Jan. 3, 2016, 6 p.m.
Jan. 3, 2016, 6 p.m.
smut warning
A few hours later Kurt woke up in Blaine's embrace. Blaine had wrapped his arms around Kurt while he was asleep and his grip tightened a little too much for Kurt's comfort. “Blaine, Baby, I love you, but I kinda need to breathe.”
“Blaine. Let go.”
“Sorry,” Blaine grumbled sleepily and let Kurt go. Kurt got up and walked over to the bathroom where he started styling his hair. Blaine watched him from under the warmth of the blankets. “Do you remember what you told me on the plane?”
“I told you lots of things on the plane.”
“Well, you told me that you're and I quote ‘kinda a cuddle monster'.”
Kurt chuckled and glanced at Blaine through the reflection of the mirror. “Well, it seems as though you're the bigger snuggler in this relationship.”
“Yeah. Hey Kurt?”
“Yes Blaine?”
“What happens in three days?”
Kurt sighed and walked out of the bathroom. He sat on the edge of the bed and Blaine sat up next to him. Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and rubbed circles onto the back of it. “I don't know. We go back home, I guess.”
“What happens to ‘us' when we're back home?”
“We'll keep in touch on the weekends or something.”
“That's it?” Blaine asks. A little hurt that Kurt would throw their entire time in New York aside in such a casual manner.
“What else can we do Blaine?” Kurt asks. He turns so he is facing Blaine and crosses his legs while Blaine does the same. Blaine takes both Kurt's hands into his own when he sees tears spring into Kurt's eyes. “Please Blaine, I don't want to say goodbye to you. I don't think I can. But we'll both come back here right? For college. We will be together again.”
“Yeah Kurt, of course. But when we go back to Ohio and our lives go back to normal, I don't want to see anyone else. And I don't want you to see anyone else. But I don't know if I'm allowed to say that because I don't what we are.”
Kurt smiled a little wanly. “Yes you are allowed to say that and no I don't want to see anyone else either. Just you.”
Blaine leans over and kisses Kurt slowly. Kurt intends for the kiss to last long but Blaine has other ideas. He breaks away and climbs off the bed. “Hey! Where are you going?” Kurt chuckles, yelling playfully after Blaine.
Blaine opens his bedside drawer and pulls out a little box. Kurt's hands fly over his mouth as he gasps. “Blaine?”
Blaine bent down on one knee and opened the box to reveal a little ring made out of gum wrappers and in the shape of a bowtie. “Kurt Hummel…”
“What are you doing?” Kurt asked disbelievingly with tears in his eyes.
“Will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend, through all the hardships of being in a long distance relationship?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Blaine smiled, stood, and slipped the ring on Kurt's finger. “How'd you know that I love wrigleys?”
“I saw you eyeing all the different flavors the other day when we were shopping so I might've snuck a few in my bag.”
“Thank you so much,” Kurt said as he stared at the ring. “It's perfect,” he told Blaine as he finally pulled his gaze away from Blaine and turned it onto the ring. Kurt threw his arms around Blaine.
Blaine lifted Kurt a little so Kurt would understand that he wanted to pick him up. Kurt understood and wrapped his legs around Blaine's waist, leaving his arms wrapped around his upper body. Blaine carried Kurt into the bathroom and set him down so he was sitting on the edge of the counter. “What would you like to do today, my Love?” Blaine asked as he started to get himself ready.
Kurt remained seated on the counter because he'd already done his hair. “I really want to go to the top of the Statue of Liberty!”
Blaine finished geling his hair and he walked out of the bathroom to grab some clothes. He changed into yellow pants with a white shirt, yellow suspenders and a yellow bowtie.
“You look bright,” Kurt commented.
Blaine just flashed Kurt a dazzling smile and handed him a pile of clothes. As Kurt unfolded the outfit Blaine had given him he saw his black skinny jeans with an umbrella pattern and a white shirt. He didn't miss the black bowtie he was given either. “This isn't mine,” he teased holding up the bowtie.
“I know, but I thought it'd look cute on you.”
“Ah you're so sweet. But if we're going to make each other look cute, you need to let me play with your hair.”
