Sept. 10, 2013, 4:48 a.m.
Sept. 10, 2013, 4:48 a.m.
Hey Guys, I know I know I am pretty late with the update, but I hope you guys will stick around to read. I am sorry guys I was quite busy lately and things were quite rough which made me stressed out and then I had exams but then I was stress and then ended up with writers block. But hopefully I am back on track and I will try to update as soon I get time too as with University's 4th semester to start and still some exams to go it gets hard but I will try my best.
NOTE:- To all Klainers and Gleeks as well as we all know Glee S6 has begun and with Klaine breakup and seeing Blaine with Dave and Kurt all sad and hurt now really devastates me. I mean Blaine and David are like a nightmare. And I really cried to see Kurt cry and sad. I just hope Ryan fix it up as soon he can and bring our Klaine back and give us a Klaine wedding otherwise he knows what KlaineArmy can do. We just want our boys back!
Ok now I will shut up so you all can read.smile emoticon
Chapter 33,
It was a week after the warblers had left and everything was going smoothly without any Sebastian or Karofsky tension.
Kurt was in their bedroom standing in front of the full length mirror cursing, "Fucking jeans! Get the hell up" he groaned annoyed as he was trying to pull up his tight jeans and zip them up, but it was getting hard cause of his almost five month round belly which was making it almost impossible to button the jeans up and that was frustrating him because all of jeans wear to much tight for him to wear or let alone carry with.
After trying for another five more minutes he finally gave it up and threw his jeans aside with a sigh, "Gosh, I am to fat now to get in my own pair of jeans... And this is seriously not good. I need to stop getting lazy all the time and should try to do some exercise or else I will soon turn into a freaking hot balloon" Kurt muttered to himself in annoyance as he pulled his pyjama pants back on and walked to his iPod stand and turned the music on and stood in the middle of the room as he held his arms up and then brought them down and bend down to touch his toes, which apparently he couldn't due to his round pregnant belly coming in between and making it pretty hard to do so but his stubbornness was too much at the point to cool down and stop acting like a baby as he continued to pull up and down as best he could.
Blaine climbed the staircase and walked straight to their bedroom as he just returned from a meeting. As he reached the room, he heard music playing inside, opens the door, step in to just freeze at the spot, and startled as he saw Kurt struggling to keep his balance and standing up and bending down.
"Kurt what in heaven's sake you are doing?" He said as he walked in and held his husband shoulders making him stand and look at him.
"Oh Hey honey, I am just working out cause apparently my entire wardrobe is getting out of my size and I am too much fat to fit in my fucking own pants, so I decided to exercise" Kurt exclaimed which only made Blaine frown.
"Kurt I hate to say this but baby you are acting like a 10 year old kid here... I mean who the hell said you are fat, as far as I see you are pregnant with our baby who is gonna come out not to far from now. So you need to drop this thing of getting fat and your clothes not fitting you cause they won't with the round pregnant belly." Blaine said gesturing towards Kurt's belly.
"That's what I meant you indirectly called me fat and I hate it" Kurt narrowed his eyes at Blaine.
"Oh for God sake I didn't call you fat, Kurt. And you really need to stop being stubborn and listen to me and drop with this workout and all and get in bed and rest." Blaine rolled his eyes and groaned.
"No! I am not dropping it. I know what I am doing and I am not gonna stop, so please excuse me cause I need to continue and you are clearly breaking my tempo" Kurt scoffed and turned around and started going back to what he was doing bending up and down.
Blaine just sighed and shook his head at the stubbornness of his husband knowing he won't be able to change his mind at least not right now. So he just turned around to go and change when suddenly he heard a loud whine coming from Kurt and he quickly turned back to see Kurt scream and whimpered in pain holding his belly.
"U-Ughh... Ahh..."He whimpered holding his belly.
"Kurt!" Blaine gasped and was quickly by his said holding him as he rubbed his belly and helped Kurt to bed and lay down.
"Kurt what's wrong? Tell me" Blaine groaned alarmed and panic all over his face.
"A-Agh ahh... Blaine ugh it's hurting please ma-ke it stopp" Kurt frantic as tears stream out of his eyes due to pain.
