Jan. 25, 2012, 10:26 p.m.
Jan. 25, 2012, 10:26 p.m.
“I can’t believe this is happening Blaine you’re the best person ever you saved me from Karafosky “
Kurt moved towards me to hug me when I tackle him around his waist onto the bed Kurt starts kicking and screaming at him to get off so I does we both return to sitting on the bed Kurt slaps me playfully on his shoulder then I stick my tongue out like a little kid
“Kurt I Did nothing I only gave you courage that didn’t end well with you getting kissed by Karafosky I’m nothing like the best person and I’m so sorry I’m glad that your doming with you I can look after you like I promised your father well anyways I going to head to bed now okay “
“Okay night Blaine “
I rise and walk to my bed next to the window and I lay down on my bed and turns to look at Kurt
“Night Kurt “
They lay there in silence until Kurt sits up on the edge of his bed silently until Blaine rolls over and asks Kurt
“What’s from Kurt are you ok?”
“Nothing is wrong I just can’t sleep every time I was younger my mum slept with me the first night I got a new bed I’ve had the same bed ever since she died I know it sounds stupid but I can’t sleep tonight not alone anyways”
“Do you want me to sleep with you I know I’m not your mum but you might sleep better with me being there with you? “
“If you would if it won’t seem weird to you I was afraid to ask you earlier “
I get up and i walk towards Kurt bed and hops underneath the covers leaving enough personal distance. I secretly want to kiss my goodnight but I cant he isn’t my boyfriend in my mind I scream to myself “HE DOSENT NEED A BOYFRIEND HE NEEDS A MENTOR”
“Blaine can you cuddle me I need to feel your here” Kurt asks shyly
“Gladly “I move closer to Kurt to cuddle him I lay there pressing my back around his until he reaches and garbs my hand putting it over his hips and resting my hand there and putting his over mine
“Is this okay Blaine tell me if it’s not I don’t expect you to want to do this if you don’t want to “
“Kurt if I didn’t want to would I be still in my own bed “
“Goodnight Kurt I’m here if you need me “
I lean and kiss him on his cheek then I lay there listening to him breathing until I fall asleep my self
i think you should invest in a beta reader. the story was nice, but a bit more punctuation would have made it much easier to read. Also I think some of your auto correct went crazy as there were a few questionable words included which i am sure were not what you originally wrote. good job though and please write again
Thanks I agree with all of that it was written on my iphone and i am in the middle of editing it on the computer and i have a story on the way soon :)