Sept. 10, 2013, 4:48 a.m.
Sept. 10, 2013, 4:48 a.m.
Hey my lovely reader, hope you all has a great week. I am sorry I left you all on a cliff hanger so I am back with update which will explain all.
Proud of Chris for being the amazing person in the entire world and I am so happy after saw him live on CC360 and he answered my question and it was amazing. Love you Chris.
Ignore my silly mistakes and go and read. Oh and keep tissue papers with you cause you all may need it at some point for a little bit. *winks*
Chapter 27,
Haunted Past,
"K-Karofsky" Kurt gasped choking out as he couldn't believe his own eyes as to what he was seeing, as he couldn't believe to what he was facing. The man standing in front of him, Kurt thought he will never see again after what he been through in past with him. But now it was getting true because none other than David was standing in front of him, the man who was nothing but pains and torture to him.
Kurt was frozen at his spot with breath stuck in his throat as he saw David smirking at him as be said, "Kurt... Ohmy Kurt. I knew you would be happily surprised to see me here. I am so happy to see you too. So many years without you were gosh... I missed you my Kurt." David said taking a step closer.
And Kurt shuddered at his words and hearing him calling'His Kurt'but soon he recovered from the shock as he saw David step close and he quickly took few steps back and managed to say out,
"W-What are you doing here? How dare you come to my house like this...? And I am not your Kurt."
"Oh come on, Kurt. I know that you are mad at me for disappearing for so long and I didn't come back for you. And you should be because how could I leave you My Kurt... But now I am here and I will make you so happy that you will forget the years you spend without me. I love you my Kurt." David said as he lifted his hand placing it on Kurt's hips and giving it a rub, which made Kurt jerk away his hand quickly as he stepped back and shouted with his all strength,
"Don't you dare fuckin touch me!? I am not yours and I can never be yours. I hate you! I hate you David. Get out of my house... Or I will call guards on you..."
David let out a chuckle, "Oh come on my Kurt... I know you are mad at me, but I will make it up. And you are my Kurt and my only."
"NOO! You can never make it up cause you can only ruin life's and just be torture to them. And I am not yours and I never was! cause I am married and I have the most amazing husband, who loves me and I love him so much too... And I am very happy in my life, so you just get out of my house!" Kurt said in his range knowing that he has to be strong because he has enough of David in the past, but not anymore.
Hearing Kurt shouting at him and saying all that made David angry as he growled and grab Kurt by his arm in a tight grip which made the pregnant vampire whimper,
"Let go of me!"Kurt yelled and tried to free his arm from David tight grip.
"You listen to me, my Kurt. I don't care about if you are married or what so ever because marriage can always be broken and you are mine and I am gonna take you with me and then we will marry and you will love it so much." David sneered holding on Kurt's arm tight.
Kurt fights against his grip trying to free himself.
"Let me go you bastard!" Kurt groaned as he started feeling the discomfort of his baby due to the atmosphere knowing his baby is getting upset because of it.
"I never hold you to let g-" David was cut off as his eyes landed on Kurt's round belly and Kurt quickly wrapped his free arm around his baby bump somehow protecting his and Blaine baby from this monster.
"Ohh my Kurt, what is this..? You are pregnant. Wow! This is a surprise for me. My Kurt is with a baby and your belly look is beautiful... This is your baby, means it's Our bab-" David was cut off but this time it was not by himself, but by the slap he received across his right cheek from Kurt, as Kurt finally freed his arm from his grip and pushed him back,
"SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!This is my baby... It's mine and Blaine baby and not yours. I have nothing to do with you and nor my baby has to. This baby is mine and my husband Blaine's. You have nothing to do in my life and you never will and don't you dare put your dirty hands on me or my baby...So you better get out of my house!" Kurt snapped at him breathing hard a bit in anger as he saw David rub his cheek which left a red finger prints mark and this made David ranged in anger as he look up making Kurt step back as he wasted no time and slammed Kurt against the near wall pinning his hands on the wall making Kurt whined,"Ahhh..."