"Shh it's gonna be ok... Just hold on... Nan! I need Mr. Berry right now, Kurt's in pain!" Blaine shouted out as he held Kurt's hand and rubbed his belly.
Inside the Bedroom 20 minutes later,
Dr. Harem was now sitting on the chair next to Kurt's bed checking and examining his belly with eyes close and with Blaine standing beside him as Kurt was now thankfully out of pain due to the potion the doctor gave him to drink as soon he came and saw Kurt whining in pain.
"Now tell me exactly what happened?" Mr. Berry queried as he opened his eyes and sat back on the chair looking at his patient.
Kurt chewed his lip for a second but ultimately told him what happened and what he was doing which ended him like this in pain.
"And then I just felt something jolt in my belly and it pained so much" Kurt said looking down at his belly and rubbing small circles over it.
"I didn't expect such an immature act from you, Kurt. We all know that you are almost into your fifth month of pregnancy soon and it's not too far from now that you will be in labour and now you do such a childish thing which could have ended pretty badly." Mr. Berry sighed as he took his glasses off.
"You got contraction and not only that but the baby almost ended up getting squished and twisted due to your rapid movement and that is why he caused your muscles inside to overlap and twist causing you to be in pain because as I have said earlier to that the baby has a shield around him to for his protection and you moving like that made him upset and scared of getting hurt inside. Therefore, as your Doctor, I will warn you not to do such a thing again or it will get even worse. And take care of yourself and avoid such movements at least till the baby is born." Dr. Harem said looking at him.
Kurt hearing it all looked down nodding and wrapped his arms around his belly protectively.
"Good now I will keep going and if you need anything let me know" Mr. Berry said getting up holding his briefcase and turned to Blaine.
"I will walk you out, Harem," he said glaring at Kurt for a second and then walked out of the room with the doctor.
As soon Kurt was alone in the room tears pool out of his eyes as he rubbed and soothed his belly, "Daddy is so so sorry baby. I swear daddy never meant to cause trouble or hurt to you and Daddy promise never to do such a stupid thing again, which would risk my baby's life or cause you pain. Daddy loves you too much to let anything happen to you, so please forgive your daddy as daddy very sorry, Cupcake," Kurt said softly as he rubbed his baby bump.
"Please forgive daddy, baby" Kurt mumbled soothing his baby by rubbing his belly and felt a light kick against his hand and a smile appeared over his lips knowing the baby obviously forgave him, after all how long a baby can stay upset with his daddy.
"Thank you so much. Daddy love you so much baby" Kurt wiped his tears and kept soothing his belly as he then waited for his husband to come back.
Blaine returned back in the bedroom five minutes later and saw Kurt sitting in bed leaning against the headboard rubbing his belly as he looked up and saw Blaine.
"Hey" he said lightly looking at Blaine but did not got an answer back.
"Blaine I...I am sorr-" Kurt tried to talk to his husband but Blaine ignored him, grabbed his nightwear, and went inside the bathroom to change.
After few minutes when he came back out of bathroom, he threw his other clothes in the wash bin. Kurt looked at him as he lightly chew his lip clearly knowing that Blaine was angry with him, but he still tried to talk to him cause he couldn't stand Blaine's silent treatment or anger.
"Blaine I know what I did was not really a clever thing to do and I admit that I was being stubborn not to listen to you, but I realise it now and I am sorry," Kurt groaned staring at Blaine who didn't reply and still ignored him giving him silent treatment.
"Blaine please... At least talk to me do not give me the silent treatment. I get it what I did was wrong and I swear I won't do it again but I didn't do it on purpose... But don't be angry with me, talk to me I don't like your silent treatment." Kurt frantic looking at his husband standing few feet away from him being distant.
"So now you care about me giving you silent treatment... But when I was saying you to stop acting like an immature kid and drop the stubbornness you were to full to even consider what I was saying." Blaine grumbled folding his arms in front of his chest.
"I... I know but I am sorry I didn't do it on purpos-" Kurt was cut off.
"My baby could have practically get hurt cause of your attitude and stubbornness"
"He's my baby too and I care about him or her as much you do" Kurt said placing a hand on his belly.
