Broadway Babies
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Broadway Babies: I Love Him

E - Words: 8,386 - Last Updated: Oct 07, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Oct 07, 2014 - Updated: Oct 07, 2014
189 0 0 0 0

Disclaimer: I still DO NOT own any of this stuff it still belongs to Fox and Ryan Murphy.

Two months later…

It was the day of regionals. Kurt and Blaine were sharing loving looks towards one another during the last group's performance. Blaine would make faces towards Kurt and Kurt would laugh at him. Kurt was so in love with this boy.

Finally the competition was completely over and all three groups made their way to the stage for awards.

“In third place Aural Intensity!” The announcer yelled in to the microphone.

Kurt looked at Blaine, who was smiling ear to ear back at him.

“In second place the Dalton Academy Warblers! Which means the New Directions are going to Nationals!” The New Directions jumped with excitement. The Warblers politely applauded their competition. Kurt looked over at Blaine again. He wasn't smiling as widely this time. Kurt knew he really wanted to win.

The Warblers left the stage followed by Kurt. “Hey.” He said. “You okay?”

“Yeah. I mean I wanted to win, of course, but you guys were incredible.” He said. “You really deserve it.”

“Something good did come out of this today.” Kurt said with a small smirk on his face.

“What?” Blaine asked as the New Directions came out of backstage.

“This.” Kurt said just before he forcefully pressed his lips against Blaine's. “No more secrets.” He said pulling away. Both show choirs stood and stared at the boys kissing in the middle of the hallway.

“What is this?!” David yelled.

“Two months of secrets.” Blaine said kissing Kurt again.

“He really wasn't hiding a girl in his room. He was hiding Kurt.” Nick said.

Rachel's jaw dropped when she saw Blaine's arms wrap around Kurt's waist pulling him close. Rachel crossed her arms upset that Kurt was actually telling the truth.

“Congratulations, Kurt.” Blaine told him. Blaine finally let go of Kurt and looked around at everyone staring that them. “I almost forgot we weren't alone.” He chuckled.

“Oops.” Kurt smiled. Both groups started to leave the hallway. Blaine quickly grabbed Kurt's hand and interlaced their fingers together. What neither of them knew was George and Vivian Anderson were standing at the end of the hallway behind them watching the scene unfold.

As the sight of her son kissing another boy Vivian almost collapsed onto the school floor. “This can't be happening. That stupid little faggot is brain washing our son. Turning him gay.” She let out.

“We need to hear it from him. And once we do we can send him to that shrink we heard about.” George thought aloud. “Put his head back on straight again. He needs to get over this gay shit.”

“We are supposed to leave for the week tomorrow, George. We need to bring him home tonight. No more staying at Kurt's.” Vivian said. “Burt Hummel is such a good man how the hell did he end up with a queer son?” Vivian asked no one.

“Let's go find Blaine.” George said taking Vivian's hand and leading her down the hallway following the show choirs. They saw Blaine kiss Kurt on the cheek before the choirs split and went into different rooms.

“Mr. and Mrs. Anderson!” Jeff yelled as they walked into the room.

Blaine quickly turned around. “Hey, I'm gonna—“

“You're coming home tonight. We're leaving for the week tomorrow; so you're coming home.” George told Blaine.

“Alright.” Blaine said very confused.

“Are you ready to go?” Vivian asked him.

“Yeah, I'm good. I just want to say goodbye to a friend.” Blaine quickly left the room before his parents could stop him. “Kurt!” Blaine ran into the choir room. “Hey, my parents want me home for whatever reason tonight. But they're gonna be gone for the rest of the week. Why don't you come over my house tomorrow night?” He asked.

“Sure.” Kurt gave him a quick kiss. “See you tomorrow. Bye.”

“Bye.” Blaine kissed him again then ran back to his parents. “I'm ready.”

“Let's go.” George said.

“See you guys on Monday.” Blaine waved to his friends.

The ride back to Westerville was completely silent. Blaine could feel the tension between him and his parents. This two hour drive was going to feel like a lifetime. Blaine quietly sat in the backseat wondering why the hell he was going home when he could be making out with Kurt instead.

They pulled into the driveway and all three got out of the car. Blaine headed straight for his room. “Nope, we need to speak with you.” George said.

Blaine turned around and headed for the living room. “What's up?” He said sitting down on the couch facing his parents.

“Is there something you would like to tell us?” George asked.

“Not particularly.” Blaine responded.

“Blaine, honey, you can tell us anything.” Vivian said sitting down next to her son.

“Since when?” Blaine asked them.

“I'm hurt. You've always been able to talk to us.” Vivian put a hand to her heart.

“Blaine, we just want you to be honest with us.” George said sitting down on the coffee table in front of Blaine.

“I am. I honestly have nothing I would like to share with you.” Blaine said firmly.

“We know.” George said. Blaine's eyebrows shot up.

‘They knew? About him and Kurt? � Blaine thought to himself. “Know what?”

“We want you to tell us.” Vivian said.

For a moment Blaine thought that maybe since he was gay they would look at it differently. He took a shot. “I'm gay.” He said quietly.

“And no longer allowed to see Kurt.” George said.

“What?!” Blaine shot up from his seat. “You can't do that.”

“Blaine, we're worried he is a bad influence on you. I mean you're not gay.” Vivian said to her son.

“Yeah, because you two know me so well. You barely notice that I haven't stepped foot in this house in over two months.”Blaine snapped. Normally he wasn't the guy to yell, especially at his parents, but he had a duty to defend Kurt and himself. “I will see Kurt tomorrow. You can't stop me.”

“Watch your mouth boy.” George said to Blaine. “I'm still your father.”