"Listen Kurt, you slapped and you know I can pay it back very well to you as you may remember where it lead you last time, but I came here to get you and tell you that you are mine and now this baby is mine to cause whatever belong to you is mine..! And you can't do anything but do as I say*Kurt trying to get out of his grip and trying topush him*because if you want to live happy and you want you-*shake his head*our baby alive then you knows you have to be with me... I never asked your choice and if any fucking person tried to get in the way between you and me I will kill that person. So just do as I say and I will love you more than anything and we will marry and I will take you away from here and we will live happily with the baby..." David grinned evilly as he move his one hand down and rubbed Kurt's baby bump and gave it a squeeze, which made struggle against him and shout out as tears started to stream out of his eyes,
"Blaine! Blaine! Help me... Please let me go... Nan! Please anyone... Leave me..." Kurt frantic tears streaming out and fighting against David's grip and his hand on his baby bump.
"Haha... Oh come on my Kurt, no one can help you and I am not letting go easil-"
"You monster let Kurt go or there will be consequences knowing you are standing in Anderson's property" Nan said harshly in angry tone as she stormed out and towards David and Kurt and pushed him away letting Kurt free and quickly wrapped her arms around him rubbing his back.
"N-Nan... I...please make him leave..." Kurt said brokenly as tears pooled out of his blue orbs and he clenched on to the lady.
"Look you old woman-"
"Before I lost my mind and call the entire pact to rip your heart out and burn you into ashes, it's better you leave right away and never come back here if you want to live another day." The old lady said purely in anger and David saw other vampire in the house coming out of different directions and he could see that if he don't leave right now then he won't be able to fight them all as he faked smiled as he looked at Kurt,
"I am going for now My Kurt*Kurt flinched in Nan arms as he heard David take his name*but I will come back and I will take you from here cause you are my and this baby too and I won't let go easily. Take care I will get you out of this hell soon." David said
"Get out now!" Nan shouted and with one last glare at Kurt, David stormed out of the mansion.
"Everyone get back to their work" The old lady ordered and everyone nodded and went back to their work they were doing, as Miss. Jane kept holding Kurt close soothing his back as he was shaking and crying in her neck as she slowly helped and guided Kurt to the near couch and made him sit and sat next to him. Kurt quickly curled up on the couch and let the lady hold her knowing he needs someone close right now after what he just went through.
"Shhh Kurt, it's ok now honey he's gone and he won't come back... Calm down now." Miss. Jane said softly soothing Kurt's back.
"I-I... I hate him... P-please Nan don't let him back here... I...I am not his... And it's my b-baby and Blaine's..." Kurt choked out sniffing hard and wrapped his arm around his belly keeping his baby safe and rubbing his belly lightly trying to sooth the baby as he could feel his distress.
"I know honey, and that monster won't come back again here. I will make sure he never gets here again... Just calm down it's not good for baby that you take this much stress." She said rubbing his back and though she wanted to know who this stupid man was she knew that right now Kurt needed comfort and not more stress so, she just held Kurt soothing him down and hoping that Blaine gets home soon knowing right now only he can comfort him the most.
After an hour, Kurt was still curled up on the couch with Miss. Jane by his side, but he had stopped crying though he still was distressed and upset and scared after what happened.
"I am home" Blaine called out as he entered in the living room. He saw Miss. Jane on the couch with Kurt curled up by her side.
"Hey Love, I am bac-" Blaine was cut off as he saw Kurt shot up as he heard his voice and Blaine could see his puffy eyes and teary face which made him frown.
"What happened? Kurt what is going on..? Why are you-" Blaine was cut off again, but this time by Kurt who ran to him.
"B-Blaine..." Kurt said as he quickly hugged Blaine clenching on him tight for dear life and Blaine wrapped his arms around him instantly holding up Kurt who started crying in his arms making Blaine worried sick now.
"Love, what happen? Why are you crying..?" Blaine asked but Kurt kept clenching on him crying in his neck.
"Nan, at least you tell me what happened? Why is Kurt crying and sacred like this... What is going on?" He demanded but Miss. Jane knew it was not her story to tell so he quietly walked out and went in the kitchen leaving Kurt and Blaine alone and giving them space.
