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eRomance: Chapter 54

M - Words: 8,899 - Last Updated: Aug 20, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 55/? - Created: Aug 12, 2013 - Updated: Aug 20, 2013
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Kurt rolled off of me to my side with a huff as we both sought to catch our breath.

"Wow, that was..." I started.

"You don't have to tell me twice," Kurt finished. "How did I not realize that you're so..."

"Flexible?" I supplied.

"Exactly," he said, gulping a big breath as he lays on his back facing my ceiling. "I'm surprised you're not a professional at this rate with the way you can do that thing with your..."

"Kurt, are you telling me that I fuck like a whore?" I asked incredulously, joking tone seeping through despite my current inability to breathe normally.

He turned sideways and I rolled my head to the side to look at him. He looked devilishly handsome with his hair ruffled and his eyes clear and blue, just like the sky peeking through the window behind him. The sheet had fallen down his body, leaving his softly toned chest in view but with the top of the sheet showing just the slightest edge of where the hairs tease down into what is most certainly a "happy trail" - at least for me; his equipment does nothing but leave me with a smile. "I mean that in the best way possible. Like, if you were a hooker, you'd be a really high class one - thousands of dollars for one night with the amazing Blaine Anderson, wanton sex god with abilities to throw his legs into positions I swore were only possible in Cirque du Soleil."

I can't help but laugh, slightly embarrassed at the praise. "I'm notthatbendy," I supplied.

"Blaine, you can do a full split, both ways. I just experienced it myself. I have great flexibility but I don't have the skills to handle anything like that."

"Oh you handled that just fine," I joked.

He swatted my shoulder and rolled back onto his back. "Whatever," he murmured. He lay in silence staring at the ceiling and I can't help but keep looking at him.

In the past few weeks, Kurt and I had managed to get even closer. It's as if every day with Kurt provides the chance for me to learn something new about him - and about us together - and it keeps surprising me with how much we already know about one another and yet how much more we want to learn. And it's not just to become better friends or anything like that, it's becoming fully invested in someone 100%; sharing the yoke of their burdens but also cherishing the happy moments as well.

Ever since the Zach debacle at work, I've had to shift my time allotment at work and in the studio. It's been great to learn about the holistic process of completing an album since I was working closely with contacts across all departments - from licensing to mastering to PR (and Santana's endless badgering) to marketing to retail. It was overwhelming at first, but it's only made me be able to better describe and guide the band through the process of concepting, recording, marketing and selling an album from start to finish.

Though I'd been spending more time in the office, I also maintained a consistent presence at the studio as well. Not wanting Zach to think his (somewhat misled) feelings would impact our ability to work together, I had negotiated a deal with Clark that he and I would tag team a bit more in the studio while also ensuring that the band recognized that there were no punishments for the way things had turned out. It happens - feelings can happen - but it's all about how we act upon them that says more than the thoughts themselves.

Not only that, but my time sequestered with the band and my timeshare in the studio with Clark led to an exciting development with my own music that I'd been working on for months. Part of Kurt's Christmas present still hadn't come to fruition quite yet, but based on a conversation I had with Clark the other day my plan could finally come together by Valentine's Day - which was only a few weeks away anyway. I hated keeping this amazing secret from my boyfriend - and from everyone else since I kept it really close to the vest for fear of someone telling Kurt or for me being overly excited and blurting it out myself - but I knew that it would totally be worth it in the end.

But all of these exciting work-related developments couldn't even hold a candle to the bliss that was being the boyfriend of one Kurt Hummel. Although I had once said that I was proud to call Kurt mine, I was equally as enthralled to have me be called his. In our relationship, it wasn't at all about "ownership" or one person having a level of dominance or superiority over the other; it was a mutually shared perfection that we sought to experience together. Kurt made me feel things I was certain were contained in storybooks and dopey-eyed love songs, but they were real.

And I wanted everything with Kurt. Though the thought was a little scary considering we hadn't been dating long and that we're still relatively young, I knew that there were a lot of things I wanted to check off my list with Kurt by my side. There was one ask in particular I was hoping to include on that list and the time to ask was approaching quickly.

"What are you looking at?" Kurt asked, face still tilted toward the ceiling, his breath finally even and calm.

"You," I said, pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind and focusing on the gorgeous Kurt that lay next to me.

"Cheesy," he replied with a grin.

"How did you even know I was looking at you?"

He turned to me. "I can feel you looking at me sometimes. Nine times out of ten I'm right."

"So you stare at me too and that's not creepy?"

"Nah," he said with the shake of his head. "Someone's got to keep an eye on you."

I laughed. "Please, Kurt. I can take care of myself. It's not like you're my-" I paused.



I looked over at the clock. 9:57am.

"Shit," I squawked, yanking the covers off my body and thrusting my feet to the floor. I quickly dart to the dresser and root around for something to throw on.

"Blaine," Kurt beckoned from the bed.

"Yeah?" I retorted distractedly.

"Not that I'm not enjoying the delectable view of your naked ass right now, but what the hell is going on?"

I rummaged through my underwear drawer before finding a plain pair of red boxer briefs before quickly throwing on the sweatpants Kurt had folded for me on the dresser. "My mom. And dad, for that matter," I replied.