“Not much of one.” Blaine said under his breath.

“What was that?” Vivian asked.

“Nothing. You are leaving tomorrow how are you going to stop me from seeing and kissing and touching and just being with Kurt?” Blaine asked.

“We can make sure of things kid.” George said sternly.

“Just like you made sure Kurt and I didn't run into each other at sectionals? With a check?” Blaine said to his father.

George finally stood to look his son in the eyes. Unlike when Blaine was a child the look in his eyes was no longer fear when standing up to his father; it was determination. “Exactly.”

“Take my car. Pull me out of Dalton. Write another damn check and pay off the entire neighborhood. But there is one thing for sure; you will not keep me from Kurt.” Blaine said getting closer to his father's face. “You can't do anything about it.”

“But we can.” George said. Blaine had heard enough and turned to leave the room. George grabbed hold of Blaine's arm. “Listen boy. You don't want to know what we're going to do if you continue to see Kurt.”

“Really?” Blaine asked.

“Honey, we think it would be best if you saw a therapist about this?” Vivian said in a soothing voice trying to calm the room.

“What? You want to send me to therapy for being gay?!” Blaine yelled. “No, not a chance.”

“Blaine, this is not you. You are not like that. If you spend a little bit of time talking about it you will be back to normal. You will find a nice girl and fall in love and everything will be perfect.” Vivian said.

“No.” Blaine said simply.

“It's either therapy or we're pulling you from Dalton and homeschooling you with a tutor that will be on you at all times. You will barely leave this house unless you are with us.” George said.

Blaine looked from his father to his mother. They were completely serious. He knew it would be a bad idea to tell them what was going on with him. “How did you find out?” He asked sounding almost calm.

“It doesn't matter.” George said.

“Yes, it does.” Blaine rebutted.

“We saw you two in the hallway at McKinley right after regionals today.” Vivian explained.

“You saw me kiss him?” His parents nodded. “Well, did you see the way I looked at him? The way I held him close? Could you see I'm completely in love with this boy?” Blaine asked. “Because if you had you wouldn't be telling me I can no longer see him. If you truly loved your son you wouldn't be trying to send me to therapy to fix me. There is nothing wrong with me.” Blaine said and walked out of the room.

“You will have a therapy appointment on Monday with Dr. Briggs.” George hollered at Blaine.

“Whatever!” Blaine said back.

“That damn kid! Mouthing back to me!” George yelled and kicked the end table across the room.

“George, your blood pressure. Please breathe.” Vivian said standing and trying to sooth her husband. “What are we going to do about this week? We can't take him with us.” She asked.

“We can't do anything this weekend and he can't leave Dalton during the week. But I will call to make sure they pay extra close attention to him and keep him boarded next weekend.” He said getting up and leaving the room. Vivian laid back on the couch.

‘How could this happen to us? How could we be given a gay son? What did we do wrong?' She thought to herself.

The next day Vivian and George had left for eight days so Blaine had the house to himself and he intended on using it. Since it was Saturday Kurt was coming down for dinner and a movie. Blaine had big plans for that night. That Saturday was going to be as special as it could possibly be. He had candles lit and the food in the oven ready for Kurt's arrival. He hadn't told Kurt what happened the night before with his parents because he didn't want him to worry about him. He figured it best to leave him in the dark until Blaine could resolve the situation. Blaine tried to put his parents from his mind while he prepared the house for his and Kurt's date that night.

Around 6:30 Blaine heard Kurt's car pull in the driveway and he ran to the door to welcome Kurt. He couldn't contain his excitement any longer inside the house so he opened the door and walked outside to greet him. He greeted him with a large kiss in the driveway. Kurt had barely made it out of the car before Blaine attached himself to his lips. “Hello.” Kurt laughed as he kissed Blaine. Blaine pulled away and took Kurt's hand leading him inside. “Wait my bag.” Kurt said turning back.

They both walked into the house. Blaine took Kurt's bag to his room while Kurt explored the downstairs area. “You really live well.”

“Yeah, well.” Blaine said as he walked back down the stairs. “I don't really live here right now.” He said. “So dinner will be ready soon.”

They cruised right through their dinner and ended up on the couch watching Moulin Rouge entwined in each other. “Oh, this is my favorite song.” Kurt said once Come What May began to play. Kurt watched the scene on the screen as Blaine watched Kurt.

He couldn't hold it in any longer. “I love you.” He said simply like he said it to Kurt every day.

Kurt quickly looked up at him and smiled. “I love you too.” He lightly kissed Blaine. “Tonight has been perfect.”

After that comment Blaine couldn't tell Kurt what had happened with his parents. It would devastate him. Kurt went in for another kiss positioning himself on top of Blaine. Blaine could instantly feel his jeans getting tighter as Kurt's tongue entered his mouth. Blaine's hands untucked Kurt's shirt and started to move across his bare back. Blaine wanted to tear off Kurt's clothes and have his way with him, but he knew how Kurt felt about that right now. Blaine knew he was getting ungodly hard and he could feel Kurt doing the same thing. Kurt was rubbing against him making it very difficult to maintain any level of sanity. Kurt began to kiss down Blaine's neck.

Kurt chuckled a little after noticing what was happening between them. He slid back down between Blaine and the back of the couch wrapping his arm around Blaine's chest holding him tight.

“This is perfect.” Blaine said.

“Perfect.” Kurt agreed. “Except I can tell that you're not telling me something.” Kurt said casually.

‘How could Kurt possibly know that?' Blaine thought to himself. “What?”

Kurt sat up to look Blaine in the eyes. “Look Blaine, I know you. You haven't been completely normal tonight. What's going on?”

