Aug. 20, 2013, 12:15 p.m.
Aug. 20, 2013, 12:15 p.m.
This weekend had not exactly gone according to plan.
Well, really, things hadn't been going according to plan since last Thursday when I realized I had forgotten about the going away party for Jamaal, one of our swings, who was moving on to have a larger role in the new production of Newsies. It turned out to be a good night, but getting home at well after 2 in the morning without talking to Blaine felt... weird.
And I had every intention of making it up to him on Friday, but Roselyn had called in sick with the flu so I had to take over her role. Which meant staying late to prepare for the back-to-back shows we had Saturday and yet another night without talking to Blaine since I didn't want to call him at 1 in the morning. I had texted him goodnight and since he hadn't replied I had assumed that he was asleep. Plus common courtesy taught me that you generally shouldn't call people after 9pm unless they've given you express permission to do so. And while Blaine had previously said that I could call him after a show, it didn't mean that extended to the wee hours of the morning.
And Sunday had gone no better. I woke early to get ready for the day's matinee and called Blaine to see if he had plans for the evening only for him to say that he couldn't do anything tonight since the producer he was working with on the new album was coming into town that night and his boss had insisted that he take the guy out on the town.
Apparently the guy had bumped up his flight to Sunday night so he wouldn't be rushing into the city on a Monday morning, so I begrudged the guy a bit for being so eager to do his job and take me away from my time with my boyfriend.
I knew that Blaine getting along with the producer that he practically idolized – the past few days had been full of Blaine waxing all poetic about the guy's abilities behind the soundboard – was really important. But one week into our relationship, we were already getting too busy.
I knew that this whole thing was a perfect storm and that this busy time was short-lived – we both had decided that already. That didn't make it any less frustrating.
So I spent my Sunday afternoon at the gym and dragging myself back to my apartment to make myself a salad and watch the first thing that caught my eye on Netflix Instant. I managed to catch Wes on his way out to see Lauren and wished him well, but with Wes gone and no plans with Blaine for the next few days, I felt bored. And a little lonely.
I shoved the fact that I was already feeling attached to Blaine into the furthest recesses of my mind – afraid to acknowledge what this meant or how damaging that admission could be – and woke up Monday with a sense of determination to try and get something on the books with Blaine for this week. I understood that he needed his space and this was going to be a busy week for him, but was it such a bad thing that I wanted him to know someone was thinking about him?
After I had readied myself for the day, I peeked at my clock and decided that it was late enough to text Blaine without seeming like I was crowding him and I hoped he wouldn't be too busy to reply.
How's the studio treating you today? –K
Not expecting an immediate reply, I went to the kitchen to start making myself a cup of tea and bagel before I heard chirping coming from my phone. I continued to spread the raspberry preserves onto my bagel as I heard my phone chirp one, two, three, four times in a row.
I sped to my room – wondering why I would get that many texts at once only to be confronted with a barrage of texts from Blaine on the home screen of my phone.
I have a major case of the Mondays. : ( –B
But working with Jeremy is pretty awesome. –B
But I'm not looking forward to the fact that it's going to be a late night tonight and I might not get to talk to you again. –B
Also, is it weird to say that I miss you? –B
As I read each message, my face went from smiling to a slight frown to a giant smile as my eyes glazed over the last one. The fact that I felt a little concerned at how... clingy I felt soon went out the window once I realized that the feelings were reciprocated.
Well, I didn't want to keep the man waiting.
Sorry that you're not off to a great Monday. Glad things are going well with Jeremy – I bet he's everything you've dreamed of. ;) It's okay about not being able to talk tonight, it happens. And it's not weird – I miss you too. –K
Content with my reply, I waited a moment – sure that Blaine would reply immediately.
I wasn't wrong.
Whew! Well, I should probably get back to work, but I'll text you when we're breaking for dinner. I think Jeremy might give us time to get food on our own, but it'll probably only be for a half hour or so, so I might be able to call you then. Otherwise I'd propose a dinner date. ;) –B
I tapped out a reply hastily.
It's okay – just text me whenever. Go get 'em, Blaine. : ) –K
I chucked my phone onto the bed, leaving it connected to the charger, and plopped myself down onto my bed onto my back, causing the mattress to jump beneath me.
While I was on the road, I had forgotten about how bored I could get at times. With the constant moving and packing up on the road, I didn't have time to linger on anything – no new friends to keep up with, no towns to learn, no time to even think, really. But the one thing I hated about Mondays is that they tended to give me too much time to think.
And the past two Mondays, I'd been thinking of Blaine.