"Uh, okay..." he said. "The fact that you were thinking of them so soon after we finished is kind of we-"

"That's not it," I said, throwing on the first shirt I could find. "It's that any minute my-"

As if this were a romantic comedy and as if God knew that this was my life, the buzzer sprang to life from the call box near my front door. I turn to Kurt for a moment; he looked puzzled.

"Blaine, honey," the voice on the intercom bellowed. "It's your-"

"Mom," Kurt finished with a gasp. "Oh god, Blaine, your parents. I wondered why your alarm didn't go off this morning," Kurt said as he quickly followed suit with the plan to clothe quickly. "I knew that I took today off in order to spend time with all of us together but we hadn't made plans until tonight! How could I forget?!"

"Somehow I forgot too. It's like someone kept me busy all last night and this morning so I would forget on purpose," I joked as I slapped his naked ass as he walked by to pick up the jeans he'd discarded at the foot of my bed.

"God, this looks so bad right now. I'm officially meeting your parents as your boyfriend for the first time in yesterday's clothes with no shower, hair a mess, probably with God knows what caked on my body and I can't-"

"You will be fine," I declared, pulling Kurt's arm slightly causing him to pause in his movements and look back at me. He looked a little like a confused forest creature with bright, big doe eyes that look equal parts nervous and terrified with his jeans pulled up and undone and his black briefs poking out from beneath the waist. On a normal day I would note how Kurt currently looked like a Calvin Klein model, but now is not the time. "My mom already loves you and my dad will too if my mom has anything to say about it."

"I'm sure that's sort of true," he sighed. "It's just..."


He buttoned the fly of his jeans and grabbed a discarded button up shirt from the floor before he pulled it around his shoulders. "I wanted the first time I officially meet your parents as your boyfriend to go differently than this. I wanted to impress your mom by bringing a pie for you all to share and a bottle of wine for your dad while wearing one of my sharpest outfits and actually have showered within the past 12 hours as opposed to my current streak of yesterday morning. I just wish-"

"Blaine!" the buzzer sounded again.

I rolled my eyes and turned away from Kurt for a moment to respond. "Sorry Mom, come in when you hear it unlatch," I retorted and pushed the button to unlock the door downstairs.

I turned back to Kurt to see him sitting at the edge of my bed, looking slightly downtrodden. "Look Kurt," I said, joining him on the corner of my bed that's available right next to him. I took his hand into mine and wove our fingers together while smoothing the back of his hand while I spoke. "I know you wanted it to go differently, but the way that you're meeting them now is perfect. They already think you hung the moon and stars because you make me so happy. Don't worry about it, okay?"

He smiled his adorable small smile and I couldn't help but kiss the side of his face where his lips were upturned. He giggled and squeezed my hand. "I'll try not to, I just really want to make a good first impression."

"They already met you so it's not like they're not already impressed with you. My mom even commented on how fashionable you were the first time she saw you anyway."

"And your dad?" he asked.

"My dad will love you too, just like I do."

He sighed. "I love you too. This is just my first time doing this so I-"

"Your first time doing what?" I questioned.

"Meeting parents. You know, outside of parents of friends or whatever. It's not like William ever had me meet his," he said, slight bite in his tone when he recalled his relationship with William.

"Oh," I replied, slightly stunned. I hadn't considered how Kurt had never had a meet-the-boyfriend's-parents moment in life. Admittedly I hadn't had one either since high school, but I generally charmed parents so me meeting parents of friends or boyfriends usually wasn't an issue. "You'll do great Kurt."

And just as I had completed my sentence, a harsh knock resounded on the door.

"I'm just going to duck into the bathroom for a minute and freshen up, is that okay?" Kurt asked quietly, walking toward the bathroom.

"Of course," I replied. "Take your time, my parents aren't going anywhere anytime soon." He nodded and swiftly went to close the door before I interjected. "And Kurt?"

"Yeah?" he said, head poked out from behind the wood of the door.

"I love you."

He blushed slightly and closed the door. That man was too precious.

I walked over to the front door and pulled it open to see my lovely parents standing before me. As usual, they looked rather put together and collected considering they flew out at 6am that morning. The only way it was obvious that they'd been exposed to the elements at all was the slightly rosy hue on their cheeks and the few flyaways around my mom's ears from where the wind must have tousled her chignon.

"Mom! Dad! Come in," I said with a smile as I gestured for them to come in. After the obligatory hugs, my mom put down her purse and my father helped her out of her coat before removing his own and hung them on the coat rack next to the door. Since my apartment was so small, they stepped in and quickly took a seat on the couch - which had to be no more than 10 steps from the door.

"It looks a little bit tidier since we were here last," my mom noted as she sat down on my couch. "Your dishes are actually done and you have done all of your laundry this time." It wasn't that I was a messy person but with the way my schedule tended to work, the last thing I wanted to think about at the end of the day was the pile of clothes waiting to be laundered and the dishes hurriedly placed in the sink once I'd finished my cereal and coffee in the morning. Admittedly my current clean streak had been due to Kurt since he actually liked doing dishes and keeping things tidy, but I didn't need to admit that to my mom.