“Kurt, tonight has been so wonderful I just don't want to bring the mood down.” Blaine explained rubbing Kurt's hand with his own. “And what is wrong will completely ruin tonight?”

“Maybe I can help.” Kurt suggested.

“Actually, you're kind of the problem.” Blaine said quickly regretting his wording as he saw Kurt's hurt look. “That's not what I meant. I just mean me being gay and dating you. Us, we're the problem. My parents found out.” He explained himself.

“How? When?” Kurt asked.

“They saw us kissing after regionals last night.” Blaine told him. “They told me I'm no longer allowed to see you. And they want to send me to a therapist to try and turn me straight.”

Kurt slowly stood up taking a few steps away from the couch. “What are you going to do?”

“I don't know. I'm not gonna stop seeing you; that's for damn sure. I'm thinking about going to the shrink just to tell stories about gays. Really freak the guy out.” Blaine said with a chuckle.

“Blaine, this isn't funny.” Kurt said.

Blaine sat up and took Kurt's hand pulling him back. “I know. Remember whatever happens it's me and you.” He said and pulled Kurt into a passionate kiss. “I love you, Kurt Hummel.”

“I love you too, Blaine.” Their lips met once more. Blaine's tongue entered Kurt's mouth and Kurt let out a slight moan. After sever minutes of tongues wrestling and hands wondering up and down their bodies Kurt pulled away.

“You never did answer me about what you're gonna do about your parents.” Kurt said.

“Because I don't know. I'm tired of secrets but I'm not letting them take me from you.” Blaine said plopping down on the couch. “They'll probably make it so I can't leave Dalton on the weekends anymore unless they pick me up. They might take away my car. They're sending me to that fucking therapist to ‘un-gayify' me. Make sure that I'm not sneaking off campus after class each day.”

“You sneak off campus to see me?” Kurt asked and Blaine nodded in agreement. “Blaine Anderson, you know how to make a guy feel special.”

“That's my job.” He kissed Kurt. “My dad can make anything happen with a few pen strokes, Kurt. I don't what I'm gonna do until I know what they're gonna do. But they are gone for a whole week and I get to spend that with you.” He said snuggling up next to Kurt.

“Well, that sounds perfect.” Kurt said. “Blaine, it's after one we should probably get to bed.” Kurt said looking at his phone. They both went up to Blaine's room and Kurt headed straight for the bathroom to complete his nighttime skin care ritual and put on his pajamas. “I wish I had my own bathroom. Finn is horrible.” He said walking back into the bedroom.

Blaine just laughed as he watched Kurt crawl into his bed. Blaine hopped into bed giving Kurt a kiss. “Goodnight. I love you.”

“I love you too. Goodnight.” Kurt kissed him again. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's body and kissed the back of his neck. Within minutes they had both fallen fast asleep.

Early in the morning the doorbell rang and reluctantly Blaine maneuvered out of bed careful to not wake Kurt and headed groggily downstairs to answer the door. “Who is it?” He hollered.

“Mrs. Spencer, dear. Please open up.” An elderly woman said back.

Blaine opened the door slowly revealing the old woman standing on his doorstep. “Mrs. Spencer, it's early is something wrong?” Blaine asked.

“Heavens no, dear. Your parents called me and asked me to check on you this morning before you head off to school.” She said.

“Oh.” Blaine looked behind him quickly making sure Kurt wasn't coming down the stairs and walked out of the door closing it behind him. “I'm fine.”

“Who's car is that, Blaine?” She asked.

“Nick's. He's a friend from school.” Blaine said quickly; guessing his parents told her Kurt's name. “He stayed over last night. Talking show choir.” He chuckled.

“Alright, dear. Have a wonderful Sunday.” She said turning around.

“You as well, Mrs. Spencer.” Blaine said quickly moving to help the woman down the stairs.

“Such the gentlemen.” She said patting his hand. “Going to make a girl very happy one day.” All Blaine could do was smile. He walked her all the way across the street to her front door. “Thank you.” She said pinching his cheek.

Blaine quickly ran back to his house and walked inside. Kurt was standing at the bottom of the stairs. “Where were you?” He asked heading towards the kitchen.

“A neighbor came checking in on me. She's older so I walked her back to her house.” He explained.

“That was nice of you.” Kurt said kissing Blaine.

“Well.” Blaine smirked.

“What time do you have to head to school?” Kurt asked pulling pans out of the cupboards.

“I should leave by noon or so. Just to be safe with my parents and all.” Blaine said to him. “Are you gonna make breakfast?”

“Yes, what would you like?” Blaine opened his mouth to speak. “Other than bacon.”

“You know me too well.” Blaine smiled.

They ate breakfast then both got ready to leave the house but ended up on top of each other on the couch with their tongues in each other's mouths. Blaine's shirt made it to the floor and Kurt's hair had been completely ruined. Kurt kissed up and down Blaine's abdomen occasionally sucking fiercely on Blaine's nipples. Blaine's hands, somehow, found their way under Kurt's pants holding tightly to his ass. After hours of making out and a movie or two; Kurt realized what time it was. “Blaine. Blaine.” He said pulling away. Blaine just went back for another kiss. “Blaine, it's after four. We both have to get out of here.” Kurt lowered himself to Blaine's side and wrapped one arm around his chest.

“I wish this could last. That we didn't always have to leave.” Blaine said running his hands through Kurt's hair and across his shoulder.

“Me too. But you have to get to school and I can't miss family dinner.” Kurt said. Blaine reluctantly rolled off the couch.

“Where's my shirt?” He asked.

