Broadway Babies
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Broadway Babies: Maybe

E - Words: 5,398 - Last Updated: Oct 07, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Oct 07, 2014 - Updated: Oct 07, 2014
195 0 0 0 0

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Glee or any of the characters.

It had been a couple of weeks since Kurt and Blaine had been reunited at sectionals and they had tried to spend every spare moment together. Blaine would sneak out of Dalton and take David's car to meet up with Kurt just outside of the city and he would spend every weekend up in Lima.

He didn't know exactly what it was the he was feeling towards Kurt. Kurt was his best friend; they'd known each other for most of their lives. Granted, they lost touch for eight years but seeing each other again everything was so natural. His heart would start to race when they would hang out in the middle of the night. Although, that could be explained by sneaking out of Dalton at midnight. He loved the sound of Kurt's laugh and that he was the cause of that laugh. And even though Kurt hated his smile, Blaine loved it. He loved it when Kurt would start to sing quietly in the car to the song on the radio. What was this feeling Blaine had?

It was finally the weekend again and Blaine was headed up to Lima to spend it with his best friend. He could feel his heart begin to race as he pulled into Kurt's driveway. He walked up to the door and knocked lightly. The door slowly opened to Kurt smiling in the foyer. “My parents are out and so is Finn.” Kurt told Blaine.

Blaine had the strangest feeling in his stomach. He had never felt such a pull to someone as he did to Kurt. Then Kurt smiled, that smile that Blaine loved, and he almost lunged for him. He didn't know why but he wanted to taste Kurt. He wanted to run his fingers through his hair and hold him close to his body. “You gonna come in?” Kurt asked.

Blaine was snapped back to reality at the sound of Kurt's voice. “Oh, uh, yeah.” He walked into the house. “What's the plan this weekend?” Blaine asked setting his stuff down in the living room.

“I don't know. Thought we'd just play it by ear.” Kurt suggested as they both walked into the kitchen.

“It has been so liberating these last few weekends.” Blaine said as he watched Kurt's ass walk into the kitchen ahead of him.

“How?” Kurt asked pulling out left-overs from the refrigerator.

“Getting out of school and not going home to parents that don't pay any attention to you.” Blaine said pulling two plates out of the cupboard.

“I like not having the girls breathing down my neck about you.” Kurt laughed.


“Mercedes, Tina, and now Rachel. They all have this little crush on you. They've never met you and have seen you once, but they do.” Kurt chuckled just slightly.It was weird Kurt thought Blaine would have some sort of reaction when he told him about his friends, but Blaine had just sat there staring at him. “What?” Kurt asked.

“Nothing.” Blaine answered turning around quickly to get glasses from the cupboard. He sat down at the island in the middle of the kitchen. “When did you know?”

“When they told me.” Kurt laughed.

“No; when did you know?” Blaine asked again.

“Oh. I've always known. Come on, I wasn't the typical little boy.” Kurt said shoveling food onto the plates sitting on the table.

“I know.”

“Can we please change the subject?” Kurt asked.

“Sure. Would you like to discuss how bad the Warblers are going to beat you at regionals?” Blaine laughed.

“If that's what you choose to believe.” Kurt laughed putting their food down in front of Blaine.

Blaine looked down at his food with a confused look on his face. “What is this?”

“Just eat it.” Kurt told him handing him a fork.

“If I end up in the hospital tomorrow; I'm blaming you.” Blaine said slowly bringing some food up to his mouth.

“Go right ahead.” Kurt laughed taking a bite of his own food.

Blaine sat watching Kurt as he slowly ate the food off of his plate. All of his questions flooded his head again. Why couldn't he stop staring at Kurt? Why did his stomach do somersaults when Kurt smiled at him? Was feeling this way normal after being apart from someone for so long? Blaine had so many questions and he wanted to talk to Kurt about them, but he didn't want to make him uncomfortable. So he silently watched Kurt eat his dinner.

“Okay, you're staring. What the hell is wrong with you?” Kurt asked Blaine setting his fork down on his plate.

“Nothing.” Blaine said going back to his food.