"Can I get you guys any water or coffee or anything?" I asked as my parents settled into the couch. Even though my parents and I were close, I couldn't help my upbringing and the way I was raised to be an accommodating host. As they proclaimed at Dalton, 'being a good host is not only reserved for ladies.'

My dad smiled. "Coffee would be gr-" he started but was interrupted by the toilet flushing and the sound of rushing water coming from the bathroom. Instantly my parents jumped.

"Who's here?" my mom asked, look of surprise evident on her face.

Before I could answer, the door to the bathroom swung open and Kurt was rubbing on the last remnants of lotion that he had stocked in my bathroom after protesting that my soap was "too drying" for his sensitive skin.

"It's Kurt!" my mom proclaimed as she rushed from her seat and practically assaulted Kurt with her forceful hug. Kurt stood there awkwardly with his hands somewhat up in the air tucked under Mom's arms, but the smile on his face told me that he wasn't overwhelmed with her presence or her physical affection. "Oh, Kurt it's so great to meet you, officially, in person after all this time," she said, standing back from him. "Look at you. My, I thought you were quite the handsome man when you first came to our doorstep, but it's even more apparent with you standing here now. You look divine."

Kurt blushed at the compliment. "Thank you Mrs. Anderson. This is nothing compared to my more theatrical pieces from high school, but I do okay these days."

"Considering you're all dressed up at 10am, I'm impressed," my father said, getting up from the couch and heading over to Kurt. He extended his hand and Kurt shook it; somewhat forcefully if my dad's pleasantly surprised look on his face told me anything about Kurt's (likely) firm handshake. My dad was a sucker for a man with a great handshake; said it said a lot about the person behind it, I thought it just meant they knew how to grip well.

"Yes, Kurt, what are you doing here so early? Are you a part of the welcoming committee for lil' ol' me? And that geezer I suppose," Mom said, poking Dad in the stomach at the dig.

"Hey!" he protested.

I looked over at Kurt and he looked a little... uncomfortable with how to answer. Thankfully as Kurt's knight in shining armor, I was happy to come to the rescue. "Kurt wanted to get his morning off to a good start." I could almost feel Kurt roll his eyes and I wanted to wink at him but I knew not to; it would only cause me to giggle and my parents to know far too much about my sex life. "We were about to have breakfast when you knocked." I realized that it was a stretch from the truth, but it was true - at some point Kurt and Iwouldhave eaten, but it probably would have been after another round between the sheets if I was being honest.

"That's so sweet," my mom gushed. "Before you know it, you'll be living here and we can come and visit both of you."

"Dear..." my dad started.

I looked over at Kurt and his surprised look still drawn on his face. I couldn't help but be irritated with my mom; she knows that she comes on strong and Kurt and I haven't been dating that long. She can't just go around saying things like that! "Mom, stop. I will get you both coffee and you can relax on the couch and not pester Kurt anymore, okay?" I said, turning my mom's shoulders toward the couch and practically forcing her to sit. "Coffee with cream and sugar for you both, right?" I knew how they took their coffee but I wanted to make it clear that the subject was dead and the conversation needed to move on.

"I'll help!" Kurt chimed in, seeming all too eager to escape the clutches of my parents. We turned the corner to the kitchen area giving a modicum of space and privacy from my parents and I could practically feel the tension in Kurt's shoulders.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked quietly, rubbing on Kurt's back as he reached into the cabinet for the coffee mugs. (Part of me was thrilled that Kurt now had been to my place enough that he knew where things were. Is it weird that these little things brought me so much joy?)

"I'm fine," he insisted, taking out 4 mugs from his cabinet. "Your parents are lovely. I'm just not used to dealing with people before 10am most days."

"You were dealing with me just fine," I joked, earning me a soft punch from Kurt.

"That's a little different and you know it," he whispered. "Besides, you liked it."

"Definitely," I grinned, putting grounds into the filter and shoving it into the coffee maker and pressing start. I turned to Kurt who was getting the sugar out of the pantry. "I really am sorry that they sprung up on you. I know this isn't how you wanted to spend today."

He shrugged. "It's okay. It's not like you didn't tell me they were coming, I just forgot which day. And after the weeks we've had and how busy I've been, I just wanted to spend time with you. If that means spending time with you and your parents, then I'll take it."

I smiled. Damn, he was so sweet. I knew that this was a big deal for Kurt and I was thankful he was taking it in stride. "I wish it was just you and I, but I do appreciate you being here for my parents. If they didn't make it obvious already, my mom has been itching to really meet you ever since I uttered your name."

"I can tell," he chuckled. "She seems nice; relatively harmless."

"Yeah, she'd be more harmless if she wasn't being slightly embarrassing and throwing insinuations about life all over the place. And for assaulting you the moment you crossed her path."

"Honestly Blaine, it's totally fine. She really does seem sweet and the only reason she acts this way is because she cares so much." He paused for a moment before continuing quietly, "I can only imagine that my mom would be the same way."

I smiled softly at his response. "Honey, your mom cared about you so much - I just know it. The way you talk about her I know she would care just as much if not more if she was still with us today." I leaned in and kissed him softly, earning a sweet kiss in return from my boyfriend.

