Bite Of My Heart,
Ch8, Feelings, Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bite Of My Heart,: Ch8, Feelings,

E - Words: 2,378 - Last Updated: Sep 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 36/? - Created: Apr 29, 2013 - Updated: Sep 10, 2013
174 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: - Hope you all liked it. I tried my best. And I hope u all liked my original song I just wrote for the Chapter for Kurt to sing because I was not getting one perfect song for Kurt to sing which would fit the situation. :-)And Yeh, Adam is here.Adam: - Adam is an original vampire. He is 5 years bigger then Kurt in the Fic. He is Kurt's cousin and very close BESTI friend. He was not on Kurt's wedding as he was in American from about 15 years due to vampire community over there needed him.But now he is back not for too long. You will see the rest in my next update.You can follow me on Twitter and Tumblr. I have posted the pic of Backyard and other pics related to the Fic over there.Twitter: - AshCC2050 AnushkaNZTwitter: - ChrisColfer2050 cc2050_ashTumblr: - ChrisColfer2050Lots of Love,Gleekk18

Hey Guy, here is my new update. Hope you will all like it.

Ok there are two things in this Chp I want to say you all imp.

First, the song Kurt will sing in the Chapter is my own original song I just wrote last night for just this Chp for Kurt to sing. Because after searching through almost 1000 songs I didn't find one which would fit perfect in the situation, so then I said 'that's enough. I will write my own if I can get a good one.' And so I did. Hope you will like the song. The song covers all the Kurt and Blaine moments.

Second, there is a new character entry at the end of Chapter. His Character Intro is at the end if Chapter.

Thoughts of Kurt and Blaine are in italic.




Chapter 8,

The entire day, Kurt was really happy, he can't be that happy even if he gets his Mc Queen latest design he is waiting for to arrive. But, the reason of his smile, his merriment was what Blaine said to him in the morning before he left.

Miss. Jane was happy too, for two reasons, one that Blaine was finally getting back to his true self and second that Kurt was finally truly happy, and not the fake one.

Later that night, Kurt was sitting in the living room watching some movie with a cup of his regular blood when he heard Blaine voice coming from the main lobby which connects the entrance door and the living room. Kurt quickly got up that his husband was back, but his smile fell as soon he saw none other than one more Fuck up meal for tonight.

As soon as Blaine saw Kurt standing and the only smile on his face fell and the expression of pain, hurt once again took over him. Blaine felt bad really bad although he didn't want to feel like that, but his feeling now a day was not in his hands. Blaine was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Kurt speaking.

"You drink again and... I thought... But no how can I be so stupid to think, what you said to me you will never act on it" Kurt aforesaid in a painful voice which almost broke Blaine's heart.

"No! No Kurt! I-I didn't drink. I am not drunk... I swear..." Blaine was cut off

"Then why, Blaine? I... another fuck up can't you see it's too much for me to handle to see your own husband with someone else in bed." Kurt frantic

"Kurt, it's not my choice. I have to do it. I need to feed, I haven't fed from two days and I need to feed and it's the only way." Blaine groaned stepping closer ignoring the drunken girl beside him.

"You do have a choice; you don't have to do this... This is fucking sick hurting and hunting humans for you hunger. Why don't you get it?" Kurt whimpered feeling his body shaking with range.

"Why don't you get it, Kurt? I have to feed and the only source is these humans (gesturing towards the half unconscious girl) and I... I have..." Blaine was cut off again

"Can't you feed from blood bags like, I do? That's human blood to but at least I don't hurt anyone for my hunger." Kurt aforesaid

"No, I can't! It... I am use to of drinking from pulse that makes me satisfy"

"Stop it! Haven't you ever fed from blood bags or animal blood, were you always like this HURTING others when you know it's not their fault and you know that you have choice?" Kurt snapped.

Blaine was quiet what could he say, he know he was not like this and never wanted to be like this, but life made him chose it forced him to choose this path, way of living.

"Tell me, Blaine!" Kurt demanded

"I...I..." Blaine didn't know what to say

"Believe me for once; let me help you, trust me for once. Just let me give it a try that's what I ask" Kurt groaned and held the mug of blood he was drinking from, to Blaine.

Blaine was fighting with his thoughts from inside.