“I'm not stupid, Blaine.” Kurt said pulling Blaine's plate away from him. “Something is wrong. You know you didn't have to come up here this weekend. If you wanted to hang out at Dalton you could have.” Kurt explained.

“No, that's not it. I really want to be here.” Blaine said reaching for his plate. “I've just got a lot on my mind.” He explained.

“What's up?” Kurt asked.

Blaine wasn't expecting Kurt to really take an interest in his little problems. “Um…” Blaine started. “I don't want to bother you.”

“Bother me.” Kurt said smiling at him again.

Blaine just couldn't take it anymore. He knew. He knew that he wanted to hold Kurt close to his body and wrap his arms around his slim waist. He wanted to burry is nose into his neck and breathe in his scent. Just sitting next to Kurt, Blaine could smell jasmine in the air and he knew that it was coming from him. Blaine sat and daydreamed about holding and kissing Kurt until he poked his arm. “Blaine, bother me.”

Blaine looked deeply into Kurt's flawless blue eyes. ‘God, he is beautiful. What is going on with me?' Blaine thought to himself. “I just…” He started. He didn't know how to bring up the subject of his sexuality or that he thought he was starting to fall for Kurt. What would Kurt think? What would he say? Blaine didn't know if he could take it. It might ruin their friendship and they had only just reunited. “I just…I'm really glad we ran into each other again.” He lied.

“Me too.” Kurt said knowing that Blaine had more to say to him. Several minutes went by without either one of them saying a word. As Kurt stood up to take care of their plates he spoke again. “You know that I know when you're lying, right?” He asked Blaine.

“After eight years you can see right through me.” Blaine gave him a small smile.

“Yes, I can. So what is going on? You don't seem to be yourself.” Kurt asked sitting back down at the island.

“A lot. I'm just trying to figure some stuff out and I'm not sure if I'm ready to talk about it yet.” Blaine explained.

“Alright. No big deal.” Kurt said. “You just want to watch a movie?” He asked standing back up.

“I'll make the popcorn. You pick the movie.” Blaine said going to the cupboard to get the popcorn.

Kurt smiled as he walked to the living room. ‘Wow! No, Kurt you have to control yourself. Blaine does not like you that way. Even though he looks at me dreamily. I love his eyes. No, stop it.' Kurt thought to himself as he looked through the movie collection that sat on the ground next to the entertainment system. He could hear the popcorn popping in the microwave.

The microwave beeped and Blaine yelled, “I'm putting chocolate chips on the popcorn.” From the kitchen.

“The hell you are!” Kurt yelled back.

“Kurt, it gives it the salty-sweet taste. Trust me. You made me eat that dinner; I'm making you eat this.” He said walking into the living room holding a bowl of popcorn with chocolate ships scattered inside.

“Fine, you win.” Kurt said throwing his hands in the air as if to surrender.

Blaine sat down on the couch with the bowl as Kurt put in the movie. “What are we watching?”

“One of my favorites.” Kurt said smiling.

As the opening credits came on the television Blaine looked at Kurt with an annoyed look on his face. “Really?”

“What it's my favorite musical. “ Kurt laughed.

“You were in this musical for two years. Aren't you sick of it?” Blaine asked handing the bowl of popcorn to Kurt.

“This is one of those musicals that never gets old.” Kurt responded taking a handful of popcorn and chocolate chips. “I stand corrected. This is really good.”

The boys sat on the couch sharing the popcorn watched the film. Blaine kept glancing over to Kurt. For a while Kurt pretended not to notice. Blaine's eyes kept landing on Kurt's lips; he wanted to taste them so badly. ‘Maybe. Maybe I'm gay. There's only one way to find out.' Blaine thought to himself.

Blaine turned the television off and turned towards Kurt. “I was watching that.” Kurt stated.

“I want to try something. Please don't freak out.” Blaine said moving closer to Kurt.

“What are you doing?” Kurt said pulling away slightly.

“Shhh.” Blaine said as he wrapped his hand around Kurt's neck. Slowly Blaine pulled Kurt closer to him. Before Kurt could realize what was happening Blaine had pressed their mouths together.