Kurt looked around not seeing it anywhere. He sat up and looked behind the couch. He leaned over the couch to pick his shirt up off the floor. Blaine couldn't help himself with Kurt's ass just right there. When Kurt sat back up and looked at Blaine he tossed the shirt off the couch again as Blaine attached himself to his boyfriend.

“You need to show some restraint, Blaine.” Kurt laughed into another kiss.

“No.” Blaine said coming up for air. “Why should I?”

“Because,” Kurt started before Blaine kissed him again. “Because you have to get to school and I have to get home.” Kurt said pulling away. “No more.” He got up from the couch and threw Blaine's shirt to him. He buttoned his pants back up to prove to Blaine he was done for the day.

They both quickly fixed themselves so they could leave the house not looking as if they had gotten attacked. “We should probably say goodbye in here so my neighbors don't see.” Blaine said as they walked towards the door.

Kurt kissed him with force to say ‘I love you' but not quite enough to say ‘let's go to the bedroom.' Blaine pulled away from the kiss first. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Tomorrow? The Lima Bean?” Kurt asked.

“I have that therapy session.” Blaine said.

“You're gonna go?” Kurt sounded surprised.

“I told you I'm gonna freak him out a little. Tell him all about our weekend.” Blaine pulled Kurt closer.

“Please don't.”

“Don't what? Tell him about our weekend or go at all?” Blaine asked.


“If I don't go I'll be placed under 24 hour watch. Which means not seeing you. I can't do that.” Blaine said.

“Okay, go, but don't talk about this weekend. That's just for you and me.” Kurt smiled and kissed him again. Blaine nodded his head. They shared one last forceful kiss before heading out the door. As they walked down the steps Kurt said, “I love you. Bye,” very quietly.

“I love you too. See you Tuesday.” Blaine said back. They both put their bags into their cars and gave each other one final wave before both pulled out of the driveway.

Across the street Mrs. Spencer was watching the boys leaving the home. As soon as the boys' cars were out of sight he dialed George Anderson's cell phone number. “Hello?” He said on the other end.

“George, this is Amelia Spencer. You told me to call once Blaine left for the week.” She said.

“Mrs. Spencer, he just left?”


“It's nearly five o'clock. I wonder why he left so late.” George thought out loud. “Was he with anyone?”

“Yes, he told me a friend named Nick stayed the night. They left at the same time in the same direction.” She told him.

“Alright. Did he say anything else? Could you see the other boy?” George was beginning to interrogate the old woman.

“He said they were talking show choir and no, I couldn't describe the other boy to you. They were too far away.” She said. “George, may I ask why you have me keeping a close eye on the house and Blaine this week?”

“No, but thank you for doing this for us.” George said.

“You're welcome; I just wish I knew why I was doing it.” She said.

“All in good time. Thank you again. We will see you next week.” George said into the phone before hanging up.

“Why do I do shit for that asshole? I'm just too nice of an old lady.” She said aloud as she walked away from the window.

In New York George placed the phone on the nightstand. “Amelia said he was with Nick.” He said to his wife.

“Do you think he was lying?” She asked.

“No, I think the day after we tell that damn kid he can't see someone he obeyed us and played video games with a buddy all weekend.” He said. Vivian looked at him confused. “Of course I think he's fucking lying, Vivian!” He yelled.

“Well, he's back at Dalton now.”

“For now!” He hissed. “Aside from chaining him to his bed; I don't know how to keep him from Kurt. I believe our only option is to home school him.” George suggested.

“Is that really best?” Vivian asked.

“What do you have in mind? Let him be queer? Let him fuck men?” He screamed at his wife.

“I don't know! He won't listen to us, George.” She yelled back. “He's as suborn as his father!”

“Don't back talk me, Vivian!” He said turning around. George's face had turned a bright red. She could see that vein in his neck that always popped out when he was angry. She knew that this was not going to end well for anyone. “Why don't you just keep your god damn mouth shut and let me handle this.” George never yelled at Vivian so the anger in his voice, directed at her, was completely new. She didn't know what to do; so she just sat there and stared at him pacing the hotel room.

After school let out Blaine signed out and headed over to his therapist. He hadn't told Kurt this, but Blaine had seen this man several times growing up. He was a sad kid after he left New York. He was finally called into Dr. Briggs' office and sat down on the couch. “Hello Blaine. It's been a while.”

“That it has, doc.” Blaine answered while looking around the room to see if anything had changed; nope.

“Your parents said you wanted to talk.” Dr. Briggs' said.

“Did they?” Blaine chuckled. “What about?”


“No, doc, seriously did they tell you? Are you one of them, because I really don't want to be here. There is nothing wrong with me. I'm happy and in love and everything, besides my parents, in my life is perfect.” Blaine said.

“Blaine, they just wanted me to talk to about homosexuality.” He said looking Blaine in the eye.

“Okay. What do you have to say about homosexuality?”

“Don't get defensive, Blaine.”

“That's exactly what I'm going to get.” Blaine stood up. “What's wrong with me finding love?”

“Blaine, sit down.” Dr. Briggs said standing and leading Blaine back to the couch. “Now why do you believe you're gay?”

“Because I am hopelessly in love with a man named Kurt Hummel.” Blaine said without looking the doctor in the eye.

“How do you know you're in love with him? Have you been in love before?”

“No. But this is real. I know it is.”

“Blaine, last time I saw you, you were severely depressed. Why?”

“You said it was because I felt my parents didn't care. Because they shipped me off to Dalton.” Blaine said. “But I love Dalton now and I'm not depressed anymore.”

“Are you sure?” Dr. Briggs looked intently into Blaine's eyes. “Are you sure this gay thing isn't just trying to find love wherever you can?”