"She would have loved you, you know." A smile graced his face, then he whispered, "you're really good to me; saving me from your parents' awkward questions, giving me orgasms before 10am, planning on making breakfast this morning. The whole package is right here."

I laughed and pulled him close to me, sliding my hands into the back pocket of his jeans. "You are pure evil, Mr. Hummel. Would you say all of this to your mom about me?" I asked, whispering softly and deeply into his ear. I could feel him shudder against me as the question lingered.

"Boys, everything okay back there?" my mom asked from her place on the couch. I shifted Kurt to remain obscured by the wall and leaned out to speak to my mother.

"Yes, we're just waiting for the coffee to brew."

"Well come and join us in the meantime, there's no need to watch the coffee - that's like watching paint dry."

I sighed and released Kurt from my grasp. "Fine," I huffed. Kurt giggled and I shot him an evil glare.

"It's not like anything was going to happen with your parents here," Kurt noted.

"I know," I resigned. "But that doesn't mean I didn't like holding you."

Kurt blushed. "Cheeseball."

"You love it."

His only response was a smile before Kurt walked back the few steps to the living and sat down in the small chair in the corner of the room. I perched myself next to my parents on the couch, thankfully sitting next to my mom so she would be in swatting range if her questioning got out of hand.

"So," Kurt began, "what's on the agenda today? Any fun sightseeing or museum stops or restaurants you plan to hit?"

My mom smiled this weird, somewhat creepy smile. I was instantly afraid for her answer. "Well, with you here, there will be a slight change of plans..."


"One more store," Mrs. Anderson said to Blaine and her husband.

"Dear, we've walked at least two dozen blocks and stopped in nearly as many stores. I know that the offerings in New York are better than Ohio, but there's no need to go overboard," Mr. Anderson said as he gestured to the dozen or so bags currently occupying his and Blaine's arms.

"But I need to get one more thing for Kurt-"

"Kurt doesn't need anything else," Blaine said tiredly.

"Blaine doesn't know what Kurt needs," I joked as I poked him in the ribs only to earn a dreary groan in response. "But he is right; we really don't need to keep shopping. My bank account can't handle much more and I don't think our boys can handle it either."

She sighed. "You guys need to toughen up. A little shopping never hurt anyone."

"Says the person who isn't wearing brand new wingtips that are currently giving him blisters," Blaine muttered as he shifted the bags around his arm to reallocate the weight of our purchases. "Can we please drop by your hotel and drop these things off and take a break for a while? It's nearly 3 and we still haven't eaten since this morning."

"Blaine, we had pancakes for breakfast this morning thanks to your lovely boyfriend, so I highly doubt you're starving," Mrs. Anderson said. I grinned. Mrs. Anderson really took a liking to me and I was rather thankful that the Andersons were the first set of parents I met as someone's boyfriend. Though her line of questioning was a little invasive at times (some of which caused Blaine to look completely appalled and sometimes even intrigued), she was a total sweetheart that seemed to lack a filter at times. I can appreciate that as someone who also tends to be a bit... brash. "But fine, I suppose we can head downtown and drop these things off and grab some food."

"Thank god," Blaine groaned. "Dad, I don't know how you aren't whining; you're carrying more than me and you're older than me."

He chuckled. "I only have to do this once a year so it isn't too bad," he said before leaning in to whisper just out of Mrs. Anderson's range, "plus she'll go home tonight and pass out, leaving me plenty of time to go to the hotel bar and watch some hockey. I think the Kings are playing tonight at home which means a late night game while your mom sleeps off the day."

Blaine chuckled and I laughed as well. The Anderson men seemed to be pretty in tune with each other and I found myself missing my own dad as I was watching Blaine with his father.

"Boys, the cab's here," Mrs. Anderson said as she gestured to the SUV taxi she'd managed to flag down off Fifth Avenue. We all managed to cram into the car - Blaine and his mom and I in the back with his dad up front - before Mr. Anderson bellowed, "Bowery Hotel, please." The cab driver nodded before merging back on with traffic and heading toward the lower east side.

"Did you get everything you need?" I asked as I leaned over Blaine to address his mother.

"How could she not, she practically bought out Michael Kors," Blaine murmured.

"I heard that," Mrs. Anderson said, nudging Blaine in the leg. "And yes, I think I did. Thank you for asking." I smiled and leaned back in the seat. Even though I had to admit that I was a little tired myself, it overall had been a lovely day with the Andersons.

"Suck up," Blaine whispered with a smile before kissing my cheek softly.

"Kurt did you get everything you were looking for? Hopefully Blaine's whining didn't impede your ability to buy what you wanted," Mrs. Anderson asked.

"I did. I just wanted those few sale items to save for next year's winter since hopefully ours will be less frigid than this year's ice blast. You all are lucky that you came when you did; last week was brutal."

She nodded thoughtfully. "It's been rough in Ohio as well though not nearly as bad as the string of ice down South. I heard they've been hit hard this year. One only hopes that it won't impact our produce this year." It was funny that Blaine's mom considered things like whether or not a crop would be good despite the icy winter we'd experienced so far. I was just focusing on how much the salt from deicing the streets had ruined a pair of my favorite leather boots.

