Bite Of My Heart,
Chapter 16 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bite Of My Heart,: Chapter 16

E - Words: 3,122 - Last Updated: Sep 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 36/? - Created: Apr 29, 2013 - Updated: Sep 10, 2013
177 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: - Hope you all liked it... As I told you all that it will have all Klaine I sticked on that. *fingers crossed* and hoping that I did well and didn't suck.And well for now I will say you can all smile because soon you will need tissues with you. *winking*Twitter: - AshCC2050 at Anushka NZTwitter: - ChrisColfer2050 at cc2050_ashTumblr: - chriscolfer2050I have posted the pic of the hill where Blaine took Kurt and the view which made Kurt gasp on my twitter n Tumblr so do look on them.Lots of Love,Gleekk18

Hey Guys, hope you are all good. Here is the update in which you will see Klaine only... Its KLAINE time... :) hope you will like it.


KLAINE BACK IN 16 more days.

And well I have started a new fic named as A Night That Changed My Life. Do go on my wall and give it a look its Klaine after all.


Chapter 16,

Little Moments

The next morning, when Blaine woke up he saw the bed next to him empty, as Kurt was not there which made Blaine curious about where would have Kurt gone. He got up and tying his night robe he went down stairs to check on his husband, but there were no signs there to, so he went to Miss. Jane in the kitchen.

"Oh, Good Morning Blaine" The old lady greeted as she saw him entering in the kitchen.

"Morning, Where is Kurt? Have you seen him?" Blain demanded

"Oh Kurt, he went to his dad house. He said he was missing him. Don't worry he will be back till night." Miss. Jane answered

Blaine nodded and without another word went back in his bedroom.

It was almost 1am at midnight, when Kurt slowly with bare feet entered their bedroom. And saw that Blaine had already fallen asleep for which he was great full cause he didn't want to talk or face his husband for now. He doesn't know why, but he was trying to avoid Blaine. After what he heard him saying last night, Kurt knew that if Blaine talked to him about anything he will break which he didn't want. That's why today before Blaine was up he left the mansion and went to his dad for a while to relax his mind a bit and so he can be away from Blaine a bit.

After changing into his night-clothes he quietly went and lies down on his side of bed and drifted into restless sleep.

The next morning, when Blaine again woke up Kurt was not there. Which made Blaine thoughtful that did Kurt even came back last night or stayed at his dad, but in both cases why didn't he talked or told him.

"Nan" Blaine called when he came down stairs fully dressed red tight jeans with black T shirt and black dress shoes.

"Yes" Miss. Jane replied from where she was sitting on the side in the living room with a magazine in hand.

"Didn't Kurt came back last night" Blaine questioned

"He did, but quite late you were sleeping by then." She answered

"So where is he now?"

"He went for the regular check up to Mr. Berry with Adam."

"To Mr. Berry, with Adam" Blaine quirked an eyebrow.

"Yeh well he didn't wanted to bother you so he called Adam to take him, so he went for the check up." The Old lady stated.

"Why didn't he asked me or told me?" Blaine said confused.

"I don't know"

Sighing, Blaine walked out of the house.

But his mind kept circling around one thought that, "what went wrong or why is Kurt doing this?"

"Thanks Adam, for going with me" Kurt said with a small smile.

"You kidding me babe, you don't need to thank. I am always there for you when you need me." Adam groaned with a smile.

"Yeh right, Adi"

"Well than Good Night and see ya babe, say 'hi' to Blaine" Adam said giving him a quick hug and then got in the car.

"Good night and I will" Kurt waved as Adam drove the car away.

Kurt was now standing outside his bedroom. Just wishing that whether Blaine shouldn't be home yet so it will give Kurt time to change and pretend to sleep so he can avoid Blaine. Or the other thing he could wish for was that if Blaine could have already fallen asleep, but that can't be sure because it was only 8pm of night and tomorrow was weekend, so Blaine would be home eventually.