“Maybe it is, but you know what I don't care because I love Kurt.” Blaine told the doctor. “And there's nothing you or my parents can do to change that.”

“Let's just talk okay? How was your weekend?” Dr. Briggs asked.

“Fine.” Blaine replied.

“What did you do?”

“I hung out with Kurt Saturday and Sunday. He slept over; in my bed. With my arms wrapped tightly around him.” Blaine felt the need to emphasize where they both slept.

“What did you do?”

A smirk came to Blaine's face. He knew he told Kurt he wouldn't tell the shrink about their weekend, but he just wouldn't share everything. “He came over on Saturday and we had dinner. It was nice; I cooked. Normally Kurt likes to do the cooking on date night in.” Blaine started. “Then we watched most of Moulin Rouge and during his favorite song, Come What May, we said ‘I love you' to each other.”

“Sounds nice.” Dr. Briggs said through his teeth knowing he was going to have to regain Blaine's trust after two years of not seeing him. “Did you fall asleep after that?”

“Well, sort of, we were cuddling on the couch together and started to kiss.” Blaine could see Dr. Briggs face tense up. He knew he was beginning to get extremely uncomfortable. “It got extremely intense very quickly. I was so ha—“

“Alright, Blaine.” Dr. Briggs cut in. “After the kissing.”

“I told him about my asshole parents and then we started kissing again and I'm not gonna name names but there was moaning and touch—“

“Is that all you did all weekend?”

“No, we talked and ate and watched movies. But yesterday morning I could have thrown him down on the dining room table.” Blaine paused noticing the disgusted look on Dr. Briggs face. “Do you want to see a picture of him?” Blaine got out his phone and went through is photos to find the best one of Kurt. All of them were good because they were of Kurt, but it had to be perfect. He found the one they had taken together in Kurt's backyard. Blaine's arms wrapped around Kurt's waist and he was kissing his neck while Kurt just smiled that smile Blaine loved so much. “Isn't he adorable?” Blaine had a huge smile on his face.

“He's a good looking young man.” The doctor replied.

“Yeah.” Blaine gushed. “And he's all mine.” He put his phone back into his pocket.

“How did you meet Kurt?” Dr. Briggs asked.

“We met when we were kids on Broadway. In two different shows, but we sang together in Broadway Kids; the singing group.” Blaine explained. “Then his mom died and they moved out here. Then my dad got transferred and we moved out here. Then we both sighed up for glee club at different schools. Then we ran into each other at the sectionals competition a couple months ago.” He continued. “About three weeks after that I realized I'm gayer than the rainbow and I really liked Kurt. So we started dating.” Blaine finished with a satisfied look on his face.

After a several more minutes of Blaine gushing about how amazing Kurt is and how much he really loves him the session was over. “Already?” Blaine said. “I was just getting started. None of my friends want to know how much I love him. They're all jealous because I found someone.”

“It was nice seeing you again, Blaine. Same time next week.”

“It was a nice chatting with you.” Blaine said walking out the door. He got to his car before pulling out his phone to call Kurt. “Hey.”

“How did your session go?” Kurt asked.

“I don't think he liked the idea of us being together.” Blaine laughed. “I pretty much just told him how much I love you and told him every little detail about you. I showed him that picture that's your background on your phone. Because that one is my favorite.” Blaine went on. “Dr. Briggs didn't like it though. I don't know how you look adorable in it.”

Blaine couldn't see him but Kurt was blushing fiercely at Blaine's words. Clearly he loved him more than he knew. “You didn't tell him about our weekend did you?”

“I told him we hung out.” Blaine said.


“I might have gone into a little detail. Nothing too specific, mostly.”

“What did you say?”

“I started to tell him about the fact your couldn't keep your tongue in your mouth, but he cut me off.”

“Blaine!” Kurt yelled into the phone.

“What? I didn't give him the details.”

“I asked you not to say anything. I don't want people to know about that stuff. That's between me and you.” Kurt was madder than Blaine had ever seen or heard him.

“But I didn't say anything. I know it's between you and me.” Blaine retorted. “I'm sorry. I'm just so frustrated with all of this.” Blaine stated.

“I'm frustrated too, Blaine. I keep thinking to myself that one day I'm just not gonna be able to see you anymore and that breaks my heart.” Kurt said his voice cracking.

“I wish I could come see you.” Blaine said as he got into his car.

“Could I come to Dalton tonight?” Kurt asked hopefully.

“No, they've locked me down. Only allowed out to go to therapy.” Blaine explained. “This week is going to kill me, Kurt.”

“Me too.” Kurt said sadly. “Then Friday?”

“Yup.” Blaine said as he pulled into Dalton. “I just got back and I have Warbler practice.”

“Warbler practice?”Kurt asked.

“Yes, we do other shows besides competition, Kurt.” Blaine said.

“Alright. Call me after.”

“Of course.”

“I love you, B.” Kurt said.

“I love you too.” Blaine said and hung up the phone.

Kurt sulked back into the living room with his dad and Carole. “What's wrong sweetie?” Carole asked.

“Blaine.” Kurt said. “I'm not gonna see him until Friday night.”

“Why not?” Burt asked.

“His parents found out about us dating and freaked out over having a gay son. Put him on lock down at Dalton.” Kurt explained simply. Forgetting that he had never told his dad Blaine's parents didn't know about them.

“They didn't know?” Burt asked.

“Oh yeah. No, the day after we kissed Blaine went home and heard his parents arguing over him seeing me. Saying that I was going to corrupt him and turn him gay.” Kurt started. “So we kept it a secret. Then after regionals they saw us kissing and holding hands in the hallway.”

“They're homophobes?” Burt asked.