Kurt wanted to kiss him back. He so badly wanted to stay with his lips connected with Blaine's for as long as he possibly could. When he felt Blaine's tongue begin to move he decided it was time to pull away. “What are you doing?”

“This is what's been going on with me.” Blaine said trying to catch his breath. “I've been having really weird feelings around you. I didn't know what they were.”

“So you kissed me to figure it out?” Kurt asked beyond shocked.

“Yeah. I'm so sorry.” Blaine began to blush as he stood up and headed for the door.

“Where are you going?” Kurt said following Blaine to the front door.

“Home. You don't want me here.” Blaine said sounding very defeated and confused.

“I never said that.” Kurt said taking Blaine's coat away from him and hanging back on the coat rack. “Let's talk before you stick your tongue down my throat then run out of my house.” Kurt took Blaine's hand and led him back to the couch. “So you're questioning yourself?” He said with a smirk on his face.

“That's it. Not anymore.” Blaine said sounding very sure of himself. “Ever since sectionals, when I look at you my eyes go everywhere and I have the urge to just kiss you and smell you. To just be close to you.” Blaine said moving closer to Kurt.

“So you're telling me that you're positive you're…” Kurt paused.

Just as Kurt was beginning to finish his thought Blaine had placed his mouth on top of Kurt's again. Blaine broke the connection for just a second. “Yup, I'm gay.” He then smashed his lips against Kurt's making Kurt fall back on the couch letting Blaine lay on top of him. Blaine slid his hand around Kurt's neck pulling him closer. Kurt's hands tightly gripped Blaine's cardigan pulling at the soft fabric.

“Blaine.” Kurt gasped for air. “Blaine.” He said again trying to pull away. “We should stop.”

With Kurt's words Blaine pulled away and sat up. “I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me.”

Kurt sat back up and looked at Blaine. “What do you want to do?” He asked.

“Well, right now I want to hold you and smell your hair.” Blaine said while he stared at Kurt's pink lips.

“I mean about what just happened Blaine. Are you ready to come out as a gay man?” Kurt asked him.

“If you're standing next to me.” Blaine said finally looking into Kurt's eyes. “You've gone through so much Kurt and I…” Blaine trailed off.

“Look Blaine, coming out as a gay man is already hard enough. Let alone coming out by saying you have a boyfriend out of nowhere, people are gonna talk. And I don't want to ruin our friendship if we don't work out.” Kurt said to him in a very serious tone.

“Kurt, I know it will be hard, but I want you. Nothing could ruin our friendship. If this doesn't work out; I'm sure we will make a friendship work again. But I'm sure we will be fine.” Blaine pleaded to Kurt.

“Maybe we don't tell anyone.” Kurt smiled a little.


“I get bullied enough at school. I don't want to add fuel to the fire right now.” Kurt confessed to Blaine. “It's gotten really bad.”

The look at Kurt's face broke Blaine's heart. He quickly moved in closer to Kurt taking him in his arms. Blaine held onto Kurt as tight as he possibly could just trying to make him feel safe. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine and buried his face into Blaine's neck. He felt as if everything was perfect in that moment. Nothing and no one could spoil this.

“Don't let me go.” Kurt whispered.

“Never.” Blaine said back. Blaine pulled away and stared into Kurt's eyes. “Kurt Hummel, would you like to go out tomorrow night?”

“Only if you turn my movie back on.” Kurt smiled.

Blaine reached for the remote and turned on the movie again. He started to lie down and pulled Kurt along with him. “Come here.” He said pulling Kurt down so he was lying on top of him. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt once more as Kurt settled into the lines of Blaine's body. They fit perfectly up against each other. The way Kurt's head fit perfectly underneath Blaine's chin and Blaine's arms were just the perfect length to wrap completely around Kurt's body.

They lied on the couch wrapped in each other's arms for the rest of the movie. Kurt fell asleep easily being held by Blaine. Blaine brushed his hands up and down Kurt's back as he slept. ‘This is what this is supposed to feel like. The closeness and the ease of it all.' Blaine thought. There was no doubt in his mind that this was exactly how they were supposed to be. Suddenly Blaine heard the door open and he tried not to move so Kurt would stay asleep. He saw Finn walk into the house.