His mind was saying him not to listen Kurt and trust him because no one is capable of that, but his heart which he could suddenly beat was telling him to believe on Kurt, to give it a try let him help, trust him just like Kurt gave him another chance, although he doesn't deserved it. Blaine was gazing at Kurt to see any sign of mistrust or anything, but all he sees was sincerity, concern, care and love in those shiny blue-green eyes.

"Please!" Kurt pleaded patting his lashes, without saying a word and ignoring his mind and listening to his heart which Blaine thought he had lost a long time ago grabbed the mug which Kurt offered him and brought it to his lips. The scent was strong and it smells not that bad as Blaine took a sip. At first it felt different from what he was use to, but as he took another sip it felt a bit good and then another and another sip until the whole cup was empty not even a single drop left. Blaine lowered the mug from his lips and saw Kurt gazing at him with hopeful eyes.

"It's was not that bad"

"Mind if I get some more" Blaine queried.

"I... What, really! Sure... Oh God! Drink as much as you want" Kurt beamed as he launched himself on Blaine hugging him tight.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Blaine smiled and returned the hug holding on to Kurt close to himself.

"It really does feel nice to have him so close and his cold breathe on my neck" Blaine thought as he tightened his arms around Kurt's slim waist.

After a few seconds, Kurt realised what he just did and slowly removed his hands from Blaine's neck and Blaine also dropped his hands although he didn't wanted to. As Kurt leaned back Blaine could see his eyes sparkling with merriment which made Blaine heart glow.

"I-I will bring some more blood" Kurt said as he gave Blaine a shy smile and turned when he heard his husband saying, "I will go get fresh." And with that said he went upstairs into his room.

Kurt was about to leave when he heard the girl saying,"W-Where... to go... I'm..."

"Don't worry, Kurt! You go get what Blaine said I will take care of her." Miss. Jane said walking towards the girl and passed a smile in Kurt direction.

"Thanks Nan!"

"My pleasure, now go"

Kurt smiled back and then quickly headed towards the kitchen.

(Inside the Room)

It was midnight; Blaine was fast asleep at his side of bed. But Kurt was not, he was fully awake staring at the ceiling. His heart was beating faster than usual he was feeling different things inside him. His stomach was twisting again and again when every time he reminiscence the way Blaine looked at him, trusted him, believed him and all these feeling were bouncing inside him ready to explode any time soon.

After trying hard to fright the feelings bursting inside him. Kurt sighed and slowly got up from the bed and quietly went out of the room shutting the door behind his back.

Blaine shifted on the bed and quickly opened his eyes when he saw empty bed next to him. And he instantly got up and went out of the room to check Kurt.

Kurt was roaming in the backyard under the open dark sky. He was happy, felt somewhat light. When he first came to know what his husband was like he thought there was no hope, it was a lost battle, but now he can hear the voice inside him telling him that everything will be back to normal soon. And he will have a happy ending. The one he always dreamed of.

"I like the ring"

"You taste fucking delicious"

"This is my new girl friend... Fuck up meal..."

"Kurt! Don't go STAY"

"You were supposed to be resting"

"Can you make me the same type of coffee again, it was good"

"It was not that a bad, can I get some more blood" Kurt's mind was clouded by Blaine's different words. Some were which he doesn't want to remember and some which he never wants to lose.

"Kurt Hummel Anderson! You are madly in LOVE" Kurt thought to himself as he beamed.

And then all of a sudden the beautiful words started pouring out of Kurt's mouth and he started singing in his breath-taking angelic voice.

"I closed my eyes at the very thought,

Letting the memories take over me.

I surrender myself into the depths,

Cause I need to find the past

Which haunted you for years?

Made you live without your soul.

Turned what you were not"

Blaine walked down the stairs in the dark living room, Kurt was not here. He then went to check in the kitchen, but no signs there to.

"Where are you, Kurt?" Blaine muttered. He was about to leave when he heard someone singing beautifully in an angelic voice.

"Who does this voice belongs too" Blaine thought as he headed for the back yard because whoever it is was in there.

"I remember those days of Childhood,

When we were use to be close.

You shared your merriment, your sores with me

My shoulder was your only comfort,

My arms were to keep you close.

You were the only one I ever had.


Time was cruel to separate our paths,

All those years I didn't get to see your face,

We're the worse in life."

