Sept. 10, 2013, 4:48 a.m.
Sept. 10, 2013, 4:48 a.m.
A/N: - Hey Guys, hope you r great. I am doing great to, cause right now I m free. So early update I see well what can I do the last was short and then you were demanding to write it soon as possible so whom am I to so No. Here is the new update CHP 6,
I hope you will all like it well I liked it. Because you will see a lot happening in the Chp which is all new if we see it from a point.
Thoughts are in ITALIC and BOLD is used to express feeling strongly.
Warnings: - Violence in the Chp, and little fluffiness and Kinkiness.
Chapter 6,
"Do you want me?" Kurt queried as he gave another teasing lick on Blaine's earlobe which made Blaine moan his grip on Kurt's hips tightened and Kurt moved his hands to open the first 3 buttons of Blaine's shirt moving his hands on his husband's bare muscular chest.
"Oh... Fuck..." Blaine growled when he felt Kurt squeezed the nub of his nipple between his thumb and index finger, as Kurt's mouth was busy sucking at Blaine's pulse point. It only took another squeeze and Blaine's lost control, he growled and pinned Kurt at the near wall and crashed their lips into tenderly heated kiss. The kiss prolonged as Kurt parted his lips and Blaine's tongue entered into Kurt's mouth exploring every corner, while Blaine's hands moved up and down Kurt hips and reached his ass giving it a squeeze which made Kurt moan into the kiss. As they parted Blaine didn't wasted time and attacked Kurt's neck licking, kissing and sucking. Kurt moaned out loud.
Blaine wanted so much more as he practically ripped the first 3 buttons of Kurt's shirt. And then attached his mouth and started licking Kurt's right nipple and then sucking it hard into his mouth.
"FUCK!" Kurt groaned throwing his head back against the wall and closed his eyes.
Blaine smirked against sucking at Kurt's nipple. He felt Kurt taking heavy breaths. Blaine then removed his mouth as he leaned up staring at Kurt face and closed eyes as he said,"S... Shoo hot babe, I will... Fuck... You soo... Hard that you will never forget and w-will regret it later." As he moved his hands and pulled the zip of Kurt's pants half way down when Kurt eyes wide open and he snapped out of his drowsiness and pushed Blaine away which made Blaine fall on the floor. As he heard Kurt stuttering in horror,
"NO... No... I-it was a M-MISTAKE" Kurt whimpered and without giving Blaine a chance he ran out of the room sobbing out loud with tears streaming out of his blue-green eyes.
"No-no... I-it was a mistake" Kurt's whimpering words clouded Blaine mind for a second before he snapped back into the reality.
"Kurt!" He shouted as he quickly got up and ran behind him out of the room.
"Kurt!" Blaine called again as he ran down the stairs.
"Blaine! What happened? What did you do to, Kurt now? He was crying and I tried to stop him, but he didn't" Miss. Jane aforesaid worriedly.
"Where did he go?" Blaine asked in a hurry.
"He ran out of the house towards the woods" Miss. Jane replied
"But... What did yo...?" She was cut off as Blaine said out loud.
"Shit!" And then he vanished through the living room running out of the house behind Kurt in his vampire speed.
Kurt was running as fast as he could. He just wanted to go far as far he could so; no one could come for him not even his own shadow. He wanted to be alone and no one around. Tears were streaming out of his eyes. And then suddenly his foot caught into a hole made in the ground and he wrenched his ankle resulting falling down on the ground hard that if he was human he would have broken something.
"Ouch!" Kurt frantic.
"F-Fuckin hole" Kurt stammered as he tried to get his foot out, but what could be worse that it caught up into tiny wooden branches. And then out of the blue Kurt heard a loud growl and saw pitch yellow eyes staring at him just a few meters away. As the figure moved closer
"Oh God!" Kurt said in a shock as he tried to free himself but the branched and bushes were tangled up like hell. And then without even a warning the wolf ran and jumped on him with a loud growl.
"Kurt!" Blaine groaned as he heard Kurt scream coming from east side. And without wasting time Blaine rushed in the direction from where the scream came.
When Blaine reached he was shocked to see Kurt on the ground bleeding with a huge wolf on him and he was trying to stop him and push it away, but the wolf was stronger and Kurt was getting weaker as he was losing blood. And before the wolf could once again claw Kurt, Blaine marched towards it and launched on him pushing him off Kurt.