"I know, I hope that the weather won't be as bad in two weeks when I'm down there," Blaine replied.

His response caused my ears to perk. "Down there?" I asked, wondering what Blaine would be headed down South for.

He nodded. "Yeah. Remember how I went to Atlanta a while back to meet Jeremy and do some general scouting and editing?" I nodded. I remembered that trip rather well as it was the first time that Blaine and I really spoke. "Well, now it's time for leg two and I know Jeremy is itching to head back down so he can be home. He flies home regularly but this time he'll be able to stay and finish a lot of the work on the album from home."

I had forgotten that Blaine had gone to Atlanta for work when we first started communicating. "That sounds nice, when will you be there?"

"Oh Blaine, tell me you didn't forget to tell Kurt about your trip!" his mom exclaimed.

"Mom," Blaine said sternly, "I hadn't forgotten I just wanted... to talk to Kurt about it later today when you werenothere."

"It's fine," I said, hoping to squash Blaine's decidedly panicked tone and his mother's irritation at Blaine's forgetfulness. "It's not like he didn't tell me that he would have to travel to Atlanta at some point during this album, he just hadn't mentioned when."

Blaine smiled timidly. "Well, I'm sorry that I didn't mention it before - Clark only had me book it yesterday. But I'll be there from February 7th through the 11th; long weekend to optimize my time down there."

"That'll be nice," I concluded with full confidence. I had enjoyed Atlanta when I was there and Blaine seemed to as well.

"Blaine enjoyed it when he was there before, said he quite liked the ambience and the town and all that. Though he said he rarely left his hotel room since he was too busy with his email," Mrs. Anderson noted as she looked over Blaine toward me. "I called him while he was in Atlanta just to make sure he made it okay and he said he was busy and had to go. As if I was an inconvenience! I swear, I didn't raise a workaholic for a child so I hope he doesn't do that when he's at home."

"Uh, yeah. Mom. That whole 'busy with email' thing I said when you called?" She nodded when she recollected. "Yeah, I was talking to Kurt. Online."

I turned to Blaine to see a slight blush on his cheeks. I immediately giggled. "Too busy withemail, eh?" I asked. I knew that though Blaine had been in Atlanta for work, his email would hardly be blowing up while he was there. Besides, after knowing how secretive Blaine had been with regards to our relationship with his parents, he likely didn't mean his work email.

She grinned and I swear her smile looked like it took real estate on her entire face. "Oh that's so sweet! You boys were so busy chatting it up that Blaine would have probably shirked his duties just to talk to you more." Blaine groaned and I laughed. Seeing Blaine be embarrassed was rather endearing. "If I had known that he was hanging up on me to talk to you, I'd have understood right away. The new beginnings of a relationship are often some of the most exciting moments; the start of something fresh and new."

Now it was my turn to blush. Mrs. Anderson really was a sweetheart. She was definitely over-involved in her son's life at times but she really just wanted to see her son happy. As I mulled this over, Blaine's hand reached out and grabbed mine, clasping our hands together and squeezing lightly. "I don't think I knew it would be the start of something so wonderful," Blaine whispered, his voice barely reaching my ears between the honks of the horns nearby, the looping video playing on the in-car display, and the NPR filtering in from the front of the cab. Damn, Blaine knew how to woo a dude with his words.

It's funny how in the months that I really got to know Blaine, I realized how he was with words. Blaine wasn't shy and certainly made himself heard when he wanted to be, but he was very... careful with what he said. It's almost as if every word was processed in his mind beforehand. Sure, he sometimes would blurt things out just like every human but when he had the time to, he guarded each word with careful intent in order to ensure that its intended interpreted it to its fullest.

Perhaps that's why he was so drawn to music. He knew how to dissect lyrics better than anyone I knew. I was content to hum along or sing along to songs without really investing in their meaning but Blaine did more than that. He felt their pain, experienced their joy, related with their motives; it was almost as if music and lyrics were another language and he spoke it fluently where the rest of us just dabbled.

I always wondered if Blaine would write songs since he clearly was gifted in the art of song, but he remained elusive when I would ask him about it. I wonder if some of his hesitation had to do with the fact that he was on the label side and emerging as an artist can be tricky since it might be viewed that you're trying to use the label for your own means. Who knows; Blaine knows more about the delicate nature of the business than I do.

"Oh, thank god we're here," Mrs. Anderson said, pulling me from my thoughts. Blaine continued to hold my hand while his parents shuffled out of the car and went to unpack the trunk.

I was about to open my door before Blaine's grip strengthened and he pulled me back. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked, concern evident in his tone and the questioning look on his face.

I smiled and gently kissed him. "I'm fine. I was just thinking."

He smiled. "Okay. You were awfully quiet and my mom was basically just a stream of consciousness so I wasn't sure if she offended you somehow."

I shook my head. "No, nothing like that. Just... thinking."

"I figured. I could smell the smoke."

I nudged him and rolled my eyes as I once again moved to open the door, emerging onto the chilly Manhattan street. "Come on, let's help your parents get this stuff out of the cab."