“By all means,” Blaine answered and walked over to Kurt. Kurt ran his hands through Blaine's hair getting rid of all the gel he'd just put in it. Then Kurt scrunched it a few times to make the curls into firm ringlets which he sprayed with some of his own hairspray.
“Much better.”
Blaine looked at his reflection and tried not to cringe. “I really hate my curls.”
“I think they're adorable. I think you're adorable.” Kurt answered with a peck to Blaine's nose. After they got dressed the boys headed across the street to their coffee shop. They chatted and giggled with the barista who inquired about that chocolate which she learned was still in Blaine's fridge. After getting coffee and breakfast they went over to the Statue of Liberty. The line to get on the ferry was long and it was chilly out so the boys huddled together. Finally they got on the water taxi and got to the Statue of Liberty.
“Here comes the fun part,”Blaine says sarcastically.
“What do you mean?” Kurt asks.
“We have to climb the stairs to get to the top, Kurt,” Blaine explained. Kurt's face fell and Blaine chuckled. “Didn't think of that did you? Don't worry, if you get tired I'll carry you.”
The boys started the long hike up the stairs. About halfway through Kurt really started to tire out but he refused to make Blaine do double the work. Finally to the top and hundreds of steps later, Kurt looked out at the view. It was definitely worth all the exercise and sweat!
“Blaine look! It's beautiful!” Kurt exclaimed.
“Yeah, it really is,” Blaine answered but he never took his eyes of Kurt, taking in the way his shown while looking upon the city.
Kurt must've felt his eyes boring into him because he turned to look at Blaine. “What?” he asked, cheeks flooding with color at the way Blaine was looking at him.
Instead of answering, Blaine just moved his hands to Kurt's arms, one on each side, and leaned in. Blaine kissed Kurt with everything he had, hoping to get across what he was feeling. He honestly didn't know what it was exactly. Just that he loved Kurt and couldn't bear the thought of being without him for a few months. Kurt kissed him back with the same amount of fervor. When they finally broke apart Blaine's eyes searched Kurt's in hopes of understanding. Kurt nodded his head in answer to Blaine's silent question. “Let's get out of here,” Kurt whispered.
“Back down the steps we go,” Blaine said and Kurt sighed but grabbed his hand and started the long descend. It felt much shorter going down. Maybe because it was less work, but probably because he was trying to figure out a way to tell Blaine something that had been on his mind.
Once on ground level they got back on a ferry and went back to the mainland. Then they hailed a cab to go back to the hotel. Once they got there Kurt led Blaine to the bedroom and sat him down. Then he sat across from him. “I love you Blaine. When we go back to Ohio I want you to meet my dad and I want you to visit me on the weekends. I want to go to your graduation and I want you to come to mine. I want you to meet all my friends. I want you in my life, for as long as you'll be there.”
“I'll be there for as long as you'll let me,” Blaine rushed out in a whisper before he caught Kurt in a passionate kiss. Kurt leaned backwards and until his head hit the pillows and Blaine was on top of him.
“Make love to me?” Kurt whispered against Blaine's lips.
Blaine pulled his head back just enough to look Kurt in the eyes. “Are you sure? Yesterday you said you weren't ready. I don't want you to feel pressured at all.”
“I wasn't ready yesterday, but I'm ready now. Unless you're not ready…”
Blaine bit his lower lip, a habit he picked up from Kurt, as he thought about it for a few moments. “No, I think I'm ready,” he answered.
Kurt kissed Blaine softly, drawing him back down. He brought his hands along Blaine's back until he reached his shoulders. Then he brought them in between their bodies and started to remove his shirt. Blaine moved his mouth from Kurt's to Kurt's neck. Kurt let out a moan as Blaine sucked on a particularly sensitive spot.
Finally getting all the buttons undone, Kurt slipped the shirt of Blaine, then he started working on the buttons to his own shirt. Blaine kissed the skin on Kurt's chest, attacking every new piece of skin with kisses as Kurt unbuttoned his shirt. Once he got to the last button, Blaine helped him sit up just enough to get his shirt off, then he pinned him back down. He reattached their lips, moving his tongue into Kurt's mouth. They kissed deeply and sweetly for a few moments before things started getting a little more desperate.
“Blaine…” Kurt whimpered.
“What Baby? You have to tell me what you want.”