Taking a deep breath and encouraging himself he opened the door and went inside. And what he predicted was right Blaine was up standing next to the open window in their bedroom with his back on Kurt already in his night-clothes.

Kurt didn't say a word and tried to avoid him and started walking for the bathroom to change in his nightwear, when he heard Blaine,

"Kurt" Blaine said just to make Kurt stop in his tracks.

"We need to talk" Blaine commanded walking near to his husband who slowly turned and faced him. And somehow at that mommy seeing Kurt's face, Blaine felt his heart relieved finally seeing the face he wanted to see.

"Kurt, what is wrong? Why are you doing all this?" Blaine demanded with a firm voice.

At first Kurt didn't say a word but, when Blaine repeated the question with slight anger evident in his voice, "What is wrong?"

"Nothing" Kurt spoke in a low voice.

"Don't lie to me, Kurt. I am seeing that you are trying to avoid me since yesterday, after the guys left I wanted to talk with you, but you were already sleeping when I came, and the next morning you went to your dad house before I was up and today Nan told me that you went to Mr. Berry for check up with Adam... and you didn't even tell me or asked me to go with you." Blaine stated staring at his husband puzzled face.

"I-I... am not avoiding, I was missing my dad so I went to see him and I didn't want to bother you with me, so I didn't ask you and went with Adam for the check up." Kurt said, but he knew his voice was no supporting him.

"And how would it have bothered me... I am your husband so, I have I know and need to go with you in times it's one of my responsibility." Blaine aforementioned.

"You don't have to pretend anything... T-That you want to be there or it's your r-responsibility or you care or want all this." Kurt stammered sighing.

"What do you mean that...? I don't have to Pretend?" Blaine demanded confused.

"You don't have to lie to me...that... I know you never wanted this and were not ready. A-and I told you that... I will l-leave... I won't be a burden..." Kurt choked on his words as new tears trickled down his eyes.

"I am not getting all this... What are you actually trying to say?" Blaine fussed

"I heard you telling the guys that you are not ready for all this... And don't have any fucking idea for this... I-I didn't want to spy but, when I came to ask if a-anyone needed something I heard you saying to them... And... And it's just that..." Kurt couldn't complete the rest of the sentence as he started sobbing at this point and fell to his knees cause now it was getting difficult to keep holding as he was breaking from inside by now.

"Kurt" Blaine ran to his husband kneeling down himself and gathered his sobbing husband in his arms. For a moment Kurt tried to shrug away, but Blaine held him tight and he didn't wanted to fight much because even after everything he find comfort and safety in Blaine's arms.

Blaine soothed Kurt by rubbing his back and let him cry for once and let him get his feelings he kept in him from past 2 days come out before Blaine would speak what he want to say.

Once Kurt's sobs almost died after few minutes Blaine finally spoke, "God Kurt, you should have talked to me right away... You should have asked me that what I wanted or felt... Why you didn't come to me...? I wanted to talk to you, but you avoided me" Blaine groaned.

"I-I what would... have I asked... I felt unwanted, burdened... I... I thought that... I got your friends back thinking that maybe you want them you don't say, but want them... But if I offended you and you didn't w-anted it I get that... And just I will go... because I know I had no R-Right for doing what I did..." Kurt whimpered as he leaned back from Blaine's embrace.

Blaine was startled and was feeling guilty that he made Kurt feel like that, "why can't I do anything right?" Blaine thought to himself.

"Kurt, I don't know what or how to say or start it, but you are not a burden here or are unwanted... Don't think like that... and you didn't offend me by calling my friends... Yeh I was a bit confused and shocked... But I was not mad. You did something for me no one did, when even was an ass to you and made you feel so low..." Blaine took a long drag air as he now stared in his husband wet teary eyes.

"You have right, Kurt. I may not say, but you have right to... to think for me... And I wanted to thank you for what you did for me and... Kurt..." Blaine paused for a second as he took Kurt's hands in his.

