False Marriage; True Love
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False Marriage; True Love: Chapter 4

E - Words: 4,796 - Last Updated: Mar 22, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/10 - Created: Mar 22, 2016 - Updated: Mar 22, 2016
336 0 0 0 1

Author's Notes:

Two Things:


1) I have written a few smut scenes throughout all my fics but this is by far my favorite of the ones I have written


2) I am going to try and post chapter 5 tomorrow but I will be on the road all day so if I get to post at all it'll probably be early in the morning.


Enjoy :)

The two woke up on opposite sides of the bed. Blaine awoke first and looked over at Kurt. Adorable he thought. Kurt was on his stomach, sprawled out with limbs going every direction. His foot was resting against Blaine’s thigh. Kurt’s hair had no product in it and was going in every direction. Blaine quietly grabbed his phone and took a picture.

“Did you just take a picture of me?” Kurt grumbled out, half asleep.

“What? How did you know?”

“I heard the click, Stupid. I am going to kill you,” Kurt said, but he made no effort to move from his resting position.

“I am so scared,” Blaine said sarcastically and chuckled.

“Give me a minute,” Kurt said. He slowly opened his eyes and blinked a couple times. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and was horrified. It just broke through his sleepy haze, that Blaine had a bad picture of him. “Delete it! Now.”

“Absolutely not,” Blaine said. Kurt glared at him and moved across the bed, sitting on Blaine’s lap to keep him from escaping, and snatched Blaine’s phone away. “It’s password protected.”

Kurt shoved the phone in front of the curly headed boy’s nose. “Unlock it.” Blaine didn’t respond. He just sat there and stared at Kurt. Kurt glared and crossed his arms. “I will not let you go until you delete that picture.”

Blaine waited a moment. Then hoping to catch Kurt off guard, he tried to sit up. His attempt failed miserably and Kurt looked down at him. “Really Blaine? You’re not getting out of this. I took a defense class in high school.”

“Hmm, is that so?” Blaine said, trying to think of a way to get out of this situation.

“Mhmm, top of the class.”

Blaine was quiet for a few minutes and then he got an evil idea. “Kurt, let me up.”




“Okay, then you asked for this,” Blaine said. Kurt looked down, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Blaine lifted his arms to Kurt’s side and the taller boy’s brows raised. Then Blaine started to tickle Kurt. “NOOoooo,” Kurt yelled, laughing. “Stop, stop Blaine. I concede,” he begged. Blaine expertly flipped the two. Now Kurt was lying straight and Blaine was over top of him, legs on either side of the boy’s waist. “Come on, Blaine,” Kurt squealed. He was squirming under Blaine’s fingers, giggling.

“Nope. This payback,” Blaine said and kept wiggling his fingers along Kurt’s side.

“OH SORRY,” came a gruff yell. Blaine shot off Kurt like he’d been burned and both turned to see Burt hurrying back up the stairs. Blaine looked mortified and Kurt started laughing.

“How are you laughing? You know what he thought, right?” Blaine asked.

“Of course. He thought we were having sex. That will just make it more convincing, Blaine. Besides, I can give him a hard time about it now. I can’t even tell you how many times I walked in on him and Carole by accident.”

Blaine relaxed a little. “We still have to face him.”

“Yes,” Kurt said. He got up on his knees and walked across the bed towards Blaine. “We do. So you should go get dressed, and give yourself time to reduce the redness on your cheeks.”

Blaine’s hand went to his cheek and he could definitely feel the heat of embarrassment radiating off. “I will see you upstairs,” Kurt whispered. With that the taller boy hopped off the bed and went to the closet. Blaine stood up and went over to his suitcase. He hadn’t unpacked his clothes into the closet like Kurt had. After grabbing a pair of pants and shirt, he walked into the bathroom. He stripped his sweatpants off and was standing in his boxers when he realized he forgot a clean pair of underwear.

He walked back into the room and went over to his bag, bending over to rummage through his clothing. Naturally, that was at the same moment Kurt came out of the closet, wearing the tightest, most fashion forward skinny jeans, a monotone shirt, and a flowy scarf. Kurt’s breath hitched but Blaine didn’t hear it because he was humming quietly to himself.

