Sept. 10, 2013, 4:48 a.m.
Sept. 10, 2013, 4:48 a.m.
Hey Guys, here is the new update. I wish and pray you will all like it. In this Chp I have shown Blaine's POV and there a little sweetness in it to very little. :-)
You know it was kind of hard to write this Chp not that it was difficult but because last night I watched Final Destination 5 and OH GOSH! It was I really liked it but was very bloody and the funny thing was that I was eating while watching and it made almost impossible to eat while watching all the blood just ugh...
Ok well now i will shut up so you can go and read. Oh and Blaine's dream and thoughts are in italic.
Reviews would be nice.
Chapter 7,
(In the study room)
Blaine's POV,
"What was I thinking of?" Blaine thought pacing here and there in the study room.
"What is this all about? Why am I feeling like this? Why did it felt like losing someone close when Kurt was attacked? What is happening? I stopped him from leaving? Why? He doesn't mean anything to me then, why? It was like... like something was losing like something was slipping if Kurt would have left. Why? Why?" Blaine's thoughts were clouded with millions of questions which he couldn't understand and answer himself.
"Why?" Blaine shouted out loud as he held his head in his both hands sitting on the arm-chair.
"You really are an idiot, aren't you?" A voice came which made Blaine snap his head up as he saw his twin standing in front of him.
"Who are you?" Blaine asked thoughtfully. The other Blaine quirked an eyebrow.
"I'm your inner reflection, Blaine! The Blaine who sees everything which you can't see"
"What do you want?" Blaine queried.
"The question is not what I want, but what you want? What you are thinking?" Blaine's reflection grilled.
"I'm not thinking anything" Blaine simply lied.
"Oh really! You can't lie to me I know more than you know what you want... You are forgetting I am your part after all. I know everything." He smirked.
"Oh! Then tell me what I want and what am I thinking?" Blaine crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"Well, you want to know that, Why are you feeling weird stuff inside you? Why did it hurt seeing Kurt in pain? Why was it like something very important was slipping out off hands, when Kurt said, 'he was leaving?'" The other Blaine grumbled.
"How do you know all that?" Blaine asked shocked
"I already told you I know everything you feel more than you do. You can try to hide it from yourself, but can't hide from me"
"This is so fucking overwhelmed"
Blaine sighed throwing his hands in air.
"It's not; you are trying to make it difficult for yourself"
"I'm not" Blaine said stubbornly.
"You are! And stop arguing it really gets me frustrate"
"Whatever" Blaine snorted
"Look Blaine! I know it's hard to understand, especially when the past was so not a good luck charm but, try to see past it stop ruining yourself for no good reason. It won't let you anywhere, but will ONLY CAUSE PAIN." Blaine's other half said seriously now.
"Just shut the fucking up. You don't know anything and it's none of your business or anyone's concern. What I do or not. IT'S MY LIFE. And no one has a fucking right to inter-fair." Blaine snapped
"Oh right! No one's business... Well it's our business. You simply can't do whatever you want. You have to see past yourself stop being a selfish dork. It's not only your life now; someone else's life is also connected with you, Kurt! What is his fault in all this? Just that he got to marry you" he said bitterly.
"It was not my decision you know that I never wanted to marry. That was forced on me... not my choice" Blaine snarled
"Whatever the reason was the truth is you did marry him and besides tell me one thing when today Kurt got attacked and was in pain whimpering, why did you cared then? When he was leaving, why you didn't let him go? Why you stopped him? Why said you will try to change? Why!"
"I... I it was because somehow it was me who got him into that and... and..." Blaine lacked words. He had no answers for these questions he wanted to know, WHY he did all this.
"See! Accept it Blaine you really feel for, Kurt! You don't want to lose him now, when you got someone after such a long tim..."
"I don't want anyone, and I don't have feelings for anyone I don't have feelings for Kurt, I am Blaine Anderson! Who gets what he wants one way or the other"
"You do have feelings, but you are so blind to see or pretend not to" the reflection said
"I don't"
"You do"
"I don't"
"Shut the fuck up and get out of here" Blaine said angrily.
"As you wish but, Blaine Anderson! Try to look past it. Don't let the poor boy suffer because of yourself. He doesn't deserve this." With that said he vanished from the room.
"I'm really getting crazy" Blaine blunt looking here and there confused was he really talking with himself or did there was someone here actually or just imagination.
(Inside the Bedroom)
As Blaine entered the room he saw the TV on playing 'Once upon a Time' and Kurt was sleeping soundlessly on his side of the bed his head resting against the head-board of the bed.
Blaine went and took the TV remote from Kurt's hand which he was holding while he was asleep and turned the TV off. And then gingerly lifted Kurt's head a bit and placed the pillow underneath his head. Kurt stirred a bit but didn't wake up. He was exhausted after a rough day so it was better he rested. After that Blaine gently pulled the blanket up to Kurt's chest. And stared at his peaceful face for god knows how long. And suddenly shake his head.
"What is happening to you, Anderson? You really are getting crazy" Blaine thought as a small smile creeped on his face. But shaking his head he went in the bathroom and changed into pajamas and lose shirt and then quietly laid at his side of the bed facing Kurt. He stared at his face for a while until his eyelids got heavy and he drifted to sleep.