“Pretty much. Now they're sending him to therapy to try to head shrink the gay out of him and put him on lock down at Dalton. Even had a neighbor lady check up on us yesterday morning. Making sure nothing gay was going on.” Kurt said.

Burt instantly stood up. Now he didn't like thinking about his little boy growing up and having an adult relationship with anyone. But he was glad Blaine was the first boyfriend. Blaine was a good kid and didn't deserve any of this. “I'm gonna go—“

“Don't worry about it dad. They're in New York until next Monday.” Kurt said calmly.

“Oh.” Burt said sitting back down.

“Honey, what is he gonna do?” Carole asked.

“He went to his therapy session today. And now he's just obeying Dalton's rules, I guess. I just don't know.” Kurt answered. “He said that no matter what he won't give up without a fight though.”

“Good.” Burt said firmly.

“Let us know if we can do anything to help.” Carole told Kurt.

“I will.” He said. “I just want to see him right now.” He said.

“Young love.” Carole sighed.

“Love?” Burt perked up.

Kurt turned his head quickly to look at his father. The smile on Kurt's face, despite the current situation, screamed ‘love' to him. He knew that his little boy was becoming a man and falling madly in love with this other boy. As a father Burt never wants to see his sweet and caring little boy hurt. “You really love him.” Burt said.

“I do.” Kurt replied.

“Good.” His father said looking him straight in the eye.

Blaine got back to dorm and just lied on his bed. He looked at his phone and saw he had a couple of missed texts. They weren't from Kurt so he ignored them and called his boyfriend. “Hey.” He said into the phone when he heard Kurt answer.

“Hi.” Kurt said back. “Question, do you have Skype?”

“Yeah. Oh, good idea.” They both quickly logged on and Blaine called Kurt, “Much better now I can see you.” Blaine said smiling.

“So much better. I can see your smile.” Kurt said as Blaine blushed slightly. “How was Warbler practice?”

“Fine. We're performing at a nursing home next week.” Blaine said moving out of the frame.

“Where are you going?” Kurt asked just before Blaine showed up again with a guitar.

“To get this.”

“You play guitar. Why did I not know that?”

“I don't know.” He began to strum the guitar. “Something about you I don't know.”

“Um, I play piano.”

“I knew that. You started back in New York.” Blaine chuckled.

“That's right.” He paused. “I dressed up like Lady Gaga for a week at school.”

Blaine stopped playing and laughed. “You're joking?”

“I'm not. All the girls from glee did and me and Finn.” He chuckled.

“Finn, dressed as Lady Gaga?” Blaine was shocked.

“Yeah. It was pretty hilarious.” Kurt laughed. Kurt laid down on his pillow and placed his laptop so he could still see Blaine. “You're turn.”

“Um, I've been a lot more therapy than you know about.” Blaine admitted.

“What?” Kurt asked sounding very surprised.

“After we moved here I, apparently, became severely depressed and my parents wanted get me out of it. I was like 14.” Blaine explained. “I'm fine now.”

“You sure?” Kurt asking very concerned.

“Yes, as long as I'm with you I will always be fine.” Blaine smiled. “I so wish I could kiss you right now.”

“Me too.”

“Would it be weird to kiss the computer screen?” Blaine asked.

“Yes, very.” Kurt chuckled while Blaine kissed it anyway. “You're such a dork.” Kurt laughed.

Blaine pulled away. “I prefer your lips.”

“Funny, I prefer yours.”

“We are meant to be.” Blaine laughed.

The boys sat talking for three hours before Kurt slowly started to fade to sleep as Blaine played the guitar. “I love you.” Kurt mumbled just before he drifted off.

“I love you too.” Blaine said knowing that he was asleep but he had to say it. He continued to play for a few more minutes making sure Kurt was completely asleep before he turned off the call and closed his laptop.

That week was beginning to drag for both boys. Going to school, glee club rehearsal and going home was becoming tedious. Their Skype dates were nice, but they wanted to feel each other again. Blaine just wanted to hold Kurt while they lied in bed together. He wanted to breathe in his scent again. Kurt's scent was beginning to wear off of his pillow case. And Blaine's sweatshirt no longer smelled of his cologne. Blaine was convinced he was going through ‘boyfriend withdrawals' that week. The only thing that got them through the week was knowing that they were going to see each other that Friday.

Finally it was the weekend. Blaine knew that his parents had called in some favors with the school and to ensure he didn't leave. The only thing they didn't account for was the fact that most of the school leaves on Friday and no one can really keep track of who stays and who goes until Saturday morning. So he hurried to his car and got out of Dalton and back to his house as fast as he could knowing Kurt was gonna be there shortly.

He got home and changed out of his Dalton blazer and put all of his pants into the wash. It had been long enough without a good wash of his clothes. He put some jeans and a striped t-shirt on and heard Kurt's car pull up.

He could see Kurt hurry to the door and he just walked in. “Honey, I'm home!” He yelled playfully.

Blaine almost attacked him pinning him against the door letting his tongue run wild in Kurt's mouth. Kurt hands quickly gripped the hem of Blaine's shirt urging it to come off. Finally Blaine needed air from the kiss and Kurt ripped his shirt from his body.

Kurt loved running his hands across Blaine's bare back. He caressed each muscle and just held onto him tightly. “I love you so much.” Blaine said gasping for air.

Kurt's hands moved to Blaine's pecks and rubbed against them before rushing in for another kiss. Kurt finally pulled away. “Hello. How was your week?” He asked with a smirk.

“Lonely.” Blaine said kissing Kurt lightly.

“I can see that.” Kurt laughed. “Is there dinner or?” Kurt asked.