Well, okay, more than the past two Mondays. But the more so than Mondays past, that's for sure.
Blaine had been so incredibly sweet since day one and he always took time to make me feel special. But having the spare time today and thinking about Blaine all too much, I decided that I was going to finally cash in Blaine's favor that I owed him. Mainly because I wanted to repay him the favor, but it also gave me an excuse to think about Blaine without feeling like I was hovering over him in any way.
I lay in bed for a while, pondering on what I should do when a brilliant idea popped into my head. I flicked through my phone's contacts and found the one I needed.
"Hey Santana, are you busy? I need your help with something..."
"Once more, guys. The bass sounds great, but I really want you to push it with the distortion. It'll give the bass line a more transient feel as we shift into the chorus," Jeremy said as I scribbled down the section we were about to record. I didn't really have to take as many notes as I was, but I wanted to be prepared and learn as much as possible from Jeremy – especially if he might be my unofficial mentor.
Jeremy was probably one of the least pretentious people in the music industry. It was something that made him incredibly easy to work with and someone who was extremely desirable since he wasn't prone to diva tirades like some producers and musicians could be.
In the entertainment industry – film, music, television, and even theater – we're surrounded by people who think they're the best of the best. A lot of times, they're not wrong – they truly are the best. But ego is the one thing that can make or break a career; if no one likes you and no one is willing to work with you, they'll only put up with you for so long before they'll find the Next Big Thing.
Thankfully for Jeremy, he wasn't going to be replaced anytime soon.
He was a small guy – shorter than me, which I didn't think was possible – and definitely epitomized the look of a hipster guy. Clad in mid-wash skinny jeans, a plaid button up and a navy cardigan topped off with wide rimmed tortoiseshell glasses, he looked like he belonged in Brooklyn.
But rather than exhibit any form of pretentiousness, he was the coolest guy ever. When I had offered to pick him up from the airport last night, he dismissed my offer and insisted on taking the Super Shuttle from the airport to his hotel. He agreed to meet me for dinner that night, but insisted that we dine at this restaurant he had heard of from a friend of a friend in Alphabet City. It was a restaurant off the beaten path and basically consisted of a hut that sold food truck tacos – and they had been amazing.
Even in Atlanta he had been incredibly casual, but I thought it was purely because he was on his own turf. But seeing him here in my city and knowing that he wasn't interested in being catered to, it was a nice change from the producers and label talent I would've had to shuffle around if it was for any other project.
I shook my hand and my head – trying to free the tension in my hand and the thoughts from my head as I looked blearily at the clock. We'd been going since 10 this morning and we showed no signs of letting up since Jeremy was in "a groove."
It was 7:15pm.
At the realization of the time, my stomach grumbled and Jeremy's close proximity allowed him to hear the protest it emitted, causing him to laugh. "Let's take a break for now," Jeremy spoke into the microphone. "Grab dinner and come back by 8. Hopefully we can wrap up this section and be done with this track today."
The guys in the booth set down their instruments and stretched – clearly thankful for the break. Jeremy shot me a smile as I laid down my notebook and pen onto the booth in front of us.
"You could have told me that you thought a break would be good," he said.
I shrugged. "You were jamming and we were in a good place. Besides, I didn't think that would be my call."
He shook his head. "It's the one thing I forget about as a producer working with new bands – so you'll need to call me on things from time to time. I'm used to working with bands that have been around for a while and will put in 12 to 14 hours at a time in the booth without thinking twice. I'm sure these guys would do the same, but they're just not used to it yet. If you think they need something, say so. Or just let your stomach speak for you, whatever."
I laughed at his joke but wasn't sure if I would feel comfortable enough to give Jeremy Reed any kind of order or suggestion. He might be really easy going, but he was Jeremy Reed; that sort of talent was meant to be revered and unquestioned. But I would certainly give it a try – especially since he insisted.
The guys left the recording booth and Jeremy was hot on their heels. The other thing that made Jeremy great at this job was that he took the time to spend time with the band. It was important for a producer to understand the band and its vision of their album, but he did it in a way that felt more like he just wanted to spend time with his friends and hang out. It made the guys be more laid back and they had been killing it while they were recording as well. Jeremy really knew how to bring the best out of people and it was inspiring to see.
"We're going to grab something from the Chinese place around the corner, you wanna come?" Zach asked as Jeremy turned back to me, waiting to see if I was game.
I shook my head. "I gotta run and do something real quick, but I'll see you guys back here at 8." Jeremy clapped his arm on Zach's shoulder as they went to join the rest of the band in the elevator bay. I sat for a minute to stretch and pulled my phone out of my pocket, eager to call Kurt.