Kurt quickly turned and ran up the stairs, his cheeks redder than a newly cleaned fire truck. In his attempt to get away without Blaine seeing him, he stubbed his toe on one of the stairs. “Ow!”  he yelped and hit the wall, sliding down to a sitting position. He grabbed his toe and saw that it was bent at an awkward angle.

Blaine heard Kurt yelp and ran over. “Are you okay?” he asked. He wiped a tear off Kurt’s cheek.

“It hurts pretty bad. I don’t think I can walk.”

“Let’s go to the hospital,” Blaine said. Without a second thought he lifted Kurt up and started to carry him up the stairs.

“Wait Blaine!”

“What, what’s wrong?” Blaine asked worriedly.

Kurt chuckled and answered, “you should put some clothes on first.” He poked his finger to Blaine’s bare chest to make his point.

Blaine, in all his worry for Kurt, forgot that he was hardly dressed. “You’re probably right,” Blaine said and laughed lightly. He carried Kurt down the stairs with him and set him on the bed. He walked back to his suitcase and grabbed a clean pair of boxers. Kurt may have stared at his ass, but he would blame it on the delirium stemming from his pain if anyone asked.

Blaine quickly changed in the bathroom, shower long forgotten. He went back over and picked Kurt up. He carried him like a groom would a bride. When they entered the living Burt avoided eye contact. “What the hell were you doing that you broke a toe?” he asked. “You know what, I don’t even wanna know.”

“I just tripped on my way up the stairs dad.”

“Are you okay, Sweetie? Can you walk?” Carole asked, going over to look at Kurt’s toe.

“No, I don’t think so. I think I need a doctor to reset it.”

Carole nodded and the four left the Hudson-Hummel home. Blaine and Kurt were in the backseat, holding hands. Burt was watching them through the rearview mirror. At first he suspected the wedding was fake, especially after doing research and finding out Blaine would be deported in a month. After seeing a shirtless Blaine on top of his son that morning, he thought maybe he’d been wrong. Kurt kept sneaking glances at Blaine. He had fallen so hard for the boy. The way he acted when Kurt was hurt just made his heart swell. Blaine was rubbing a hand on Kurt’s back and Kurt rested his head on Blaine’s chest. Blaine moved his hand to Kurt’s hair.


“Well, Mr. Hummel, it is all set. Toes heal pretty fast so you should be better after a couple days.

“Thank you,” Kurt said to the nurse. The nurse smiled and looked at the others in their group. Her eyes landed on Burt. She squinted at him. “Sir, if you don’t mind my asking, when was your last check up?”

Kurt whipped his head to look at his father, concern written on his face. “It was almost a year ago. I’ve been meaning to schedule another one.”

“Dad!” Kurt chided. “You have to take better care of yourself.”

“I know kid,” Burt answered and turned to the nurse.

“I’m sure it’s nothing, but maybe you should step into the examination room for a moment.” Burt walked into the room along with Carole. Kurt and Blaine stayed in the lobby as the nurse told them to.

Blaine had his arm around Kurt, helping him to stand. Kurt looked at Blaine, eyes filled with worry. “Hey, she said that it was probably nothing.”

“What if it isn’t? He had a heart attack a few years ago and I’ve been trying to make him eat better. I should have visited more. What if I lose him?” Blaine shushed Kurt and pulled his head onto his shoulder. He kissed the boys chestnut hair. After a few minutes of consoling him, he moved them to sit in some chairs. Kurt’s hand was clutching his tightly. Burt, Carole, and the nurse came out a moment later. Kurt tried to run to them, but Blaine held him back.

“Your toe, Kurt,” Blaine reminded him.

Kurt nodded and waited for the others to walk towards him. “What's wrong? Is everything alright?”

“Everything will be fine Kurt. The nurse wants me to go do a CAT Scan. Why don't you two head home and we’ll meet you there,” Burt answered.

Kurt didn't like the sound of that but he knew better than to argue with his father. He and Blaine walked out of the hospital and decided to take a cab so the other two would have a way to get home.

Upon arriving at the house Kurt couldn't hold back his tears. The thought of losing his dad was overbearing. Blaine didn't even have Kurt try and walk, he just picked the boy up and carried him inside. After lying Kurt down on the bed, he said he was going to go make some tea to help soothe the taller boy. Kurt nodded and stayed on his bed.

He laid down and curled up under an old blanket. It was a patched blanket his mother made him when he was little. Kurt rested his head on a pillow and a minute later it was soaked with tears.