Both Blaine and the wolf rolled down on the ground one above the other. As Blaine pushed the wolf away and quickly got up and grabbed the first wooden stake he had access for as the huge animal again marched on him but before anything else could be done Blaine staked the Wolf right through the chest which made him growl in pain and taking the advantage of the pain and not wasting time Blaine grabbed the wolf and ripped its throat out.
The wolf was dead now and Blaine was standing with his teeth elongated and eyes shot up with blood, but what made him turn back to normal were Kurt weak whimpers.
"Kurt!" Blaine groaned as he quickly ran towards Kurt and placed his head in his lap. Blaine could see a bruise on Kurt's forehead and a few minor cuts but the most worse was that Kurt's left shoulder bleeding as there was a deep cut over there.
"B-Bl..." Kurt tried to speak but was unable to as darkness took hold over him and he went unconscious.
"Kurt! Kurt!" Blaine patted his face.
"Oh God!" Blaine frantic as he quickly lifted Kurt up in his arms and ran out of the woods towards the mansion.
Blaine entered in the mansion as he shouted Kurt in his arms unconscious.
And the old lady was already saying, "Blaine! Where... Oh My God, Kurt! What happened?" She queried concerned seeing Kurt covered in blood in Blaine's arms.
"I need a bowl of warm water with cottons and cloths, in my room
Now" Blaine babbled as he quickly went upstairs in their bedroom.
(Inside the bedroom)
Blaine gingerly placed Kurt on the bed as he slowly and patiently checked and examined the damage. When his sight caught the lingering tear in Kurt's eye. Blaine slowly lifted his hand and wiped the tear away. As he brushed the hairs falling on Kurt's forehead back. He could himself feel the strike of pain inside his heart, don't know Why? But seeing Kurt like this was killing him.
It was when Miss. Jane knocked at the door and came in.
"How did it all happened?" She asked as she placed the bowl of water and the cloth on the side table.
"I don't know I just heard him scream and when I reached, Kurt was covered in blood and the Fucking wolf on him" Blaine snarled not one time letting his eyes off Kurt.
"Ok! Let me clean him" Miss. Jane said getting next to Blaine.
"No! I will do it myself... you go I will call if I need anything" Blaine commanded
"You sure"
"Yes I'm"
And then she left the room closing the door quietly.
Both of them were alone in the room now. Blaine carefully took off Kurt's shirt as he dips the cloth in the warm water and gingerly started cleaning the cuts and wounds. Kurt winced slightly on the touch in his unconsciousness. After Kurt was all cleaned up. Blaine placed the bowl of water which was now red due to blood and the cloth at the dresser as he sat next to Kurt. He then bit his wrist as blood poured out and lowered his bloody wrist to Kurt's lips and made him drink his blood.
Blaine got up and went to the walk through closet as he got a pair of pajamas and a t-shirt for Kurt and carefully changed his clothes and through the dirty torn ones in the basket.
He then went and sat down next to Kurt as he slowly stroked his hairs.
"This is your fault, Blaine Anderson! That today he is suffering all this" Blaine thought to himself
"I'm sorry, Kurt! Please wake up" Blaine almost whispered as he placed a lingering kiss on Kurt hair.
Hours later, Kurt shifted on the bed as he slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was in the room. His head was pounding due to the lack of blood and his left shoulder was still a bit sore. As he tried to sit up he felt his hand being held or clenched by something as he moved and turn to see he saw Blaine sleeping on the floor next to him with his head slightly on Kurt pillow and Kurt's hand in his hand-held tightly.
Kurt quickly shrugged his hand away which made Blaine wake up. As he saw Kurt staring at him and Blaine instantly came into his full senses.
"Hey!" He said as he gazed at Kurt.
"You finally up. How are you feeling?" Blaine asked as he got up from the floor and sat on the corner of the bed.
"What happened?" Kurt asked thoughtfully.
Blaine cleared his throat as he told Kurt about the attack and everything.
"And then here you are" Blaine completed
Kurt didn't say another word and all of a sudden got up from the bed and tried to move but failed and almost tripped, but before he could fall Blaine strong arms caught him.
"What! Are you crazy? You are still not properly healed you need rest" Blaine groaned his arms around Kurt waist holding him up.
"I'm fine. And I need to go I have to leave, I can't be here" Kurt frantic as he removed Blaine's hands from his waist.