I found his number in my recent calls list and pushed start. The phone rang twice before Kurt picked up.
"Blaine?" Kurt asked breathlessly.
"Hi," Kurt replied, sounding flustered again.
"Is everything okay?" I asked. "Did I catch you at a bad time?"
"No," he stated. "Just have my hands full and I'm trying to open a door. Not a good combination."
I chuckled. "I suppose not. What are you up to?"
"Oh, I was just grabbing dinner. How about you? I'm guessing you guys are breaking for dinner as well."
"Yup," I acknowledged.
"So what are you going to get to eat?" he questioned.
"Oh, I don't know. The guys went to this Chinese place around the corner, but I didn't go with them."
"Why not?" he asked.
"Because I had to do something first," I said with a blush, thankful that Kurt couldn't see me because I was still afraid to admit that the whole reason I hadn't gone was so that I could talk to him in private. I was about to ask him what I should get until I heard mumbling and a bunch of static coming from Kurt's end of the call. "Kurt you still there?"
Rather than reply, I heard Kurt's voice muffled in the background but soon his voice was clear again. "Yeah, sorry. Just getting some help. What were you saying?"
"Oh, uh, I was going to think aloud about my dinner options but that's pretty boring."
Kurt laughed. "If you want to talk about dinner then you totally can. I won't think it's boring. But I have a recommendation."
"Yeah? Do tell?"
"How about Thai?" he suggested.
"That does sound good. And it's my favorite. Plus there's this great Thai place not too far from here that I could pick up from." I drooled a bit at the thought of the food from Pam Real Thai – one of my favorite places on my side of the island. "You're a genius, sir."
"Well I like to think so," Kurt said, his voice coming through the phone with a slight echo.
"You are," I mused.
"I know," he replied as the door to my right clicked open to reveal a Kurt holding two take out bags with his phone smashed against his cheek. My jaw dropped at seeing him there and he wore a smug but delighted smile at seeing my face. "I did okay?" he asked, gesturing to the food in his hands.
"More than okay," I said, lurching out of my chair and into his arms. The phone dropped softly onto the floor and he wrapped his arms around mine as he still held onto the bags.
"If I'd known you'd be this happy about the food, I would have come sooner," he joked.
I poked him in the rib, causing him to squirm. I pulled back from the hug and looked him in the eye.
"Hi," I said.
"You're here. How did you know I was here? And how did you have the food ready at the exact moment we'd be breaking for dinner?"
Kurt chuckled. "Santana helped me with the first part. She said you'd be here and I figured since you had a busy night ahead of you that I'd come and bring you food so you wouldn't have to worry about it. Plus, it gave me an excuse to get out of the house – Mondays are so boring. And as for the timing, that was pure luck. I just figured most people ate around 7 so I'd bring it by even if you were still recording. I had expected to merely drop it off and say hi, but bringing the food during your break has just worked out better - it means we can eat together."
"I am not complaining on any front. Thank you for bringing me dinner. You really didn't have to," I said, taking the bags from Kurt and placing them on the small table against the back wall of the recording booth.
He shrugged. "I really don't mind. I really was going crazy at home all day and I haven't seen you in a while, so it's kind of a win-win for me."
I giggled as he sat down at the table, placing a soft kiss onto his cheek. "Well, it's a win-win for me too," I replied as I sat in the seat across for him. "So, what'd you bring with you?" I asked as I pulled the containers out of the bags.
"Well, I wasn't entirely sure what you liked, but Santana said you like peanut dishes so I got Pad Thai and some dumplings with peanut sauce," Kurt stated as he pulled two Thai Iced Teas out of the bag in front of him. "And these. Because they're simply the best."
I moaned at the fact that Kurt had managed to get some of my favorite dishes. The noise caused Kurt to quirk an eyebrow, but he chuckled softly as he pushed the Thai Iced Tea in front of me.
"You managed to pick some of my favorite foods. This seriously is the best. Thanks Kurt."
"It's really nothing," he insisted.
I took his hand from across the table, stilling it in my own. "No, this really means a lot. You didn't have to come and bring me food or even spend time with me tonight. But it means a lot."
Kurt gave a small smile, cheeks slightly flush with embarrassment over the compliment, but it was true. It meant a lot to me that he took time out of his evening to think of me – especially when he didn't have to. Kurt was incredibly caring and thoughtful and it was one of the things that I liked best about him. And what made it better is that he probably didn't even try – he was just naturally a very nice, thoughtful guy.