Finn stopped when he saw Kurt lying on top of Blaine on the couch. “Blaine? Right?” Finn asked.

“Yes.” Blaine answered in a hushed tone.

“Alright.” Finn looked very confused. “What is?” Finn pointed to Kurt,

“Oh, long story. I'll let Kurt tell you.” Blaine responded and looked to Kurt. When he looked down to the boy laying on his chest he couldn't help but smile and pull him a little closer to his body.

“Okay.” Finn did a double take making sure he knew what he was seeing before walking out of the room.

The movie finally ended and Kurt was sound asleep on Blaine's chest. Blaine wanted to lay there and fall asleep with Kurt. He knew he needed to be up and alert when Burt and Carole got home, but watching Kurt's head rise and fall with every breath Blaine took he couldn't bring himself to wake him up. Instead he settled in a little more into the couch and let his eyes close and drifted off to sleep.

Around midnight Burt and Carole opened the door quietly hoping their sons were asleep in their rooms for the night. As they walked lightly through the house to turn off everything Burt stopped when he saw the living room couch. “Carole!” He tried to shout and whisper at the same time.

Carole rushed to the living room to see Blaine and Kurt lying together on the couch; asleep. “Isn't that cute?” She said with a smile, her eyes never leaving the sleeping boys.

“It's not cute, Carole.” Burt snapped. He started to bend down and wake up the boys.

“Don't you dare.” Carole said to him sternly. “Just let them sleep. Blaine was going to stay over anyways. They are fine. Let's go to bed.”

“I do not feel comfortable leaving them like that on the couch.” Burt said as he watched Carole get a blanket from the hall closet.

“What are they going to do?” Carole asked covering up the sleeping boys.

“Since when is Blaine gay?” Burt thought out loud.

“I don't know. Let's just go to bed.” She grabbed her husband's hand and pulled him towards the stairs.

The next morning Kurt woke up to the smell of bacon coming from the kitchen. He knew his dad was cooking it and he wasn't supposed to be. He gently climbed off of Blaine and repositioned the blanket so he was still covered and went to the kitchen. “You're not supposed to be eating that.” He said sleepily to his dad as he walked into the room.

“You're not supposed to be sleeping with boys on our living room couch.”Burt retorted.

“Sorry. We just fell asleep.” Kurt explained.

“Yeah, about that.” Burt started. “Blaine?”

“I'm not entirely sure. He didn't really want to talk about it last night, but I felt a pull to him.” Kurt told his dad. He had this dreamy look in his eyes that Burt could read like a book.

“Look, I know you like him. But are you sure that he is?” Burt asked.

“He wouldn't lie to me.” Kurt said sounding offended for Blaine.

“I'm not saying he would, but he might be confused and experimenting trying to figure out who he is. I don't want you to fall for this guy just so he can tell you that he's straight.” Burt sat down across from Kurt. “I don't want you to get hurt.”

“Dad, he won't hurt me.” Kurt said taking his father's hand.

“It's been eight years. I know you think you know him, but time can change a person.”

“Exactly, we were so close when we were kids. And now we're both different people dad and we still have the same connection we did as kids.” Kurt started. “I just have this feeling that this is real. I know Blaine won't do anything to hurt me.”

“Just be careful.” Burt said.

Just a second later Blaine walked into the kitchen. “I smelled bacon.” He said rubbing his eyes.

“Morning.” Burt said.

“Good morning.” Blaine said and flashed Kurt a smile.

“How'd you sleep?” Burt asked.

“Surprisingly well for sleeping on a couch.” He confessed to Burt.

“Sit down.” Burt motioned to Blaine. Blaine took a seat next to Kurt. “Now, after last night. I do not feel comfortable with Blaine sleeping in your room.” Burt said addressing Kurt. “He can stay over, but at night. Kurt, you're bedroom door in closed and Blaine you're on the couch.” He told the boys. “Now Blaine, what's up with you?” Burt asked glancing over to Kurt.