"Kurt please love you are making me worried sick... What on earth is going on? Please tell me... I am here now, Love." Blaine groaned rubbing Kurt's back and holding him close as he felt Kurt's cries slowing down finally.
"P-Please take me in our room..." Kurt mumbled weakly holding on Blaine tight and Blaine didn't need to be told twice as he lifted Kurt up in his arms and carried him up stairs to their bedroom knowing once inside and calming Kurt he will ask what happened.
Inside the bedroom,
Blaine gently placed Kurt down on the bed who kept his tight hold on Blaine's shirt as if he will let go Blaine will be gone. Blaine sat down on bed next to Kurt and held him close rubbing his back as he felt Kurt calming and breathing normal now as he stopped crying finally and Blaine kissed his hairs.
"Yes baby that's right calm down now..." He said softly soothing Kurt's back. It took almost 10 more mins till Kurt was quite calm and finally lifted his head to look Blaine in the eyes and finally spoke slowly,
"I-I am ok now, but please don't leave me Blaine"
"Shh I will never leave you, Kurt. I love you so much to let you go. But love you have to tell me what happened? What caused you to break down like this? Please tell me..." Blaine queried holding him still close.
Kurt nodding lightly knowing he has to tell Blaine because he wouldn't hide anything as he took a deep breath.
"Y-You were gone and Nan told me you will be back in a while... So I waited t-then the door bell rang and I went to open knowing it must be you... but...but it was not you and someone else. Someone I never thought to see again after what happened in the p-past." Kurt stammered holding on Blaine.
"Who was there, Kurt?" Blaine asked
"D-David" Kurt said his name spitting it out.
"David? Who is David? And what do you mean by in past and all? Tell me exactly, who he is and what was he doing here, Kurt..." Blaine questioned.
"David K-Karofsky. H-he was my classmate during high school and...And the biggest and evil vampire I ever knew, w-who was nothing but a torture... And h-he was the one who tried to ruin myself by attacking me." Kurt stuttered taking deep breath and clenching on Blaine's shirt tight.
"Attacking you... As in like he was from another pack of vampires who tried to attack..." Blaine queried
"N-No I... He tried to...try to attack me by f-forcing himself on me and trying toR-Rape me..." Kurt said out finally, when he thought it would never come out again and those bad memories will never haunt him again.
"Tried to rape you..." Blaine said out startled himself and angry at the thought of someone doing such an awful thing with His Kurt and as felt Kurt's tighten his grip on him.
"Y-Yes... He was a monster and he still is a monster... He was a cruel man. H-He always tried to miss use his powers and strength. David when in high school, he...he use to bully the students and even took advantage of humans and the turned vampires who were weaker than him. He killed many innocent humans and even killed one of my school friend Ken who was a turned vampire by using him as his toy pet and fucking him around and then one day when his need from him was over he killed him. A-and his body was found with his heart ripped out... He was an evil monster, who just knows how to hurt others and use them for his lust." Kurt fumbled trembling at the thought and memories.
"He sounds like me... Like I was before you came in my life and showed me who I really was... And now I can imagine how much more hard it could have been for you to face me, knowing what you have been through in past with the same kind of guy" Blaine groaned feeling angry on himself now too.
"N-No Blaine p-please don't say that... You were never like him and you could never be... H-He was always heartless and torture, but...but you were not like that life and situations made you that way but you still were never like him. My Blaine is never like him and can never be like him." Kurt said quickly shaking his head and all truth and it made Blaine fell in love with his husband more. Blaine nodded and kissed his hairs.
"And how did he got to you..?" Blaine asked still startled and angry at the thoughts of someone else trying to put his hands on Kurt as he couldn't neglect it.
Kurt took a deep shaky breathe knowing it will be hard to refresh the buried memories, but he knew that he didn't wanted to hide anything from his husband and now when it's all opening up he wanted to say the truth.
