blaine when will you learn" with that Kyle went to bed hoping tomorrow would be just as fun.