Kurt was struggling to let Himself free but his shoulder was bleeding and the fucking wolf was over him trying to claw him with all his strength.
"Ahhhhhh..." Kurt screamed
As the wolf bit him right at his throat ripping it which led Kurt scream out loud and then his body went still.
"Kurtttt!" Blaine screamed.
"Kurt!" Blaine shot upright in his bed his forehead covered in sweat breathing heavily. Blaine quickly came back in senses that he was in his room.
"Kurt!" He frantic but soon relaxed as he saw the boy sleeping soundlessly with slightly parted lips beside him.
"What the fuck was that?" Blaine thought rubbing his temples.
After a moment he laid back down and gingerly held Kurt's left hand in his and drifted back to sleep.
Kurt woke up with a yawn as he tried to stretch his arms but, stopped when he felt someone holding his hand. As he turn he saw Blaine sleeping next to him with slightly parted lips and what made Kurt surprise was that Blaine was holding his hand in his tightly. Just as if he was afraid if he will let go Kurt will vanish. Kurt creeps up with a smile as he slowly extracted his hand from Blaine's and quietly got out of the bed and went into the bathroom to change.
An hour later, Blaine shifted on the bed as his hand landed on the empty bed next to him and he quickly opened his eyes to see the bed next to him empty.
"Where is Kurt? He was there when I slept. Where did he go now?" Blaine thought as he got up and went out of his room to find his husband.
Kurt was sitting cross-legged in the living room sofa with the newest edition of vogue in his lap and a mug of coffee in his right hand. As he was turning pages looking at every new design presented in there.
"What are you doing here?" Blaine demanded as he stood in front of him.
Kurt lifted his head up a saw his husband standing with cross arms across his chest.
"What! I'm just reading and having a coffee. Is there a problem?" Kurt said thoughtfully.
"You were supposed to be resting." Blaine commanded.
Kurt quirked an eyebrow saying, "That's what I have done the entire night, besides I am fine and I know how to look after myself."
"Yeh right! Whatever" Blaine muttered rolling his eyes as he turned on his heels and straight away went to the wine bar at the corner of the living room to make him a drink. As he was pouring himself one Kurt came walking towards him placing a cup of hot black coffee in front of Blaine.
"What?" Blaine queried confused.
"I think it's better for you to have a cup of coffee instead of the stupid alcohol." Kurt aforesaid.
"And who are you to tell me what to do? I know what's good for me besides, if you think you can stop me from doing everything then, don't bother trying. I said I will work on me doesn't mean that I won't do what I want" Blaine said bitterly.
"Fine! Do what you want, but keep one thing in mind that due to this fucking alcohol you are always out of your head doing what you shouldn't be doing. When you are drunk you lost yourself, your control and then fucking hurt everyone, but fine if you want to drink then go ahead I won't say a word." Kurt groaned and sighed throwing his arms in air a bit harder which made him winch a little due to his still healing shoulder.
"Ah" Kurt winched placing his other hand on his shoulder.
"Kurt! You Ok" Blaine said instantly and took a step forward but Kurt stepped back saying, "I'm fine! You do what you want to" and with that said he turned on his heels and went upstairs in the room.
"What does he think of himself?" Blaine muttered to himself as he made a drink for himself and was about to take a sip but then stopped and placed the glass on the counter and with a sigh picked up the coffee Kurt brought him and took a sip.
"Not that bad, it is" Blaine said to himself and then followed Kurt into their room.
What Blaine didn't know was that was watching him all the time and smiled wide with what Blaine just did and then went back to her work.
(Inside the Bedroom)
"Yeh! Yeh! I know Mercy you don't need to tell me"
Blaine heard Kurt talking to someone on the cell as he entered the bedroom.
"Mercy! I didn't forget it I know and I will be there." Kurt turned and saw Blaine staring at him. He rolled his eyes and turned back facing towards the open window.
"Ok! It's a deal, Yeh do tell Rachel to" Kurt aforesaid.
"And Mercy, take care of dad you know how I am like worrying all the time."
"I know you will just you know me very well. How I'm when it comes to dad" Kurt groaned
Blaine heard him as he came out of the bathroom after 10 minutes drying his hears with a towel and then throw it in the near basket.
"I am good and everyone else is fine to. Yeh ok!ok! See ya love you" Kurt ended the call.
He was smiling as he turned and saw Blaine gazing at him with his damp curls all over his forehead. He really was looking cute.
"Shut up, Hummel" Kurt whispered.
"Did you say something?" Blaine asked turning to the full length mirror and started putting gel in this hairs.
"No! I didn't" Kurt said and placed his iPhone on the side table and took the vogue from the drawer.
"Kurt!" Blaine called
"Can you make the same type of coffee for me again, it was nice" Blaine aforesaid giving one last touch to his hairs.
"What!" Kurt grilled unbelievably
Blaine turned and faced him saying, "I said, can you make me the same coffee again someday it tasted good"
"Wh... Yeh of course I can... I can make it daily if you want when I make mine." Kurt grumbled happily.
"Great! Thanks!"Blaine said and left the room with a smile.