“Um, I didn't really plan a lot this weekend.” Blaine admitted. “But I'm sure there's something one of us can whip up.” He said picking up his shirt.

“Or.” Kurt said taking Blaine's hand and pulling him upstairs.

“Are you sure.” Blaine asked grabbing Kurt's bag.

“I've been planning this weekend all week.” Kurt said as they entered Blaine's room. Blaine threw the bag on the floor next to bed as Kurt attached himself to Blaine.

Kurt pulled away and Blaine tore his shirt from his porcelain body. Kurt sat down on the bed and pulled Blaine down for another deep kiss. Kurt slid back to the headboard as Blaine crawled up to him on the bed. “You're completely sure?”

“I need you, Blaine.” Kurt said pulling him in for an intense kiss.

“Alright.” Blaine laid his body on top of Kurt's gasping at the friction between their touching cocks through their jeans. Even through the thick fabric Blaine had never felt anything so intense. He moaned into Kurt's mouth.

Blaine pulled away and started to take Kurt's pants off of him. As he did he placed light kissed all over Kurt's body. He finally removed the jeans and boxers from Kurt revealing his hard cock. After Kurt's pants his the floor Blaine went in and began to kiss around the base of Kurt's dick.

He looked up for just a moment to see Kurt's face; his eyes were closed and his lips were parted. ‘God he's gorgeous.' Blaine thought to himself. He moved back to kiss Kurt. “You're really sure about this? I don't want to do—“

“Blaine, I'm sure.” Kurt said bringing him back in for a kiss. “Pants.” Kurt said in between kisses.

Blaine was slightly confused until he felt Kurt trying to take his pants from his body. Blaine stood quickly to remove his jeans before lying back on top of Kurt.

As Blaine kissed Kurt's body and sucked his nipples fiercely; Kurt attempted to get into his bag to find the supplies he had bought. He wasn't able to find them because Blaine kept sucking his nipples.

Finally Kurt pulled out the lubricant and set it on the bedside table with a click. Blaine glanced over and reached for the drawer of his night stand pulling out a box of condoms.

“Blaine, please.” Kurt said.

He didn't need any more words. He could see Kurt's face and he was ready. He knew that this was right. They were together and in love.

Blaine grabbed the bottle of lube and popped the cap open. He moved away from Kurt's body giving him one last kiss. He spread Kurt's legs are far as he dared. Blaine squeezed a generous amount of lube into his hand and warmed it up before coating his fingers.

He started to slide one finger inside of Kurt and Kurt yelled in pleasure. “More.” Kurt said faintly. Blaine slid one more finger in and began to move his fingers like scissors to open up his boyfriend. Kurt's face looked like he was in pain, but also like he just wanted Blaine inside of him. Blaine slid a forth finger into him and started to move them to find Kurt's prostate. When he did Kurt screamed.

Blaine pulled his fingers out and whipped them off on the bed before opening the condom and sliding it onto his cock. He coated his dick with lube and positioned himself above Kurt with his cock placed gently at Kurt's entrance.

“Now.” Kurt whined. Blaine obeyed and gently started to slide into Kurt. Kurt winced at the pain at first. Blaine saw this and stopped. “More please, more, Blaine.” Kurt pleaded. Blaine slid in more.

Finally Blaine was all the way inside of Kurt. “Move!” Kurt demanded. Blaine kissed Kurt with force before he began to thrust in and out of him. Blaine held Kurt's hands down on the bed not allowing his to move and he thrust faster and harder hitting Kurt's prostate each time. “God yes, Blaine!” Kurt let out. “I'm…so…close.” He said in between the kisses Blaine was giving.

With a few final thrusts Kurt came followed quickly by Blaine. Blaine collapsed on top of Kurt and kissed him twice. Blaine gently pulled out and rolled over so he was lying next to him.

Kurt rolled so he could cuddle into Blaine's side and wrap his arm around his torso. “That was…” Blaine trailed off.

“Perfect.” Kurt said simply. They lied in bed for an hour until Kurt heard Blaine's stomach growl at him.

“Now about that dinner.” Kurt laughed.

“If you want to right this second I can go make us dinner.” Blaine said.

“I'm starving and clearly you are too.” Kurt told him. “But a shower would be nice too.”

“Do you think I'm dirty?” Blaine smirked.

“No, but I am.” Kurt said looking down at his stomach. “So I will shower and you will make dinner.” He said kissing Blaine and heading off to Blaine's bathroom.

Blaine put his boxers on and went downstairs to make some pasta for the two of them. It only took Kurt a few minutes to shower before he was downstairs correcting Blaine as he cooked. “If I'm doing it wrong come here and show me how to do it correctly.” Blaine said.

Kurt walked over to Blaine and put his arms around his waist. He led Blaine to the pantry with the spices and told him which ones to use and they walked back to the stove. “This is so not working, Kurt.” Blaine laughed.

“Alright. I will sit and watch you cook our dinner incorrectly.” Kurt sat down on the island stool and he winced as pain went through his body.

Blaine noticed the painful look on Kurt's face. “You okay?”

“Yeah, just a little sore that's all.” Kurt explained.

“Alright, we'll sit in the living room to ear. And you didn't complain about dinner last weekend.” Blaine said to him.

“I didn't watch you make it.” Kurt said. After a few minutes they had pasta sitting in front of them. “It's pretty good even though it was made wrong.” Kurt laughed.

Blaine pulled the plate away from him. “Fine.”

“Hey! I said it was good.” Kurt said reaching for the plate.

Over the next two days Kurt and Blaine grew closer together as one. Saturday afternoon while the two of them were having sex Blaine's phone started going off. “Touch it and I will kill you.” Kurt told him.