Blaine reached in the backyard and he stopped on his tracks and hid behind a pillar as he saw no one other than Kurt singing filling everything with life, sparks and shines.

Blaine himself felt the lyrics striking through his heart making it beat faster.

"Wow" was all he could say as he placed a hand to his heart feeling every change of beat. Kurt's voice and the words of the song were all really effecting, making Blaine realise everything which Kurt may not say but feel.


Faith brought us together,

Tied us in an Unbreakable bond.

When I stared into your eyes,

It was as if I'm in another world

As if they were the Key to Heaven.

I reminiscence that night,

We were together

You captured me from all sides.

The breaths we exchanged

Are the reason I am still alive." Kurt was remembering their wedding day when they were bonded forever and the night Kurt allowed Blaine to take his Virginity.

Kurt was unaware of Blaine's presence he was so much into his own thoughts of world that he was so not aware if his surroundings.

"I closed my eyes at the very thought,

Letting the memories take over me.

I surrender myself into the depths,

Cause I need to find the past

Which haunted you for years?

Made you live without your soul.

Turned what you were not


Everything turned upside down

When you showed what you were now.

It broke me down,

Tore me into pieces,

It was like dying every day, every moment.

I thought I lost you again

When I just have gotten you back.


I won't let that happen again,

I said to myself.

I will get what is mine.

Cause, my love is not soulless.

My power of love will get you back,

You wanted me to stay, so I did

Cause, leaving you is like a dreadful night.

Being away can tear me into parts,"

Blaine could feel what Kurt would be thinking while singing the lyrics. It was like the song was speaking through its own making Blaine feel bad for what he did with Kurt. After all Kurt never deserved hate. And for that Blaine was guilty and cursing himself.

"I closed my eyes at the very thought,

Letting the memories take over me.

I surrender myself into the depths,

Cause I need to find the past

Which haunted you for years?

Made you live without your soul.

Turned what you were not

I believed in you,

When you looked into my eye,

Said, I will change for you.

It was all I never wanted

And today,

When you let me held you,

Was all I wished for?

I will not let you down,

I will prove myself for you

I will make you shine again,

Cause, I really want you to me.

Without you I am nothing

You complete me,


I can say it to myself,

I will love you

Until my dying day, until my last breath."

Blaine could feel a tear lingering in his eye. He quickly wiped it away. As Kurt finished the song and turned he was surprised to see Blaine standing right in front of him with a smile as he slowly walked closer towards Kurt.

"Blaine! You here... When did you... I-I was... And you... Are you..." Kurt was cut off as Blaine placed a finger on his lips to stop him from speaking.

"Shhh! Let me speak, ok!" Blaine said softly staring into Kurt's magical eyes.

Kurt nodded.

Blaine then removed his finger as he said, "You've a beautiful voice. It really captivated me"

"I-I was..." Kurt was again cut off but this time Blaine's lips were on his to stop him from speaking. Kurt eyes widened for a second, before he melted into the kiss and looped his arms around Blaine's neck and Blaine wrapped his arms around his waist pulling him closer.

The kiss was slow and filled with affection and love which both couldn't see fully for each other. After a while which seems like hours Blaine leaned back and stared into Kurt's shiny eyes.

"Was it ok?" Blaine asked his arms still wrapped around Kurt's slim waist. Kurt didn't say anything, but just nodded. Blaine smiled and when he was about to lean for another kiss. He was cut off as out of the blue heavy rainfall started and the dark clouds were bursting with noise due to the sky lightning.

"How come on earth weather changed, so quickly?" Blaine frowned because the stupid rain ruined the moment.

"I think we should go inside before, we get all soaked up." Kurt said already moving. Blaine sighed and followed him inside the house.

The next afternoon, Blaine was gone out due to some work with Puck. And Kurt was helping Miss. Jane in the kitchen. When the door bell rang.

"I'll get it" Kurt aforesaid already getting out of the kitchen. He in his vampire speed quickly reached the entrance door and opened it.

"Yes! Who is it?" Kurt queried as the man was having his back on Kurt.

On hearing him he slowly turned around with a grin on his face showing his perfect white teeth.

Kurt gasped as his eyes wide in surprise.

"Oh My God, Adam!"


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