“Nothing.” He responded looking at Kurt.

“Well, are you gay?”

“Dad!” Kurt was stunned at his dad's directness.

Blaine took one last look at Kurt before he turned his head back to Burt. “I am definitely gay.” He sounded so sure of himself.

“Okay, hands to yourselves.” Burt smiled and reached for his bacon before Kurt pulled it away from him. Burt walked out of the room.

“So he thinks I'm gonna hurt you?” Blaine asked taking a piece of bacon for himself.

“He's worried you're using me to experiment.” Kurt said. “You aren't are you?”

“Here's the deal Kurt; I have been having these weird feelings since we saw each other again. When we were kids I always felt drawn to you. I could never explain it.” Blaine started. “But I've had girlfriends and none of them make me feel so…” Blaine paused. “For lack of a better word; good. When I'm with you everything just goes away. And when I kissed you last night; I don't know it just was right.” Blaine looked down to the floor.

“I get it.” Kurt put his hand on Blaine's thigh.

“I promise I won't hurt you, Kurt.”

“I know.” Kurt leaned in to lightly kiss Blaine as Burt walked back passed the doorway.

“By hands I meant lips too, boys.” He hollered at them.

Kurt laughed and kissed Blaine anyways. “Where are you taking me tonight?” Kurt asked after pulling away.


“That's over an hour away.”

“Gives us plenty of time to talk in the car.” Blaine smiled at him. “But I think that I'm gonna head home tonight instead of stay here again.”

Kurt quickly turned to look at Blaine. “Why?” He said shocked.

“Just because your dad obviously doesn't want me staying here and I think it would be best considering all I'm thinking about right now is kissing you.” Kurt started to blush at Blaine's words. “Not to mention my parents have been texting me all week wanting to spend time with me.” Blaine said sarcastically.

“What is it with you and your parents anyway?” Kurt asked. “If you don't mind me asking?”

“I don't know. There's just something wrong.” Blaine told him. “I just don't understand what's going on. Maybe I'll find out tomorrow.” Blaine said taking another piece of bacon. Kurt took the plate away. “I was eating that.”

“And now you're not.” Kurt said back to him. “I'm gonna take a shower. You should go have a conversation with my dad.” Kurt said walking out of the kitchen.

Blaine sat at the island for a moment after Kurt left. He got up and headed to the living room to see if Burt was in there. When he saw Burt's bald head sitting in the arm chair he took and deep breath and walked into the room. Blaine sat down across from Burt in the other arm chair. “You know Blaine, you've been coming around here for what three weeks?”


“We haven't really caught up.”

“We haven't.” Blaine was beginning to relax a little. He had never been intimidated by Burt Hummel but now that he was trying to be with Kurt romantically he got nervous.

“So what's been going on with you?”

Blaine cleared his throat and sat up a little straighter when addressing Burt. “Well, I moved out here just a little while after you guys did. My dad got transferred to Westerville. I now go to Dalton, but you knew that.” Burt nodded his head. “Apparently I'm gay…” Blaine paused when he saw the slight smile on Burt's face. “And I really like your son.”

“So you haven't been up to anything else?”

“No. After I left New York my life became just a little boring.” Blaine chuckled.

“That's the same thing Kurt said when we moved.” Burt stopped and looked at the television for a second before turning his attention back to Blaine. “Why didn't you call?”

“Ha, after you guys moved here my parents decided it was best that I forget and move on with my life. When we moved they tried their hardest to keep occupied but I really haven't been myself.”

“I see. Are your parents doing well?”

“As far as I know. I'm boarded at Dalton and I've been here the last three weekends. I haven't seen much of my parents lately.” Blaine chuckled. “I'm gonna head home tonight after I drop Kurt back off.”

“Where are you two going?”

“Um, out.”

“You sound like Finn.” Burt laughed.

“Um, to Dayton. There's this little restaurant that I want to take him to.” Blaine explained.

“Okay.” Burt said simply.

“I know that you're afraid of my hurting Kurt. That I might just be confused and that he falls fast most of the time.”

“All true.” Burt agreed.