Blaine only glanced at his phone and saw that it said ‘Dad Calling'. “I have to. My dad.”

“Your parents now! Blaine, just call back.” Kurt pleaded with him. Before Blaine reached for his phone and Kurt swatted it across the room.


“Blaine, if you go for that phone I am leaving.” Kurt scolded.

Blaine took one look at Kurt and completely forgot about his parents. He went back and focused on thrusting in and out of Kurt until the both of them came hard. After several minutes catching their breath and cuddling on the bed Blaine decided it was time to call his parents back. “Dad?”

“Why the hell didn't you answer the phone?” His dad yelled into the phone.

“I was in the shower. Sorry.” Blaine answered.

“Mrs. Spencer said she saw your car at the house. You are supposed to be at Dalton!” He scolded.

“Yeah, I needed some clothes. I'm headed back to Dalton now.” Blaine lied.

“Good. Stay there.”

“Will do.” Blaine hung up the phone. “Mrs. Spencer told my parents I was home.” He told Kurt.

“You in trouble?” Kurt asked.

“Not any more than I was a week ago.” Blaine said crawling back into bed with Kurt. “I don't really care. This weekend has been amazing. But I should leave early tomorrow morning. Just to be sure no one sees me.” Blaine stroked Kurt's arm that laid on his chest.

“You gonna be able to escape next weekend?” Kurt asked clutching onto Blaine.

“I don't know.” Blaine said. “This just got a whole lot harder, but we will be together no matter what. I promise.”

Kurt pulled the comforter over the top of them and held Blaine a little bit tighter. He didn't want to let go. At this point Kurt wasn't entirely sure that he would get to see Blaine again. This scared him; he had never felt his way and now he didn't want to let it go.

They spent the rest of the afternoon curled up in each other's arms watching movies. “I really don't want to leave this position.” Kurt mumbled into Blaine's chest.

“Me either.” Blaine said burying his face into Kurt's hair. Blaine gently rubbed Kurt's back as they lied there. It was all so perfect. No fear or shame just love. Their legs entwined under the blanket and arms wrapped tightly around each other nothing could ruin this.

“What's for dinner tonight, hot shot?” Kurt asked kissing Blaine's cheek.

“Hadn't thought about it.” Blaine told him. “You want to go out?”

“Out? Around Westerville?With people who know your parents?” Kurt asked.

“We don't have to stay in Westerville. And not a ton of people actually like my parents, Kurt.” Blaine said to him. “Yes?” Blaine asked hopefully.

“Of course.” Kurt agreed kissing him. “But I have to shower first.” He said but didn't move.

“You know what we need?” Blaine asked.


“A place we can go and be alone all the time.” Blaine answered.

“You can barely get off campus.” Kurt chuckled.

“I mean when I can. My parents come back on Monday. Unfortunately, they don't go away every weekend.” Blaine said. “And your dad has made it very clear I'm not allowed anywhere near your bedroom.”

“What about Dalton?” Kurt laughed.

“Are you kidding? Trying to sneak you in and out of there right now would be suicide.” Blaine said.

“I was kidding. Too bad neither of us can actually get a place for ourselves.” Kurt said snuggling back down into Blaine.

“The back seat of my car!” Blaine spat out.

“Not a chance.” Kurt said with a chuckle. “My dad goes out of town to Washington a lot. There will be times that you can come up to Lima.” Kurt could hear Blaine's stomach begin to growl at him. “Okay, I will get up and around.” He said. “You're starving.” Kurt attempted to get up from the bed but Blaine pulled him back down.


“Blaine.” He squealed. “Come on you're starving. I can hear it.”

“Fine. Fine.” Blaine said letting go of Kurt.

“I'll be ready in a half hour. Get up.” Kurt said standing up off the bed and heading to the bathroom.

They went to a little Italian restaurant at the edge of town. “This is so nice, Blaine. I'm glad we went out instead of staying at your house.”

“Question, does your dad know you're staying with me this weekend?” Blaine asked.

“Not this weekend. He knew last weekend.” Kurt told him.

“Sneaking around with a boy, Hummel?” Blaine joked.

“Be quiet.”

“Shit!” Blaine said.

“What?” Kurt looked around the restaurant.

“It's Mrs. Spencer. The one that was checking up on us then checking in with my parents.” Blaine attempted to hide from her, but failed.

“Blaine.” She said with a wave. “It this your friend Nick?” She asked with a grin.

“No.” Blaine told her.

“You know I'm checking in with your dad.” She said.


“Do you know why?” She asked.

“Because he's trying to keep me away from my boyfriend.” Blaine said without hesitation.

“This him?” She asked looking at Kurt.

Kurt looked at Blaine worried. “Don't. What I know that my parents don't is Mrs. Spencer's son, Jackson, is gay.” Blaine explained. Kurt let out a sigh of relief.

“I won't tell a soul.” She said. “You two have a nice night. Let me know if I can help you out, Blaine. It was nice meeting you, Kurt.”

“You too, Mrs. Spencer.” Kurt replied.

“We'll let you know.” Blaine said. “Wait, actually could you just not tell my parents about this?”

“I'll start to lie to them. Because I like you.” She said pinching his cheek and walking away.

“She seems nice. And not at all like your parents.” Kurt said beginning to eat again.

“You know. Her son is coming back into town with his husband to take her on her yearly vacation. Normally I house sit while she's gone.” Blaine said as the waitress set the check down. “We might be able to sneak in the back door without my parents knowing. Of course you'd have to pick me up from Dalton, but still.” Blaine put his debit card into the check and handed it back.

“Blaine Anderson, you are gonna get so lucky tonight.” Kurt said with a cheeky smirk.


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