Once the cab driver had helped with the remainder of the bags and all of our arms were filled with purchases, Mr. Anderson said, "I think we'll take these bags upstairs. Would you boys mind getting us a seat at the restaurant here? It'll be easier to eat here, I think, rather than try to find something nearby that suits our tastes."

Mrs. Anderson rolled her eyes. "You just don't want to move once you're seated you sad sack," she said with a chuckle while Mr. Anderson seemed unphased. "But I suppose this will do," she said as she peered through the glass on the street into the practically abandoned hotel restaurant. "We'll take the bags and you boys can order a bottle of wine and wait while we freshen up a bit. We shouldn't be more than a few minutes."

We handed over the bags to Mr. Anderson and the reluctant bellhop who was tasked with fitting all of our bags onto a luggage cart. Blaine and I left them with the battle of shopping bags vs. gravity and trekked over to the hotel restaurant. Noting that the service was limited, we sat ourselves at a table near the window side-by-side, watching people whisk by as the cold air blew down the street. Within minutes a server came by and dropped off menus giving us time to consider the options.

As I was perusing the wine menu, Blaine cleared his throat, causing me to look over at him curiously. He had this look on his face that I couldn't describe but he looked... nervous? Worried?

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked tentatively.

He set his jaw and relaxed his eyes before looking down into his lap, taking a deep breath and turning toward me. "I want to ask you something."

"Oh-kay?" I said. He looks way too nervous to be asking what I want to eat.

What if he's... He can't be asking me to mar-

"What are you doing in two weeks?" he asked quickly, words practically spewing from his mouth as if he couldn't hold them in anymore.

"Uh, I don't know. Working? Hopefully breathing?" I said with a chuckle, hoping to ease his nervous demeanor.

"Well - uh - what, uh," he stuttered.

"Blaine. Just ask," I said. I had no idea what he was proposing... or even if hewasproposing... but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. That's too dangerous for my romanticized mind.

"Would you like to come with me? To Atlanta? Like, for a vacation or something?" he questioned nervously. "I know it's short notice and you probably have to give Roselyn more notice since it's two weeks away but maybe you can spend the long weekend with me if she doesn't mind giving you up for the weekend shows. Although you probably have something else planned because you're so popular and busy and have a plethora of friends to-"

"Blaine," I said sternly, grabbing his hand that nervously fidgeted with the ask. "Let me talk to Roselyn, okay?"

"Okay," he said somewhat resigned.

I rubbed the back of his hand with my fingers and brought my second hand to grasp his with more emphasis, the angle awkward with our close proximity. "Blaine, I want to go. I do. I would love nothing more than to go with you and maybe even show you what I saw when I was there. But I do have to check with my boss. In fact," I said, looking at my watch, "let me call her now."

Blaine looked leery as I pulled my phone from my jeans and pulled up Roselyn's number and hit call.

"Kurt!" Roselyn's cheerful voice rang through the earpiece.

"Hi Roselyn!"

"Why are you calling me on your day off? Aren't you supposed to be spending time with Blaine's family?" she asked.

I laughed. Even Roselyn seemed to remember that I had taken off today to spend with Blaine and his family yet neither my boyfriend nor I could this morning. I suppose that's what sex brain does. "We are. But I had a question for you. About taking some time off soon."

"How soon?" she asked.

"In two weeks? The... 7th through the 11th?" I said, looking to Blaine to confirm. As he nodded his head, I said, "Yes, the 7th through the 11th."

"I'm actually going to be out the 7th and I'll really need you to cover and step up in my absence."

"Oh, uh, okay," I said somewhat disappointed. Blaine continued to look at me curiously but I didn't want to squash his ask. "What about the 8th through the 11th?"

She sat quietly for a minute. "That could work! You've been busting your butt lately and I know you're due for some time off since you haven't been off in a while, so I think that will work perfectly. And if you need to take off the 12th, we can manage it. Being dark on Mondays certainly has an advantage from time to time."

I smiled. "Great. So, the 8th through the 11th maybe even the 12th. I'll submit the paperwork when I'm in tomorrow," I said with a smile, Blaine's beaming one matching my own.

"Excellent! Well, I assume you're busy hosting Blaine's parents but I'll see you tomorrow. And looking forward to meeting the Andersons tomorrow when they come to the show!"

"Of course, they're really looking forward to the show and the backstage tour as well," I noted, thinking of the performance Blaine and his parents were attending the next night while I had to work. I had secured them great seats in the upper mezzanine in the front row and I was planning on giving them a full tour afterward to show them more about my work. This tour was more for Blaine's benefit since hadn't been to enough Broadway shows for his liking but his parents seemed equally interested when Blaine had offered the opportunity to them.

"And I finally get to meet Blaine in person! I'm so excited. I've heard nothing but amazing things from you and Lauren so I'll be happy to finally put a name to the face. Especially if he's as dreamy as you say he is."

I was thankful that I hadn't put my phone on speaker because otherwise I'd be blushing like no other and Blaine would hold that over me for far longer than I would be comfortable with. That adorable jerk boyfriend of mine loved to rub in that I thought so highly of him forsome reason. "I'm sure he's looking forward to it as well. We all are. I'll see you soon."

"Will do. Bye!"