“I promise you, I will not hurt him. I'm only sixteen but there is something about the way I feel when I'm around him. I'm not completely sure what it is yet, but I do know that it's real.” Blaine explained in an almost pleading voice.

“I'm not sure why, but I believe you Blaine. Probably because I know you.” Burt said. “But if you hurt my son—“

“I know. I'll get killed.” Blaine interrupted with a small chuckle.

“I'm glad we're on the same page, Anderson.”

Just as the words were coming out of Burt's mouth Kurt walked back into the room from his shower. “What are you talking about?” Kurt asked.

“Homicide.” Blaine said simply.

“What?” Kurt looked at his dad.

“He's kidding.” Burt told his son.

“Okay. Blaine, do you want to go get breakfast?” Kurt asked.

“Can I order bacon?”

“No.” Burt interjected.

“Go get around.” Kurt said urging Blaine out of the chair.

About thirty minutes later Kurt and Blaine left to go get breakfast and take a walk around the park. While walking Kurt was being very cautious of the amount of affection they showed each other in public. He didn't want anything to happen to either of them. But all he wanted to do was hold Blaine's hand and walk through the park. They managed to find a secluded bench at the far end of the park that almost hidden. Blaine took Kurt's hand and led him over to sit down.

As soon as they sat down Blaine attached his lips to Kurt's. Kurt pulled away quickly. “Blaine, I really don't think we should be doing this in public.” He said sadly.

“Alright.” Blaine said taking Kurt's hand and leaning back just enjoying being next to him. “We won't do anything you're not comfortable with.” Blaine said giving him a quick peck on the cheek. They sat there for just a moment before Kurt leaned in and kissed Blaine. Blaine pulled away. “I thought—“

He couldn't finish what he was thinking before Kurt's mouth was on his once more. “Screw what I said.” Kurt stated when he came up for air.

“I've been waiting for this all day.” Blaine replied. Blaine went back in to kiss Kurt again. He wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist to bring him closer and Kurt's hands glided from Blaine's chest to around his neck. Blaine's tongue began to move across Kurt's bottom lip as he opened his mouth just slightly. Kurt wanted to inhale Blaine in that moment.

Blaine's hands started rubbing up and down Kurt's back. Kurt's hands cupped Blaine's face bringing him closer. Although they both loved the way this was feeling they knew they had to stop. They both could feel each other beginning to harden under their jeans. Blaine quickly pulled away after realizing what was happening. “Maybe you're right. Not in public.” He said with a slight chuckle.

“Yeah.” Kurt his arm around Blaine's waist and pulled him close. Blaine rested his head on Kurt's shoulder and held his hand.

After their dinner Blaine was driving back to Lima to drop off Kurt. “You should come over for dinner tomorrow. So I can see you before I head back to Dalton.” Blaine suggested.

“We sneak out every night, Blaine.” Kurt chuckled.

“And to tell my parents what's going on.” Blaine added.

“Are you sure? Coming out your parents can be a big deal. I was lucky enough to have a really supportive dad.” Kurt explained.

“Yes, I just want to let them know. They probably won't care, but I should.”

“You make it sound like you're telling them you're just staying with a friend for the night.” Kurt stated. “Not that you're gay. And you have a boyfriend.” Kurt stressed to him.

“Kurt, I'm telling you. They're not going to care. They barely speak to me when I am home let alone when I'm at school or with you.” Blaine stated.

“Alright. This is your decision not mine.” Kurt gave in.

They finally got back to Kurt's house and they both went inside. Blaine grabbed his suitcase and headed for his car while Kurt followed. “I will see you tomorrow.” Blaine said.

“See you tomorrow.” Kurt smiled. “My dad is watching us from the window.”

Blaine glanced over and waved to Burt watching through the curtains. Burt quickly turned around. “See you tomorrow. Bye.” Blaine said as he pressed his lips against Kurt's.

As Blaine pulled away Kurt almost chased his lips wanting more. “Bye.” He said kissing Blaine again quickly. Before either could kiss the other again Blaine got into his car and drove away.