"It all started after Ken's death and me lashing out on David for what he did and what a monster he was. And after that day I came into his sight and top list. Every day he tried following me in school when I was alone... And one day when he found me alone in the lockers room, he...he came to me and said that he wants me and that he loves me and that he has changed and all shit *Kurt sighs looking down* But I could never believe him and I said him that he is a bastard and I would never ever be his not even over my dead body, b-but he tried to get close and touch me and I slapped him pushing him away and told him that if he ever get close to me I will make sure that he never gets seen here anywhere. And I left after that but he didn't got that and...And..." Kurt felt hard to speak as the past memories started to haunt him, but he knew there was no stepping back now so with all his strength and courage he continued speaking.
"I still remember that day when, I was walking out of the high school and to the parking lot, when suddenly from nowhere David came from behind and injected me something knocking me out."
*Flash Back*
Kurt opened his eyes finally which felt like hours later to him and found himself in a bedroom which he had never seen before as he rubbed his eyes and temples and tried to sat up but couldn't as he felt his hands and legs tied up and saw his hands and feet chained up to bed which made him panic as he tried to break them with his strength but couldn't cause the chains were strong enough to hold down a vampire and then he heard the voice of the guy he hated the most.
"Finally you are up" David said walking inside the room and shutting the door at the back with a smirk on his lips.
"D-David... You fucking bastard... Let Me Go! How dare yo-" Kurt was cut off by David as he spoke.
"Don't abuse me my sweet Kurt, cause I don't wanna kill you but I wanna make you mine, mark you mine and have fun..." David grinned as he got near the bed were Kurt was chained and was struggling to free himself.
"You are a fucking monster, a killer! I will never be yours and you don't know what you have got yourself into... My dad won't leave you once he find me. You will be dead!" Kurt shouted pulling on the chains but it was no use.
"Oh my Kurt, till your dad will find us, you will already be mine by then... And no one could do anything then, but to let you go with me."David chuckled darkly as he started opening the button of his shirts and in one go took it off throw it somewhere in the room as he got on bed.
As Kurt saw David taking off his shirt he felt his breath stuck in his throat knowing very well what was coming up as he started struggling against the chains.
"Let me go! Fucking let me go! Don't you dare touch me...?" Kurt shouted struggling and the next thing he knew was David over him straddling him and his mouth over Kurt's exposed neck as he started kissing and biting on Kurt's neck.
"NOOO! Get away from me... Let me go!" Kurt shouted shaking his head and arching his back trying to push David down and struggling hard with the chains. But David was double his size and strong enough to keep him pinned down as Kurt felt his shirt being ripped off and David mouth all over his chest biting hard and his nails digging at sides of Kurt's waist.
"NOOO...! David stop it... Please let me go... Don't do this... P-Please..." Kurt whimpered as tears started to pool out of his eyes knowing that he was getting rapped and was so helpless to protect himself against the giant monster.
"It's just the beginning My Kurt. You will be mine and mine only and I will make sure of that and no one will be here to save you."David said as his fangs appeared and he scrapped on Kurt's chest scratching his skin and drawing some blood out as he tasted it with his tongue.
"Humm you taste fucking exotic" David groaned as he licked over Kurt's chest and sucked on his nipple making Kurt scream out and pulling the chains,
"Noooo... Nooo please let me go... Don't do this to me..."
But David didn't stopped as he kept biting and giving bruises on Kurt's skin and moved his hand down until it reach Kurt's clothed cock and gave it a squeeze which made Kurt whimper and pushing up his hips to knock him down.
"Nooooo! Please no please let me go..." Kurt phrenetic tears streaming out as he struggled to let himself free knowing he couldn't end up like this; he couldn't be raped by this monster.
David moved his hand to Kurt's jeans button and opening it up and his fangs appearing again in the attempt to dig in Kurt's skin, but before he could rip Kurt's pants down and attack his neck the door of the bedroom slammed open and Adam and Finn stormed inside the room.
*Flash Back over*
"And Adam and Finn came before he could r-rape me and ruin me down fully... T-they saved me and helped me, I was a mess. I-I was scared cause I almost saw myself being rapped and I was a crying mess and weak and just lost... They beaten up David, but somehow he ran from there and escaped and after that my dad tried and everyone tried to find him, b-but there were no traces of him *Kurt was shaking now and tears were streaming out again* I was in a shock for a long while, and...And it took me a while to get out of to what happened and could have happened to me... I-I was scared that he will come back and my dad and Adam and everyone comforted me that they will never let him harm me and hurt me again. And it took my all strength and courage to finally leave behind the past and look ahead."