"Yeh I could see it very clearly how much you cared a while back" Blaine snapped in anger at Kurt making him tremble.
Kurt heard Blaine snap at him he lost it and start sobbing and shaking, "Y-You are right... I...I am a pathetic father" he fumbled and sob out tears streaming out of his eyes.
And all it took was seeing tears in his husband's eyes and hearing him cry that the anger in Blaine changed into guilt and he cursed himself knowing that even though what Kurt did was not right but he never meant to hurt their baby and Blaine should not have get so angry like that with him. Blaine quickly rushed towards his crying husband and didn't wasted time and wrapped him close in his arms rubbing his back to calm him down.
"Shh Kurt baby please I am so sorry... Don't cry please, Love" Blaine aforesaid soothing Kurt's back holding him close.
"N-No you you are right... I am just a self-centred pathat-"
"Don't even say that again... I am so sorry for being cold and angry and lashing out like that baby, but I was just so worried and sacred when I saw you in pain and heard what Mr. Berry said. I love you both too much to let anything hurt or happen to you or our baby" Blaine tried to console Kurt soothing his back to calm him down.
"I-I didn't do it on p-urpose... I am just s-sorry..." Kurt stuttered sniffing now.
"I know I know love and I am so sorry too for lashing out like that and making you cry. I hate when you cry it breaks my heart. I am sorry sweetheart." Blaine apologised kissing Kurt's hairs lightly and rubbing circles in his back to calm his husband down.
"It's... It's ok I forgave you." Kurt said lightly as he slowly calmed down and leans into Blaine's touch and Blaine gingerly wiped his tears and kissed his eyes.
"I love you so much. You and the baby are my life and my everything," Blaine groaned and stroked Kurt's hairs lightly and then placed his hand on Kurt's belly and lightly rubbed it.
"I love you so much too, Blaine" Kurt aforementioned as he relaxed slowly and snuggled close and squirmed his face in his husbands chest and Blaine gladly held him.
"Will you sing to me please?" Kurt lightly looked up at Blaine with puppy eyes, which made Blaine, smile and hug him as close as possible.
"Of course my love, whatever you want" Blaine said and Kurt smiled back lightly and then snuggled his face back in his husbands chest.
"Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise."Blaine sang softly stroking Kurt's hairs lightly as he felt his husband relax against him.
"Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free.
Blackbird fly Blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night.
Blackbird fly Blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise."As Blaine finished the song he heard light snores coming from Kurt which told him that his husband was fast asleep and he just held him close and closing his own eyes too fell asleep.
"Blaine Anderson might think that he is very clever and strong and that he can beat me up, but he is wrong there because he might be strong but I know his biggest weakness and I know exactly how to make him beg at my feet" Sebastian snarled with an evil grin.
"And what are that and your plan now?" David Karofsky queried folding his hands.
"None other than Kurt Hummel and their unborn child. His husband and his child is his biggest weakness now as he exclaimed to be in love, so I know how to stab him" Sebastian chuckled taking a long gulp of his drink.
"What do you want me to do Sebastian? David asked.
"Simple, bring me Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson will come rubbing his nose at my feet on his own." Sebastian smirked as David nods and left the room.
It was a beautiful morning with sunlight coming inside through the open curtains and window of the bedroom as Kurt stood in front of the full length mirror holding two new outfits of him which Blaine brought few days back when he got Kurt almost an entire new wardrobe with clothes if his current size and in which he would be comfortable.
Kurt stood in front of mirror humming lightly still in his nightwear and checking both new designer outfits to change in as Blaine went out for a bit and said when he gets back he will take Kurt for a nice lunch and then later they can go to visit his dad.
"Which one should I wear?" Kurt questioned himself looking at the outfits and then looked up at the mirror again to check which will suit him better, but as soon he looked at the mirror he gasped in shock and the clothes fell down on the floor as he saw none other than David Karofsky standing behind him near the open window.
"K-Karo-"before Kurt could scream out or even turn David got to him in vampire speed and then next he knew was something hitting his head hard sending a jolt of pain in his entire body and then the darkness surrounded him.