Kurt sighed and went back inside. Burt was waiting on the other side of the door for him. “Did you two have fun today?”

“Yes, we did.” Kurt said simply walking passed his father and heading up the stairs.

After a two hour drive back to Westerville, Blaine was finally home. It was passed 11 o'clock and he thought his parents would be asleep so he entered the house as quietly as he possibly could. To avoid making noise he entered through the back door and carried his suitcase.

As he walked towards the staircase he could hear yelling coming from his father's study. Why were his parents fighting at 11 o'clock at night? He walked slowly and silently towards his father's study curious as to why his parents were fighting.

“George, why have to separate them!” He heard his mother say. “He is spending far too much time with that faggot!”

“I understand, Vivian. How are we going to stop Blaine from seeing Kurt?” George asked. “We tried to get to the judge's at sectionals, but Roberts didn't do a God damn thing.”

“What did you ask him to do?”

“I asked him to get Kurt and his New Directions disqualified because he was a professional.”

“Blaine is a professional!” Vivian retorted. “Roberts would have disqualified the Warblers too. We both know how that man operates!”

“I paid good money for that not to happen.” George stated simply.

“How much?” Vivian asked her husband.

“It doesn't matter. He didn't do anything.”

“Dammit George, how much?”

“Ten grand.”

“What?” His mother yelled hitting the lamp off of George's desk. “Why the fuck would you spend ten fucking grand to get a high school show choir out of a competition?”

“To keep our son the right way.” George bellowed.

Blaine sat outside the doorway listening to his parent's argument in complete shock. ‘That's why they wanted to go to sectionals, to keep me away from Kurt? Because they thought he was gay? What? They hadn't seen him in eight years. How could they have possibly known Kurt was gay at age eight? That's just not possible.' Blaine thought. ‘Shit. I'm supposed to tell them I'm gay and I have a boyfriend tomorrow. That my boyfriend is a guy they spent thousands of dollars trying to keep away from me. What am I supposed to do now?'

“You need to do something, George.” Vivian hollered.

“He's your son!”

“Excuse me? I remember someone else being there.” Vivian said to him. “Figure out a way to get Blaine away from that flamboyant faggot soon, George.” Vivian stated.

Blaine heard his mother coming for the doorway and ran to his room. He shut his door quietly and pulled out his cell phone to call Kurt. He went into his private bathroom where he knew no one could hear while the phone rang in his ear.

“I'm glad you called. I now know you got home safely.” Kurt said on the other end of the call.

“Um, Kurt, change of plans. I'm gonna head back to Dalton early morning tomorrow. So don't bother coming down for dinner.” Blaine told him.

“What made you change your mind?” Kurt asked.

“I'd rather tell you in person. I just found a lot of stuff out tonight that I didn't want to know.” Blaine said sadly.

“You sound funny. Are you okay?” Kurt asked sounding very concerned.

“Not entirely no, but talking to you makes it a little better.” Blaine forced a smile to his face even though he knew Kurt couldn't see him. “I'm just gonna go to bed. I'll call you when I leave for Dalton in the morning.”

“Blaine you're freaking me out. What's wrong?” Kurt sounded very worried for his boyfriend over the phone.

“I just want to be with you when I tell you, Kurt. Can you meet me Monday after school at the Lima Bean?” Blaine asked.

“Why don't you just come back here?” Kurt asked.

“Because my parents would see me leaving and stop me from…” Blaine trailed off. He didn't want to tell Kurt what he found out that night, but he knew he had to. But in that moment all he wanted to do was hug Kurt. To just be in his presence would make him feel so much better. “I will see you Monday, Kurt.”

“Alright. See you Monday. Bye.” Kurt said sadly into the phone.

“Bye.” Blaine hung up the phone and laid down on his bed and just stared at the ceiling.

What was he going to do? He didn't want to have to hide Kurt from his parents. But he didn't want them to hurt Kurt. He had promised Burt he would never hurt his son that included making sure his parents didn't say anything bad to him. He had to find a way to tell his parents what was going on without them freaking out over it. He hadn't known they were massive homophobes before that night. He wished he'd never found out.


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