Blaine came back down and gave Kurt a glass of tea. “Here. This will make you feel better.”

“Thank you,” Kurt answered, voice rough from crying. “What if I lose him?”

“Don't think like that Kurt. You don't even know if anything is wrong.” Kurt nodded but still looked worried. Blaine pulled the taller boy closer and held his arms around him.

“There's no way Burt and Carole can afford this visit. The tire shop hasn't been doing well lately and they've barely been surviving,” Kurt said.

“I'll take care of it,” Blaine said. Really, it was the least he could do. He was about to marry Burt’s only kid and make a special day nothing but a sham.

Kurt whipped his head to look at Blaine. “You don't have to do that!” Kurt said.

“No, but I will.”

“It'll be expensive,” Kurt whispered.

“I know. It's okay. I'm good for it. It's the least I can do for you.”

Kurt buried his head in Blaine's neck and whispered thank you over and over again. Eventually Kurt fell asleep and Blaine laid him down to rest.


Kurt woke up an hour later, not feeling any less tired. Blaine wasn’t in his room so he wandered up the stairs. It was slow going with his foot, but he found he was able to walk by putting most his weight on his heel.

He finally made it up the stairs and heard voices in the living room.
“Maybe we don’t tell him,” Burt said.

“We have to Burt. He’s your son,” Carole said.

“It’s going to kill him, Carole,” Burt answered.

“What is?” Kurt asked, stepping out from around the corner. Burt and Carole were sitting close on the couch, holding hands. Blaine was in a chair across from them, head down. All three of their heads shot up and looked at Kurt.

“Well, um, sweetie why don’t you sit down,” Carole suggested.

Kurt looked over at Blaine, eyes full of fear. Blaine looked defeated and Kurt knew something was wrong. He walked over and sat down next to Blaine, grabbing his hand so he had something to hold on to.

“I have prostate cancer,” Burt said. He didn’t want to beat around the bush. He didn’t want to keep Kurt waiting.

“What?” Kurt uttered, his whole world crashing down around him.

“It’s only stage two, some aggressive treatment should have it cleared up in no time,” the older Hummel said trying to lighten the mood.

Kurt’s eyes closed in attempt to hold back tears. Blaine squeezed his hand. Everyone remained seated for the next couple of hours. Each in deep thought. Finally Carole broke the silence, saying that they all needed to eat.

She wandered into the kitchen and threw together some sandwiches. A few minutes later the older woman brought out a platter full. Everyone took one, and ate silently. The air was heavy. Burt announced he was going to bed early, and it was. The clock read six o’clock, yet Kurt felt exhausted from the tugging of his emotions.

Kurt nodded to his father and looked to Blaine. “Wanna try and get some sleep?”

“Yeah,” Blaine said trying to muster up a smile. The two got up and started to walk down the stairs. Blaine helped support Kurt. When they reached the bottom, Kurt turned in Blaine’s arms. He pressed his nose to the shorter boy’s cheek.

“Blaine?” he whispered. pressing his lips to his jaw. “Make me forget?”

“Kurt, honey, you’re not thinking straight,” Blaine started to say.

“Please,” Kurt begged, voice broken. Blaine closed his eyes and felt Kurt kiss his lips. “I don’t want to think anymore.”

“I don’t want to take advantage,” Blaine replied, but was cut off by another press of Kurt’s lips.

“Please,” Kurt whimpered. “It won’t mean anything. We can carry on tomorrow without a relationship like you wanted. I don’t want to feel anymore. Please, Blaine. Make it stop, make me forget,” Kurt begged. He kissed Blaine between each sentence.

Blaine argued with himself. He could help Kurt forget. He would love to put Kurt out of his misery, even if only for a few hours. And God, did Blaine want the taller boy. How will this affect your friendship? That is what the logical side of him kept saying. With each press of Kurt’s lips, his logical side was losing power. “Are you sure?” Blaine asked, making up his mind.