"And...And now when after decades he comes up again and shows up, when I had finally moved on putting the past back... And he is still the same... He wants me... H-He came to get me, Blaine. He...He will take me away... And and I know you will be h-hating I now for not telling you, but I never wanted to remember it and I had already erased it out of my life... B-But today seeing him again all the memories got back again... And please Blaine please don't let him take me...You can hate me, but don't let him take me..." Kurt frantic as he started sobbing again feeling like things crumbling.
Blaine was appalled after what he got revealed with, but out of it all he was angry as fuck to think and imagine what Kurt been through and what happened to him and now when he was supposed to be safe and happy he was scared and crying. And Blaine wanted nothing more to kill that bastard for putting Kurt through this all. He was pulled out of his thought as he heard Kurt and saw him crying breaking down as he quickly wrapped Kurt in the circle of his arms kissing his hairs and soothing his back.
"Kurt I can never ever hate you baby. What happened was not your fault... That fucking bastard tried to force him on you and did that all. But in all this nothing is your fault. And I will never hate you and I understand that you tried to erase it away and I am proud of you that you didn't lose the hope and build up yourself again. And he can never take you away from me because you are only mine Kurt, my husband and I love you so much." Blaine said holding Kurt close soothing his back who after hearing that Blaine don't hate him started to calm down and his weeping slowing down.
"Yes please Blaine...I-I want to be yours, I want you only. Please don't let him take me away from you... H-He said he will take me and that I am his and he wanted our baby too... He...He said he will take me and the baby will be his too... And I no Blaine... This isour baby... Please don't let him get me or our baby..." Kurt fumbled clenching on Blaine and shaking lightly as tears stream out.
"Shh... Kurt listen to me... Listen to me Love..." Blaine said as he cupped Kurt's face gently in his hands and wiped away his tears making Kurt look him in the eyes.
"Do you trust me?" Blaine asked softly but determined
"Y-yes... Yes I trust you with my everything, Blaine" Kurt aforementioned without a thought which made Blaine smiled light in the heart that Kurt trusted him with everything.
"Then trust me, Love. I won't let anything happen to you or our baby. And you areMine and Mine onlyand this is our baby*Blaine placed his one hand on Kurt's round belly and keeping Kurt's face in his other hand*Our baby Kurt and no one in this world can take you or our baby away from me. I won't let that happen ever. I won't let even a scratch get to you or our child. I will go all the way to protect you and our baby cause you both mean the world to me, my everything is around you and our baby... And no fucking David can get to you cause anyone who tries has to pass through me. And I won't let my family get hurt. I will do anything to protect you and our child cause, I love you and our baby the most just so much and nothing can harm you both until I am alive." Blaine cited with pure sincerity and it made Kurt smile lightly as to how Blaine feels about him and their baby and how much he care for them.
Seeing Kurt smile finally made Blaine's heart swell with relief as he kissed Kurt's forehead.
"I love you so much too, Blaine. And I trust you. I know you will protect us*Kurt placed his hand over Blaine's which was still on his baby bump*and we both love you so much." Kurt aforesaid and Blaine lean close, closing the gap between their lips as he kissed Kurt with love and passion and with a promise to do anything to protect his family which Kurt returned back quickly relaxing in his husbands touch.
The kiss showed Blaine's promise to Kurt that he will never leave him and will keep him and their baby safe and protected and that Blaine won't let anyone, any David hurt his family.
"You won't go away from me fuckin bastard. I will find you and you will have to pay for what you did to my Kurt. You will be dead" Blaine thought in his mind as he lean back and hugged Kurt close to his chest keeping him in the embrace of his arms and with the mission to find David and make him pay back.
A/N: - Well now you all know the story behind DavidKarofskyand what happened in the past, so I hope I did well. And I will say that some more secrets will be revealed soon too as the chapter will move on.
Please keep voting for Klaine baby gender.
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