We ate in relative silence – me interjecting every now and then about how work was going with Kurt listening, totally absorbed in what I was saying when I spoke. We finished in about 15 minutes, giving up ample time to just enjoy being in each other's company before the rest of the guys would come back.
I cleaned up the boxes and plopped down onto the plush leather couch that was next to the table Kurt and I had just dined at. Kurt came and sat next to me after he had wiped down the table. I leaned my head and placed it on his shoulder and he lightly wrapped his arm around my shoulders. It was nice.
"I'm so tired," I admitted as my eyes fluttered shut on his shoulder while I inhaled his scent.
I felt his shoulders move beneath me as he laughed. "You didn't say so before. Otherwise I could have brought you coffee."
"I didn't really have time to process how tired I was until now. Plus this couch is really comfortable."
His shoulders rolled again and I felt him place a kiss into my hairline. I was thankful I had abandoned hair products when I was in college, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to enjoy that kiss as much and his lips would have been covered in gel.
I tilted my head back and leaned further back into the couch, bringing my eye line to meet Kurt's. Kurt smiled but leaned forward to place a kiss onto my nose. I had done it to Kurt, but it made my heart swoop as he did it to me. It really was sweet.
God, we were total saps. And I loved it.
I leaned forward to catch Kurt's lips in mine – mainly because I hadn't had the pleasure since he had arrived – and I was greeted with a pressure from Kurt's lips that made me turn to putty.
With Kurt leaning on top of me, he pushed slightly harder onto my lips as he took my face into his hands and opened his mouth slightly. Eager to take the opportunity, I slipped my tongue between his lips and reeled at the sounds coming from Kurt. Damn, they were hot.
Kurt continued to tease his tongue with mine but positioned himself at a slightly less awkward angle, forcing our mouths apart for just a second, but Kurt's tongue tingling at my lips. Lips still attached he turned to face me, as I turned sideways to meet him. I brought my knee into a bend with my other leg draped on the side of the couch.
I couldn't focus on what was happening and before long; Kurt's mouth was practically sucking my tongue out of my mouth and into his – causing both of us to shudder at the feeling. I could feel him leaning into me as he clutched onto the back of my head and my hands frantically sought a place on his hips to pull him closer. The tugging of my arms at his waist pushed him even closer, practically bringing him to a seated position in my lap.
Holy shit.
This was not how I had expected the night to go but damn, I was not complaining. We were sweet, but at the same time the attraction between the two of us was tangible and obvious. We couldn't get enough of each other.
Kurt pulled away with a loud smack and I whimpered softly as he retreated but my sadness over the loss of his lips and tongue were soon replaced my utter bliss as Kurt started kissing my jaw and moved his way down my neck.
My arms around his waist squeezed tighter and the embrace I had tentatively held at his sides was now fully encircling him with my hands clutched together behind his back as I moved my head to the side to leave Kurt on his journey with his tongue, lips and nips moving down my neck. I felt my way up his back over his shirt and I could feel the muscles rippling beneath my fingers as he moved his arms around my head.
We hadn't moved this far in terms of the physical department, but I had been thinking about it pretty much since our first kiss. We generally kept things pretty PG, but being two guys in the honeymoon phase of our relationship, that PG factor was only going to last for so long.
But I didn't want to think about that right now. I wanted to be immersed in the way the drag of Kurt's teeth felt against my neck, the way he smelled as I tried to place my own kisses on his neck only to find myself totally breathless, wrecked and practically unable to move. I was too busy feeling Kurt practically sitting my lap and attached to my neck to realize that there was a world going on around us; all that mattered was Kurt and me and the way we made each other feel.
We were both too busy to notice anything else; or anyoneelse.
"...And this is the recording booth, where... Blaine?" David's voice said as it cracked through our bliss and swiftly brought us back to reality.
At that moment, my lips were relinquished from Kurt's neck and both of our heads snapped to the direction of the now-open door.
"Wes?" Kurt cried. Wait,what?
"What in the..." David said.
"What...?" I stuttered.
"Oh my god," Wes proclaimed.
Well, I thought to myself.Just when I thought things couldn't get weirder.
"So... uh..." I tried to say but I had no idea where to start. For a few moments after the realization, me, David, Wes and Kurt just kind of gaped at each other, after Kurt leapt up off my lap, of course. It as obvious that there was a lot to be said right now, but I had at least figured out a few things with the silent time of us just grasping at straws of what was turning out to be the weirdest circumstance known as my relationship with Kurt.
Apparently, Kurt knew Wes somehow. And I obviously knew Wes and David. But how did Kurt fit into this conversation?