Instead of answering with words, Kurt kissed Blaine deeper. He pushed his tongue between the smaller boy’s lips. Blaine started to kiss him back and Kurt’s mind already started to forget his father’s predicament. Blaine lifted Kurt up, hands holding his ass. Kurt wrapped his legs around Blaine’s waist, allowing the other boy to take full control. Blaine set Kurt down on the bed and clambered overtop of him. He kissed him softly, sweetly. Kurt ran his fingers through Blaine’s hair, releasing the curls. He got lost in the heat of the kiss and the twist of Blaine’s hair. Blaine was straddling one of Kurt’s thighs, leaning over him so their chests were touching, and kissing him thoroughly. He cupped both of Kurt’s cheeks with his hands and kept up the steady motion of their tongues.

Slowly, Blaine moved one hand downward. He smoothed over Kurt’s chest, side, and hip. He lifted Kurt’s shirt a little bit, running his hands along the soft, warm skin of Kurt’s navel. Kurt’s breath hitched. Blaine sat up disconnecting their lips. He pulled off his own shirt and looked down at Kurt. The taller boy lay pilant underneath him. His eyes were slightly dazed and a soft blush fell across his cheeks. “Can I take this off?” Blaine asked, tugging lightly at Kurt’s shirt.

“Please,” Kurt said softly.

Blaine lifted the shirt up and off the taller boy. He slid down a bit and kissed across Kurt’s collarbone. He moved so that his nose was pressed just under Kurt’s ear, and sucked his jaw softly. He was careful not to leave any marks, knowing they would have to face Kurt’s father the next day. He trailed kisses down Kurt’s jaw to his chin, and down to his neck. He sucked and nibbled on Kurt’s neck, feeling the other boy squirm beneath him. Kurt was letting out soft squeaks as Blaine worked lower, lips brushing down his chest. He pressed firm kisses to Kurt’s sternum and ran his hands lightly down his sides, making the boy shiver.

Blaine lapped over one of Kurt’s nipples. The taller boy let out of a low moan. Smiling at the sound, Blaine moved even lower. He slid Kurt’s pants off and then licked over a small spot in the dip of Kurt’s hip before biting down.

“Oh!” Kurt yelled.

Blaine nibbled and sucked. He figured leaving a mark here, out of sight to anyone else, would be fine. Kurt continued to squirm as Blaine sucked and licked the inside of Kurt’s hip joint. Blaine felt his hair being tugged so he moved from Kurt’s lower body back up to his lips. Blaine kissed Kurt, who eagerly kissed back. Blaine was still half over top of Kurt, but he placed his hands along the boy’s sides, holding him as he kissed him. Kurt felt more loved in that moment than he ever had before.

Kurt ran his hand down the shorter boy’s back and grabbed his ass. Blaine sucked in a breath, he wasn’t expecting that. Kurt pulled Blaine all the way over top of him. “Lube?” Blaine whispered in Kurt’s ear. Kurt nodded and his hand started flopping around on the nightstand. “Let me help with that,” Blaine said with a chuckle. He took his clothes off, except for his boxers, and shifted to open the top drawer of Kurt’s nightstand. He found an unopened tube of lube as well as an unopened box of condoms.

Kurt was still lying pliantly when Blaine leaned over towards the nightstand. Kurt had a full view of Blaine’s perfectly plump ass- and he couldn’t help himself. SMACK. “OhmygodBlaineI’msosorry!!!” Kurt rushed out right after he spanked Blaine. “I wasn’t thinking. I should’ve asked!”

Kurt couldn’t continue apologizing because Blaine covered his lips with his own. Kurt quickly realized that maybe that smack was a good thing. Blaine seemed more turned on because of it. Blaine, in his excitement, bit Kurt’s lip. “Ouch,” Kurt whimpered.

“Sorry, sorry,” Blaine whispered, catching his breath.

“S’okay,” Kurt said, breathe still heaving.

After his breathing returned to normal, Kurt realized he was buck naked and Blaine still had his boxers on. Kurt started to feel self conscious but Blaine quickly took his mind away from his worries with soft kisses to his neck. “You okay, Kurt? I lost for a minute there,” Blaine asked.

“Mmm fine,” Kurt said, letting his eyes drift closed.

“Do you want to top?”

Kurt shook his head. “You please.”

“Okay,” Blaine whispered and kissed Kurt’s ear. Then he kissed his cheek, temple, forehead, nose (which made Kurt chuckle), jaw, and chin. After he finished his trail of kisses was when Kurt registered the warm, sticky substance between his lower cheeks. He felt Blaine’s finger tentatively brush over his hole. “Ready?”