"I... I am sorry that cause of me you felt like that... but what I said there was due to some other reason I got a bit angry and pissed off... but, Kurt when I told you that I am with you in this I meant it... It may be taking me too long to handle and understand everything, but still I am not giving up cause you TURNED ME DOWN... YOU MOVED ME, Kurt... and it's just that give me sometimes to figure out my feelings... but I don't want you to leave this house or me cause whatever I say you have right on everything... And please don't shut me out... talk to me, but don't shut cause I want to be there for you and the baby." Blaine fumbled and it was all try because this time he didn't need to be careful before speaking cause this time his heart was speaking on its own.

"I-I don't know what to say..." Kurt said thoughtfully he didn't accept that to come.

"You don't have to, but just believe me for once... I really want to try for "Blaine groaned.

Kurt just nodded because really he couldn't figure out what to say as Blaine left him speechless with such a heartful speech.

"Thanks. I will try not to let us down..." Blaine has a small smile as he wiped the lingering tears from Kurt's eyes.

And Kurt gave a weak smile in return.

Blaine helped Kurt get up and walked him to the bathroom to wash his face and change in his nightwear.

Once Kurt was done changing and got ready for bed he walked in the bedroom and saw Blaine on bed already, so he walked to his side of bed and switching off the lamp lied down.

He was about to close his eyes and sleep when he felt a strong arm wrapping around his waist and then a chest pressing on his back and a head with curly think hairs next to his.

"Is it ok" Blaine asked softly his cold breath hitting at the nape of Kurt's neck sending chills down Kurt's spin.

"Hum..." Kurt hummed in response and felt his husband smile.

"Good night Kurt, sleep well" Blaine yawned.

"You to" Kurt replied as he got more relaxed and comfortable in his husbands arms and finally after 2 nights of sleeplessness he drifted into a nice worry less sleep with a smile tug on his lips.

The next morning was way better than the past two ones. Both the boys woke up with a smile on their faces and luckily slept really great into each other arms holding on.

After the breakfast both the boys were sitting in the living room. Blaine with his laptop and Kurt reading Vogue. When suddenly Blaine blurted out, "what did Mr. Berry said?"

"What?" Kurt queried confused

Blaine placed his laptop at a side and gazed at Kurt who was staring at him in confusion.

"I meant you went to him yesterday what he said?"

"Nothing... I just regular check up and diet plan and told me to be careful with moves and... And..." Kurt paused

"And what, Kurt" Blaine grilled getting furious.

"And that... I... UHM... I will start to show up with in next week or so." Kurt blushed tugging his head down and trying to focus on the magazine.

"Oh" was all Blaine said as a smile creeper on his lips imagining Kurt with a round tummy.

But shaking out the thoughts both of them tried to focus again on what they were doing.

Kurt was drinking his cup of coffee with a book in his lap sitting on one of the comfy chairs in library when he heard Blaine.

"Kurt, get up... I want to take you somewhere. I want to show you something." Blaine said hurriedly standing next to him.

"B-Blaine, what you almost scared me... Where to go" Kurt asked closing the book and putting it on the table.

Just get up and come" Blaine commanded

"Fine" Kurt sighed and got up following Blaine out.

Kurt didn't know what they were going because Blaine won't tell him. He was just told you sit quietly in the car and let Blaine drive. So he did although now he was getting all furious and curious, for like where Blaine was taking him in the middle of the afternoon when it couldn't be rain anytime because the weather was getting all cloudy and cold. Not that vampire gets or feels cold.

Kurt was in his through that he didn't realise that the car had finally stopped almost after 2 hours, until the door of his side was wide opened and he saw Blaine standing next to it.

"Come" Blaine said

"Where are we?" Kurt queried as he got out of the car and saw paths of greenery everywhere as cloudy sky above them.

"Just come" Blaine demanded.

Kurt rolled his eyes and walked behind him.

After almost walking for 10 minutes they finally stopped. Kurt could see that the sun would be setting in a few minutes.