"How long has this been going on?" Wes asked, trying to sound like the stoic lawyer he pretended to be, but he was probably as internally shocked as the rest of us felt.
"Officially or unofficially?" I offered.
I was about to answer, but before I could Kurt started talking. "Unofficially, a few weeks. Officially, a week and a few days."
"I see," Wes stated, as if no further elaboration was needed. David was still standing next to Wes, slightly confused but somewhat amused at the situation that was playing out. I had to agree – this all was funny and weird, but laughing didn't seem like an appropriate reaction just yet.
"So... how exactly do you know Wes?" I asked Kurt, wanting to reach out and hold his hand, but not sure that would be well received right now.
"We're roommates," he stated. I looked up with shock to Wes who nodded.
Oh god.Thiswas the roommate that Kurt was afraid to introduce me to. It was Wes; the Wes who I had gotten shit-faced drunk next to at a Warbler party my sophomore year, who sang a duet with me – while drunk – to Beyonce's "Freakum Dress" and decided that he needed to become the back up dancer to everyone else's singing during the karaoke party.
The Wes who Kurt desperately wanted a seal of approval from in order to date me... was the guy I was friends with at Dalton and who I had more blackmail material on than most of the other Warblers combined. I hadn't ever planned on using it, but now that I knew this, it could certainly come in handy.
I smirked at the realization; I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have a problem getting on Wes' good side when it came to Kurt. Kurt, however, was not smiling – instead his face was lined with worry and uncertainty. He was still trying to figure out this whole puzzle too. I don't think he realized that not only did Wes know we were dating, Kurt wasn't aware that Wes and I had already met – and he certainly wasn't aware that we were friends.
"Kurt, remember when I told you about the guys who I reconnected with from high school?" I asked. Kurt nodded, unsure as to why this was relevant in this moment. "These are them – Wes, David and I went to school together back in Ohio."
The admission made his jaw drop and his eyes flickered from me to Wes and David and back to me. "Oh god. Private school... Columbus... and you even told me that you sang in an acapella choir. How did I not figure this out?"
David came in at that moment, clearly able to respond on behalf of Wes who was still eying Kurt and I suspiciously. "How would you? It's not like we ever mentioned Blaine and he never mentioned your name when he was out with us." I saw Kurt smile at me out of the corner of my eye, but I kept focus on David as he attempted to calm Kurt. "Plus Blaine looks pretty different now than he did in high school, so even if you saw pictures you might not recognize him."
"I don't lookthatdifferent," I retorted.
"You do," David admitted. "Your hair is totally different, you might have grown half an inch," causing me to growl and Kurt to giggle slightly, "and we all look completely different out of uniform. And it's not like we've been hanging out with Blaine long either – we started spending more time with him around the time that Wes said you'd moved back to New York."
"Oh," Kurt said quietly. He continued to lean against the table behind him and shook his leg – likely due to nerves – as he stared off into space.
"I can't believe this," Wes uttered, finally coming out of his silence. The sound of his voice made Kurt and I turn back toward the duo at the door. I expected Wes to be slightly amused by the whole scene, but his face was turned into an angry frown.
"Well, believe it. Kurt and Blaine are... together or something," David said calmly, clearly reading the anger on Wes' face. It wasn't often that Wes was angry – at least not from what I remembered from high school – but I wasn't sure how to placate him at the moment.
"If you had just told me who you were dating earlier, this wouldn't have happened!" Wes said as he turned sharply on his heel and practically ran down the hall. David sent an apologetic smile our way as he darted after our friend.
I was confused by Wes' reaction, but Kurt looked stoic and somehow sad. Now that David and Wes were gone, I felt it was okay to reach out to grab his hand. I rubbed it tentatively, but Kurt's posture didn't relax at my touch; it seemed to almost get stiffer. "What are you thinking about?" I posed, hoping that he'd give me some insight as to what was going on in that head of his.
"I can't... like, what just..." he stuttered but shifted into himself and wrapped his arms across his chest, letting go of my hand in the process.
I stood up and reached forward toward him, hoping to blanket him in a hug if he'd let me. He looked up at me with my arms outstretched toward him and he took a step forward, inviting my hug. I brought him close to me and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Kurt didn't let go of his arms as they were crossed in front of his chest, but I didn't care. He seemed stressed and I wanted to do what I could to calm him down.
"It'll be okay, it will," I promised Kurt with a kiss into his hair. But I wasn't sure how my tone came out – mainly because I wasn't sure if it was true.
What the hell just happened?, I thought to myself.And what is wrong with Wes?