“Yes,” Kurt answered, opening his eyes to meet Blaine’s. Blaine pushed the tip of his index finger into Kurt and watched his face for any signs of pain. Kurt kept looking into Blaine’s eyes. Blaine pushed his finger in a bit further and saw the first sign of pain when Kurt’s jaw clenched. “I’m okay. Keep going.” Blaine nodded and pulled his finger out before sliding it up again. He continued to do this until Kurt’s hole was inviting him in.

“I’m going to add another, okay?”

“Okay,” Kurt said. He didn’t feel any pleasure yet, but he also didn’t feel any pain. Then Blaine added a second finger. Kurt hissed. “Burns,” Kurt whimpered, scrunching his eyes closed.

“Sorry Baby, it’ll be over in a second. I promise,” Blaine told him. Kurt nodded but didn’t reopen his eyes. Blaine kept pumping his fingers out until once again Kurt’s hole was pulling them back in. “Okay, I’m going to add a third finger.”

Kurt’s eyes shot open. “Another one?”

“Yeah, I have to get you ready for me Sweetheart. Do you want to stop?” Blaine asked. Blaine didn’t want to stop. Kurt was so beautiful sprawled across the bed for him. Kurt thought for a moment. Did he want to stop? Two fingers was starting to feel good, maybe three fingers would feel better.

“No. Keep going.” Blaine smiled and kissed the taller boy’s cheek. Kurt turned his head and kissed Blaine as the third finger was inserted. Blaine swallowed Kurt’s whimper. Blaine pumped his fingers in and out. He would scissor after every couple of slides. Blaine crooked his fingers and brushed against a little nob. “OH! Again.” Blaine crooked his fingers again and Kurt moaned loudly.

Blaine took a moment to look over Kurt. The boy was lying with his upper back propped up on some pillows. One of his legs was at a right angle with his body and the other he was holding up by his shoulder. His eyes were closed but not in pain. His cheeks were red and Blaine could feel the heat radiating off his body. His mouth was open and he would suck in deep breaths every few seconds. Blaine touched Kurt’s prostate again and watched as the boy started trembling with pleasure. Though he hadn’t much hair on his body, those that were there were standing on end.

Blaine pulled his fingers out and Kurt whined. “No why?”

Blaine chuckled and kissed thigh before sitting up. “Because you’re all stretched.” Kurt opened his eyes and looked at Blaine. He watched as Blaine rolled a condom on and then drizzled some lube over his cock. Blaine moved over so he was right in front of Kurt. He looked up and met Kurt’s eyes. “Can I have one of those pillows?” Kurt nodded and handed Blaine a pillow. Blaine placed the pillow under Kurt’s lower back. “Alright, are you ready?”

“Yes,” Kurt answered.

Blaine looked right into his eyes, making sure he was really ready. Blaine lined himself up with Kurt’s hole and started to press in. Kurt’s mouth fell open. Blaine was thicker than three fingers. Blaine stilled, halfway in. Kurt kept quiet for a few minutes  before telling Blaine he could take more. Blaine slowly pushed himself further in. Kurt was tight and hot and Blaine wanted to pound himself into his little pink hole.

“Mmmmmm Blainnnne,” Kurt moaned as Blaine bottomed out. Kurt’s mouth was open and pure ecstasy was written across his face. “Feel so good in me.” Kurt could feel Blaine thrumming inside him. “Move.” Blaine obeyed and pulled out until just the tip of his cock was in Kurt. He pushed back in slowly, letting out a strangled moan. “Faster Baby.” Blaine moved a bit faster, picking up speed as he went. Kurt still wasn’t satisfied. “Damn it Blaine, fuck me!” he stuttered out and slapped Blaine’s ass once Blaine was all the way in and he could actually reach it.

“Fuck Kurt,” Blaine growled and moved faster. Kurt spanked him on every thrust, alternating cheeks. Blaine hit Kurt’s prostate and the boy screamed. Hopefully Burt and Carole were fast asleep upstairs. Blaine grasped Kurt’s cock in his hand and stroked it as he pumped into Kurt. Kurt whimpered and writhed underneath him. His body started trembling again and Blaine knew he was close. Kurt’s head was thrown back and his mouth was open in a little ‘o’ shape. “Blaine. Oh, oh, oh, omph, fuuuck,” Kurt let out a sound each time Blaine hit that spot inside of him. Then he came, shooting white spurts all over his chest and Blaine’s hand. Blaine stroked him through it as his own orgasm came to a head. He could feel Kurt clenching around him and that’s what sent him over the edge.