"What! No you can't go you need rest and, why would you leave" Blaine said thoughtfully
"And why would I want to stay, Blaine?" Kurt grilled folding his arms across his chest and winced a little as the cut was still sore a bit although it was already fading.
"I... don't go" Blaine mumbled but Kurt heard it.
"I have no good reason to stay here. Tell me, Blaine! Do I have one good reason to stay? No one wants me... then why would I" Kurt groaned
"Andwhatif I say Idowantyou?" Blaine babbled staring at his shoes.
"You don't...you don't even fucking care... You just want your joy with fucking sluts." Kurt frowned
"That's none of your business" Blaine snapped but then cursed for doing it.
"Why can't you fucking control your temper, Anderson?"
"See you can't even accept what you do really hurt." Kurt frantic.
Blaine was quite for a moment.
"Say something, Blaine! You can't let go of him like this" Blaine thought
"I'm... I'm sorry, Kurt' it's my fault that you had to suffer through this" Blaine finally said rising his head to see Kurt's face.
Kurt quirked as eyebrow in shock not believing that Blaine Anderson said 'sorry'
"How is it your fault? You didn't know I would be attacked"
"But you ran because of me. If...I Would have controlled you wouldn't have run and got into troubles" Blaine objected staring into Kurt's beautiful eyes. Both of them went quite for a while just staring into each other eyes.
"I have to go" Kurt finally broke the silence and took a step. But Blaine caught his hand stopping him.
"Don't! I know I have no fucking right to stop you, but don't go... this is your home to you doesn't have to leave and I know you love your dad and don't want him seeing you like this... I have screwed up and... Just give me a chance, Kurt! I will try to work on my behaviour, my temper... Just... I-I stay" Blaine grumbled staring right into Kurt's eyes. And Kurt could see the truth in Blaine's words somehow.
"But! God! What should I do? Should I give him a chance? Everyone deserves a second chance and I have promised Nan I will change, Blaine. And if now he is saying himself may be there is some truth in there" Kurt thought to himself.
"I know you don't want me near you and I won't even touch you... And I will work on my behaviour but..." Blaine was cut off.
"It's not only about your behaviour, Blaine! May be I can live with it but, you married me and whenever you bring a random person to fuck have you ever thought, how much it hurts? You just want to use people for your own sake but, people have feelings too. IT HURTS!" Kurt whimpered
"I-I will try just give me some time. Just don't go like this." Blaine pleaded yes he almost pleaded.
"What is happening to you? Is it really that important to not let Kurt go? Yes it is."Blaine mind was crowding with thoughts.
"Ok! You need a chance you have it, but if you screwed this time then don't accept anything from me, Blaine Anderson" Kurt said and was keeping him from smile.
May be finally it was working, maybe he can see ray of hope for him and Blaine now.
"I than..." Blaine was cut off as the door to bedroom opened and Miss. Jane came in holding a tray with a cup on it.
"Kurt! So glad you are wake. I brought you blood you must be tired and weak and thirsty to. How are you feeling?" She asked as she walked in.
"A little sore but, better and thanks for the care" Kurt gave a small smile as he accepted the cup of blood from her.
"Excuse me! I have some work to do. Kurt! You rest don't get up" Blaine said quickly and went out of the room.
Kurt sat on the bed and Miss. Jane sat on the near chair next to him.
"You know I was so worried for you when you ran away and then to add more when you were all unconscious when Blaine brought you back" The Old Lady said.
"I-I was just..." Kurt went quite.
"You don't need to say a thing I know exactly what happened. Just be careful next time before taking the blood just tell me when you want to"
"Yeh much better"
"But thanks, you took care of me I feel much better" Kurt smiled
"What! No no! I didn't do anything it was, Blaine. He was the one who cleaned you up made you change feed you his blood so you can heal. I came but he send me away saying, 'he will do it himself and if he will need help he will call'" Miss. Jane stated
"B-Blaine! Did this for me. Why?" Kurt asked confused and shocked
"Kurt! I will just say that, TODAY I SAW THE REFLECTION OF OLD BLAINE after what seems like years" Miss. Jane smiled as she squeezed Kurt's hand lightly.
"That means..."
"That means you are really affecting him. He stopped you from going and not even just stopped he even said to try to work on himself. This is amazing you really are making him realise his true self."
"I just... I LOVE HIM. And I really want Blaine see it"
"He will just need to wait for a while" The old lady aforesaid