"Bye," I said, ending the call and stowing my phone back in my pocket. "Did you catch all of that?" I asked Blaine, who continued to smile like the Cheshire Cat.

"Yes, you can have time off though you'll be joining me later. That actually might work better; that way I can be all business at first but when you get there, the party will really start," he said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes. "Atlanta is less of a party city than New York. They have some great places to go but certainly not to the scale of New York City."

"True," he agreed. "But any place where you are is a party."

I resisted rolling my eyes because once again he was endearing and almost overly sweet, though I certainly didn't want him to stop. "You are so incredibly cheesy today, sir. I hardly know what to do with you."

He smiled and scooted closer to me. "I don't care. I'm just really glad that you're able to come. And don't worry about booking or anything like that, I'll take care of it."


"No," he interrupted. "Think of it as a Valentine's Day gift from me. And really, it won't cost me a penny since I have some frequent flyer miles I can use. Really. Please. Let me take care of you for once." I bristled a bit - I don't need a man to take care of me - but Blaine was quick to reassure. "You're so independent and fierce and take-no-shit-from-no-one. But you've taken care of other people for so long - your mom, your dad, your friends - I want to just show you the slightest level of care that you have for other people. It's really a very small way in which I want to shower you with the love and adoration that you deserve. You work so hard and you care so much, let me care for you in this way? I don't want to make you think you need me, you don't need me, but maybe I needyousometimes. A little bit."

The icy glare I thought for sure was deserved to my boyfriend quickly melted. "Blaine, I don't want you to think that you have to do this."

"I don't think Ihaveto, Iwantto," he stated simply.

"And you don't need me either - you got along fine without me for all these years," I noted. I didn't want Blaine to think he was dependent on me either; he was incredibly self sufficient - potentially more so than me because he lived alone.

"It- it's not that I'm not independent. I am. But now that you're here, I just can't imagine my life without you." I stilled a little with our hands still clasped together. "Is that weird to say?"

I shook my head fervently. "No,no. That's not weird at all." The gravity of what he said hit me like a freight train. Sure, Blaine and I loved each other and really cared for each other, but this... admission... declared that the love was more than the way in which you care about a friend or a family member. It almost was more than traditional romantic love; fleeting and hot and sensual. This was more - decidedly more. It seemed like, rather felt like, aforever.

Imagining your life without someone tends to only happen in moments of sorrow; losing a family member, someone moving away, a harsh breakup. Blaine had thought about that with me in some small level; he had to in order to say that. And it hit me that it wasn't that he didn't want to imagine us apart, he couldn't. Maybe hephysicallycouldn't which caused an ache in my chest. I certainly didn't want to think about us apart in any capacity - a break up or otherwise -

"I..." I started. "I don't want to imagine us apart either. But it is kind of morose to think about. So, can we... not?"

He chuckled softly and nodded. "Of course. I just wanted you to know, you know?"

I smiled. "I know what you mean. And I appreciate what you want to do, I think it's really sweet. And you can be my sugar daddy for the weekend if that suits you," I said with a boyish wink. The conversation had been deep, heavy, promising - but this was not the time or place to really get into it deeper.

Blaine guffawed. "Sure thing, sweet lips," he said jokingly, leaning in to give me a sound kiss on the lips.

"Well don't let us interrupt," Mrs. Anderson said as she and her husband - who both looked oddly refreshed for taking a few minutes up in the room - approached the table and took the seats across from Blaine and I.

I pulled away as Blaine lingered a little while longer in me personal space before he shifted to sit squarely in his own seat, though he took a second to wrap his arm around the back of my chair. "We were going to order a bottle of red if that's okay with you both," Blaine said. I hadn't even really had time to look over the menu but I was thankful for Blaine curbing the conversation and shifting it back to something that could be shared with his parents. "What do you think, Kurt?"

I looked at my gorgeous boyfriend and saw how the hope glistened in his eyes, how proud he was to be with me, how accepting and adoring he was of me in all my faults, how much he cared and how much he wanted me to know that he cared. And, without really admitting it, he said that he felt like we could be forever; hewantedus to be forever. It was so much more than I ever imagined and was better than I could have ever dreamed. "I think it sounds perfect."

"Are you sure you can't stay longer?" Mrs. Anderson asked as we stepped out of Bouley later that night, an extravagant French restaurant that the Andersons swore was the best restaurant in all of Manhattan. It certainly had been a delectable and indulgent feast and I nearly bugged my eyes when I saw the price of the prix fixe menu, though they said that they were treating Blaine and I to dinner, despite my protestations and Blaine's slight embarrassment at his parents spending more than $50 a person on food.

"I wish I could, but I think you and your son are due to spend some quality time together. And I need to take care of some things at home." Like laundry and finally taking a shower so I feel slightly less disgusting, my mind added. I would be nearing on 48 hours without a shower and a guy with my reputation has limits before things go badly and I get snippy. I valued showers and I was in dire need of oneimmediately.

"But we've had such a lovely time with you today, Kurt. It's a shame that you have to leave now, it's only 9:00!"