Kurt couldn't see that they were like on a hill with greenery all around than and the sky was beautiful with dark clouds that Kurt really want to touch if he could. As then the most interesting thing was that he was able to see the entire city from above here.

"It's beautiful." Kurt said

"Wait for a few more minutes and then see the magic." Blaine smirked.

Kurt faced him and stared at him with curiosity and a look 'what do you mean'

"Just wait for a minute" Blaine said understanding that look.

Kurt sighed and nodded.

A few minutes passed in silence as then suddenly Blaine spoke.

"Close your eyes"

"What!" Kurt's said confused

"I said just close your eyes" Blaine repeated.

"But why?" Kurt demanded

"Gosh! Can't you do one thing without questioning?" Blaine grumbled

"And can't you simply answer my questions." Kurt said stubbornly.

"Just do it" Blaine said in a commanding tone.

"Fine" Kurt roller his eyes and closer them.

"Don't cheat"


A minute passed in silence again until Blaine spoke again.

"Ok, now open your eyes, now"

And Kurt did as he was told. He slowly opened his eyes just to gasp in shock and surprise with his eyes wide open. Blaine just smiled staring at Kurt's startle face.

For a moment no one said a word Kurt couldn't believe that what he was seeing was real. Just a minute ago it was just a hill with beautiful view of the entire city but, just in a minute it changed into breath-taking thing.

Clouds covering the entire city from above here and the hill with them and it really felt like Kurt was in clouds and could touch them they were so close to him.

"Oh My God!" Kurt finally let out the breath he was holding.

"T-This is breath-taking... I don't even have words to describe." Kurt groaned turning to face Blaine who was smiling.

"This is... Gosh! This is like heaven..."

"You liked it" Blaine asked playfully.

"Loved it... It doesn't even seem real. I mean it's just... Just breath-taking." Kurt answered.

"I usually come here... When I feel like I need sometime alone and relax... I feel good here" Blaine groaned.

"Thank you... Thank you so much for sharing it with me." Kurt beamed as he held Blaine hand in his giving it a squeeze.

"You're welcome" Blaine smiled back and both boys then turned to enjoy the view together.

The next few days passed by in merriment. After both the boys returned back from the hill with beautiful memories locked up in them.

And to speak of that few days had passed meant that Kurt Elizabeth Anderson Hummel had finally started showing up and to prove that was obvious from the tiny bump which appeared on Kurt's now no longer flat stomach. And Kurt was so happy to finally see that it was real that he was carrying a life in him. Which belong to him and Blaine? The tiny bump on his tummy showed that he really was pregnant and it also showed that it was only the start and soon Kurt won't be able to fit in his tight skinny jeans anymore, but it was all worth it.

Blaine's POV,

Blaine could see the excitement in Kurt's eyes that now he had a bump which showed that it really was a miracle. Blaine just knew one thing that although with a tiny bump now Kurt still was beautiful as hell and the new glow which occurred on his face was just beauty.

And Blaine was happy cause this time he went with Kurt to Mr. Berry for the check up and first ultrasound of their baby. Everything was going good Mr. Berry told them and also told them that as now Kurt had started showing up the growth and the bump will grow fast. And he gave them the first ultrasound reports. In which they saw their tiny miracle. It was not that clear as the vampire baby has a thick shield around him but, still it was see able that there was a life growing in Kurt. And Kurt was happy as hell and Blaine was show how happy to after so many years of sadness and darkness he was finally seeing ray of hope which was Kurt.

Blaine went into their bedroom after he finished his work and saw Kurt had already fallen asleep peacefully. He quietly walked to him and picked up the blanket to give on Kurt. When he saw the tiny bump for a second he extend his hand to place and feel it but then pulled back and placing the blanket on Kurt walked and lied on his side of bed switching of the lights.

The past week went peacefully with no fights or pains but only happy moments. This even brought both of them a bit closer.

And the last thought which Blaine had in his mind right now was that," I won't let us down... And things will work out in a good way and we will find to live together without pains and hurts one day."


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