“Take off- ohhh- off your pants-” Kurt managed to squeak out while Blaine sucked on his neck. Blaine listened to Kurt, removing his own pants, before removing Kurt's, as well as Kurt's boxers.
Blaine had been wanting to feel Kurt in his mouth ever since Kurt had blown him. He wanted to know what Kurt tasted like. Slowly he covered just the tip of Kurt's cock with his mouth. Kurt practically squealed above him and jerked his hips. Blaine put his hands on Kurt's hips to keep them from jerking again as he tried out different methods of sucking. First he tried sticking all of Kurt in his mouth but Kurt was too long. Then he tried jerking Kurt off while bobbing up and down in keeping with the timing of his mouth. That seemed to work really well until Kurt stopped him saying if he didn't stop, Kurt would come too soon.
Then they slowed their pace a bit. Blaine reached over and got some lubricant out of the drawer of the nightstand. Kurt hissed at it's chiliness. Blaine let it run down Kurt's crack and put a little more on his hand. He circled Kurt's pucker and pressed just the tip of his finger in. Kurt relaxed around him and Blaine moved his finger further in. It felt weird, but not bad. It was like his finger was engulfed in warmth. After moving one finger in and out a few more times Kurt told him he could take more. Blaine added a second finger and waited for Kurt to relax around him. Then, as gently as he could, he started stretching Kurt open. Soon Blaine was three fingers deep. He continued scissoring. When Kurt was whimpering and stretched Blaine removed his fingers. Kurt whined at the loss but grew excited at the idea of what was about to happen. He watched Blaine roll on a condom and clamber over him. “Um, the most comfortable way to do this would be with your back to my chest and one of your knees to your chest. Is that okay?”
Kurt nodded and rolled on his side. He lifted a leg to his chest and wrapped his arms around it. Blaine leaned down and kissed Kurt's ear. Slowly Blaine moved behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around Kurt. “Ready?” he whispered.
“Yeah. Just go slow.”
“I will. I promise. Let me know if you need to stop.” With that, Blaine started to push in. Kurt let out a quiet squeal of pain and Blaine halted. “Kurt?”
“It's okay. Just give me a second.”
“Okay,” Blaine answered and kissed Kurt's ear again. This repeated itself until Blaine was fully submerged. Then he pulled in and out again as softly as he could. It burned the first few times so Blaine added more lube. Finally Kurt was completely relaxed and taking pleasure in every little thrust. Blaine moved in and out of him slowly and sweetly for as long as he could, but he was rapidly getting desperate. He thought Kurt was beautiful the moment he laid eyes on him and now he was, giving himself to Kurt. Blaine's thrusts turned fast and heated. He attached his mouth to Kurt's neck as he focused in moving and out, giving Kurt as much please as possible. After a few thrusts Blaine shifted just a touch.
“Right there!” Kurt yelled. “Please, again.”
Blaine kept thrusting and it took him a few more thrusts to find that spot again. Once he did, however, Kurt was writhing underneath him. By this point both the boys were breathing heavily.
“Blaaaaaine,” Kurt moaned. “Close.”
“It's okay baby, come whenever.” Blaine whispered in his ear. Kurt turned his head to the side and Blaine attached their lips. They were kissing roughly as Blaine fucked in and out of Kurt. Kurt was barely keeping it together as it was, so when Blaine reached around and wrapped his hand around Kurt's dick, Kurt couldn't hold back any longer. He came with a shout. Between Kurt's noises and clenching around Blaine, the curly haired boy came soon after with a yell of his own. Blaine pulled out and cleaned Kurt up before everything could get oversensitive.
Kurt smiled at Blaine and pulled him back into the bed, snuggling into Blaine's chest. After a few minutes he started to snore softly. Blaine just curled his arm around the taller boy and smiled into his hair. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and texted him.
Blaine: Hi lovely. When you wake up I want you to tell me what you did on day five of seven. I lost my virginity with a boy I've only known for a few days, but I feel like I've known forever. Its like even though my brain is getting to know you for the first time, but my soul already knows you and is waiting for my brain to catch up.
Kurt woke up a little bit later and texted Blaine back.
Kurt: I know what you mean. As for what I did today, I started to believe a little bit in this thing called soulmates.