When Blaine came down from his high, he pulled out of Kurt, making the boy hiss. “Sorry,” Blaine said. He opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out a few wet wipes. He cleaned Kurt off and then himself. He balled up the sheets and tossed them to the side. At some point the two must’ve tossed the blankets to the side, and thank God they did because at least they weren’t covered in come. Blaine pulled them up over top of Kurt and himself. There was only one pillow that they could use, but Kurt quickly solved that problem when he rested his head on Blaine’s chest. Blaine used the pillow and wrapped an arm around Kurt, pulling him close. Kurt cuddled into his chest and fell asleep. Blaine could feel the soft puffs of air from his snores on his skin. Soon, he too drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, Blaine woke up to an empty bed. He sat up and heard the shower running in the adjoining bathroom. He replayed the images of the prior night in his head. Kurt lying underneath him; Kurt with his head thrown back in ecstasy; Kurt begging for more. Blaine closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. It hit him like freight train- he was in love with Kurt.

Blaine laid back on the bed and looked at the ceiling. It made perfect sense. He had known the moment he laid eyes on the boy that he would do whatever it took to make him happy. It was almost as if his soul knew he loved Kurt before his brain did. Blaine had a huge smile on his face when the door to the bathroom clicked open. He was going to tell Kurt. Maybe it would ruin their deal in the end, but the chance that it wouldn’t was worth taking.

Blaine looked over and saw Kurt emerge. He was fully dressed, scarf and all. Kurt looked at him and flushed red.

“Kurt-” Blaine said.

“Blaine-” Kurt said simultaneously.

“Go ahead, you first,” Blaine said.

Kurt gave a small nod. “Thank you, for last night, and for just being here with me. I’m sorry I threw myself at you, but you were wonderful, and I don’t regret it,” Kurt said and walked over, pecking Blaine on the lips. Blaine was about to say something, but Kurt went on. “It was just a perfect way to end the day.”

Blaine froze. Was that all Kurt thought? “Yeah. What about us?” Blaine asked. “Our deal,” he clarified when he saw Kurt’s confusion.

“Oh. We’re good. I told you last night, we’ll just forget about this and keep going like normal,” Kurt said.

“Yeah, okay,” Blaine said disheartedly.

“It’s for the best right?” Kurt asked. Blaine looked up and saw something in Kurt’s eyes. Hope maybe?

“Yeah,” Blaine answered, and offered a half smile. A flash shot across Kurt’s features but Blaine couldn’t decipher it.

“Well, I left a towel in the bathroom for you. I am going to head upstairs and see how my dad is doing.” Blaine nodded and watched Kurt hobble up the stairs. When he heard the door at the top close he let out his emotions. Trying to be quiet, Blaine let the tears run down his face. Last night had been the best night Blaine had ever spent with anyone. He felt a connection. He felt...loved. Blaine slapped his cheeks a couple times, willing himself to stop crying. Then he went into the bathroom and climbed in the shower.

Every jet of water touching his body reminded him of Kurt’s touch. The slight pain he felt on his scalp from when Kurt pulled his hair reminded him. The bruises on his ass where Kurt’s hands had been swatting reminded him. Everything reminded him of what he couldn’t have.


Kurt closed the door at the top of the stairs and went straight to the bathroom upstairs. He looked at himself in the mirror. You are not going to cry, Kurt Hummel! You knew what you were getting into last night. You knew that Blaine didn’t want to complicate this business deal, because that is all you are to him: a business deal. Kurt closed his eyes until the tears behind his eyes went away. Kurt took a deep breath and turned to leave when he bumped his hip on the counter, sending a spark of pain down his body.

He pulled down the corner of his pants and saw a large hickey in the pocket of his hip. How in the hell did he not see that in the shower earlier? Kurt ran his fingers over it and recalled the memory of Blaine’s mouth on his hip; licking, sucking, nipping, shooting jolts of pleasure throughout his entire body. Kurt shuddered at the memory. He made himself think of something else. He had stop thinking about Blaine like that.

End Notes:

Sooooo, what'd ya think?


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