"Dear, if Kurt says he needs to go, he needs to go. And it's not like we won't see him tomorrow - you've already practically planned out how Kurt can meet up with us during our entire trip," Mr. Anderson noted. Mrs. Anderson huffed in response. "Why don't you and Blaine flag down some cabs so we can get out of here?" he suggested and Mrs. Anderson nodded begrudgingly before heading to the corner with her son in tow.

"I was going to just take the subway home, I don't live too far from here," I said, turning to Mr. Anderson who was looking down the street in the direction of his wife and son.

"You could, but then I wouldn't have this time to talk to you while they try to get a cab going the wrong way on a one way street," he said with a chuckle. I laughed myself when I noted that Blaine was trying to drag his mom to the a different corner as she was, in fact, trying to get a cab headed uptown on a one-way street headed downtown. "Besides, I wanted to talk to you myself since my wife has occupied most of your conversation."

"Oh, um, okay," I said, smiling nervously. Mr. Anderson was significantly more reserved than his wife and I couldn't get a good read on the guy which only made me more nervous; especially since I knew how much Blaine valued the opinion of his father.

"I just wanted to say thank you," he said.

I looked at him, slightly baffled. "Thank you? For what? I'm hardly the best tour guide and your son-"

"No," he interrupted. "Thank you for Blaine, how you care for him," he started. He took a long pause. "I know that my son is a private man - he has been ever since his mother has been meddling in his dating life since he was a teenager - but I can see that he's very happy with you. It's a happiness that I haven't seen in him in a long time, maybe ever."

"Oh," I said. "I, uh..."

"You don't really need to say anything, Kurt. I know that my son cares a lot about you and he's happy and that's something his mother and I have always wanted for him. He's a successful man and he's been doing so well, but it's taking on a new level with you around. He's just more... Blaine, I guess," he said, smile on his face as he watched his son and wife bicker, his wife's hands flailing in the air while Blaine shook his head and attempted to flag a cab on his own on the opposite corner. "I know you both haven't been dating long and I sincerely hope that you haven't been scared of by my wife and her insinuations," he said with a chuckle, my own giggle bursting from my lips in response, "but I hope that you'll continue to stay around and perhaps even join us again when you're in Ohio next. And I promise this time we'll know exactly who you are."

His statement caused me to laugh louder, Blaine turning around curiously in response - looking at me curiously while I shook my head. "I would love that. And maybe it's too early to say this - especially to one of Blaine's parents - but I kind of hope to stick around for a while too."

He smiled and looked back on his family, who had both managed to successfully hail cabs on opposite corners. Mr. Anderson gestured toward the cars. He gently pushed me toward the cab Blaine had hailed while heading toward the one his wife had hailed. "Blaine, why don't you see Kurt home? Your mother and I are exhausted and could use a break."

"I'm not-" Mrs. Anderson interrupted sternly before her husband spoke up again.

"Yes dear, we are. Blaine, take Kurt home, and your mother and I will see you in the morning. And Kurt," he said with a pause, looking at me as if a secret lay behind his eyes, "we'll see you tomorrow as well."

I smiled. "Thank you, sir."

He nodded and shoved his wife into the car, followed suit and closed the door behind them, taking the downtown cab down the street.

"What the hell just happened?" Blaine asked, slightly stunned as the door to the cab remained open and the cab driver looked rather impatient as he tugged on his scarf that was bundled tightly around his neck.

"Your dad is just helping us out honey," I said, kissing his cheek softly before getting into the cab. Blaine followed me in and closed the door while I told the driver of our destination.

"Thanks for today," Blaine said as he leaned in and placed his cheek on my shoulder. "It was really nice to have you there with them today and have them get to know you." He chuckled. "I think my mom might try to steal you from me though."

I giggled. "No, she wouldn't do that to you. Or if she tried to, I don't think your dad would let her. And I had a great time as well. Your parents are wonderful."

"They're alright when they're not driving me crazy, but I'm thankful that you were so patient with them. My mom has been driving me bonkers for years so the fact that you're even the slightest bit patient lists you as a winner in her books and a saint in my dad's," Blaine said.

"It was great to get to know them even if it was a little harried this morning. But today's been really nice. But I also don't think I'll eat for a week! I don't know how they remain so slender with the amount of food we ate today."

Blaine chuckled. "Well, we did walk a lot. And we burned off a lot of calories this morning," he added with the waggle of his brows.

"Stop it you perv," I said slapping him playfully. "But I really did enjoy out time with them today. It was nice, meeting the boyfriend's parents."

He smiled. "They loved you, Kurt. I don't know how they couldn't, but they really liked you. If they hadn't liked you I would have told them off but I'm so glad they do."

I couldn't help but think about the things that his parents had mentioned throughout the day; his mom and her sweet yet a bit suggestive notions that Blaine and I would live together and his father's departing words that he hoped I would stick around and keep making his son happy. "They really do. And I like them too."

"Good," Blaine said definitively.

"Just wait until you meet my dad!" I said. "I imagine he'll come by sometime in the spring. He's already irritated that he hasn't met you before, so he'll be dying to by the time he makes it to the city."

I could hear him gulp next to me. "Lord, help me," he muttered quietly and I couldn't help but smile.

You know, Kurt Hummel has had kind of a great year - and it's only mid-January.


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